Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 185 Jinx (5)

Chapter 185 Jinx (5)

Jinx (5)

Jinx (5)

If you've ever been hit by a car, you'll know.

It happens in an instant, and it can never be undone.

Just like this moment.

"Battle stations!!!"

The moment my shout pierces the silence...

...the dwarf's axe swings, deeply embedding itself in the mage's shoulder.


A chilling sound of flesh being torn, a stark reminder of reality.

By the time the sound reaches my ears, my body is already surging forward.


My goal: Raven's rescue.


I quickly close the distance, pull Raven into my arms, and retreat swiftly.

The tank from Hans G's team does the same.

"Both of you, get a grip!!"

The mace warrior, who was standing a good distance away, grabs the fairy archer and Hans G by the scruff of their necks and pulls them behind him.

Thus, a natural encirclement forms.

We have the advantage, both numerically and in terms of strength.

So how will the dwarf try to break free from this unfavorable situation?

As everyone's attention focuses on him...


...the dwarf pulls out the axe embedded in the mage's shoulder and bellows a name.

"Hans Krisen!!"

All eyes turn towards him in the tense atmosphere.

But Hans G just trembles, speechless.

The dwarf shouts again, his voice sharp with urgency,

"Are you okay with your secret being revealed?!"

My head spins.

If it's Hans G's secret, there's only one possibility.

"Fine, if that's what you want, I'll make sure you have nowhere to go. Hans Krisen is an evil spirit! I have proof in my backp—"

"You guys! Get away from him!"

I shout a warning, acting on instinct.

If the dwarf truly possesses concrete evidence, then Hans G's betrayal is all but guaranteed.


"A, an evil spirit? I wouldn't believe something like th—"

...too late.


The lizard summoned by Hans G unleashes a fierce torrent of flames towards the mace warrior.

"Ho... w, why...?"

The mace warrior collapses, engulfed in flames.

"I, I'm sorry."

Hans G squeezes his eyes shut and runs towards the dwarf.

And then he utters words that make no sense.

"Wh, what are you doing! Me, Meilin, come over here too!"

"...Wh, what are you talking about! You did something so terrible, and you're asking me to come over there?!"

"Do, don't tell me you're going to abandon me? We, we came from the same place. We have to stick together! I, I've been doing all the dangerous work all this time!!"

The conversation is so unexpected.

"Ha, this damn kid is seriously..."

The moment I see the fairy archer's contorted expression, the entire situation becomes crystal clear.

'Don't tell me, both of them are players.'

Even the dwarf looks surprised, so it seems like he was unaware of this as well.

He probably just happened to find some evidence and used it to threaten Hans G during their watch.

"Dwarf! You better keep your promise to take him to Noark!"

"...Of course! Help me!"

The fairy archer, left with no other choice after Hans G's betrayal, shouts in frustration and moves towards the dwarf.

'This is truly messed up.'

A headache throbs in my temples.

Just moments ago, we had the numerical advantage.

Now, we're the ones outnumbered.

Hans G's team's Guide has already fainted from the shock, and even if he wakes up, his combat ability is negligible.

Furthermore, even if we manage to defeat them in this dire situation, it doesn't mean all our problems are solved.

A bleak future awaits, where the five of us must face the boss battle alone.

'Damn it, and there's a Doppelganger bastard hiding among us!'

It's a situation beyond difficult, a situation that defies description.

'Even for the Hans effect, isn't this a bit much?'

The words escape my lips involuntarily, but...

So what?


We have no choice but to fight.


There's no need for lengthy exchanges.

We're long past the point of resolving this through dialogue.


The moment I activate [Gigantification] and charge...

...a gray vortex engulfs me.


It's one of the many offensive spells the sorcerer possesses.

Even with my resilience, I can't avoid taking damage if I tank it head-on.

But we're a team, remember?

"Tayrun Sheardiem."

A magical barrier envelops me.

It's what we comfortably call 'Mana Shield' in the game.

This is why mages are crucial in PvP.

Mana efficiency is so poor that it's a waste to use during hunts, but against humans, it's a different story.

The consumption cost is high for both sides.


When my vision clears, the dwarf stands before me.


He leaps high, despite his short legs, and slams his shield into my face.

The damage itself isn't significant, but my giant form is pushed back helplessly.

It's due to his [Polarity Shield] skill.

It's a skill that grants a knockback bonus when pushing and reduces the impact when blocking.


As soon as I'm pushed back, leaving a long skid mark, the beastman swordsman thrusts his sword at me.

He's aiming for my vulnerable eyes.

"Not a chance!"

Misha, who was shielded behind me, darts forward and parries the beastman swordsman's blade.

Okay, I'll leave him to Misha.


I block the incoming arrow with my shield and swing my mace down towards the dwarf's head as he lands.

But what's this?


It's a blow enhanced with [Swing].

Even though he raised his shield to protect his head, it should have been crushed.

That's what happened when I fought the Doppelganger.


And why is his shield still intact?

'Damn it.'

I quickly identify the cause.

An earring that shimmers with light, just like the shield.

'...No. 2988?'

It's only natural that the result is different from the Doppelganger's.

Numbered Items can't be copied.

It's no surprise that there's a massive difference with a high-grade item like that.


At that moment, an explosion booms from behind the dwarf.

It's the bear-like man's explosive arrow.

There are no casualties as Hans G's 'Earthberg' summon conjures a wall just in time, but…


…the wall crumbles, and Raven's magic intercepts.


'Lightning Bolts' split into dozens of strands and rain down from the sky.

Hans G, struck by one, collapses.

Of course, it's a fleeting victory.

They have a priest, after all.


Hans G, regaining consciousness in seconds, unleashes a torrent of flames with his summon.

He's targeting our backline.

Raven just cast a spell, and I can't block it from this angle, so the bear-like man's tank summon, Woongie, takes the hit head-on.


Woongie roars as if it's nothing.

Summoned Spirit Beasts have high magic resistance.

'Phew, team battles are on a whole other level.'

The priest of Karui also seems to have finished his preparations and starts summoning.


An army of undead pours out from an ominous portal that materialized in the air.

Coincidentally, we have the perfect opponent.


Ainar charges forward, swinging her greatsword without needing any instructions from me.

Bang! Kwaang! Kwaang!

Explosions erupt with each [Double Slash], sparks flying. And if she sustains any injuries, she regenerates with [Wings of Greed].

Of course, if she keeps spamming skills like this, she'll run out of MP...

「Ainar Frenelin has killed an enemy.」

「Soul Power is recovered due to [Devour].」

...but the 'Slayer' engraving Ainar received is specialized in mob farming.

Kwaaang! Rumble!


Various skills are unleashed from all sides, and the resulting cacophony fills the air.

It's not like an individual duel where everyone focuses solely on their own opponent; they move fluidly, sometimes retreating to support their companions.

How much longer will this fierce battle continue, with no clear victor?

"Do you know?"

The dwarf, smashing his knockback shield into my face, speaks for the first time during the fight.

I consider ignoring him, but decide to indulge him.

"That you're about to die?"

"No, that you're the core of your team."

He's stating the obvious.

I've been darting around, disrupting their formation and inflicting damage, deflecting all incoming arrows and magic with my shield.

Meanwhile, the dwarf's only contribution has been to tail me and try to restrain me.

"In other words, if both you and I disappear at the same time, our side has a much bigger advantage."


The dwarf grins and bellows,

"Jainun! Now!"


The name of the priest of Karui, the one the dwarf, lacking team voice magic, has been repeatedly calling to issue commands.

「Character has entered the special terrain [Crossroads of Fate].」

The surroundings, ablaze with explosions and spells, plunge into darkness.

The intense sounds of battle vanish, leaving only an eerie silence.

I can't help but let out a hollow laugh.

So that's what he was planning...

'He used Crossroads of Fate?'

Does he really think I'm a fool?


Crossroads of Fate.

The effect of this ability, which only priests of Karui can wield, is straightforward.

It transports two designated targets to a secluded space.

This skill can only be used on two individuals who are hostile towards each other. They can only return to the outside world when one of them is victorious or the ability is deactivated externally...


The surroundings brighten with the sound of a switch being flipped.

I find myself standing atop a colossal statue, towering like a skyscraper. To be more precise, I'm standing on the palm of its hand.

Looking up, I see the statue's face gazing down at me.

The face of Karui, the evil god, a sight I've only encountered in books.

"You're surprisingly calm."

The dwarf, standing about 10 meters away, comments nonchalantly.

Finally, I can't hold back my question any longer.

"What makes you so confident in bringing me here?"

"...Do you know about this place?"

Of course, I do.

This is a duel arena.

A place where you have to fight based solely on individual skill, cut off from any outside assistance.

But to bring me here?

"It's absurd."

The dwarf frowns at my reaction.

"You overestimate yourself, barbarian."

Right, so he really believed that.

That I could at least hold out for a while.

That they would win outside and release me.


I consider retorting...

...but time is precious.

And I can't find a reason to bother.

Actions speak louder than words.

Like a barbarian.


No time for talk.

I end the conversation and charge towards the enemy.


The dwarf retreats, as if he's committed to a defensive strategy.

It's a futile struggle.

How far can he possibly run with those short legs?

Indeed, the dwarf also seems to realize it's a lost cause and raises his shield.


The shield swings towards me, aiming to push me back.

But the only reason I was able to withstand it before was because his companions were constantly distracting me.


I simply twist my body to dodge and swing my mace down.


A clear, ringing sound of impact reverberates from the shield he raised above his head.

Of course, there's no problem.


If one hit doesn't work, two will.


If two don't suffice, three will.


This feels like a game of whack-a-mole.

The dwarf's shield remains steadfast, no matter how many times I strike it.

"That's why... I told you, didn't I? I can endure."

Although his breathing has become ragged...

Anyway, so he really believed that.

I feel a twinge of pity for him.

I can't believe he actually fell for my bluff.


After thirteen more strikes...


...I feign another swing with my mace and then swiftly reach out towards a specific spot.



...I yank his earring.

While a Numbered Item wouldn't be damaged by this level of force...

...flesh isn't a Numbered Item.


The earring tears free as his earlobe splits.

'No. 2988 Guardian Corps Insignia.'

It doesn't offer any stat boosts or usage effects, but it grants a whopping 50% shock absorption bonus to shields when equipped. It's a godsend of an item.

I never expected to acquire this core item like this.

"...Give it back!!"

The dwarf, finally grasping the situation, charges at me like a madman. Of course, my only response is a swing of my massive mace.


A thunderous boom erupts from the shield as he instinctively protects his head.

Phew, that's the stuff.

It feels like the pent-up frustration is finally being released.

In that spirit, one more time.


The dwarf staggers violently, clutching his half-crushed shield.


I seize the opportunity presented by his lowered guard and bring the mace down on his head.

The dwarf crumples to the ground.

However, the space remains stable, indicating it's not an instant kill.

'Did he just faint?'

He's a tough one, I'll give him that.

'Anyway, that worked out well.'

I rummage through the dwarf's bag and retrieve a specific item.

It's the test tube containing the Manticore's essence.

As I look at it, I suddenly recall his words from when we were rolling the dice.

[You're lucky.]

The line that fits me the least.

It's a bit ironic.

He uttered those words, and now he's on the verge of death, while I'm in the opposite position.

It makes me wonder if luck is merely a precursor to misfortune.


"I can't believe the test tube in his expandable backpack survived intact."

I chuckle and mutter,

"Lucky me."

This much is acceptable.

Because everything else is the fruit of my own efforts.

「The essence of [Manticore] seeps into the character's soul.」

I down the essence in the test tube in one gulp.

And at that moment...


...tremors ripple through the space.

No wonder he was still alive after taking that hit.

He's finally dead.

'The corpse will return to its original location, so I'll deal with it later...'

My vision blurs, and when I open my eyes, I see the familiar forest.

I quickly assess my surroundings.

Less than five minutes have passed since I was transported to that place.

Kwaaang! Crackle! Boom!

The battle still rages fiercely.

But the location of the battlefield has shifted since I was gone.

About 70 meters away.

I need to rejoin my companions as quickly as possible and provide support.

'Hmm, this distance seems about right.'

So I activate the newly acquired ability.

The active skill embedded in the Manticore's yellow essence.


Feeling a lightness course through my body, I launch myself into the air with a powerful jump.


「Jumping Power is temporarily increased by 10 times, and a powerful shockwave is released upon landing.」 body, arcing through the air in a steep parabola, slams into the heart of the dwarf's remaining forces like a meteor.


I finally have a movement skill.

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