Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 197 Master Key (2)

Chapter 197 Master Key (2)

Master Key (2)

Master Key (2)

Watchers of the Round Table.

A secret community created for the exchange of high-quality information.

When I first entered this place, the existing members were curious about my relationship with the Master.

The reason was simple.

It had already been a year since the Master, who used to recruit members through private messages, disappeared without a trace.

The members thought they might be able to hear about the Master’s whereabouts from me, and after the ‘Lion’ persona was established, it became a generally accepted truth that we were acquainted.

I responded with ‘no comment’ to all related questions.

[The answer is no.]

I was worried about the consequences if I said I knew him.

And I thought it wouldn’t suit my mysterious persona if I said I didn’t know him.

But could it be that I got greedy?

[…Do you happen to know where the Master is?]

At the second gathering, I shrugged at Fox’s question.

As if to say I wouldn’t mind telling her if she brought me something interesting. I rested my chin on my hand and acted nonchalantly, like an absolute being.

I clearly intended to deceive them.

“…Didn’t the Master invite him? I’m pretty sure he said that…”

Indeed, my intention worked well, as Fox’s voice was filled with confusion.

The other masked figures were also bewildered.

“Hmm, you’re saying I invited him?”

The Master touched his chin as if he had no idea.

The other masked figures’ gazes then turned towards me.

Their eyes were filled with questions and curiosity about my identity.

“How did he get in here if he wasn’t invited by the Master?”

“Maybe he used an invitation code he received before?”

Goblin offered a guess at Fox’s muttering, and the Clown refuted it.

“Idiot. Don’t you know that invitation codes expire after a month?”

“…Is that true, Master?”

“What Clown said is true.”


Their gazes towards me became even more blatant as the Master agreed.

“Mr. Lion, why did you lie to me about knowing the Master…?”

Fox asked me cautiously.

I held my breath and closed my eyes for a moment.

It would be a lie to say I wasn’t flustered by the Master’s sudden appearance, but I would ruin everything if I lost my composure.

I quickly decided on my position.

“I didn’t lie.”

I never said I knew him.

You guys just misunderstood.

If I push forward like this, they won’t have anything to say.

‘Well, they might feel a bit of dissonance…’

From the killing intent that I half-stumbled upon to various other pieces of information.

I’ve shown them quite a bit.

They won’t be able to reach the truth that I’m just a cyberbully just from this.

Right, so…

“You didn’t lie?”

…let’s be shameless.

After all, that’s what the ‘Lion’ character is.

“That’s right. Do you have a problem with your ears?”

“Ah, no… that’s not it…”

Fox is flustered as our eyes meet, even though I didn’t unleash my killing intent.

I chuckled.

And I was about to deliver the line I prepared, saying that they were the ones who misunderstood, even though I didn’t say anything…

But that’s when…

“Everyone, stop it.”

…the Master spoke, looking at me.

“I don’t know the details of what happened between you, but he didn’t lie.”


“Now I understand. Who you are.”

My heart skipped a beat.

Of course, it was just for a fleeting moment.

He knows who I am? That’s impossible.

He’s just the owner of a private chat room, how could he possibly—

“Kekeke. I thought you would be from the Tiger side.”

I shut my mouth at the Master’s laughter.

Not because I was hit where it hurts, but because I couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

I just chose to remain silent.

If you just keep your mouth shut, you’ll at least be in the middle ground.

“Or a soldier.”

That judgment was correct.


Now I understand.

Who this old man thinks I am.


Sergeant Lee.

It’s the nickname of Lee Baekho, the unfortunate player who was dragged to this world on the day he was discharged from the military.

“Kekeke, there’s no point in pretending. You’re the only one I gave a code with no expiration date to.”

Come to think of it, it’s an understandable misunderstanding from the Master’s perspective.

After all, it’s the invitation code that Lee Baekho gave me.

There’s no way he could distinguish between me and Lee Baekho when we’re wearing masks.

‘…Should I consider this a good thing?’

I don’t know yet.

It depends on how close Lee Baekho and the Master were…

“I never expected you to come here. Didn’t you scold me, saying I was doing something stupid, when I first visited you?”


“I’m a bit curious. What made you change your mind?”

I don’t need much time to reach a conclusion.

‘They weren’t close.’

The expression ‘scold’ doesn’t matter.

There are relationships where people are close even though they bicker.


[Ah, I forgot to tell you. The pill I took was an early version, so I can only stay here for an hour.]

Lee Baekho can only stay here for an hour.

So he can’t even participate in this gathering, where the entry time is between 3:00 and 3:10.

But he doesn’t know this?

Something he told me as soon as we met?

‘I’m starting to get a sense of it.’

The Master doesn’t know Lee Baekho well.

In other words, it’s possible for me to pretend to be Lee Baekho.

“I shouldn’t be the one to say this, but wouldn’t you have nothing to gain from participating here, at your level?”

The Clown mutters grumpily at the Master’s words,

“…Pfft, nothing to gain? Master, are you looking down on us?”

“Ah, I’m sorry if you’re offended. But it’s because he’s that amazing.”

“Hmmmmm, I see…”

The Clown’s eyes sparkle at the Master’s praise.

I quickly check the other masked figures. They’re not much different from the Clown.

They’re just surprised.

Maybe even more so than when I shared high-level information like the ‘Stone of Resurrection’.

“I think this is the first time the Master has given someone such a high evaluation…”

“I can’t believe he’s at this level.”

Crescent Moon and Antler exclaim in astonishment. Ah, for reference, Fox flinches and hangs her head low as soon as our eyes meet.

It seems like she feels guilty for suspecting me earlier.

‘What should I do?’

My dilemma deepens as I see this.

There’s a saying, ‘crisis is an opportunity’, right?

Just by looking at the members’ changed gazes…

…if I succeed in pretending to be Lee Baekho, it will be a great help in maintaining my persona in the future.

‘And most importantly, I might be able to find out what kind of person Lee Baekho is through this old man.’

The return is certain.

Then what about the risk?

‘…There’s no real risk.’

Come to think of it, if it doesn’t work, I can just reveal that I’m Lee Baekho’s friend.

There’s an old saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together’.

Since the Master mentioned that Lee Baekho is an amazing person, his friend, me, will also be seen as on the same level as Lee Baekho.

‘Right, let’s do it.’

I break the long silence and speak to the Master first.

“What should I call you here?”


“I can’t call you the same way as usual.”

“Why not? Just call me old man like you did before. And stop with those weird honorifics.”

“Alright, old man.”

I feel a chill run down my spine as I naturally change my attitude.

‘I almost screwed up from the start…’

I can’t believe they were on informal terms.

But thanks to that, I realize one more thing.

Lee Baekho is a proud Confucian Korean.

But to speak informally to an elder?

‘They weren’t just not close, they must have hated each other.’

I have a sense of how to treat him now.

Therefore, I naturally add another sentence to make up for my previous mistake.

“You have a strange taste. To refuse even when I’m trying to save face.”

It’s a line that implies I genuinely don’t understand.

Although I’m not sure if it worked…

…the Master laughs heartily.

“Kekeke! Right, that’s more like you. Anyway, let’s end this conversation here. Although I’m happy to see you again after so long, I don’t have time.”

“…Master, you don’t have time?”

“I can’t stay here for long due to some circumstances.”

“Yes? What happened that—”


The Master cuts off the question with a brief mutter.

“I understand that Miss Fox has a lot of questions. Why I disappeared without a word, what I’m trying to say now. But I can’t tell you.”

“Is it that urgent?”

“No, it has nothing to do with time.”

Fox doesn’t push any further at the Master’s firm words.

Instead, she asks one more thing.

“Then… will you come back next time?”

“Well, I’m not sure. But I’ll definitely come back in a year. I might come sooner if something comes up.”

“Pfft, so you’re saying you came here today because you had something urgent to announce, Master.”

“You’re right, Clown.”

The attention that was focused on me shifts towards the Master at his shocking declaration.

It’s a perfect situation for me.

And the content itself…

‘He’ll come back in a year…’

In short, it means I don’t have to worry about my lies being exposed at every gathering.

However, my curiosity is greater than my relief right now.

‘He said he doesn’t have time, and it doesn’t seem like a lie… What kind of situation is he in? And what’s the urgent information he needs to share?’

I look at the Master, focusing on my hearing, amidst countless questions. And it’s not just me, all the masked figures are doing the same.

A strange silence falls.

“Kekeke, don’t be too nervous. It’s actually good news.”

The Master waves his hand as if to lighten the heavy atmosphere and then slowly opens his mouth.


“A Bonding spell that can bind up to six people will be created within two years. It means the key to opening the Gate of the Abyss will increase to six!”

Silence falls upon the room.

The members exchange awkward glances and don’t say anything.

The Master tilts his head.

“Uh, why the long faces? I thought you would be more surprised…”

Well, it’s old news.


The creation of a 6-person Bonding spell.

It’s definitely valuable information, enough to shake the entire city for at least a few months once it’s known.


“…You already revealed this? Eh, no wonder everyone’s reaction is so underwhelming.”

The Master clicks his tongue after learning that the Clown already shared it at the previous gathering.

“But it’s a bit unexpected. Clown, I didn’t think you would talk about something like that here. Have you finally warmed up to these people?”

“Pfft, there’s no way. I was just curious about their reactions.”

The Clown looks at me as he laughs.

The Master then subtly glances at me, following his gaze.

I’m nervous, thinking he might say something.



That’s when the Master’s body starts flickering like a hologram.

“Oh, it’s already time to leave.”


Fox shouts in disappointment, but the flickering intensifies.

Even in this situation, the Master is only looking at me.

It’s a very unpleasant and unsettling gaze.

It’s like he can see through me just by making eye contact.

“Old man, do you have something to say?”

I can’t hold back and ask.

And at that moment…

[It’s not ‘old man’, it’s ‘geezer’.]

A voice echoes in my head like a Whisper spell.

It’s clear who the owner of the voice is.

[That damn brat called me that.]

Damn it.

No wonder it seemed too easy.

‘He knew from the beginning?’

My body stiffens slightly.

Of course, it’s so subtle that it’s hard to notice with the naked eye, and it only lasts for a split second.


[Hmm, actually, your reaction was so natural that I was still confused. But seeing your heart rate increase, it seems like you’re really not that brat.]

Wait, he was just testing me?

[Don’t worry. There’s no reason for me to interfere with what you do here.]


[I’m just curious, but unfortunately, I don’t have time today. Let’s talk again when we meet next time.]

With that, the Master’s body disappears before my eyes like fog.


I laugh out loud.

It’s similar to how I chuckle when I experience something absurd.

There’s no one easy in this world.

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