Spring Winds

Chapter 87: Fireworks

Chapter 87: Fireworks

"Wow! Look at this, Senior Sister!"

"Ooohhh, what's this?"

"Hey, Senior Sister, can you buy this for me?"

"Ah, look! What's going on over there!"

All around us, the festive cheer of the New Year was evident. The small city was wrapped in a glow of red as families hung up their red lanterns and wished each other well wishes.[1]

In the meantime, hawkers were already advertising their wares of lanterns, snacks, and other trinkets and souvenirs, from lotus-shaped lanterns to little sugar sculpted figurines. The scent of dumplings and roasted meats wafted in the air from the food stalls and busy households.

Undoubtedly, with so much to see and taste, my junior sister was itching to see everything the small city had to offer.

"Slow down; I don't want you to get lost in the crowd." Sigh, I don't know where this girl gets all of her energy from.

However, I suppose I should be too hard on her. After all, she has performed relatively well during this mission, and I believe a break won't hurt.

Plus, it seems that the other disciples have the same idea, as they quickly dispersed to explore the city for themselves.

Of course, I don't think I would have any peace of mind if Zhu Na Ran did that. Therefore, on the condition that she'd stick with me during our time in the city, she could go where she pleased.

"Aiyah, I won't get lost in this crowd if you are holding my hand, Senior Sister." Zhu Na Ran laughed as she suddenly grabbed hold of my empty hand and pulled me through the meandering crowds.

"H-hey, slow down!" My heart lurched at our sudden contact, and the warm feeling of Zhu Na Ran's hand radiated past my hand. Gods, what's wrong with me?

T-this this isn't right.

I shouldn't be feeling this way, especially about my junior sister.

Attempting to calm my erratic heart down, I realized that Zhu Na Ran had dragged us deeper into the crowd.

Although I'd prefer that Zhu Na Ran exercise some self-control, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't loosen my purse strings for her.

"Hey, Senior Sister, can you feed me that chicken skewer? My arms are full," Zhu Na Ran said as she lifted her arms full of snacks and other trinkets that she insisted on buying, saying it was good for the local economy.

Sigh. How is it that this girl can treat money like dirty water?

"This one?" Lifting the thin stick of spicy grilled chicken, I saw Zhu Na Ran practically drool over it, despite the plethora of food in hand.

"Yes, yes! That one!"

Honestly, this girl's eyes are bigger than her stomach.

Suddenly a mischievous thought whisked across my mind. And before I could do anything to stop it, my hands already went into motion.

Bringing it towards her, I watched as Zhu Na Ran opened her mouth with an "ah" as she waited for me to bring it closer so she could take a bit of the chicken.

However, before she could do so, I pulled my hand back.


Bringing up the chicken skewer to my lips, I pulled a piece off the stick. Holding the bit between my teeth, I leaned in as I tilted my head as I quickly transferred the piece to my shell shocked junior's waiting mouth.

Pulling back, I unconsciously licked my lips. I usually didn't like to eat meat, but this was unusually succulent and juicy.

Like a forbidden fruit that I shouldn't have dared tasted.

As soon as the momentary haze wore off, my face instantly erupted in flames.

Gods! What have I done?!

T-that! That- that was very unbecoming of a young lady, I shouldn't have-

"Emmm! Tastes good!" Licking her lips, Zhu Na Ran cheerful chewed on the small piece of meat as if the whole incident didn't happen.

I unconsciously let out a small sigh of relief; however, the guilt didn't fade away.

I don't know what came over me. How could I've taken advantage of her like that?

I'm a horrible senior sister.

"... senior sister

Senior Sister...

Senior Sister!"

"Eh?" Snapping back to reality, I'm faced with an adorably frustrated junior sister.

"Aiyah, Senior Sister, are you going to eat that chicken skewer? If not, can I have it?"

Sigh, after all of that, all she could think of was food?

"Em," placing the skewer amongst the assortment of snacks, I followed her as she cheerfully went about chatting away about the music, the lights, and the food. All while munching down on her numerous snacks until they were all but gone.

"Oh yeah, Senior Sister, why did you feed me that chicken that way?"

"I-I, I-


It seemed to be the easiest method"

"Eh? But couldn't you just place the skewer up to my mouth? I can feed myself, you know."

"Hah, at the speed you were eating, I feared you were going to choke."

"Eh, but I-"

"Enough, have some tangyuan[2]." Purchasing a small bowl, I spoon-fed her one of the glutinous rice balls, much to her surprise.

However, she is still chewing it happily with a wide closed mouth grin of bless.

How cute.

"Mmph!" However, even though she tried to talk, it would be some time until she could speak again due to the rice ball's size and stickiness.

Hopefully, by then, her attention would've turned elsewhere.

As I watched her eat the rest of the sticky glutinous rice balls, I laughed at my own patheticness.

Hah, since when did I start running away from Zhu Na Ran?


After reuniting with the other disciples, Zhu Na Ran quickly grouped them up as they started to set up some firecrackers they had bought.

Watching from afar, I smiled as Zhu Na Ran's excited cheers reached my ears as she lit up the firecrackers.

Each crackle and pop seemed to match the rhythm of my heart as I watched her gleeful smile become illuminated by the bright sparkles of light.

"Haha, wow!" Like a little kid, Zhu Na Ran squealed in excitement as she covered her ears from the loud pops, laughing each time another exploded.

"Let's light up another one!"

Hah, this girl. Even after all she's been through, she could still smile and laugh like a child.

Before, I had thought of this cheeky grin as rather annoying; however, now, it only seemed to set my soul ablaze.

As if the force of the sun has engulfed me and my walls start to melt, leaving me vulnerable and exposed.

You probably don't have a clue, don't you?

Everything you do blows me away, like a turbulent storm with the gentlest of the spring breeze.

Hah, I feel like a juvenile boy, falling in love for the first time.

I can't fight this feeling anymore.

I feel like I'm going to burst.

Slipping away from the rest, I need to get some fresh air.

Be on my own for a moment so that I could organize my thoughts.


Inhaling the chilly night air, a moment of clarity crashes over me as puffs of air come out of my mouth.

Down below the cliff, the waning yellow and red lights of the city illuminate the darkened night like a warm and lonesome flame as the yellow and red lanterns slowly depart for the heavens like dying embers.

"Hmm, the fireworks should be starting soon."

I wonder if Zhu Na Ran is watching. Knowing her, she's probably holed up in a teahouse with the others, waiting for the final show to begin.

That girl is quite sociable.

Even so, I couldn't help but feel a tad bit lonely tonight.

Perhaps because this will be my first New Year away from home. Away from Grandfather and Eldest Brother


I had once believed that no place was colder than Ye Residence, and yet, I find the world is a lot colder than I had anticipated.

"Maybe, I should've brought a cloak." Rubbing my arms, the bitter chill started to creep along my arms as goosebumps began to appear.

"There you are, Senior Sister!"

Eh? Junior Sister?

Turning around, sure enough, there she was, waving to me with her ever-present smile.




Clutching my chest, I felt the rapid beats of the heart ring throughout my mind as Zhu Na Ran came closer to where I was.

"Wow! This is an amazing view, Senior Sister! You can see the whole city from here!"

"Y-yeah" Combing my hair with my fingers, I tried to cover my burning ears. I don't think I'd be able to withstand another teasing session from her. Not in this state of mine.

"Eh? Senior Sister, your face is red."

"E-eh?" Touching my face, indeed, it was hot to the touch as my fingertips burned from contact.

"And your hands are freezing!" Grabbing my left hand, I noticed the jade green thumb ring that sat on my finger as Zhu Na Ran tried to rub my hands to warm them up.

However, it only caused my erratic heart to beat faster. Taking in slow and steady breaths, I tried to relax as Zhu Na Ran continued to fuss over me.

"Maybe you've caught a cold, Senior Sister!

Quick, put on my cloak!"

"W-what about you?"

"I'm fine! I've been walking around so much that I'm practically sweating!

Now put this on!"

Taking off her cape, she draped it over my shoulders and securely tied it. Oddly enough, her cloak smelt of sunshine in summer, despite it being midnight in winter.

"Hah, since when have you become such a worrywart?"

"I get it from you, Senior Sister," Zhu Na Ran said as she stuck her tongue out at me. "Anyways, I was worried about you."

"Worried about me?"


You slipped away from us without saying a word! I was looking all over for you

That is until I realized that I could just track your location using the Ling Shou jade. Ah, that keeps slipping my mind that I could do that"


I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you worry.

I must've ruined your fun."

"Eh? No way!

I love hanging out with you, Senior Sister!

W-well, other than training, of course, haha

But otherwise, every time I am with you, it's fun!"

"Fun, you say"


I didn't think that she'd see it that way. Well, I suppose this girl could find entertainment in anything.

It's one of the things that I love about her.

Never a dull moment with her around.

"Oh, look! The fireworks are starting!"

Looking down below, the fireworks started their descent towards the heavens before exploding in a bloom of colorful light. After the first one exploded, the rest followed as soon a colorful bouquet of flowering lights followed, alongside the thunderous explosions.

"Wow, isn't it beautiful, Senior Sister?" Zhu Na Ran's eyes sparkled as she watched the falling lights.

A small smile made its way on my lips as I watched her awestruck expression become illuminated in the numerous colors from the fireworks. "It is."

Looking down, I noticed our matching set of rings as they glimmered in the changing lights.

Like Zhu Na Ran, I couldn't recall how they appeared; however, it was interesting that the two of us had a matching set.

Perhaps it's fate.

"Are you even watching, Senior Sister?" Zhu Na Ran had to practically shout as the fireworks display started to come to its climax.

"Em, I am," I nodded as I continued to watch her happy face. "Zhu Na Ran."


"I like you."

The fireworks all combusted at once as color lights painted the sky. As they started to reach their end, Zhu Na Ran turned to me and smiled.

"I like fireworks too, Senior Sister!"

[1] happy new year - gong1 xi3 fa1 cai4. In English, you could say that this is a new year greeting of like, happy new years, etc. However, this actually translates to roughly "I hope you get rich." And in turn, you hope that the other person gets rich. Quite funny when you know that tidbit, but when you think about the fact that there is a Chinese god of money, it makes sense.

[2] tang yuan - is a Chinese dessert that is a ball of glutinous rice flour and water that has been either boiled and served in a hot broth or syrup or else deep-fried. Tangyuan can be either small or large and filled or unfilled. They are traditionally eaten during the Lantern Festival because the dish's name is a homophone for the word 'union.' They are also served on wedding days, family reunions, and during the winter solstice festival. My grandpa made some tangyuan during new year's with some black sesame filling, and let me tell you, it was super tasty! It was super sweet and nutty; however, it mellowed out in flavor with the glutinous rice. Although, it's tough to talk while eating these, as they are a mouthful. Therefore, I think feeding someone one of these is a pretty effective way of shutting someone up, lol.

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