Spring Winds

Chapter 90: Lantern Festival (1)

Chapter 90: Lantern Festival (1)


Are you going to keep staring?!"

The first sight that greeted us when we returned home was a rare being. So rare, I'm sure that this must be an illusion.

Or maybe even a heavenly-grade beast that had come out of hibernation!

Looking between Senior Sister's wide-eyed glaze and the strange "creature" before us, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's in awe at this rare sight.

Clean and tidy, an elderly man stood before us.

Dressed in clean gray robes and hair tied in a neat top knot, the man looks like an old royal.

And a healthy-looking one, at that, with not a single sliver of fat on his body. Just pure power seemed to radiate off of him.

It was pretty impressive considering his previous appearance. It's like a completely different person.


What kind of greeting is this?

Aiyah, this is how you greet your master, huh?"

"M-master?" This refined old man is Master?! (|||)

Hah! I thought my eyes were fooling me!

Rubbing my eyes, I checked to see if my eyes have deceived me, yet this old man remained.

"Wow! I wouldn't have guessed it was you, Master! You look really good!**)

I could barely recognize you!" Wow, I never thought I would see Master with a trimmed beard and stain-free clothes.

I wondered what happened while we were gone that motivated such a change. ()

"Hmph!" Crossing his arms, Master harrumphed as he rolled his eyes. "Enough talk! Where's the food I ask you to get?

This master is starving!"

Ahh, good to know that Master hasn't changed that much, otherwise, I would've assumed that Master went missing and an imposter took his place. ()


"Burppp!" Letting out a large belch, Master sighed in satisfaction as he took a sip of wine. "Hah, food around this time of year is excellent.

Good wine and good food!"

"Ehm!" Munching into the crystal shrimps, a happy hum leaked from my mouth.

So good! How is it possible that these ugly looking shrimps turned out to be so beautiful and tasty! o((*^^*))o

Not to mention how big they were!

One shrimp was already the size of a single duck leg! I don't know what those shrimps were eating, but whatever it is, they sure are delicious! ()

This meal almost makes it worth having to grind away to catch each ingredient on Master's list.

"Don't overeat; you'll get sick." Lifting a napkin, Senior Sister smiled as she wiped away some of the shrimp from my face. "Plus, we still have a banquet to attend tonight, so you'll spoil your appetite."

"I can't help it, Senior Sister! Your food is so good!" ()

Ah, I swear, anything that Senior Sister touches seems to be good! Swordplay, hair drying, food! What isn't Senior Sister good at?

"Hah, you got grease all over you again." Taking up the napkin again, Senior Sister started wiping my face.

"Haha, sorry." Although it was something that I could do myself, my hands were preoccupied with food. Plus, it felt nice to receive Senior Sister's care and attention. (/)

"Honestly, you're like a child."


Ever since we've returned from our mission, Senior Sister seems to be warming up to me. So far, I haven't received a cold glare from her or anything!

Well, I suppose in the case of not doing anything bad. ()

But still, it was an unexpected and welcomed change. This transformation must mean that Senior Sister finally sees me as a close friend, right? ( v)

Maybe even as her equal?

Either way, this was great! (((o(**)o)))

Though, I wasn't quite sure as to what Senior Sister had to say back at the fireworks display

I had thought she said that she liked fireworks, as the firework display was fairly impressive. Especially for the small city that we were in.

But, now that I think about it, her lip movements didn't line up with fireworks

Perhaps she meant that she liked clouds[1]? ()

Although there were no clouds that night, the clouds from the sunset earlier were nice and rosy colored.

Hmm, but that doesn't really match up quite right

I think she said something about liking beginnings[2]? (`)?

Ehhh, beginnings are good too! Especially around this New Year season, a new beginning is something to look forward to.

The beginning of our everlasting friendship and sisterhood! (((v)))


"Wah! The outer sect disciples really outdid themselves this year!" Admiring the red lanterns that strung themselves on every edge and surface, I tried to keep up with Senior Sister as I looked around at the vibrant sights.

Milling around like ants, the outer sect disciples carried red silk and paper rolls decorated with auspicious phrases. I heard that Bai Yin is in charge of embroidery this year after being praised by the sect master.

No wonder the silks look so luxurious!

Hmm, speaking of her, I haven't seen her in a while. Maybe I should drop by Dong Mo Peak to see how she's doing and maybe catch up, have some tea, and other things that friends do!

"With all of this, this will surely be a spectacular New Year to remember!" ()/

"Em, this will certainly leave an impression on the visiting sects." Looking down at her list, Senior Sister's meticulous eyes scanned over every operation and detail. "Especially after the year we had, this should leave people with a hopeful outlook."

"Eh, eh! I'm sure of it!" **)

However, the decoration and festivities aren't the only things that will make this celebration memorable!

This is my first year celebrating New Year's with a sect and with Senior Sister! o((*^^*))o

Ah, to think it was only a year ago since my kite accidentally hit Senior Sister's face.

Heh, fate sure does work in mysterious ways. ( )

Thankfully, it looks like Senior Sister had forgotten about our bumpy meeting and seems to have replaced it with a more pleasant encounter.

Like me helping her fend off those bandit-like tryouts, or when I helped her from that stone giant.

Or when I cheerfully shared mantou with her! (*)=3

Ah, good times, good times.

Haha, plus, I'm relatively sure that Senior Sister has forgotten about that whole ordeal as she never brought up the topic once during our time together.

She didn't even do anything specific to get back at me for it.


Now that I think about it, I never got my kite back ()

Oh well! ()

Maybe it's just tucked away somewhere in my room, collecting dust. I should take it out for a spin, just for old time's sake.

Springtime is coming after all, and with spring comes wind! Perfect time to do some kite flying!

Ah, hopefully, I still retained my mastery over kite flying.

"Junior Sister, stop spacing out."

"Coming!" Running up to Senior Sister, I latched onto her arm like a baby animal. As always, Senior Sister stiffened for a second before her ears were bright red as lanterns.

Haha, this is the best! ( )


"Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"Cheers for the new year!"


With red lanterns and crackling firecrackers, the whole realm seemed to be celebrating the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one. Laughing and drinking with each other, cultivators alike clinked their cups together as they recounted past hardships and their hopes for the future.

While others simply admired the countless floating lanterns in the sky.

Ahh, that looks fun.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to find Senior Sister anywhere! (#)

I knew that she was manning a good portion of the festivities; however, I think a small break is good here and there.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm.

Where could Senior Sister be?" (_`)

Maybe here?

I peered around the corner, and nope, no Senior Sister.

Hmm, where is she? She couldn't have left before me, right?

Aiyah, I wanted to watch the Lantern Festival with her. I heard that they're even selling lotus-shaped lanterns and that you could write wishes on them!

How cool is that?

Hehe, knowing this, I bought two of them, in red and blue!

Although blue isn't as lucky as red during this season, it was too pretty not to buy. Plus, reminded me a lot of my Senior Sister.

Simple and elegant.

Wandering around, the two paper lanterns swaying the wind, as I looked around for Senior Sister. Senior Sister should be around here somewhere

"... ah know that this is a bit sudden"


My ears perked up at the sound of a nervous kid stuttering. "What could be going on here?

A confession, maybe?"

Inching towards the sound, I found myself at the festival's outskirts, nearing the thick bamboo forest. Hmm, based on my tour with Senior Sister earlier, there should be a moon-viewing gazebo around here.

Wandering a little bit deeper into the bamboo thicket, the sounds became crisper as the festival's noise faded away, leaving the soft whistle of bamboo leaves.

"... Martial Aunt.. there has been something I wanted to tell you"

Eh? ()

"... I know it's a bit foolish for me to hope that you'd feel the same way; however, I just wanted you to know my heart"

Eh?! (;)

"Ye Lian Hua, I like you!"

Hah!? (;)//

[1] clouds - ni2, sounds a lot like the word "you" (ni3).

[2] beginning; origin - ni2 (same pinyin, different character.) Thus the word also sounds like "you" (ni3). Something to keep in mind that the Chinese language is tonal. So, if your tone is off, the word can be a different thing entirely. In this case, since ZNR heard YLH's confession over fireworks, her interpretation of the tone may be off, leading to this misunderstanding of the word. The tone is everything.

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