Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

The Conquest of the Peak (1)

Maybe the author is trying to train me?

That was the first thought that came to mind.

Leaving out the unbelievability of it all, the situation begged for suspicion.

Because what was happening was literally, completely unexpected.

This was at a completely different level from simply giving me free time within a chapter.

Creating a new chapter out of whole cloth, that didnt even exist before, letting me have free rein on the development, and giving away his authority

Was this really alright?

Of course, Id been front and centre in another chapter before. While competing with Leo and the others as a condition of getting [Mimic Acrobat].

But even then, the plot had been carefully devised by the author. The main point of view had been Leo, too.

Thatd been completely different from this.

In other words, it was natural for me to start asking questions.

First you kick me out to Eastland, and then suddenly youre giving me the lead role in a chapter?

All to, what, appease me?


But soon I shook my head.

This was an irrational idea. Basically, I wasnt a character to which the concept of appeasing could be applied.

Had I been a character hed created from the beginning; it mightve been reasonable to think this way.

For example, there were actions and developments my character shouldve taken, but I kept trying to break free and forge my own path, so the author broke out the carrot and the stick to control me.

But I wasnt that kind of a character in the first place. The original role given to me was, at best, to get beaten up by Leo in the first scene of the first chapter and disappear.

There was no future development that depended on me, so why try to appease me? Was I that much of a pain in the neck? Then the best would be to just purge me.

I really couldnt guess the authors intentions.


Hmm, lets not waste time thinking about it right now.

I decided to simply draw a conclusion based on the situation.

This wasnt a measure to appease my mood. It mustve the result of a thorough calculation.

Simple. The author finally chose to acknowledge it. My value.

Perhaps it is because of several factors overlapping.

1. That the readers desperately wanted to see more of me.

2. The fact that I had touched the settings the author had made but couldnt use.

3. My character drew a lot of attention.

4. It reminded him of a place where he could use me, etc.

I didnt know which one was the main reason. And there couldve been something else that I missed, too.

Anyway, one thing was certain.

That he included me in his overall story concept, and the future development would have a place for me.

In fact, it might well be that he now indeed needed to appease me, from his point of view. Hed devised a development that would utilize me, so he desperately needed me to follow along.

It was truly a step forward.

From a deleted extra, to a character the author needed for the development of the plot.

Of course, Id always been acting like such a character. That was the only way I could grab the readers attention. But for the author to directly acknowledge it was at a different level compared to my one-sided actions to far. It felt like the author finally recognized my past efforts and the things Id done to survive until now.

It was worthy of celebration.


Although its definitely good for me

I couldnt take this for granted. Because there were two new problems facing me right now.

First, I had no idea what plot development the author was now going to write.

Even if I took a few days to think of the possible future directions, there was no guarantee Id be correct. My character didnt march to the same beat as the rest in the first place.

Of course, the author mightve had a plan in mind.

For example, indirectly inducing my actions through a separate reward, or using a control device such as a preceding plot to control it, or just write it down and send it as a message.

But although the author would definitely try to take care of it, it was still a problem right now.

And secondly. Actually, this was a really serious problem.

The development devised by the author might go in a direction contrary to the big picture Id established.

Id already decided on the position thatd let me survive until the end.

Right, the rival.

Besides, Id also devised a plan of my own to maintain my place in the overall scheme of things.

But what if the direction the author suggested was different? Inconsistent? Or even completely the opposite?

The problem would only get bigger.


I couldnt help but be concerned. Because this was a tough issue.

Would I have to start introducing myself in every scene, like trying to stamp my existence on the world? The Squatjaw Adventurers, the rivals of the Leo Adventurers?

"Its problematic."

I couldnt just play defensive either. It mustve taken great courage for the author to take sucha bold decision.

Creating a new chapter, and providing an arc for it to be in.

This meant overturning or omitting some of the planned development.

Judging from the current situation, it was not the former. The storylines were running completely in parallel, so the developments had no chance to clash with each other.

Meaning some of the chapters of the Huntington Bandits arc were going to be omitted. The Huntingtons!

They were a group who stayed relevant until the heroes crossed the Kings Road and left for Midland, and they were quite important supporting characters. At least the treasure arc couldnt do without them.

Of course, right now wasnt the time when they were most active, that would come later. Right now wasnt the time for a head-on fight, this stage was just for the heroes to get to know (?) them properly.

But that didnt mean that the current process was unimportant. What was happening now would serve as a build-up factor for some great events in the future.

So, honestly, Id like to ask the author Are you really alright? So many developments hed already planned mustve been disintegrated.

Well, it was up to the author to take care of that, but the issue could still be traced back to me, right? What would stem from that? Expectations, or resentments?


Im still going to bring in the goblins. I wont soften the blow or anything.

Even if he was now suddenly reconciling with me, I wasnt going to change my plans for the future.

Of course, that didnt change what I had to do right now. Id just say, Thank you, Ill do my best! and just accept it.

I didnt know when Id clash with the author again later but I had to make full use of the opportunity given to me, first.


"By the way, which way is the peak?"

I decided to stop worrying about meaningless things and just keep acting cool.

I hit the centre of the huge boulder in front of me.


I quickly grabbed it before it could split and crumble.

Originally, I was going to take a closer look at the situation, but the spotlight I was under didnt allow that.

First, shoot the cannon, then rush straight in!

I threw the rock as hard as I could at the peak.

"Normaaaaaal Throoooooowww!"

" Whoo."

The fatty looked at the tired form of the thin man.

He hadnt rested either, but the other party had it worse. From the time hed mixed into the first wave of latecomers, until entering Marron Mountain about two and a half days. Hed moved without a single break for a whopping three days.

Tired legs, and parched mouth.

"Will this really be enough?"

"Nothing is certain. But analysing the information weve gotten so far, theres a good chance."

What theyd done so far was nothing special. Spreading rumours about that Squatjaw. Including all the information most people didnt know.

There was only one purpose.

Correct the Khan.

Their aim was to get the rumours to reach the Khans ears, and thus to get him interested in Squatjaw.

Bumyo Khan.

The current emperor of the Skull Empire, who often hid his identity and sneaked into public places and even participated in national events. The reason he gave for this was ridiculously simple.

"Because Im bored."

A man with brilliant wit and incredible power. But he had coalitionist leanings that was unworthy of his abilities, and according to one theory, his reason for not pursuing war was also very simple. Because you dont have the time to have fun during a war.

The Khan was an unknown character.

The fatty had only heard a few rumours about him, and he was a little sceptical of the thought that the Khan would take the time to go meet Squatjaw.

"Isnt it likely that hes already got his own plans?"

"Of course. Khan seems impulsive, but he actually plans everything out. He puts a lot of effort into properly savouring his pleasures. Hed probably set aside a cover identity for this Warriors Path long back."

"Thats why, I mean"

"But that is why theres a possibility. Hes serious about pursuing his own pleasure. Thats exactly why, no matter how many plans hed made beforehand, he can discard it all at any moment if theres an element of interest that can move him."

Then, there were two decisive grounds for believing that Khan would move, which the thin man mentioned one by one.

First, that the fun factor that Khan pursued was nothing less than power and battle.

Second, the lack of time.

"Now Khan only has five days left. After that, hell have to go back."

"So he has to enjoy everything he can before that?"

"Mere power wouldnt have attracted him too much. But the bait here is more than that."

In fact, the rumours theyd spread one after another over the past three days contained information about Squatjaws unique ability, and even the fact that he possessed a divine beast.

And, to top it all off

Even the fact that the person beside him was none other than Princess Thermis.

"His eldest son is involved in this matter, and this is a situation thatd shaken up the whole empire for a while, so theres no way he wouldnt be interested."

The fatty nodded at his words.

It was definitely a convincing argument.

But that wasnt the crux of the problem. Their purpose wasnt just to send Khan to Squatjaw.

"Lets say Khan does go meet Squatjaw. Then what about after that?"

"Depends the situation."

"What if they dont come to conflict?"



Really. The fatty thought that this question was slightly absurd even though he himself had asked it. Thered never been a time before that Khan hiding in secret didnt cause any problems.

"But we dont know who the current Khan even is."

The real problem was this. His disguise.

He was such a master of disguise that rumours even circulated that it might be his unique ability. Even his wife and mother had once stood in front of him in disguise and asked him how he had such good skin. At that time, hed been disguised as a woman of a certain royal family.

However, the slender man didnt seem particularly concerned.

"Right now, sure. But well find out soon."


"Because someone by his side will let us know. If its Squatjaw, he should be able to draw out Khans unique ability."

"Beside him aah."

Khans eccentricity was always a popular topic of discussion, but no one in the empire took it seriously. The reason was that not only Khan had his own ability, but everybody also always believed in the power of the one who was always by his side and protecting him.

A man called the Sword of the Empire. General Mong.

"Then, if were lucky, we might end up with Squatjaw and the general thats really um.

The fatty fell silent.

Because his heart was pounding at that thought, a sure disqualification for an assassin.

But the slender man didnt point that out.

Perhaps because he felt the same.

"For now, lets keep an eye on things. Either way, well be moving soon."

Then, the fatty turned his head toward the first peak where Squatjaw had gone.

The wind was blowing towards it.

Itd been three days since the second obstacle started.

I thought as I watched the fire burning in front of me.

This was the limit. If I dragged things on any further at this juncture, my narrative significance and the readers expectations from me would be burned to ashes like this burning firewood.

It was time to boldly take the first step.

I looked at the princess and said firmly.

"Im going to plant the flag. Dont stop me."



The princess gently pressed her forehead with her right hand.

Of course, she might also be tired of my repeated demands. Having to repeat the same thing over and over again wouldnt have been any fun.


"Even if you think that, this isnt the time."

Did it make sense to stay on the mountainside and enjoy a campfire on the third day, rather than going up to the peak?

Seeing my frustrated eyes, the princess only sighed deeply.

"Hey, old man. This guys starting again."

"Yeah, call him, call the old man out. Lets have a showdown."

"Hah its fine, hell just say the same thing anyway, so Ill tell you instead. I think I said the same thing just two hours ago, but Ill just say it one more time. Listen properly. Dont suddenly forget it again."

The first thing to keep in mind is that the owner of the peak is decided on the last day.

It doesnt matter who climbs the peak first. Its about whose flag is planted last.

Also, the success or failure of this war of occupation isnt decided by simply planting a flag on the peak. The real test is how many participants can you get under your control. Furthermore, you have to attract as many of the people on the other peaks as possible. Only then will you be able to gain an advantageous position in the final obstacle, the war of conquest.

Therefore, simply trying to subdue the other test takers by force or trying to subjugate them through battle is only one way.

In this war of occupation, being eye-catching is more important than being powerful in battle, and being good at politics is even more important than that.

"Do you understand? You idiot Squatjaw."


"I, I was told to call you that."


Between the fourth and fifth day. Slowly start moving from that point on.

So now, just be patient and wait.

After the princess finished speaking, she shook her head.

The words and gestures were exactly the same as two hours ago.


Of course, this was to be expected.

I nodded slowly, then carefully spoke.

"Okay, then forget about the peak for the time being. Ill just go do some reconnaissance."

"Reconnaissance? Youve been there before."

"You call that reconnaissance? I was just picking up some firewood or something. And not only do I need to scout out this area, I should go see the other peaks as well. How are things going outside?"

In fact, itd been a lie that I was going to climb the peak. I was just trying to start with a strong opinion, and then sneak in my actual goal into the discussion afterward.



"Well. Its one thing to scout out the rest of the peaks, but thatll break the balance here. You know, right? That everyone is paying close attention to your movements right now? One step from you could shake the whole mountain. Think well before you move."

The princess nodded her head surprisingly quickly.

It seemed that shed already thought about this.

Really, tell me first if thats the case.

I ran out of the camp, rushing straight towards the second peak area.

It wasnt a lie that I needed to do some reconnaissance. Because it was a sight that I needed to capture with my own two eyes.

How far did I run like that?

It was a time when I was feeling a sense that the area was slowly changing.

Somewhere nearby,

"S-, Squatjaw!"

"Wasnt that guy on the first peak?"

"Emergency! Emergency!"

I could hear cries no, they were closer to screams.

Huh? Not just one or two?

I quickly looked around.

Several faces rose from all over the densely packed bushes at the same time.

And surprisingly,


They were all holding flags of the same colour.

As soon as I saw that, I realized two things.

First, that there was already an occupant on this peak.

Second, that the occupant was increasing the size of his subordinate faction with a frightening speed.

At the very least, what did the fact that all the people here staying in the middle reaches of the mountain belonged to the same faction, mean? It meant that the upper part had already been completely occupied.

I knew itd be like this. Four or five days? Bullshit.


"S-, Squatjaw! Whatre you doing! If youre aiming for the peak here"

One of them, as a representative, came out and shouted.

But I ignored him and started running again, straight towards the peak.

Startled, the guys tried to stop me, but to no avail.

Beep. Beep.

Warning tones echoed all over the mountain, but I ignored them too.

I only had eyes for the peak.

There was no other reason. My intuition wanted me to share what Id just discovered with the readers.

In other words, the fires of war were already burning the other peaks aflame.

Soon after,

"Hey, look at this."

The smoke rising from the second peak caught my eyes.

One look, and anybody could tell that itd already been occupied.

Anyway, my job was done.

Id achieved my goal.

I chuckled with some satisfaction.

In fact, the reason why I hadnt climbed to the peak my own way was because of the readers. Because they were watching the situation, I couldnt act too roughly.

A character who ushered in boredom was of course a sinner from the readers point of view, but a character who acted arbitrarily while openly ignoring a colleagues advice was also unpleasant.

If Id jumped to the peak before listening to Bayar Khans advice and strategy, it wouldnt have mattered.

But anyway, things were different now. Hadnt I already shown that the other peaks were moving?

Finally, I had justification. Justification to climb the peak.

The time for chopping firewood and quietly watching the campfire was over.

Beep. Beep.

"Squatjaws been sighted!"

"That little Squatjaw has moved to another peak!"

"Alone! Hes alone!"

So noisy. Please be quiet. I wont be here much longer.

I muttered to myself and turned around.

Of course, I had no intention of returning to the camp.

No point letting them hold me back, was there?

It was time to start climbing.

"Its that guy, right?"

"Looks like it."

"How is he?"

A person next to the man asked as if he didnt already know.

"What are you talking about?"


"Hmm the Heavenly Generals became alert with just a glance at that man, is it"

The man grinned.

"Thats not"

"Enough. I know how you think, Mong. Anyway, thats good. It saved me the trouble of finding him."

"Do you plan to go right away? But were not ready yet"

"Thats enough, what else is there to prepare?"

Then, the man quietly added a word.

"Lets go catch up."

And at the same time,




Hundreds of red flags, thatd been hidden in the bushes near the peak, began to flutter in the wind and move in unison.

Editors Notes:

None for this chapter.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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