Spring Winds

Chapter 89: Betrayal of a Beloved (2)

Chapter 89: Betrayal of a Beloved (2)

Walking away from Fei Fu Xi, she quickly arrived at Zhu Na Ran's courtyard. Knocking on the door, she called out for her. "Xiao Ran?

Mother's calling us for dinner."

"Alright!" Zhu Na Ran called out from inside the room. "Just give me a minute, Second Sister! I'll be out shortly!"

Her calls were promptly followed by a chaotic shuffle of footsteps and few dull thuds here and there.

'Ah, this girl.'

The room door was pulled open to reveal a cheerful Zhu Na Ran. "Alrighty, Second Sister! We can go now!"

Seeing Zhu Na Ran's smile, she felt her chest feel warm and stuffy as Zhu Na Ran's simple actions caused a tug on her heartstrings.

"Em, let's go." Grabbing Zhu Na Ran's hand, the two of them left, hand in hand.


"Burp! Ahh, dinner was so good!

I'm so stuffed!" Patting her stomach in satisfaction, Zhu Na Ran sighed in contentment as she left the main hall with Fei Fu Qu and Fei Fu Xi.

"Did you like today's dinner?" Fe Fu Qu smiled as Zhu Na Ran hummed a happy tune.


I always love mealtimes with family!

Good food and good company!"

The three of them would've left together; however, a sudden call stopped them in their tracks.

"Second Young Miss, please wait." Looking back, Fei Fu Qu saw her mother's maid briskly walking towards them. "The Master and Madam have summoned you to the study. There are some things that they'd like to discuss."

"Alright, I'll go right away."

'The study? Just what kind of matter could be important enough to require my presence in the study?'



The harsh smack of skin to skin rang throughout the study as Fei Fu Qu remained motionless in place.

Even as her face burned red, she didn't say a peep as she bit down on her bottom lip, drawing the slightest amount of blood.

"Y-you, you, unfilial girl!" Master Fei heaved in rage as he jabbed his finger at her. "Repeat what you just said!"

"I wish to marry Xiao Ran."


Fei Fu Qu readied herself for another harsh slap; however, it never came.



Holding her husband's wrist, Madam Fei's face remained passive as she forced her husband's hand down. For a petite woman, she had an immense amount of strength and power within her.

"Hitting our daughter will not bode well for either of us."

Dropping her husband's hand, Madam Fei turned to face her daughter. Looking at the red mark on Fei Fu Qu's face, she let out a tired sigh. "Ah Qu, do you like Xiao Ran that much?"

Without any hesitation, Fei Fu Qu nodded. "With all my heart."

"Hmm." Madam Fei's face was unreadable, but Fei Fu Qu couldn't help but wish her mother understood her feelings. "Then it can't be helped."


"Mother?" A gleam of hope sparked in her heart as her mother started to argue with her father. Although, it almost appeared to be like an adult calming down a child from a tantrum.

"Mother, will you really allow it?"

"Sigh." Rubbing her brows, Madam Fei looked between her outraged husband and her hopeful daughter. "If Xiao Ran feels the same way about you, then I'll allow it."



If Xiao Ran comes to us before the end of New Year and asks to marry you, then I'll allow it."

Fei Fu Qu couldn't believe her mother's words, as her eyes gleamed with joy. "Thank you, Mother!"

"Don't thank me just yet. If Xiao Ran doesn't come to us by the end of the Lantern Festival, then you'll marry the eighth prince.


"Yes! I understand!

Thank you, Mother!"

"Em, now go. I must appease your angry Father."

"Yes!" While maintaining her composure, Fei Fu Qu tried to calm her beating heart. She couldn't believe that her mother was willing to grant her this one wish. "This daughter will excuse herself."

"Em." Madam Fei cracked a soft smile at her daughter and sent her away. "Off you go, then."

As soon as Fei Fu Qu left, Master Fei started to question his wife rapidly.

"What were you thinking!

Now she's going to go and tell Xiao Ran to ask for her hand in marriage!

What are we going to do if Xiao Ran feels the same way about Ah Qu?!

What are we going to say to the Emperor?!"

Madam Fei ignored her husband's outburst as she poured two cups of tea. Handing one to her husband, she let him lubricate his throat and calm down.

"Xiao Ran won't ask for Ah Qu's hand in marriage."

"Eh?" Master Fei stopped drinking as he looked at his wife, shocked.

"How do you know that?"

Taking a sip of tea, Madam Fei sighed at her husband's dumbfounded look. "Xiao Ran is a smart girl.

If she knew what was best for her, she wouldn't go through with this."

"Well, we don't know that!

Perhaps, Xiao Ran is harboring secret feelings for our daughter!"

"She's not.

According to what I've heard, Xiao Ran has been meeting up with someone she calls "Little Fox."

Whoever that may be, perhaps is the one who holds Xiao Ran's heart."

Master Fei let out a tired sigh as he rubbed his creased brows. "I see. So our little one already has someone who possibly holds her affections."

"Em. So it seems."

"So what do we do about Ah Qu?

You know that she'll never give up on this. Especially now that you've given her an opportunity."

"Isn't it simple?

Ah Qu is too close to Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran wishes to explore the realm.

If what we fear comes true, we'll just simply grant Xiao Ran's wish."



You told mother and father of your intentions to marry Xiao Ran? Are you crazy?!"

Fei Fu Qu ignored her sister's outrage as she leaned against the pillar of the garden's gazebo. Her mind was simply too preoccupied as to how to confess to her Xiao Ran. "It was unavoidable.

They wanted me to marry the youngest son of the Emperor of Lihua, the eighth prince, Li Jing Yi.

They said that it would help build connections with the mortal realm.

Also, they say that he's a rare talent and that it could strengthen our family."

"Hmm, so that's how it was.

That's why mother and father wanted to talk with you in the study."

Looking up at her unfazed sister, Fei Fu Xi nodded towards the red five-fingered bruise on the left side of her sister's face. "Hmm, Father even when as far as hitting you

And not lightly by the look of it"

"..." Fei Fu Qu sighed as she tucked her hair behind her ear as not to irritate her face. "... He said that if I mentioned anything about this to Xiao Ran, I'd never see her again."

Fei Fu Qu heard her older sister let out another sigh. "Second Sister had you not made Xiao Ran a member of the family, perhaps you could've had a chance to marry her.

But now she's a "branded Fei," as in she's our "sister."

Two sisters together?

No, two women together in general?

Who could accept such a thing?

Our family would be ridiculed for it.

Mother, father, as well as the whole of the Fei family, we all can't afford to lose face like this."


Turning to leave, Fei Fu Xi shook her head at her foolish sister. "You need to understand this and take hold of your feelings."

'Easier said than done.

If only feelings were something I could control, then I

I suppose my biggest regret is to have once accepted Xiao Ran into the family.

And this, I have single-handedly made her my 'sister.''

"... I understand"


For the past month, Fei Fu Qu attempted to tell Zhu Na Ran how she felt and hoped that the younger girl would feel the same.

However, as of late, Zhu Na Ran was as evasive as a slippery fish, as she always managed to slip away before she could talk to her.

Casting a wide net, she finally managed to catch her desired fish.

"Em, Second Sister, can you let me go?

I'm late for my meeting with Little Fox!"

Struggling under the net, Zhu Na Ran tried to detangle herself out of the trap, but to no avail.

"If I didn't use this method, then I wouldn't be able to see you at all. You've been going out of the house a lot more, as of late."

"Hahaha, have I?" Scratching her head, Zhu Na Ran sheepishly smiled from underneath the net.

"I suppose I have been going out a lot more than before"


Therefore, will you go to the Lantern Festival with this sister?"

"Eh? The Lantern Festival?"

Fei Fu Qu narrowed her eyes at Zhu Na Ran's hesitant look. "Why? Do you have other plans already?"

"Emm, I said I was going to go watch fireworks with Little Fox"

"Oh? Is Little Fox more important than spending time with your big sister?"

"No, no, no! It's not like that

It's just that I don't like breaking promises, that's all."

"Hmm, then why don't you tell Little Fox that you two can watch fireworks another time, hm?"

"Huh, I suppose I can do that" Tapping her chin, it seemed like Zhu Na Ran made up her mind. "Alright, I'll tell Little Fox that when I meet them!"

"Alright." Releasing the net, a wave of relief washed over Fei Fu Qu. "You're free to go."

"Yay!" Scurrying up the wall, Zhu Na Ran quickly hopped over the wall.

"Remember to be back by dinner!"


'Honestly, that girl.' Although it pained her to see Zhu Na Ran leave, she knew that she didn't need to wait much longer.

Soon, Zhu Na Ran will be by her side.



The final day of the wager had come.

She only had today left. If she didn't tell Xiao Ran her feelings today, then all chances of a future with her together would vanish.

She only had this one chance.

"Xiao Ran, are you ready to leave?" Rounding the corner of Zhu Na Ran's courtyard, she saw that the door to Zhu Na Ran's room was open.


She's not here?" Peering inside, she looked around the room to find any traces of the energetic girl. "Aiyah, that silly girl went out without even closing her door properly."

Shutting the wooden door, Fei Fu Qu headed off to see if she could find her Xiao Ran elsewhere. "Could it be that she has forgotten that we're going to the Lantern Festival tonight?

Hmm, no, that's unlikely. I've reminded Xiao Ran numerous times already.

Even if she were a bit forgetful, surely she would've remembered something this important.

Ah, nevermind, nevermind."

'I have a surprise for her at the lantern festival; I'm sure that she will like it.'

Shaking off her concerns and worries, she continued to search around the estate, sure that Zhu Na Ran was merely playing in some random corner of the massive manor, unknowing that that day would be the last time she saw Zhu Na Ran.

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