The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Seol was only able to find the culprit infecting the town through an unexpected clue.

It was because Gunts face was different from the face on the childs drawing.

If Seol hadnt luckily looked at the childs drawing, he could have spent a long, long time before uncovering that Gunt was behind it all.

Hehehe I knew I should have killed you that day. In the end, you followed me to my base and caused a huge commotion

Were you behind what happened in Twilight Town too?

Who else would it be? Hehehehe!


As Gunt snapped his fingers, the cries of monsters could be heard around the town.



D-Dr. Gunt!

How could this be What did you do

Kyaaa! Th-there are monsters outside!

Not only were they outside, but they were also slowly closing in on where Seol was. Seol then asked Gunt a question.

Where did you get those monsters from?

Hold on, hold on! Its a bit unfair if youre the only one asking questions, alright? What do you think about this, then? I like making trades What do you think about taking turns asking each other questions?

Whatever works for me. Answer me now.

Obviously, theyre the corpses of the sick. Is that a sufficient answer?

...It is.

The townspeople were all shocked by Gunts changed behavior.

Dr. Gunt! How could you do something so horrendous?

Didnt you say that you were staying here to save us?

Gunt laughed.

Save you? Hahahaha! I was your guys savior?

W-Were you not?

You idiots. This is happening specifically because you left your own salvation to others!

After saying that, he pulled out something from his pockets.

It was a vial filled with black liquid.

Seol had seen something like that before in the scroll Chao gave him.

I was the one who spread Fog Disease. This medicine right here was used to put people to sleep before eventually turning them into my corpses. Regrettably, for you, this is the grim reality beneath the facade of salvation you sought so desperately.

No way

Dr. Gunt, wake up! I dont know why youre acting like this, but

If you dont know, then shut up! Hehehe!

Seol quickly realized that the vial of medicine that Gunt was shaking was the Sleeping Medicine that he had been searching for. However he was more shocked after realizing that this very medicine was the root cause of all the events that had transpired.

Why does Chao need something like that?

It was difficult for Seol to come up with other potential effects that the horrible medicine could have.

Now, its my turn to ask a question. How did you know that I was the mastermind behind all of this?


If you dont answer me, the conversation's going to end.

I was looking for you.


Ive already answered a question.

Damn it, I shouldve just asked them all at once. Fine.

...Is there a cure for the Fog Disease?

Gunt gave a wide smile and laughed.

What the hell?! Hehehe! Yeah, I bet you need that! Of course! Of course, theres a cure!

Your turn.

Why were you looking for me?

Because I was interested in an item that you had.

Look, Id prefer it if you gave me more specific answers, alright? Im pretty sure the item that youre talking about is the Fog Diseases antidote though Is someone you know afflicted by it?

One question at a time. How were you able to fool the townspeople?

Simple deception and illusion spells. I guess I could call it the culmination of that, my understanding of anatomy, and the strange techniques Ive learned over the shoulder? Still, its too high-level for someone like you to understand.

The conversation continued for a while.

And Seol could sense that Karen, who was by his side, was slowly nearing the limits of her patience.

This question is probably my last question. So, how did you know that I was the person you were looking for? I changed my face too

That drawing.

The drawing that Seol pointed at had Gunts old face on it. Gunt, after realizing how he was caught, laughed.

Kehehehe! Look at me! I forgot to release the suggestion spell after changing my face! So thats why I got caught hm so it was something so simple. Alright, what are you going to do now? Ah, I only had that one question left

Its fine, I can tell you that much.

Karen stepped forth.

And she answered in place of Seol.

Im going to crush you to dust.

Hehehehe! Well, that could be fun too!


Snap Twist

Gunts face was suddenly covered in veins.

The black veins, which continued to grow and spread in a disgusting manner like the roots of a rotting plant, pierced through his skin.


Hehehe! I dont need this face anymore now!


R-Run away!

Where would we go? There are monsters outside!

Just get outside for now! This house is about to collapse, are the monsters really the problem right now?


Seol created a black energy in his hands.


And then a massive troll, Jamad, revealed himself.

Take care of the townspeople.

Got it.

Jamad followed after the townspeople, who were more shocked by his appearance than Gunts, outside the building and to the town hall while carrying Sarah over his shoulder. There were a lot of people still there in the town hall and it was much more sturdy than a small house like this.

Jamad slowly followed them while killing any monster in his way.


During that time, Gunt slowly grew.

I should have killed you then hehe!

Seol, using Eyes of Perception, quickly read through the information.

[[Gunt, the Hypocrite]

Rank: Rare

Estimated Level: 13~18

A person who uses their various knowledge in medicine, pharmacy, and poison as their weapons. Their most fearsome weapon are the corpses they control.

Basic Skills: [Energy Potion 1], [Drug Connection 1], [Hypnotism 1], [Face Steal 1], [Physical Enhancement 1], [Poison Spray 1]

Unique Skills: [False Salvation 1]]

* * *

Seol was shocked after seeing it.

...Why is he so weak?

Since Seol had to fight him with only Jamad in the Expedition System, he wasnt aware of how powerful Gunt exactly was.

Gunt, unaware of what Seol was thinking about, started mocking him.

Now, this is my real face. Ta-dah! What do you think? Frightening, huh?

Gunts face looked like a mashed apple, it didnt look human at all. His eyes, nose, and lips were all warped strangely and his skin was festering with wounds.

Hehe First, Ill take care of this annoying girl


Gunt noticed that his vision was tilted? He quickly inspected himself.

Before he realized it, both of his legs had been cleanly cut off.


He felt an immense heat and pain climb up from his severed legs.


Karen waited, not finishing him off.

Show me what else youve got. Ill wait.

Y-Youve made a huge mistake! Wait just right here, Ill end you!

[Gunt used Energy Potion.]

[Gunts regeneration increases immensely.]


Legs grew out of Gunts body like threads unraveling from a spool.


During that time, Karen was quickly killing the corpses running to Seol.

Theyre all so damn weak.

How insulting

Try harder. Take responsibility for getting me this pissed.

...Ill kill you.

[Gunt used Physical Enhancement.]

[Gunts Strength increases by 50%.]

[Gunts Dexterity increases by 20%.]

[Gunts Constitution increases by 10%.]


Gunt punched the air, creating a gust of wind.

Even so


Gunt lost the sensation of anything below his elbows. Once again, he lost his limbs.

Karen had cut his arms off the moment he swung them.

Grrrggghh Aaaaargh!

...Why are you like this?

Th-this cant be Come, come to me! Come to your master!



Thud! Thud! Thud!

The corpses, covered in a strange, sticky fluid, started leaving the town hall and running to Gunt.


[Gunt used Unique Skill: False Salvation.]

[As long as this skill is active, Gunt absorbs the stats of all of the corpses absorbed.]

The corpses were sucked into Gunts body like a boat being swept up by a hurricane. And after a few seconds, Gunts body turned red like blood.

Hehehe! It wont be the same this time~

Once again, Karen waited for him.


Gunt was definitely faster than before.

It was clear that it was on a completely different level than how he moved earlier.

Now, die! Die!

Once again, Gunt unleashed a punch with both fists.





Karen easily dodged Gunts attack, almost like she was playing around before as well.

Gunt, seeing that, was in complete shock.

N-No way No way

...Are you done?

Even while dodging, Karen looked at Gunt with malice-filled eyes.

Aaaaaargh! Dont look at me like thaaaaaaat!



Gunt floundered around like a person who couldnt swim.

In truth, Gunt really did become extremely fast.

He was almost as fast as Karen.

However, his attacks were too simple and too obvious. There was no way an attack like that would ever land on Karen.

Karen started to fight back, like she was ready to end it.




One of Gunts legs was cut off again.





Aaargghh Argh It hurts






Karen had cut off all of Gunts limbs.

However, because of Gunts increased regeneration, he only continued to bleed. Gunt neither fainted nor died.

Aaaaargh! Why?! Why?! Why?!




Karen then asked Gunt a question while keeping her sword in his stomach.

Why would you do something so horrible when youre this weak

Cough Hehehe Was I-I weak? Thats unfortunate!

Shut up!

Kehehe Hehehe

Gunt continued to talk while blood spilled out of his mouth.

But you know Am I not allowed to?


If Im weak do I lose even the right to be evil?

What are you

So since Im weak, I should just be nice and obediently live the life that people make me live?!

You bastard!

Karen grabbed the dying Gunt by his collar. Even so, Gunt simply laughed. He had given up all hope.

Hehehe You cant kill me. Im saying this for you, you know?


Arent you looking for the antidote? You wont be able to find it if you kill me~

...You fucking bastard.

Karen took a step back.

She knew that if she lost control of her emotions and simply hit him, she would never be able to hear his response.


But in place, Seol stepped forth.

Gunt, wheres the antidote?

Oh? Is this a trade? Alright! However, Im going to be changing the rules now. If you listen to my story until the end cough Ill tell you where the antidote is!

Even now, you

If you refuse, Ill just die like this.

Gunt made an eerie, expressionless face. Seol scowled.


I had never been able to tell anyone about my existence because I was scared of getting caught. I also killed whoever listened to my story too!

You dont have a lot of time. Youre going to die soon. Talk faster.

Okay, okay

Gunt continued.

My face has looked like this since the moment I was born. When I became able to walk, my parents sold me to slave traders. They were quite patient parents, how were they able to hold on for that long?


I just had to get unlucky too. I ended up in an old magicians research room. Do you know what happened to me there? Ah, wait! I dont want to talk about that, hehehe.

The more they listened to his story, the more they learned about his true nature.

And it was also the unfortunate truth.

During that hell, the old magician was kind enough to give me some free time. And luckily, there were also books to read there. Thanks to that, I learned about a lot of things. Do you know what books I loved the most?


Cough It was the religious texts of the religion that the old man believed in and the stories of heroes. Do you know why I liked them the most?


Hehehe because it felt like I would be saved too. Whenever I read those books, I believed that a god or a hero would show up, destroy that damned research room, and rescue me from there. I know, I sound exactly like those stupid townspeople from earlier.

Gunt kept going.

But salvation didnt come, and the thing that let me break out of my cage was my own power. That old man let his guard down. If I knew that killing him was that easy, I wouldve killed him earlier. Look, when all of this settles, you guys are going to become the towns heroes, right?


Im jealous of them. They were able to be saved at the right time. Hehe I wonder should I have waited a bit more?


Heroes are lazy. They didnt save me. They They

Tell me where the antidote is.

Gunt swallowed his bloody spit and gave an answer.

If you rip into the handle of the bag that I brought, youll find a powder. Mix it with water, there should be enough in there to save the townspeople.

What about the other towns?

All dead. I was on my way back after killing them all.

Why did you do this?

I was just curious. I wondered if salvation really existed if it was just something that people made up. But it really did exist salvation did exist.


Seol stood up to grab the antidote.

Could I ask you something?


Do you cough think that I could be forgiven?

Karen listened carefully for Seols response.

She wanted to hear what Seol would say.

Seol responded with cold eyes. Like it was something that was already predetermined.

No. Youre going to hell.

Hehe then I bet I can find my way there without any issues~

Let me ask you a question as well then.


What you said about Sarah were you telling the truth then?

Ah that.

When Sarah fell asleep, Gunt cried and poured out his heart.

- But you were different, Sarah. Your existence itself made so many people happy and you bravely overcame your misfortune alone. With just your actions, you have taught me so much.

Nah, I dont want to say.


With those as his final words, Gunts eyes became dull.

And then, messages popped up.

[You have defeated Gunt, the Hypocrite.]

[You have earned the achievement 'Find the Difference'.]

[You have earned the title 'Savior'.]

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