Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 196 Master Key (1)

Chapter 196 Master Key (1)

Master Key (1)

Master Key (1)

As soon as I enter the community, I turn on the computer and check the chat room list.

And I freeze.

[Long Live Korean Independence] - 2 members online.

…Why two?

Did another Korean join this cycle?

No, but there's no way a newbie could find this chat room so quickly.

Click, click.

I double-click on the room title, feeling curious.

And unlike usual, a message appears.

[This room is temporarily restricted.]

[Remaining time: 9 minutes 51 seconds.]

What's this again?

I'm confused at first, but I soon grasp the situation. It's one of the room owner's privileges to restrict entry.

In other words...

'Someone visited Lee Baekho as soon as the community opened, and he locked the room to have a conversation.'

That's the most plausible explanation.

That someone must be an acquaintance of Lee Baekho's.

If they weren't acquainted, he would have kicked them out instead of locking the room.

'An acquaintance of Lee Baekho...'

I'm curious.

Lee Baekho is an old-timer who took an early version of the pill and can only use the community for an hour.

It's been well over 10 years since he entered this community, so he must know some people.

'But that person must also be someone who's been around for a long time, like Lee Baekho.'

In the first place, it was Lee Baekho who gave me the invitation code to 'Watchers of the Round Table'.


I wish I could at least see the nickname of the person who's in the chat room.

I watch the countdown, feeling a bit disappointed, and the number of members decreases to one.

[Long Live Korean Independence] - 1 member online.

The entry restriction has also been lifted.

Did the visitor already leave?

That's when, as I enter the chat room...

"The person from your hometown that Baekho mentioned?"

Damn it, what the hell.

I hurriedly turn my head at the unfamiliar voice, and a Caucasian man I've never seen before is standing there.

No, wait, have I seen him before?


I'm momentarily dazed as I check the nickname above his head.

Surprisingly, he's someone I know.

It's the player who sold me information when I was asking around about the mage 'Shanel Pergan' after hearing the 'dimensional collapse' rumor.

[Actually, never mind. I think you're a fan of hers.]

I realized that I was a newbie here when he refused the 20,000 GP I promised him as a reward.

I even vowed to reach his level quickly.

But I can't believe he knows Lee Baekho.

'Wait, but where did Lee Baekho go?'

I quickly snap out of it.

He's also looking at me with a strange expression after seeing my nickname.

"Hmm, you're the person I saw back then."

Right, you recognize me too.

Since he's using the creepy nickname 'Elfnunalove', my nickname 'Elfnunna' must have stuck in his memory.

"Yes, it's good to see you again."

I keep my mouth shut, feeling a sense of unease.

Although I have many questions, sometimes just asking a question can reveal information.

I decide to wait for him to speak first.

Indeed, after a short wait, Elfnunalove, or Elov for short, scratches his head with an awkward expression.

"I'm sorry about this."

"Sorry about what?"

"It feels like I took away your friend from your hometown."

"...Are you talking about Baekho?"

Elov nods at my question.

"Yes, as you know, there aren't many Koreans here. I know how important it is to have someone from your hometown."

"No, I mean, I don't understand. Took him away...?"

This time, I'm not acting like a newbie, I'm genuinely confused.

I don't understand what he's talking about.

Don't tell me Lee Baekho left the chat room because of him?

No, but how?

Lee Baekho was clearly the owner of this chat room.

"It's as I said. You won't be able to see Baekho anymore, even if you come here. I left him alone until now because I thought he might be helpful... "

The Caucasian man continues.

"But unfortunately, he made a big mistake."


"I was originally going to just leave, but I'm telling you this so you don't waste your time waiting. Well then, have a good time."

Elfnunalove leaves the chat room before I can even say anything.

I stare blankly at the empty space.

'Damn it.'

What the hell is going on?


I'm alone in the empty room.

'Made a mistake? Can't come here?'

My mind is racing.

But the more that's the case, the more I need to calmly organize my thoughts.

Who the hell is Elfnunalove?

I quickly reach a conclusion as I replay our conversation.

It's still just a hypothesis, but...

'He's definitely an administrator of Ghostbusters.'


Like 'SoulQueens', whom I met when I first came here, they're the ones who guide newbies and manage the community to prevent it from becoming chaotic.

Otherwise, this situation is inexplicable.

[He made a big mistake.]

Elfnunalove kicked Lee Baekho out of the room, even though he wasn't even the owner. No, he was probably the one who restricted entry to the room in the first place, not Lee Baekho.

Administrators have considerable authority within the community. In the first place, only administrators can permanently ban someone from the community.

And not just any administrator, but probably...

'...Wait a minute.'

I hurriedly return to my room and quickly open the inbox on my computer.

[Elfnunna, you have over 50 transactions. EXP +50]

[Member rank adjusted.]

[Orc -> Troll]

[Sender: Ghost master.]

Ghost Master.

The highest-ranking administrator of Ghostbusters, the one whose identity no one has been able to uncover, the one users call GM or the operator.

I suddenly remember a conversation I had with Lee Baekho.

[Do you know who the operator is?]

[Ah, I don't know either. Actually, I got the pill after raiding the Secret Police headquarters in the early days.]

[So they don't know who you are either?]

[But they probably have a guess. I also have a few suspects...]

[Who are they?]

[There are three of them, should I tell you all of them?]

Lee Baekho named three suspects at my question. They were all mages, and each of them was famous enough that everyone in the city knew their names.

Since it's Lee Baekho's guess, it's not entirely unreliable.

'The GM is a mage.'

Although it's not certain, I recall my first encounter with Elfnunalove, based on that premise.

[...Is it okay for you to just tell me this?]

[What does it matter? I'm not the master of that school.]

I had this thought when I saw him casually revealing the inner workings of the Tarutein school, which spread the dimensional collapse rumor.

This guy, he sounds like a mage.

I gulp as I reach a conclusion.

It might just be my delusion, but...

If my conclusion is true...


I might have just met the GM.


I quickly return to my usual state after the unknown thrill.

Even if Elfnunalove is the GM, it's not a serious problem for me.

Well, his nickname is a bit unsettling...

But we're not enemies.

He won't come after me if my identity is revealed.


'Right, let's get rid of that first.'

I enter the forum and delete the comment I left on the Canadian friend's post, which is now blurred out.

It's practically impossible for them to identify me just from this, but I'm just being cautious.

While I'm at it, I delete all traces I left in this community. It's not much, except for a few comments I left on humor posts.

Once when the dimensional collapse rumor spread.

And once when I posted a request to buy information about Orculus after the battle with the Dragonslayer.

'So I can't meet Baekho anymore...'

After erasing all traces, I think about Lee Baekho.

I feel a bit disappointed.

Leaving aside the fact that I can't get high-level information from him anymore, honestly, it was fun hanging out with him.

'But what the hell did he do to get banned by the administrator directly?'

Although there's no way to find out the truth right now, it's not difficult to guess that it's closely related to the Noark subjugation.

It's the only major incident that happened recently.

Click, clack, clack.

I kill time by browsing the forum.

It's mostly just web surfing.

I even checked if Elfnunalove had any posts, but he didn't even have a single comment.

Ah, for reference, it's the same for Lee Baekho.

'...I should just lurk from now on.'

True veterans stay away from the community and just do their own thing.

I add a new rule to my community usage policy, using this incident as an example.

And after some time...

[03:09]'s time to enter the Round Table.

But this time, I don't wait until the last minute and just enter.

I judged that I could also get information from the small talk before the meeting, considering what happened.

'...They'll all be there this time, right?'

I start in the customization room as usual, quickly put on the navy blue suit I've been wearing, and put on the Lion mask.


The door opens as if it's been waiting, and I follow the carpet and arrive at the large round table.

The Clown is the first to greet me.

"You're early this time, pfft."

It's his unique laughter that I haven't heard in two months because I skipped a month.

I approach my usual seat and observe the others.

'Crescent Moon, Antler, Fox.'

Including the Clown and me, there are five participants in this gathering. Fox, who makes eye contact with me, averts her gaze and speaks to everyone.

"By the way, Goblin is late today."

"Pfft, didn't he die? I heard the Paladin Order suffered heavy losses this time."

"...Let's hope not."

As expected, the main topic before the meeting is the recent subjugation.

"I'm surprised I even made it back alive. It was hell on earth. I regret participating so thoughtlessly."

"...I agree. I can't believe Noark had that kind of power hidden. When the first subjugation force was formed, I thought they could even conquer the royal palace with that much."

"Pfft, but they were all defeated, right?"

"Clown, you're talking as if it's someone else's story."

"Then what is it? It doesn't matter to me how many people died. Right, Mr. Lion?"

"Well, I'm not interested."

I just rest my chin on the armrest and listen to their conversation, pretending to be bored.

Noark's dark mages.

The priest of Karui.

The inner workings of large clans that suffered heavy losses, stories about other races, and so on.

Information that's not valuable enough to be shared at the meeting is constantly flowing out under the guise of small talk.

'It's a good thing I came early.'

Just as I'm trying to hide my smug smile and listen to their opinions on the current situation...

"Oh, Mr. Goblin!"

...the Goblin Mask appears from beyond the open door.

"You're alive."

"Ah, yes. It was very dangerous, but God helped me."

The Goblin, naturally talking about God even though he's not from this world.

The Clown laughs mockingly.

"God my ass. You were probably hiding like a goblin. Pfft."

"No, Clown, why are you always like this to me?"

"Because you're easy to pick on?"


Goblin just chuckles as if he's speechless, even though he was openly insulted, and sits down in his seat.

'He's scared.'

At first, I didn't understand why Goblin was being so subservient, but come to think of it, it's only natural.

He's a paladin whose identity has been exposed.

There's no way he can openly antagonize the Clown, who looks strong.


The door closes tightly as soon as Goblin sits down.

It means it's time to start the meeting.

"Lion, is our promise still valid?"

Crescent Moon asks me a question before we even decide on the order.

Although the subject is omitted, I understand what he means.

He's talking about the promise to give him information about the 'Stone of Resurrection' if I bring interesting information.

Crescent Moon looks determined as I nod briefly.

"Pfft, judging by your expression, you seem really confident this time."

"I'm just desperate. It's an item I need more than anything."

His answer is filled with the determination to find out about the 'Stone of Resurrection', no matter the cost.

"Then who should we start with?"

Just as we're about to start the game of who goes first...


...the tightly closed door opens.

It's a phenomenon that's never happened before.

What? Another member? But no one can enter once the meeting starts, right?

That's what the rules say.


It seems like I'm not the only one who finds it strange, judging by everyone's puzzled expressions...


...The thick wooden door opens wide, and a figure appears.

It's a man wearing a plain white mask.

His only exposed skin, his hands, are wrinkled.

"Kekeke, this place hasn't changed at all."

An old man's voice comes from behind the mask.

A brief silence hangs in the air.

The Fox Mask is the first to regain her composure and speak.


I realize it through her muttering.


It means the founder of 'Watchers of the Round Table'.

"But there's a mask I've never seen before. Who are you?"

The Fox Mask, who's been fooled by me several times, tilts her head at the Master's question.

"...Didn't you invite him, Master? I'm pretty sure he said that..."

Strictly speaking, I didn't say that.

I just subtly avoided answering and made her misunderstand.

But that excuse won't work.

'Damn it.'

What should I do?

My act might be exposed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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