Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 195 Bifron (5)

Chapter 195 Bifron (5)

Bifron (5)

Bifron (5)

Auril Gabis. A man from at least 150 years ago.

Back when I requested Raven to identify the year of a certain document, the 'Compendium' indicated that the paper used was from that era.

That's why I'm even more surprised.

'...That bastard is alive?'

I naturally assumed he was dead.

Well, I don't know why I thought that now.

He's the creator of [Dungeon and Stone], the most likely culprit who sent countless players, including me, to this world...

And this place is literally a fantasy world.

Of course, there's a possibility that he's still alive.

Even Dragonkin live for hundreds of years.


My heart pounded as I realized this.

It was a different feeling from when I first heard his name.

A tremor filled with anticipation, not shock.


If that bastard is really alive...

And if I could find and meet him...

There might be a way to return to my original world. It's like a clue to the vague 'return' has finally appeared.

'...Calm down.'

I suppressed my pounding heart and tried to regain my composure.

After all, I could get my hopes up and fantasize later, before going to sleep.

It's better to focus on the present right now.

"Barbarian, you're definitely unique."

Amelia said something meaningful, looking at me.

For a moment, I thought she might have realized that my words, 'I was just pretending to know him', were a lie.


"Should I say you're bold? To be able to joke around in front of me after going through something like that. You... aren't you scared of me?"

It seems like she just found it strange.

Or maybe she's never met anyone like me before, so this kind of conversation felt awkward.

The important thing is that I managed to get away with it.

This is why you should live like a madman. Then nothing you do will seem strange.

"What are you talking about, human woman? I'm not just a barbarian, I'm Bjorn, son of Yandel."

"Right, Bjorn Yandel."

Amelia chuckled.

To me, it felt like a sign that I could relax now.

In that sense, next question.

"But is that person a man or a woman?"

"A man."

"Could he be disguised as a woman?"

"Well, probably not. The records described him as a very misogynistic person."

"So he wouldn't do that, regardless of his abilities. Then what about a child? Can he disguise himself as a child?"

"...He wouldn't disguise himself as a very young child."


"Because he's a man who values appearances."

"I see."

I nod and then ask subtly,

"But why are you looking for him?"

I ask this question after asking an easy question she has to answer.

I read in a book...

...that the probability of getting an answer increases if you ask like this?

Of course, I'm not sure if it would work in real life...

But there's no reason not to try.

And indeed, I get an answer soon enough.

"...It's a personal matter."

A personal matter.

It's a phrase that modern people often use when they don't want to talk about something or when they want to draw a line.

It's also a phrase used when you want to make an excuse.

But I'm not sure about her case.

[You don't need to know that.]

[Why should I tell you?]

Although she refused to answer directly...

...she's never lied to me.

Is that why?

I suddenly have the thought that maybe it's not an order from Noark, but a truly personal matter.

'Well, that's not what's important now.'

If he's really in Bifron, I have to find him.

Because I have a mountain of questions I want to ask.


After our conversation, Amelia said she would go to the city and return at night.

She said she had some business there in the afternoon?

At first, I just nodded absentmindedly because she said it so naturally, but...

"Wait a minute, how are you going to go to the city? Do you have a way to avoid the guards?"

"There's a secret passage under the sewers."

I'm glad I asked.

A secret passage connected to the city!

"Can you tell me about it?"


"What are you hesitating for? It's not like I asked for an impossible favor."

"...Alright, I'll tell you."

Amelia readily reveals the secret passage as I subtly mention that I'm helping her search for 'Auril Gabis'.

She even seems relieved.

Does this mean we're even now?

'I got something good out of this.'

It's like a pass that allows me to enter Bifron whenever I want. Of course, I don't intend to use it during my exile period.

I know I'm a noticeable person.

It would be troublesome if I get caught.

Even the knight who brought me here gave me one warning.

That I could do anything but try to escape.

"Then go."


"Didn't you say you would come back tonight?"

"Right, I did..."

I accompany her to the sewers to receive the location of the secret passage and see her off.

And then I check the time, and it's already been three hours since I gave the gathering order. Therefore, I subtly head towards the meeting place, asking people for directions.

The Dimensional Plaza, which was once bustling with explorers.

"Hey, do you know anything? Why did the boss suddenly call for all of us? And who are those Western Union guys?"

"I'm not 'Hey'."


"I'm your boss."

"What do you mean—"

"No questions."

I push through the crowd and head towards the center.

Members of the Western Union recognize me and greet me along the way.


Right, this is it.

"What the...?"

The Western Union members kneel before me, and the eastern bastards just look at us with puzzled expressions.

But they make way for me, so it's easier to reach the center.

"You've arrived. Please come up here."

After reaching the center, I head towards the platform, assisted by Jingjing.

Did he prepare it in advance because he thought I would need it?

'Geez, he's good at his job.'

I suddenly have the thought that it wouldn't be bad to take him outside and make him my butler.

We have the secret passage, it's a waste to just keep him here.

But it wouldn't just end with a fine if we get caught by the guards.

That's when, just as I'm about to climb onto the platform...


The wooden stairs collapse.

These thin planks can't withstand the weight of me and my equipment.

I say, unable to hide my disappointment,

"Jingjing, what happened?"

"I apologize."

He immediately apologizes without a word of excuse.

I feel a bit better, but...

The person who built this platform must be a barbarian hater. Otherwise, they would have designed it to be sturdy enough for even barbarians to climb.

Right, that means...

"This platform is a harmful platform."

"Yes. I'll burn it down right now."

Jingjing brings a torch and sets the platform on fire.

He even pours something that seems like oil on top, and the flames quickly engulf the three-story platform.

It's like a campfire.


My heart feels as warm as the flames.

Back then, I was alone, but now...

I have over a thousand subordinates.

"Then what are your orders?"

"We'll proceed with the founding ceremony as planned."

"Founding ceremony... Ah, right. So you're saying to gather everyone..."

"It's obvious, didn't you know?"

"I apologize."

I pat Jingjing on the shoulder to show my forgiveness and then use [Leap].

My destination is the rooftop of a nearby four-story building.


Although cracks appear on the rooftop, it doesn't collapse.

I'm relieved.

It would have been embarrassing if I had crashed through the floor after jumping so coolly.

‘Is this what it means to be changed by your position?’

I involuntarily try to maintain my dignity.


Anyway, I head towards the railing, and a panoramic view of the crowd filling the plaza unfolds before me.

It’s time to officially begin the founding ceremony.


I chant first, and…


…the Western Union members, who are a day ahead of me, immediately follow suit.

The eastern bastards just blink and stare.

As if they’re wondering what the hell is going on.

I click my tongue briefly.


There’s still a lot to teach them.


After the founding ceremony, where I imprint my face on the minds of the organization members, I call Jingjing and Baldy and give them an order.

“Check the backs of everyone in Bifron. And bring anyone with a tattoo to me.”

Ah, of course, women and children under the age of 14 who haven’t gone through the ‘qualification ceremony’ are excluded. A total of 37 suspects are dragged before me before the day ends.


“It’s not this tattoo.”

Amelia, who returned at night, shakes her head after checking each of them.

Right, it’s not going to be this easy.

I scold Jingjing and Baldy, the vice-leaders of the ‘Behel-la Union’, to increase efficiency, and even more suspects are caught on the 2nd and 3rd day.

Of course, the one we’re looking for isn’t among them.

And the quality has decreased along with the increased quantity.

“This seems more like a birthmark than a tattoo.”

“That’s what they said. What’s going on?”

“I’ll fix it.”

In short, it means he’ll also scold his underlings to improve efficiency.

Fortunately, it seems like he did a good job, as the number of people bringing ridiculous things and calling them tattoos decreases from the next day onwards.

Day 4, Day 5.

Two more days pass.

As expected, there are no results.

In the first place, it’s ridiculous to think that we could find a big shot like ‘Auril Gabis’ with this simple-minded method.

But what can I do?

‘I have to at least try this. There’s no other way.’

Even if it’s like finding a needle in a desert, if there’s a chance that needle can send me back home, I have to try.

Therefore, I continue the search.

Of course, I change the method a bit.

It’s nothing special, I just added a ‘reward’.

“Anyone who doesn’t meet their daily quota will have mental training that night.”

Some people might wonder how that’s a reward, but happiness is always relative.

In short, if you’re better off than others, that’s a reward.

Weren’t there happy people in the primitive era who ate raw meat and slept naked in caves?

Day 6, Day 7, Day 8…

Time passes relentlessly.

However, there’s no sign of Auril Gabis, and I’ve also given up hope to some extent.

It would be a lie to say I’m not disappointed since it was my first clue to returning home…

But there’s another reason why I’m helping her.

So I decide to focus on that.

Amelia Rainwales.

What the hell is this woman up to?

I’ve been meeting with Amelia every day, using ‘Auril Gabis’ as a connection, and trying to gather information.

Unexpectedly, she answers my questions well.

At least for low-level information.

“I don’t eat food with wheat. My skin gets itchy.”

She’s allergic to wheat flour.

Her only hobby is reading.

She answers those questions without hesitation, but she avoids answering when I ask about the barbarian she owed a debt to and what happened.

“You don’t need to know that.”

“But I’m curious. For a woman like you to be at a loss for words, he must have been a great warrior! Tell me what kind of person he was!”

“…He was a bit similar to you.”

Although she adds an afterthought, which is unlike her, it’s not useful information.

After all, he’s a barbarian.

It’s only natural for them to have similarities.

Anyway, could it be that her guard is down a bit after those natural conversations?

“Why are you looting? Honestly, it doesn’t suit you at all.”

“Doesn’t suit me?”

Amelia expresses curiosity rather than anger at my slightly sensitive question.

I smoothly deliver the line I prepared.

“I’ve met many marauders since then. And it made me realize something. You’re not the type to kill people for money.”

“…That’s funny. What do you know about me?”

“I don’t know anything. But you know that there are many ways to earn money besides looting, at your level.”


Amelia falls silent for a moment.

And then she briefly explains.

“…I don’t usually do it.”

“Then back then?”

“Those bastards… deserved to die.”

“So it was a personal grudge?”


Amelia answers, looking into the distance as if recalling a distant memory.

Although I’m curious about the story behind it, I can’t hear any more about the nature of the grudge.

Amelia has regained her composure.

“I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.”

“Don’t make a fuss over nothing. We’re parting ways in a few days anyway. There are things you can only talk about with strangers.”

“Things you can only talk about with strangers…”

Amelia chuckles and gets up from her seat, as if my words left an impression.

“It’s late. I’ll be going.”

“Will you come back tomorrow at this time?”


Amelia disappears before my eyes without a sound, just like when she arrived.

Tsk, is this all for today?

I go out to the terrace to clear my head.

The night view of Bifron is completely different from the other districts.

Streets and buildings shrouded in darkness, without a single light.

‘Only a few days left.’

I sit on the rocking chair on the terrace and blankly organize my thoughts, gazing at the darkness.

After some time…

…I check my watch and head to the bedroom.


It’s time to go to bed.

Well, it will take a while for me to fall asleep.

「The character’s soul resonates and is drawn to a specific world.」

I wonder if everyone is online today?

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