Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

A New Chapter

A red haze fluttered from beyond the far end of the earth, spilling its crimson hue into the indigo blue horizon.

The red sun was beginning to rise above the skies of the Skull Empire.

" I can see them."

The princess face was flush with excitement.

"Yeah? You sure they arent participants?"

"No, theyve got the same outfit as in the preliminaries. Theyre judges alright. Three of them."

Hearing her affirm it, I frowned and scrunched my eyes, and indeed, I could see three men in traditional imperial attire in the distance.


The emotion swirling inside my heart was neither relief for arriving on time nor relaxation that the long journey had finally come to an end.

It was just annoyance.


It wasnt funny.

"No, what are you so happy about? How long have you been running, again?"

I looked down at my mount, puzzled.

Itd only been an hour and a half since this guy had started trotting and then running properly. Hed been lazing about on my shoulder until then.

I thought he might at least run for a while, but wed already arrived at our destination? Just thinking of how long Id had to run carrying this bastard was making my fists clench unconsciously.




Seeing how excited he was about his achievement, there wasnt a point in saying anything.

"Eh yeah, about an hour and a half, huh? Good work."

Then, I turned my gaze to the front again.

Towards the huge and majestic mountain, its top obscured by clouds.

Maroon Mountain.

Its roots stretched across and beneath all around the continent, making it a natural staging ground for campaigns aiming to conquer the continent since ancient times.

Anyway, wed finally arrived.

After a full two days riding on horseback (?)

It was finally the moment to pass the first gate of the finals.

That was then


The familiar sound heralded the arrival of a holographic message.

[Chapter 23 The Huntington Bandits (3) has ended]

[Hiros character evaluation has been updated]

[Spirit of sacrifice has been added to the characteristics]

[The support of many readers followed]

[Awareness increased by 80,000]

[Attracts the authors attention]

[The authors favourability has increased by 10]

[Received fan art from fifteen readers]

[The authors favourability has increased by 15]

[Reappearance probability has increased to 30%]


  • Name: Hiro (Enigmatic Squatjaw)
  • Characteristics: Very strong, Bluffing, Chatterbox, Secretive, Turned out he was a pretty boy?, Leadership, Spirit of sacrifice
  • Awareness: 245,259
  • Authors favourability: 42
  • Reappearance probability: 30%


[Additional rewards for appearing mid-chapter]

  • Character points paid 5,000p.

[Leading point of view application is finished]

  • The leading point of view is revoked.

[Characters rank has increased]

[Characters rank has increased]

[Characters rank has increased]


[The final evaluation of the character has been calculated by the author]

[Hiro is the subject of a preliminary appearance in the next chapter]

[Character points paid 240,000p for the rise in awareness]

[Character points paid 2,500p for the rise in authors favourability]

[Character points paid 300p for the rise in reappearance probability]


The chapter ended as soon as we arrived at Maroon Mountain.

Well, it was regrettable, but it couldnt be helped.

To be honest, just being allotted this much screentime was a relief. Compared to my first estimate, the time it took to pass each gate of the Warriors Path was much longer.

It wouldnt have been strange even if my point of view had gotten revoked before passing the hurdle. Apart from that one time a bunch of idiots made a nuisance of themselves, there wasnt even a single enemy raid. Even though we moved slowly enough to let a few people overtake us.

Honestly speaking, I was seriously entertaining thoughts such as, should I start juggling two horses instead of one? Id almost felt compelled to do it. But in the end, I managed to endure the monotony till the end of the first hurdle.

Lets see now

I slowed the pace down a bit, and quickly skimmed through the character evaluation results. Characteristics, awareness, authors favourability, fan art, reappearance probability

Hey, why are you suddenly showing more interest?

The first thing to note was that the authors favourability had risen.

Except for the extra 15 from fan arts, there was a rise purely in favourability by 10.

Of course, the 80,000 rise in awareness was also surprising, but the rise in authors favourability was even more eye-catching. Because it clearly meant that there was now room for improvement in our relationship.

Of course, I had no idea exactly why.

Maybe because Leos development hadnt gotten twisted because of me?

Or after sending me away and cooling down a bit, he noticed how good I was when he looked at me again?

Or because I was using the characters hed worked so hard on and yet had to throw away?

Maybe he just thought I was an interesting guy?

Whatever the reason, it was a pretty good situation for me.

Maybe I could show off a little more here in Eastland. As the leading point of view, that is.

Am I overthinking it?


I thought there was a possibility.

This chapter didnt end at a bad place. Not only did we pass the first obstacle, we also got to see Maroon Mountain, the location of the second obstacle. Itd definitely arouse the readers interest.

Moreover, the reappearance probability was as high as 30%. This was a very significant number.

Judging from my experience so far, a reappearance probability of about 10-15% could be interpreted as planned to appear again someday. However, it wouldnt make you a candidate for appearing in the next chapter.

However, from a reappearance probability of over 30%, although it was just an empirical judgment, the author should be seriously considering whether the character should appear in the next chapter or two.

In other words, the author might be considering my reappearance in the upcoming chapters, right now.

Although, I still didnt have a particularly optimistic outlook.

The chapters that were about to begin didnt have much gap in the content where another story thread could be shuffled in.

Looking for the lost treasures within the temple, repeated fights between Leos party and the Huntington Bandits, until the adventure quest was finally completed.

It wasnt idyllic enough to weave in another storyline, or to mix in scenes from a faraway place that wasnt directly related to the arc.

From that perspective, it might be a bit difficult for me to reappear.

However, there was something else I thought was possible.

Notification of the results.

Wouldnt it be possible to directly tell the readers about my progress, even if it was with just a throwaway scene or two between the chapters? Readers would also be curious about it.

It wouldnt need too much detail. After passing the final obstacle with the highest score along with the princess, Id face the Khan. That one scene would be enough. That alone would be able to largely offset the weakening and falling between the cracks that Id been prepared for when I moved to Eastland.

Of course, this was just the most widely optimistic result. If the readers didnt remember me, or if the author didnt want them, scenes like that would never appear. Also, even if the author intended to use them, if the time wasnt right, even that wouldnt be enough.

Ultimately, it came down to luck.

"Okay, Ill just stop thinking about it for now."

It was simple. Either my luck would be good, or not.

There was absolutely no point in being anxious about it.

And anyway, what was more important to me was

For now, Ill have to get my grade.

It was about being faithful to the present.

Soon after,


"This is Maroon Mountain."

"Congratulations on passing the first gate of the finals."

We arrived before the three judges.

The three of them immediately felt strange as soon as I saw them.

Each of them took turns speaking only one sentence at a time, and yet the content flowed naturally as if only one person were speaking.

"There is no time to rest."

"From now on, the second obstacle begins."

"I hope you will listen carefully to the details of the obstacle and complete it."

Their explanation was as follows

First of all, the essence of the second gate was, as Bayar Khan said, a war of occupation.

The target was the three highest peaks in the mountain, called the first, second, and third peaks, respectively.

Since there are only three peaks, the maximum number of peak occupants at the end of this obstacle round was also limited to three.

Of course, that didnt mean only three people could get through the second obstacle.

Basically, candidates had two options.

1. Occupy and defend one of the three peaks during the week spanned by the second obstacle.

2. Enter the subordinate divisions of the current peak occupants.

Once inside a division, candidates had to help the occupants who were their superiors to keep the peak safe. If the occupant failed to keep it and got kicked out, the subordinates would also be eliminated together.

When all the contestants were fully divided into three camps, they would clash in the final obstacle, the war of conquest.

After the explanation, the judges held out some wooden boards and colourful flags.

"Each one should bring their own nameplate and one flag."

"The nameplate is a sanction for ones identity, and its necessary to become a subordinate."

"If you want to follow a peak occupant, you can cut the nameplate in half and hand a part over to them."

After the handover was complete, I asked them.

"What about the flag? Do I have to hand that over too?"

"The flag must be in your possession until the obstacle round is over."

"If the flag is stolen or broken before that, you will be eliminated immediately."

"The moment the nameplate is delivered, the flags colour will change to match that of the peak occupant."


I thought it was just a set of sloppy rules, but it seemed more advanced and systematic than expected.

Just then

"What if I plant the flag on the occupied territory? Its not with me anymore by that point, is that alright?"

The princess asked as if shes suddenly found a problem.

"As long as it doesnt fall into someone elses hands."

"Just be careful."

"The moment the flag is taken away by somebody else, youll be eliminated immediately."

"Ah, the instant others get their hands on it, huh?"

It was a bit of worrisome to hear. It meant I couldnt even leave my seat.

In order to plant a flag in the occupied territory, youd need to prepare supplies, make a defence line, prepare a guard system

After that, the examiners sent us off with some final words.

"The three peaks."

"Only one of you can emerge as the victor."

"The first choice is important, so please be careful."

The princess and I gave our thanks.

"Thank you."

Then we passed the examiner and headed towards Mount Maroon.

After a while,

"Its pretty straightforward."

We arrived at the entrance to the mountain.

There were exactly three paths to enter the mountain. Each seemed to be connected to one of the three peaks. Of course, they might connect to other places in the middle, but at least the choice seemed really simple and clear at first glance

Choose a good place to go.

Something like this.

That was then.

"Hes come, that Squatjaw."

"So Squatjaws here."

"Finally, hes here!"

"Hey, why so late?"

"These guys are just strong, is it?"

Some people rushed out from the forest beyond the entrance.

I looked around and saw the other candidates.

They kept murmuring between themselves, and, to my surprise, the object of their grumblings turned out to be none other than us.

"Damn that Squatjaw."

"There was no point in rushing so quickly."

"I couldve run a little slower if I knew he was slower than a slug."

It was annoying, to say the least.

"Eh? Whats all this?"

"Looks like theyve been waiting for us?"

The princess also looked at them as if wondering.

As soon as we got closer, the guys backed away and made a path. But they didnt stop staring at us.

They didnt even talk to us. They were just glaring.

"No, what is this."

Looking at the situation for a while, I began to understand.

These guys were waiting to see which way we were going, which peak we were aiming for.

To avoid us, or to follow us.


It seemed that my appearance during in the preliminaries had left quite a strong impression.

I stopped paying attention to the onlookers, even though they were definitely paying attention to me. These small fries didnt seem like a huge threat or help to my goal.

"Which way are we going?"

"Isnt anywhere fine?"

"Is each peak different? Maybe one is more difficult to climb than the rest, or perhaps there are difference in the natural environment?"

"Wellbut we were told to make our first choice carefully. Is it because the mountain is so big? Once you set a goal, it doesnt seem easy to change it later."

"I suppose."

To be honest, it didnt seem to matter.

"Itll all be the same. Lets just pick somewhere nearby."

I chose the first entrance. There was no deep reasoning behind it. It was literally because it was the closest.

The trail was quite steep from the start, and the path itself was a mess.

The road seemed to be well laid out near the entrance, but as soon as we entered the mountain, the tidy path disappeared. It became so unrecognizable even beast trails wouldve been more conspicuous.

Through the dense trees, through the bushes, stepping over the thorns, we kept walking uphill my skin kept getting scratched with every step, making my annoyance rise higher and higher.

Fortunately, at least my horse hadnt decided to lie down yet. Small mercies.

"Youre really going to have to walk this time. Just try lying down! Ill throw you down from the peak and see how you like it!"

I tried to give the guy a scare to sort him out.



The response seemed quite understandable.


Something like, screw off!

While we were walking along the road like that for a while



What was that sound? There wasnt a landslide happening nearby, right?

At that time,

"Uh, um! Look over there!"

The princess pointed above and front.

There, an enormous boulder was rolling down towards us at a frightening speed, crushing the surrounding trees.


The boulder wasnt alone either. There were as many as three, each the size of the elephant rock during the preliminary rounds.

The guys whod come up here before us seemed to have prepared a surprise. Or maybe this was also a part of the tests challenge.


"What are we going to do? Avoid it?"

"Avoid it"

The emotion I was feeling was none other than regret.

So sad. That the reader wouldnt get to see this scene.

Instead of avoiding, I took a step forward.

"Originally, I wanted to juggle a few more rocks in the preliminary round, but there was only the one."

Then, the moment the first rock was about to slam into my nose,


I slammed my hand into it, stopping it in its tracks.

After a moment,



The next rocks in line slammed into the first one with booming roars.


I lifted the rock in front of me first.


"Where did it come from?"

"There. From over there!"

I threw it full force in the direction the princess was pointing to.


"You trying to mess with me?"

Soon after,


There was a great roar.

However, the sounds I expected never followed.

"What is this? There isnt a single scream?"

I was trying to catch the bastards who had set this up and see their faces turn blue, but there was no result.

As I was about to let it go despite my obvious regret

"Then, how about throwing one to over there? Theres an open road there."

The princess pointed to the other side.

"Understood. Ill try for a double throw this time."

Just when I put my hands on the two rocks



A holographic message arrived.

Huh? Already? Has the next chapter has already started?

I checked it right away.

But the content left me stunned.

[Adventure King serialization resumed]

[Chapter 24 The Second Gate of the Warriors Path in the Skull Empire]

[Belongs to the realm of the ongoing chapter]

[Hiro is the subject of character evaluation in this chapter]

[You have been given the leading point of view]

" Is this even real?"

The author brought out a new chapter out of thin air, one that had never been in the original.

Just for me.

Editors Notes:

None for this chapter.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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