The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

A horrible thing had happened in Twilight Town.

The townspeople there had become believers in a false religion and captured outsiders as offerings to their god.

Seols party might have killed all of them, but the incident caused Karen immense mental pain, which made her unable to react properly to an attack.

After that, the mastermind behind Twilight Town appeared to hunt down Seol. Seol, with only Jamad available to fight, chose to run away and was swept away by the current into Wet Fog Town.

Hes here.

The ghost-like man who brought hell to Pandea.

He wasnt particularly strong compared to the enemies Seol had fought so far, but the fact that he was able to paint a town in such negative colors was definitely something he had to be cautious of.

Because his malicious intent was, at least, the worst among the enemies Seol had fought so far.

How was he able to track us down? We didnt leave any traces behind.

It would be impossible for him to track them downstream. Seol would have also known beforehand if he applied a tracking spell to them too.


The monsters head, that Karen cut off, continued to talk, trying its best to form a sentence.

The monsters body was in tatters and was covered in a slime-like substance, but its face was still definitely human, which made it more unsightly to look at.

Seol looked at the monsters face for a second before pausing.




Seol unraveled Chaos scroll.

He looked at the mans face on the scroll.

He then looked at the monsters face beneath his own foot.

...They look similar.

What? Let me see!

Karen walked over and looked at the scroll too. She then nodded.

You were right! It really does look like him!

Was this monster our objective then?

- OMG Karen burned the body though What are you guys going to do?!

- She burned the fucking medicine RIP

- Where did he hide the medicine?

- His pockets!

- He has no pockets though???

No, somethings off.

The more Seol looked at the monsters face, the more similarities he found.

Even so, the odds of the Fog Ghost having the sleeping medicine were close to zero.

* * *


The monsters head is still trying to say something

Shh, be quiet for a second.

Seol got down on one knee and got closer to the head. And when he did, he could hear the words much more clearly.

Give me back

Seols face froze when he heard the monsters words.

Why? What did it say?

He wants it back.

Wants what back?

The head slowed down before completely stopping.

Seol repeated what he heard exactly back to Karen.

He wants his face back.

...Oh no.

[The main contents of Sleeping Medicine have changed.]

[Sleeping Medicine has changed to Face Collector.]

[Adventure 12-1. Face Collector

You have arrived at Wet Fog Town to do what Chao has requested of you. Though it seemed like all you had to do was simply find someone and take their medicine at first, the job that you had expected to go smoothly continuously went wrong.

The Fog Disease, which had been afflicting all of the towns in the surrounding area, has infected another person in Wet Fog Town, and not only that, you have also run into a monster near here, one that you faced in Twilight Town before.

The monster has a face extremely similar to the face drawn in the scroll and talks exactly like a human. With its dying breath, it was able to complete a single sentence.

Give me back my face.

To reach the truth, you must find the one who stole this monsters face.

Objective: Complete the objective written on the scroll.

Chaos favorability toward you will drop upon failure.

Remaining Time [About 10 days]]

Acquiring the Sleeping Medicine mentioned in Chaos scroll hadnt changed as the Adventures objective, but the majority of the contents had changed.

After meeting the monster, Seol continued to worry the entire day until nightfall.

Do you really think that someone could steal someone elses face?

It probably is true, judging by the fact that we werent able to find the person drawn on the scroll.

Damn it How the hell are we supposed to find them now?


Karen grumbled and kicked a chair.

Its fine. We were able to learn something because of it."


Seol continued while crossing his arms.

Do you remember the first assumption we made?

That the person who has the medicine for it probably spread the disease? Or that the medicine itself could be the source of the disease

And that if they made the disease, they would also likely have an antidote for it.

Definitely. People like them who look down on other peoples lives value their own lives way too much.

Exactly. If we can just find them, we can de-escalate the situation.

Karen nodded in agreement with Seols theory.

Seol continued on.

The problem is how well find the bastard. Luckily enough, though, Chao drew his face for us.

But that was the monsters face

The monster that was asking for his face back, no? If its asking for their face back when they already have one, it must mean that

It was switched!

Switched forcibly. Well, something like that at least.

Karen excitedly nodded her head to Seols theory.

And? What else?

Thinking about what Chao wrote down on the scroll, not only did she tell us to go to Wet Fog Town specifically, she also told us that our objective was that face.

That means she was confident they were in Wet Fog Town.

"Yeah, we received the scroll from her about two months ago. So the time when she became aware of the objective must be much earlier than when she gave us the scroll."

So the persons face Chao saw then was that persons face then!


Karen slammed the table with her fist and immediately stood up.

"Then, in the end, our first assumption was true! They could still be here, just with another persons face instead, said Karen while looking at Seol.


Still shouldnt the townspeople notice if someones face changed?

Who knows? They could be using illusion magic or necromancy it could be another technique entirely too. There are a mountain of spells that could be used to prevent people from recognizing you, after all.

Seols Eyes of Perception hadnt activated in his time in the town.

It makes sense, though. Eyes of Perception isnt all-powerful.

Since Seols Eyes of Perception werent fully enlightened yet, it couldnt catch everything.

Sure, he can see through simple spells now, but there was a high chance that he couldnt look through higher-ranking spells, especially spells to disguise oneself.

How are we going to find them though? We dont have enough time anymore

Since Seol had wasted almost two weeks already, he was in a dire situation. Still, he had been able to get to the core of the problem so once he found the solution for it, he could clear it quickly.

I dont know whether I should gather all of the townspeople and just interrogate them all together, or

Knock, knock, knock!

As Seol thought to himself, his focus turned to the sound he heard from behind the door.

He heard a voice.

...Its Gunt. Are you home?

Ah, Dr. Gunt. What brings you


When Seol opened the door, he saw Gunt with a wretched expression. The sadness in his eyes made both Karen and Seol uneasy.

Sarah has fallen asleep.

By asleep, you mean?

Her conditions have worsened.


There are no other options now. Sarah would likely spend the rest of her life asleep. Even if it was a short life Anyway, please follow me.

Seol and Karen followed Gunt to where Sarah was.

She was asleep on her bed, sleeping like the dead.

The townspeople who were healthy were all there to say their last goodbyes.

Sarah, how could a bright child like you

The gods are so cruel. How could they take this poor child

She doesnt even have any family to take care of her I feel so bad for her

Gunt sat down next to the sleeping Sarah.

Sarah, it may be a bit cowardly to confess this now, but I received a lot of strength from watching you, said Gunt.

The people stood at a distance from Gunt while listening to his confession.

Like you, Sarah, I was also an orphan. I despised the world and I blamed my own fate. I thought it was obvious. I also believed that because I was so unlucky, I had the obvious right to complain about life.

Gunt then shook his head.

But you were different, Sarah. Your existence itself made so many people happy and you bravely overcame your misfortune alone. With just your actions, you have taught me so much.

Seol and Karen felt Gunts genuine feelings whenever he sobbed. It was more than the feelings of a doctor caring for their patient. It was like he genuinely appreciated her existence.



Next to Gunt, the youngest girl in Wet Fog Town was drawing a picture.

It was a picture of Gunt and Sarah.

Are you drawing right now?

Yeah, Snowman.

Why are you drawing though?

Because I want to save it. I always draw a picture when people fall asleep to the disease.

You have a good heart.

Yeah. And if I do this, I can always remember them, even if I cant see them anymore. I have a bunch of drawings like this at home already. I can show you if you come visit.

The fact that she had so many drawings only implied that there were a lot of patients who fell asleep. Seols feelings were askew after hearing such a small child say that like it was nothing.




Whats wrong?

No its just that um Im having a hard time drawing.

The young girl tilted her head and bit her pencil. After a moment, she started to draw again.

Her action caught Seols attention to the point that now he was only watching her complete her drawing.

Youre really good at drawing.

Yeah! Thats why mommy told me shed save up money to send me to Audenin. She told me that if I go there, I can learn properly.

Shes a good mother.

Alright, Im done now! Do you want to see it?


Seol grabbed the girls drawing.

She drew a portrait of Sarah sleeping and Gunt crying in a grave, calm manner.

Though it hadnt been colored yet, Seol felt a lot of things from this painting.

The first was awe. He was in sheer disbelief of the childs talents as it was drawn expertly, to the point that he doubted that it was really drawn by her.

The second was disconnectedness. Even though it looked like Sarah was simply sleeping in the drawing, she was headed to death in real life.

And lastly was a sense that something was off.


Why? Let me see too?

Seol handed over the drawing to Karen, hoping that this would help her from becoming even sadder.


And she had the exact same reaction as Seol.

[Insight activates.]

[The drawing is inconsistent.]

With Insight activating, Seol was confident that his feelings werent just his feelings.

It had a different face.

Gunt had a different face.

The face that they saw in the drawing was the same face as the one they saw earlier on Chaos scroll.

Seol calmly put the drawing down and asked the child a question.

Is this Dr. Gunt?


Why did you draw Dr. Gunt like this?

Huh? What do you mean why?

The child pointed at Gunt who was still crying and sobbing.

He looks like that, no?

Seol, with a still face, patted the childs head and handed the drawing back.

He then delicately spoke to Karen.

I guess we can get lucky from time to time.

Right? I was thinking that we would be unlucky forever too.

The two then slowly headed over to Gunt, who was by Sarahs bed.

Gunt was still crying, tears poured down his face as he heaved.

Sarah, I hope that next time Sob

...Dr. Gunt.

It really isnt sob e-easy sending off Sarah. P-Please j-j-just give me a bit more

Dr. Gunt, I have a question.

Sob Sob Nows not a good time. Why are you being so rude right now?

Gunt swiftly turned his head and looked at Seol with a furious look in his eyes. He then had a cool expression once more.

Why did you do it?




Karen swiftly wrapped Sarah in her bedsheets and pulled her in. And then, she softly laid Sarah down behind her.

The townspeople, not knowing their intent, shrieked at their rough actions.

Kyaaaa! Wh-what are you doing to Sarah?!

Snowman?! Karen?! Why are you guys acting like this?!

Gunt looked at Seol with a face completely drained of any expression.

...What are you doing?

Why did you do this to Sarah, no, to the townspeople?

Sob Are you suspecting me?

Answer the question.

Gunt buried his head and cried even more.

Sob Sob Sob Why Sob

And then his cries became eerie.

Sob Sob.. So-ehehe Hehehehehehe! Why!

Gunt suddenly stood up and glared at Seol.

Gunts eyes had turned red.

Why did I get caught?

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