The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 58

My Villains Episode 058

16. Disappearance (2)

Darkness without a single light The sound of water droplets heard intermittently The smell of water and the stench of rotting flesh It was the scenery of the sewer system that made me sick of corpse bugs crawling out of nowhere.

The sewage system was a management facility, not a maze, so it had a regular structure, albeit a complicated one.

Besides, it was a road I had become accustomed to after three or four rounds of search and exploration, so I was able to lead the way without a map.

Except for the occasional burst of water-blown zombies, I rarely encountered monsters. It must have been thanks to the diligent cleaning of the sewer system.

Thanks to these elements, we reached the fourth basement floor in less than an hour.

It was the same floor where he killed Torvald and his men and discovered the secret passage.

At this point, I think there are three main threat factors.

The first, of course, are the monsters in the sewer. Not to mention the black slimes and giant crocodiles he had already met, there was a high possibility that he would become dangerous if he met someone like the ‘Lee Head Golem’.

Next are the bandits. Since we broke through the secret passage twice and made a fuss, unless these guys were bird heads, they must have taken some special measures.

It wouldn’t matter if the special measure was to close the passage, but conversely, if they were trying to infiltrate through the sewer, there might be some bandits here.

The last one is the city’s snitch… No matter how quickly he sends his men down, it doesn’t seem like he’ll be ahead of us. you’ll be fine right now

I held my breath and listened closely, but I didn’t hear anything special.

Neither Luke nor I had any special skills in tracking, so we couldn’t find any traces of Ellen.

There were footprints here and there, but there was no way to know when or by whom they were made.

I have to go to the secret passage as soon as possible.

The size and composition of the ‘sewer’, a mini dungeon in the game, was randomly determined for each server.

It may consist of two layers of the surface layer (the sewer of the ancient empire) and three layers of the deep layer (rotting crypt), or it may consist of five layers of the surface layer and one layer of the deep layer… The number of cases varies.

As confirmed through the search and design drawings so far, there are four layers in the surface layer in this world.

Since the entire sewage system has at least 5 floors and a maximum of 8 floors… the deep part could be a single floor or 3 floors. I hope I don’t have to go to the depths if possible.

Anyway, on the 4th basement floor, which is the lowest floor of the surface floor, there was one stair each in the northwest, northeast, and south of the ‘manager’s room’ in the center.

Of course, this was only a design drawing standard, and because of the passage of time, only traces remained of the ‘manager’s room’ and the stairs to the northwest.

Of the two remaining stairs, we used the northeast one.

I came down through the most familiar and comfortable road, but it was a bit far from the secret passage in the west.

Did Ellen follow this path?

Well, if it were him, he might have used the southern stairs relatively close to the secret passage.

Is it because I couldn’t find any trace of him?

Random thoughts clutter your mind.

As I was walking, lost in thought, Mr. Luke, who was following me, opened his mouth.

“Can you hear anything?”

“…yes yet. I can’t hear you.”

After listening for a while, he answered, and Luke let out a deep sigh. Turning around, the face with the deep shadows carved by the torch is full of pensiveness.

I was a bit puzzled, so I took a step and opened my mouth.

“Do you have any granddaughters?”

“Hmm? You mean granddaughter?”

“If it’s not my granddaughter, even my grandson…” Upon

receiving my question, Mr. Luke put on a puzzled expression.

Uh, is this a rude question?

Mr. Luke smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“No. I have no daughters, let alone granddaughters. It’s because I’m not married.”


A person who looks well over sixty isn’t even married? Hmm, I don’t see any particular problem.

“Ah, maybe that- is it because of the teachings of ‘Younggeummun’?”

This time, Mr. Luke smiled bitterly.

“well. In a way, you can see it that way.”


I wanted to keep asking, but I decided to stop. It was difficult to determine whether this was an rude question or not.

“But why are you asking such a thing all of a sudden?”

“It’s nothing… Mr. Luke hasn’t seen Ellen in a while, has it? But even so, she was so worried, ‘Did you even think of your granddaughter?’ I just wanted to ask.”


Mr. Luke opened his mouth as he stepped over the spilled vomit.

“Granddaughter. I don’t know, but if I had a granddaughter, I wouldn’t have been so worried.”

“Uh- yes?”

“Didn’t you tell me? Miss Ellen is the owner of a rare soul. There is no lumber to lose

in a place like this .”

“O uh”

…I don’t think Luke is normal either. Are all hero characters like this?

I keep my mouth shut thinking about that.

iron puck.


“What is it?”

I stood tall and put my index finger to my lips to Mr. Luke. As I listened, Mr. Luke also held his breath.



What do you mean?

What came from the front was a strange sound, like bubbling water.

I wonder if the conversations of people whose lungs are filled with water are similar to those sounds.

In addition to that, there was an intermittent sound that sounded like a wet towel hitting the floor.

“Prepare for battle. There is something ahead.”

Whispering so, I passed the torch to Mr. Luke.

While Mr. Luke held the quarterstick and torch in both hands, I pulled out the pulseion.


Is it because he grinds it on a whetstone and wipes it off with an oiled cloth whenever he has time? The blade of Pulsion roared with red light and drove away the pitch-black darkness.

With a hand gesture, I spread my distance from Mr. Luke and coated the blade with blood.

The light bouncing off the armor was scattered here and there, but there were so many scratches and dents that it wasn’t that serious.

– Agrrhg Grhoog Gerererek.

He listened to the sound that gradually grew louder and moved stealthily as if he were a stray cat. hold on for a while


It was an incomprehensible voice, but it was not difficult to read the vigilance in it.

As if the bubbling air had subsided and replaced it, the smell of fish began to sting my nose.

A grotesque voice, stomping footsteps, and an extremely fishy smell.

It wasn’t too difficult to infer their identities.

…But why are these guys showing up here? They must be the subordinates of the ‘priest’?

Leaving behind my confused thoughts, I waited for them to appear while hiding in the 90-degree passageway.

Mr. Luke made me wait about 20 meters behind me holding a torch. As the darkness deepens, the field of view decreases…

So, I held my breath while attached to the wall at the sound of footsteps approaching.

When something finally made its way around the aisle and showed itself, it suddenly gave out a pulse.



As the blade stuck in its neck drained red blood, the monster screamed and fell backwards.

The monsters that followed jumped up and let out a terrifying scream, and quickly prepared themselves for battle.

These guys were disgusting monsters.

Although he walked on two legs and held a weapon in his hand, he had a monstrous appearance that could never be seen as a human being.

Dirty brown scales covered its entire body.

The large eyeballs that were about to pop out were like those of a corpse, and the chin had bulging gills.

White fins sprouted along its arms and spine, and sharp teeth were jammed into its huge jaws that could swallow a person’s head in one bite.

There were webbing between the fingers in the hand that held a rusty iron sword or a bone harpoon or an iron skewer.

Their identities were ‘Walking groupers’, a branch of the ‘Merfolk’.

Among Dark World users, he is commonly referred to as a ‘grouper’. The sight of dozens of them rolling their eyes and screaming—

“Ugh, that’s disgusting.” Is it because of past experience? It seems that he has learned how to express his aversion to grossness through anger.

Before the one closest to me could fire a bone harpoon, I hit it with my shield and swung a gon pulse.



Because his head was split in two, he couldn’t even scream properly and collapsed.

It was as if the eyes, which I couldn’t detect because I had no eyelids, were glaring at me.

Ugh. I feel like throwing up.

“Come on, you little fish!”

As the shouts echoed through the narrow aisle, the groupers opened their mouths as if they were not going to lose.


Ugh, what a guy’s voice…

It’s like my head is ringing as they all scream ‘rumbling’ all at once.

I gritted my teeth and attacked them.



They also attacked each other wielding their weapons, but unlike their menacing appearance, their weapon skills were poor.


He deflected their attacks with his shield, received them with his armor, and swung a pulse.

A grouper raised a knife and took a defensive stance, but Pulsion broke the rusty blade and split the gills.

Rolling his eyes, he kicked the falling guy, then threw his body to the other side, splitting the necks and chests of the two groupers in an instant.

It was then.

“Arghun Rahuk Terrgh!”

When I turned my head at the strange rhyme, there was a naked woman glaring at me holding a cane.

No, it wasn’t a naked woman- it was a fishman with a strange appearance.

At first glance, it resembled a beautiful woman, but it had webbed feet and golden scales on its pelvis and shoulder blades.

Thanks to not wearing a single piece of cloth, the curves of her beautiful body were exposed.

Her thin, long hair fluttered here and there as if she were submerged in water, and round fins sprouted where her ears should have been.

It had the eyes, nose and mouth of a beautiful woman, and skin as white as snow, but it gave off an eerie feeling as it showed no blood color.

“…Golden molly?”

It was a particularly rare monster among the names that appeared randomly.

the guy’s abilities.


With a sharp shout, water streams poured out of a staff made of coral and bone shells.

“Knock Knock!”

The stream of water, which was precisely aimed at the head, boasted tremendous water pressure.

As I lost my balance and staggered as if I had been hit by an iron club, the water that poured down hard did not flow and began to pool on the floor.

As if blocked by an invisible wall, it rapidly filled the narrow aisle.


I quickly turned my head and raised my shield to block the stream of water.

One of the groupers who took advantage of the gap and occupied my back aimed at my back and threw an iron skewer.

I quickly moved my left foot and at the same time struck the window sill with a pulse.


There was no time to finish off the man who had lost his weapon.

Because the golden molly was still shooting water and another grouper pounced on it.

I hurriedly swung the pulse and deflected his sword, but it was blown away!

As if he had no intention of using a weapon in the first place, he opened his mouth wide and blew himself away!


The grouper’s jaws gnawed at the head in an instant.

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