Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 183 Jinx (3)

Chapter 183 Jinx (3)

Jinx (3)

Jinx (3)

The Manticore.

A level 5 monster with a grotesque appearance, a lion's body and a human face.

This guy's essence is quite unique.


Discernment +40, Appetite +30, Jumping Power +30.

The stats are practically just Jumping Power +30.

It's at a level that's even worse than a 9th-grade monster, but its passive is related to stats.

(P) Inheritance - Stats permanently increase when consuming magic stones.


It's a skill that increases your stats when you eat magic stones.

Just looking at the description, it seems like a cheat-level skill, but there's a decisive restriction.

'The total absorbable stat points are 200, I think?'

The total stat points you can obtain through the skill is 200.

So at first, I thought, 'What kind of trash essence is this?'

There are many 5th-grade essences with over 300 total stat points.

But to have to use even the passive to obtain the base stats that should be there?

And its active skill wasn't even that good.

It would be different if it had 'Random Skill Spam', the Manticore's signature ability, but you can't obtain that through the essence since it's an individual monster's unique ability.



...everyone's eyes changed the moment this essence appeared.

Right, you guys also know the true value of this essence.

"Raven, take out the dice!"

The dwarf growled as soon as I shouted,

"Before that, I think it's best to step back, barbarian."

What, does he think I'm going to just eat it if I lose the dice roll? Although it's ridiculous, it wouldn't be good to cause trouble right now.

"...Let's all step back together."


"Ye, yes! That would be best."

Starting with me, we all step back.

And we quickly summarize the situation.

The essence lasts for an average of 30 minutes.

So, first, this is something I couldn't ask before.

"Is there any team that wants to give up on bidding?"

I ask just in case, but both Hans G and the dwarf shake their heads and say,

"We, we'll participate. It's an essence that everyone can use except for mages and priests, isn't it?"

This is why players are...

The true value of the Manticore essence is revealed when you remove it at the temple.

20% of the additional stats remain even after deletion.

It's practically an elixir that gives you a bonus of 40 stat points.

"There's no way we would give up on such an expensive essence."

"...Expensive essence? Are you planning to sell it?"

"We don't have any essence slots left."

Hmm, that's possible, but...

A possibility suddenly comes to mind.

'Right, these bastards are from the underground city.'

The process of removing essences at the temple is complicated for explorers from Noark.

It would be even more so in the current situation where the city is under lockdown.

It would be more rational for them to keep it and secretly sell it later when the lockdown is lifted.

However, the biggest question remains.

"...You don't have a mage?"

There's no mage in the dwarf's team.

Although the sorcerer, who's focused on offensive essences, plays a similar role in terms of firepower, he can't replace a mage's utility.

The dwarf answers nonchalantly,

"You have one, don't you? We'll pay you handsomely for the test tube and your efforts."

Geez, trying to freeload.

"What if both of us refuse?"

The dwarf chuckles at my suggestion to not be greedy.

"We'll still roll the dice. And if we win, we'll watch until the essence disappears."

In other words, they're saying they'll interfere if they can't have it.

I feel a bitter taste in my mouth.

As expected, explorers are explorers, whether they're from the underground or the surface.

They're surprisingly similar in this aspect.

'Should I just ambush them and kill them here?'

That extreme method briefly crosses my mind, but I calm myself.

Raven's help is significant.

"Mr. Yandel, we have no choice."

Right, we haven't even rolled the dice yet.

It's not a core essence like the [Gigantification] essence.

I'll have to remove it anyway once I can absorb 3rd-grade essences.

It's not like there aren't any better essences out there.

"So how long are you going to just stand there?"

I come to my senses at the dwarf's urging.

"Let's have one representative from each team."

The leaders of each team gather in one place.

I briefly explain the rules.

"We each roll the dice once, and the one with the highest number gets the loot. However, if there's a tie, those two roll again to decide the winner."

"Are we going to use the mage's dice?"

"It's an official Explorer's Guild dice. It doesn't matter if we don't use mine. Of course, I'll have to check it first."

"Really? Then I don't mind."

The dwarf nods coolly, and the preparations are complete as the mage from Hans G's team examines my and Raven's dice.

"Hans, you'll subtract 2 from the number you roll, as promised. So if you have anything to say, say it now."

"...We, we're satisfied just with the opportunity."

"Then it's settled. So, who's going first?"

First or second.

Honestly, does it even matter?

Everyone gulps and looks at each other.

Unexpectedly, Hans G is the first to step forward.

"I, I'll go first."

Hans G picks up the dice.

Although he has a -2 handicap...

...his companions cheer him on with expectant eyes.

"Mr. Krisen, good luck...!"

"Hans, if you don't roll properly, you'll get spanked when you get back."

"Mr. Krisen, don't feel pressured, it's okay even if you lose."

From the newbie Guide to the human warrior and the middle-aged mage. Hans G looks at each of them and then makes eye contact with the fairy archer.

The fairy archer nods silently.

Their relationship seems very special.

'Geez, it's like a shonen manga.'

I can't help but chuckle.

The newbie woman who joined as a Guide is biting her lip in frustration, watching them.

"Then... I'll roll!"

Hans G rolls the dice with a confident shout.

Roll, roll, roll.

The dice rolls on the dry ground, showing the numbers on each side one after another.


The dice stop in silence.


The number on the dice is 10.

The highest possible number.


"He's crazy! He's insane!!"

"Standard market price! Partslan, what's the standard market price listed at the guild?!"

Cheers erupt from his companions, and we're all speechless.

The dwarf steps forward as if he doesn't like our reaction.

"You're acting as if it's already yours. Don't tell me you forgot that you have to subtract 2 from the number?"

"Ah, ye, yes... I know."

The heated atmosphere cools down, but Hans G's team is still in a celebratory mood.

Well, 8 is a high enough number.

"I'm next."

The dwarf snatches the dice from Hans G. He hesitates for a moment, then frowns and throws the dice on the ground.

Roll, roll, roll.

The dice stop after rolling a few times.


...Is this for real?


"Damn iiiit!!"

"I believed in you! You bastard!!"

Beastly shouts erupt from the dwarf's team.

On the other hand, Hans G's team members all have stiff expressions, unable to control their shock.


The dwarf then smirks, looking at Hans G and me. And he utters a line that I've probably said the least in my life.

"You're lucky."

What the hell is wrong with this guy's personality?

An overwhelming sense of despair envelops me.

But I can't collapse.

There are too many things supporting me.

"Yandel! What, you're acting like this over something like this? It's not like you."

"I believe in you! Bjorn!! You can do it!!"

"Yeah, yeah, Bjorn! You can do anything!"

"I won't talk about probability. It's meaningless to you anyway, Mr. Yandel."

I have companions who still believe in me.

And I haven't given up yet.



...I grip the dice.


The dwarf laughs arrogantly, looking at me.

It's a familiar situation.

Hans's number is 8.

The dwarf's number is 9.

I just need to roll a 10.

Probability is just probability, it's meaningless.

It's a dramatic development that often appears in movies and cartoons.

Right, this has to work...!

No, it's a structure where it can't not work.

"...Bjorn's eyes have changed."

I felt a strange sense of certainty.

It's like an invisible force is enveloping me.

I throw the dice before that feeling disappears.

"Go! Great warrior!!!"

The dice roll amidst Ainar's shout.

Surprisingly, my mind is calmer than ever as I watch them.


My heart beats slowly.

The air surrounding my skin is cool, and each second is vividly engraved in my mind as if time is slowing down.

And in that pleasant sensation...


...the dice stop.

The atmosphere changes instantly.


A chilling silence falls.

I look at the people instead of the dice.


Even the dwarf, who was smiling arrogantly... companions, who were watching with trust...

...and even Hans G's team, whose defeat is already confirmed, are gaping in disbelief.

'Did it really work...?'

I check the dice.



...I should have had Misha roll it.

Losers don't speak.

Because it's all just excuses.

They just have to endure silently.

Just like I am right now.

"Puhahahaha! A 1 with that expression! Did you see that? Did you see? I was actually scared, you know? Because of his confident look."

Sharp mockery erupts from the dwarf's team.

I'm covered in humiliation from head to toe.

"I almost want to ask him. How the hell could you make that kind of expression! Khahahaha!"

"Don't make fun of Bjorn!!"

"Gaaaaah! Great warrior! Pfft, pfft! Hahahaha!"

"...I'll kill you!!!"

I grab Ainar, who's about to jump at them.

"Stop it."

"But! If I don't smash his head...!!"

Right, there's no way to shut that mouth.

I understand her feelings more than anyone.

But it's not the time yet.

And they know it too.

"You guys stop it too."

The dwarf also stops his team members from mocking me any further as I stare at him.

The winner is already decided.

I also give up and get to the point.

"How much will you give me?"

"15 million stones for the test tube."

That's the exact market price.

"And the service fee?"

"I'll give you 5 million stones."

5 million stones just for casting one spell is a great deal.


"7 million."

"You're greedy."

The dwarf glances at the mage from Hans G's team.

It means that we can ask the other mage since there are two of them.

"We, we don't have a test tube."


I originally asked for a higher price so that we could split the service fee with them...

But this changes things.

"I, I'll give you 7 million."

The dwarf readily agrees to my offer at Hans G's words.

However, the train has already left the station.

"Too late."


"It just went up to 15 million."

The service fee is now the same as the test tube price.

"Don't be unreasonable, barbarian."

The dwarf mutters incredulously.

It's understandable.

He's short, so it's hard for him to see the world broadly. It's only natural that he doesn't understand the basic principles of the market, which is based on supply and demand.

"Unreasonable? I think it's a reasonable price. Especially since you won't refuse."

"...10 million stones."

"No bargaining. Take it or leave it."

"Think rationally, barbarian. You're going to throw this money away?"

"It's your choice. Just discard the essence. Or give us the money and take it in a test tube."

I push forward with a bold strategy.

It's also the reason why monopolies can be so vicious in a capitalist market.

They can make a profit even with this kind of business practice.

"...Damn it."

The dwarf trembles and then speaks.

"I'll give you 15 million stones."

"Alright, good thi—"

"Not you, them."

The dwarf says, looking at Hans G.

"Yes? Wh, what do you mean...?"

"I'll give you the ownership rights to this essence if you pay that amount."

On-site sale...

Right, so this is his move.

An emotional choice that abandons rationality.

I'm momentarily surprised, but then I realize it's not a big problem.

"We, we don't have that much money right now."

"You can pay in kind."

"Let us discuss it for a moment..."

Hans G has a discussion with his teammates.

It seems like they activated team voice magic, judging by how their mouths are moving.

Of course, it doesn't last long.

And the conclusion isn't much different from what I expected.

"Ev, even so, our equipment..."

With the level of Hans G's team's equipment, at least three of them would have to give up their main equipment to match that amount.

But to give up their equipment in a rift and get an essence that's useless right now?

It doesn't make sense.

"So, so... how about we pa, pay you in the city?"

"...That's not possible."

There's no way these guys from the underground city would give Hans G credit.

The dwarf, cornered, takes a deep breath.

And he looks at me and says in a reluctant voice,

"Barbarian, at the price you said—"

"20 million stones. It just went up again."

"This son of a..."

"Or we can buy the essence for 15 million stones, what do you want to do?"

"...I'll pay 20 million stones."

Although the dwarf curses, it doesn't have much impact on the outcome. It's still a profitable deal for them even if they buy the essence at that price.

About 17 million stones.

'Wait a minute, then we're the ones who profited more?'

Is this the sweetness of a monopoly?

We got the biggest share even though our dice roll was the lowest, a 1.

It's ironic.


Things proceed smoothly after the negotiation ends.

First, we receive payment in kind worth 20 million stones from the dwarf.

Because there's no way he has that much money on him.

For reference, they were going to give us equipment, but I refused.

I took out a pile of unused equipment from my backpack, as if I'd been waiting for this.

Just how much looting have they done?

"Give me potions instead, it's easier to convert to cash."

"...We can't pay that much in potions."

"Then we'll take the rest in equipment."

I demand as many potions as possible, even giving a reason.

It's because we might have to fight them, so it's better to weaken them beforehand.

Tsk, it would have been much easier to deal with them if I had received their currently equipped gear as payment.

"Seven top-grade potions and eleven high-grade potions. If we add the rest of the equipment... it's about right."

The barter is completed without any arguments thanks to Raven, who has a regular appraiser license, and we set up camp in a suitable location.

Ah, we each send one person from our teams to keep watch, so there are three people taking turns.

Hans G, the dwarf, and the bear-like man are the first shift.

And I'm next.

"Yandel, it's your turn."

"Anything happen? Did those two have a suspicious conversation?"

"That Hans guy was just chattering on his own. I think I would be more comfortable and enjoy it more if I were keeping watch alone."

"Right, good work. Go get some rest."

My watch partners are a fairy archer named Meilin and a White Wolf beastman warrior from the dwarf's team...

...but it's a very uncomfortable time.

'Now I understand why he said he would be more comfortable alone.'

The White Wolf warrior doesn't say a word.

And the fairy archer keeps glancing at me with an unfriendly look.

"Do you have something to say?"

"Shouldn't you be a little quieter? Everyone's sleeping."

This is why pointy-eared bastards are...

Why do they hate kind barbarians like us?

They must have a problem with their personalities.

Ah, except for Erwen.

'Enough, let's just focus on keeping watch.'

I'm more wary of them betraying us than a monster ambush. After all, the probability of them backstabbing us has increased significantly.

I don't know about Hans G, but that dwarf bastard is definitely plotting something.

'That's probably why he readily paid in kind.'

Even considering that we have a monopoly, 20 million stones is an unreasonable amount.

But he paid it quite coolly.

As if he has a way to get it back.

'...Well, I guess I'm the same?'

I haven't given up on the essence that's in the test tube yet.

I'm just waiting for the right time.

"Misha, wake up. It's time to switch."

I fall asleep after the uncomfortable watch duty ends, switching with Misha.

And the next morning...

...the exploration resumes.

We spend all our time except for meals searching the forest, and as a result, we're able to find and defeat the remaining two mid-bosses.

「Killed Bicorn. EXP +5」

「Killed Culbeth. EXP +5」

Unfortunately, no essences dropped...

"Huh? Isn't that it? The thing you guys were talking about!"

...but we succeeded in finding the third chapter, which we expected to take another day.

「Character has entered the Shadow Altar.」

A black shadow envelops us as soon as we find the altar.

A giant barrier forms around us.

As befitting the concept of this chapter, my role is also clear.

「The sealed marauder has possessed one of the expedition members.」

Alright, then let the games begin.

"Dwarf, your expression looks strange. Did something happen to your head?"

This bastard first.

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