Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 184 Jinx (4)

Chapter 184 Jinx (4)

Jinx (4)

Jinx (4)

The rule of the third chapter, the Shadow Altar, is simple.

Find the expedition member possessed by a Doppelganger and offer them to the altar.

If you're right, the Doppelganger possessing the body is eliminated.

And if you're wrong?

‘That person becomes incapacitated until the rift is cleared.’

In other words, if you use this well, you can even hinder someone who's in the way.

"Dwarf, your expression looks strange. Did something happen to your head?"

"Hmm, seeing you trying to corner me from the start, you seem more suspicious."

The dwarf, who became the first target, didn't panic and counterattacked.

As expected, he's not an easy opponent.

But the real attack starts now.

"Suspicious? That's strange. When we first met, you clearly acted like you didn't know anything about this place. But now you're talking as if you do?"

"Oh, you're right!"

As Raven agreed, the members of Hans G's team also started expressing their doubts.

It's only natural.

We just arrived here, and I haven't even explained what the third chapter is about yet.

Then how did the dwarf know and counterattack?


The dwarf hesitated for a moment and then blurted out, unable to hide his annoyance,

"I heard it from Hans Krisen."

"...You're lying to escape the situation."

"I, I'm not lying! I told him."

Hans G stepped in and assisted the dwarf just in time.

"Told him? When?"

It's a story I can't understand, having watched them the whole time.

"It, it was when we were keeping watch yesterday."

Indeed, he wasn't within my line of sight at that time.

But I had the bear-like man next to him for this reason.

"Avman, is that true?"

"No way. Those two didn't have that kind of conversation."

"Avman, who was with him, says it's not true. Hans Krisen, why are you covering for the dwarf?"

Hans G waved his hands frantically as I took a threatening step forward.

"I, I'm not covering for him, it's the truth! We used a ma, magic tool to talk back then... That's why Mr. Urikfrit couldn't have known!"

A conversation using a magic tool...

It doesn't seem like he's lying.

Damn it, when did those two become so close?

I almost made a big mistake.

"What did you talk about?"

I need to find out the content of their conversation.

"Th, that's..."

Hans G hesitates as I intentionally unleash my killing intent.

Just as I'm thinking I'm almost there...

"Why should we tell you?"

The dwarf steps forward as if to protect Hans G.

"It was a private conversation. And this should be enough to clear up any doubts about me knowing about this altar."

The dwarf skillfully ends the topic, leaving no room for further discussion.

Of course, my plan hasn't been disrupted yet.

There are countless other ways to attack them.

"Let's talk about each other from now on."

The dwarf is an explorer from Noark, and Hans G is a being called an evil spirit in this world. If I target these points, there's no way their answers will be flawless.

"Dwarf, what grade explorer are you? What about your family? Do you have any siblings?"

"...I don't want to talk about myself."

"So you're refusing."

I grin.

Silence is their right, but they're responsible for the consequences. After all, I have justification for every question here.

"Um, I think it would be better to just answer, Mr. Yandel. I'm not saying this because he's our leader, but there's a Doppelganger here, right?"

Raven provides logical support.

And Hans G's team's mage also agrees with us, judging that this method is correct.

"Let's do that. We can't just randomly throw someone onto the altar. Let's all gather and talk. Then we might be able to figure out who it is. It's not like there's no way to find a Doppelganger."

Public opinion shifts in an instant.

In the end, the dwarf has no choice but to back down.

"...Alright, then what are we going to do?"

Hans G answers the dwarf's question.

"I think verification magic is the best option, right?"

As expected of a player, he suggests the most standard strategy.

That's when the mace warrior from Hans G's team cautiously raises his hand and expresses his doubt.

"Um, but I heard there are quite a few people who are immune to verification magic."

It's a sharp question, despite his ordinary appearance.

Indeed, verification magic doesn't work on everyone.

For example, me.

It didn't work at the guild before.

Raven said it was because of my high magic resistance and my naturally thick mental barrier.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. I heard it doesn't work on Doppelgangers either."

"Ye, yes! That's right! At least we can reduce the number of suspects, can't we?"

"Well, that would be helpful."

No one objects as Raven and Hans G, who have been playing the role of brains throughout the expedition, agree.

And so, the search begins.

"Are you a man?"

"...Why are you asking that?"

"Haha, I'm just double-checking to see if the magic worked properly, so just answer."

"I'm a man, as you can see."

"It's the truth."

The two mages go around and cast verification magic on everyone.

And as a result...

"...Nine people."

Nine people who are immune to verification magic are selected.

[Hans G's team]

Hans G, the mage, the fairy archer.

[Dwarf's team]

The dwarf, the archer, the sorcerer, the priest.

[Bjorn's team]

Me, Raven.

For reference, it's a number that far exceeds my expectations.

I can understand mages and sorcerers with high magic resistance and mental strength, but there are more?

They're all experienced explorers.

'I can't believe it's more than half of the total number...'

Although I'm starting to get a headache, what I need to do hasn't changed.

"Are you a Doppelganger?"

We first ask the same question to those who passed the verification magic, and the number of suspects is reduced significantly as everyone answers 'no'.

"So there's a Doppelganger bastard hiding among the nine of us?"

The gazes we exchange become incomparably sharper than before.

It's an atmosphere that's not bad for me.

"Then I'll start."

As soon as those who answered 'no' are excluded, I swing my sword like a madman.

My targets are only two.

The dwarf and Hans G, the leaders of each team.

"Where did you get the equipment in your backpacks?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"Just answer the question."

"...I won't tell you."

He's pleading the fifth...

That's not bad either.

"Hans Krisen, you seem to know a lot about this forest, where did you get that information?"

"I, I read it in a bo, book."

"What's the title?"

"That is... I won't tell you."

The no comment stack increases with every question.

It's what I intended.

Strictly speaking, they're questions that have nothing to do with the Doppelganger, but appearing as if he's hiding something will definitely seem suspicious to others.

"...No one is answering properly, even though the verification magic didn't work?"

The dwarf chuckles as I mutter meaningfully.

It seems like the aggro worked well.

Even the dwarf, who was being attacked, can't hold back and starts fighting back.

"What essence do you have?"

"...I can't tell you."

"Is it because you can't remember properly since you're a Doppelganger?"

As the dwarf starts attacking, his teammates, who were just watching their leader being beaten up, also join in and attack me.

"Come to think of it, that bastard was the one who started accusing people without any evidence."

"As if he just wants to throw anyone onto the altar."

"And besides, his behavior wasn't even barbarian-like, it was too logical."

I just stand there and take the hits. And then the members of Hans G's team also start asking me questions.

"I heard that Doppelgangers don't have complete memories. Do you remember when we met in the Land of the Dead? What happened back then?"

"That's... I don't remember clearly."

"Hmm, you forgot?"

"...I'm a barbarian."

"Pfft, that's a convenient race."

The fairy archer sneers as I can't answer. It seems like she's annoyed that Hans G was attacked earlier...

Geez, this is why newbies are...

"So, so you're the Doppelganger since you're trying to corner me! Misha! Ainar, don't you think so too?"

"Huh? Uh, uh-huh..."

"It, it must be true since it's what the great warrior Bjorn said!!"

Even my teammates give ambiguous answers, not fully supporting my obviously unreasonable claims.

The gazes towards me turn cold…

…and the moment I’ve been waiting for finally arrives.


A white light erupts from the altar in the center as the hands of the clock align.

「The Stone of Truth has been generated.」

It’s the key item for clearing this chapter.

Raven explains without me having to say anything,

“It’s the Stone of Truth. It can be used once to force someone to tell the truth. Even if they’re a Doppelganger.”

“…Is there a way to obtain more?”

“I heard it appears every midnight. But the Doppelganger’s power increases every time you use it.”

“We have to use it carefully.”

I keep my mouth shut.

As if I’m uneasy.

I check everyone’s expressions, and my eyes meet the dwarf’s.

“Let’s decide by vote. I’m voting for that barbarian. He’s suspicious, no matter how I look at it.”

The dwarf smirks, trying to screw me over.

Eight people raise their hands in an instant, without even needing a ballot box.

It’s more than half.

“…Reconsider. I’m not a Doppelganger.”

Although I offer sincere advice, they completely ignore it.

“How do you use this? Ah, is this how you do it?”

The Stone of Truth, which the dwarf is fiddling with, starts emitting a white light.

And in that state, he asks,

“Barbarian, are you a Doppelganger?”

A Doppelganger?

“I’m not a Doppelganger.”

I answer as if I’ve been waiting for this.



…the Stone of Truth, having served its purpose, shatters.

“Mage, what happened?”

“What do you mean, what happened? He told the truth.”

It’s time to stop acting like an idiot since I’ve obtained what I wanted.

I stretch and crack my stiff neck.

“That’s why I told you to reconsider.”

I’ve obtained the citizenship I needed for my plan.

In other words, no one can suspect or attack me now.


“Dwarf, why did you accuse me of being a Doppelganger? Are you the Doppelganger?”

It’s time to start playing politics.


“That’s! Because you were acting suspiciously…!”

The dwarf shouts defensively.

It’s understandable.

I was the one who attacked them recklessly, and I was the one who acted suspiciously.

But that’s not a reason to let him off the hook.

“What suspicious behavior? I answered all your questions.”

“…You didn’t say anything about your essence!”

“You’re acting like you’re from another world. Don’t you know how rude it is to ask an explorer what essence they have?”

“Then how do you explain that! What the fairy asked earlier—”

“Didn’t I say I forgot?”

I puff out my chest confidently without a shred of shame. No, I’m a barbarian, what are you going to do about it?


The dwarf shuts his mouth, finally realizing that he fell for my trick. But could it be that he can’t bear to watch his leader being humiliated?

“Enough, barbarian. The vote already shows that you were suspicious.”

He’s right.

A barbarian being verbally abused by a dwarf!

“That’s!! Because you guys were ganging up on me!!”

My indignant roar echoes through the forest.

Although the archer from the dwarf’s team says something, it’s drowned out by my overwhelming voice.

“Did you even give me time to explain? Who was the one who snatched the stone from Raven and used it?”

“No, that’s—”

“I suspect you guys!! Take responsibility and go on the altar!!”

“So, I’m saying I didn’t steal it—”

“Take responsibility and go on the altar!!”

The archer, who was muttering, finally shouts with all his might.

“We’ll use the Stone of Truth tomorrow!! Isn’t that enough?!”

It seems like they’ve finally realized the advantage of using the Stone of Truth.

But what a shame.

It’s too late.

“Right, it’s you!!!!”

I take a step forward, not hiding my excitement, as soon as I hear the line I’ve been waiting for.

The atmosphere turns hostile in an instant.

“Say it again, archer!! You wasted my time, and now you’re saying you’re going to use the Stone of Truth again? Are you the Doppelganger?”

I change my target from the dwarf to the archer.

This was my original plan.

After all, there’s no way I could put the dwarf or the priest, who’s a key member, on the altar.

“Come to think of it, it was you! You were the one who kept mocking me and subtly instigating the dwarf every time I said something!!”

“That’s not just me, everyone—”

“Take responsibility and go on the altar!! It’s not like you’re going to die!! We can clear the rift without one archer!!”

My wild shout makes it difficult for him to think rationally.

The archer, who suddenly became the target, turns pale.

But did they find his reaction strange?

“Indeed, that might be the more rational choice.”

“…It’s not like he’s going to die anyway.”

Some of the members of Hans G’s team start to agree, and in the end, the dwarf steps forward.

“Alright, let’s put him on the altar.”

“Yes? What do you mean—”

“Enough, listen to me this time. If you’re not the Doppelganger.”

The archer can’t even budge at the dwarf’s words, as if the leader’s authority is strong.

“Marthan! Are you really going to put him on the altar?”

The dwarf nods firmly, ignoring his companion’s anxious gaze.

It’s obvious what he’s thinking.

‘He’s trying to turn the tables.’

He’s trying to do exactly what I did.

What if the archer isn’t a Doppelganger after I forced him onto the altar?

The initiative shifts to them.

‘…I can’t attack, so he’ll probably target Raven.’

It’s a strategy to sacrifice the archer and put our mage on the altar.

It’s actually advantageous for them.

Mages are also an OP class in PK.


They must have thought it was a no-lose situation.

If the archer is a Doppelganger, it’s a good thing for them.


‘No, there’s no way a Doppelganger would willingly go on the altar.’

I try to hide my smile and watch as the archer is dragged to the altar by the dwarf.

“Don’t worry too much. You’ll be released once we defeat the guardian.”

“…I’ll be waiting.”

The archer stands in front of the altar.

Everyone watches in silence.


A black light starts emanating from the altar as the archer places his hand on it with a determined expression.


「The soul of expedition member Arka Petrei is sealed.」

The archer’s soul is extracted from his body and floats in the air, connected to the altar. His expression and gestures clearly show that he’s in pain.

“Mage. No, Hans Krisen. What does this mean?”

“…It, it, it means he’s not a Doppelganger.”

The dwarf takes a deep breath and closes and opens his eyes. It seems like he’s feeling conflicted, even though it was his own decision.

But did he think it wasn’t the time for this?

“Barbarian, are you ready to take responsibility for your words?”

The dwarf growls.

So I answer immediately,

“No, why should I take responsibility?”

“Because… because of you… my companion is in that state! According to your logic, it’s your turn to be checked!”

Tsk, tsk.

I say, shaking my head in disappointment,

“What kind of childish thing are you saying?”


“Do you think finding a Doppelganger is a game? Be rational and leave your emotions aside.”


The dwarf doesn’t answer, even though I’m speaking nonchalantly.

Well, he probably didn’t expect to hear this from a barbarian who was shouting and rampaging just a moment ago.

“Grow up, dwarf.”

Well, he’ll still be short, though.

“Damn it!!”

I calmly reach out and stop the dwarf, who’s cursing.

“Wait a minute, you’re not going to attack me, are you? If you’re not the Doppelganger, there’s no reason for you to do that.”

The dwarf’s body starts trembling.

So I also stop messing with him.

“I’m sorry about your companion. I didn’t expect him to go like that. He seemed like a good guy…”

“Stop it.”


“Enough, get to the point.”

“I made a mistake because I was angry. But how about we forget about the past and focus on clearing the rift? We might not even be able to return alive if we lose any more strength here.”

For reference, this is the reason why I can act so boldly. Even that dwarf bastard knows it.

That it will only lead to destruction if we fight among ourselves.

“…So how are we going to find it?”

“I think your priest is a bit suspicious—”

“Everyone, stop it!”

That’s when the mage from Hans G’s team shouts.

His name is… Parteian.

A man with a certain middle-aged charm.

“Let’s end this meaningless conflict. I have a way to find the Doppelganger.”

It’s a line that no one here expected.


“You have a way?”

Judging by his determined expression, it’s not a joke.

“Tell me.”

As I urge him, the mage takes out an item from his subspace pocket.

It’s a small disc the size of a compass.

I have a hunch as soon as I see it.

No. 7234 Misplaced Trust.

It’s a consumable item that prevents anyone within a 10-meter radius from lying.

“You, you had so, something like that…?”

Hans G, a former player, trembles as if he’s encountered a natural enemy.

It’s an emotion that only I can fully relate to.

“It’s not an item you usually use. Well, I’ve had to use it a few times. And this is the last one. I’m sorry I didn’t take it out sooner.”

‘…But we haven’t dealt with that priest bastard yet.’

I cleanly dismiss my regret.

The mage, unable to bear watching us fight among ourselves, took out an item he’s been saving.

And it would be strange to refuse to use it now.

There are advantages to finding the Doppelganger early, so it’s not bad for me.


“…I agree.”

The dwarf also puts aside his hostility towards me and takes a step towards peace.

It seems like they both had a similar thought…

“That’s a good idea. Then can everyone gather here?”

As soon as everyone, still suspicious of each other, gathers in the center, the mage uses ‘Misplaced Trust’.

The effect only lasts for 10 minutes.

“Then who should we start with?”

“I’ll go first.”

The dwarf is the first to go.

He has an expression that shows no anxiety, as if he’s truly not a Doppelganger.

However, it only lasts for a brief moment.

“Then I’ll ask a question first to see if it’s working properly.”

The mage asks.

Just like when he asked verification questions like ‘Are you a woman?’ during the verification magic earlier.

As if it’s nothing special.

“Where are you from?”

He stepped on a landmine.

‘Damn it.’

There’s no way the dwarf can answer this question.


A chilling silence falls.

The corners of the dwarf’s mouth twitch uncontrollably.

But did he only realize it now?

“Why aren’t you answering? Is there something wrong…?”

The mage stops talking and closes his mouth.

He realized why he can’t answer.

“Don’t tell me…!”

The moment the mage gapes in disbelief…

…I shout with all my might,

“Battle stations!!!”

We’re fucked.

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