The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 59

My Villains Episode 059

16. Disappearance (3)


The grouper’s jaws gnawed at the head in an instant.


If it hadn’t been for the helmet, his teeth would have chewed his head like chewing gum.

I struggled with the suffocating stench and the stabbing pain in my throat as I put a pulse into his stomach.


Then, something sharp came from behind and stabbed me in the thigh.


“Keep it off.”

Instinctively, I grabbed the guy who bit my head and rolled on the ground, so I didn’t get stabbed too deeply.

Even so, the untimely blow was frighteningly painful.

“Oh, these little fish!”

I put my hand into the gills of the grouper that was relentlessly biting my head.

In order to avoid the attacks of the other guys, he frantically rolled on the ground filled with water, and at the same time, he grabbed his hands and burst and tore as he caught them.


The last of the hot, stench-filled breaths, he collapsed, and I quickly pulled out my head and stood up splashing in the water.

Then, as if he had waited, a stream of water from Golden Molly hit his face.



I gnashed my teeth and lifted the shield when I heard a determined voice from behind.


Looking sideways, Mr. Luke, the protagonist of the voice, was hitting the head of the approaching looper with a quarter stick.

At the same time, three lines of blue flames rose one after another from Luke’s fingertips, who had completed the spell.

“Sozhgi e-to!”

At Mr. Luke’s command, the wisps were fired at Golden Molly.

As I said before, the demon’s fire was not very hot despite its blue color.

But that didn’t mean I couldn’t wipe my face.



Golden Molly screamed and swung her staff as the ogre’s fire covered her face.

The goblin fire, which quickly ran through the air and evaded it, was eventually extinguished by a stream of water.

By the time Golden Molly looked back at me, I had already killed three groupers and grabbed the bone harpoon.


The bone harpoon was fired at great speed thanks to the back and shoulders being bent like a bow.

Since her iris was narrowed by the ogre’s fire, Golden Molly did not notice the harpoon flying through the darkness.



The harpoon was thrust right into the middle of the slender woman’s chest. Although her beautiful face was stained with burns and pain,

“Cikerr- Thuar Huargh!”

What’s so boring about this shit?

As he sang the spell with all his might, the water that rose above his knees began to sway ominously.

Impatiently, I picked up a half-cut iron skewer and threw it.


However, the iron skewer narrowly missed and left a long scar on the stone wall. This is because Golden Molly stumbled and fell.

“Phoenix-kun, get out of there!”

“I want to do that too!”

I struggled desperately to get out of the water, but I couldn’t move because the groupers around me were fiercely attacking me.



Several of the groupers surrounding me turned their attention to Mr. Luke. Then Mr. Luke finally pulled out the last card and held it.

“Otvet’ mne gruz- Vy-polnit’ dogovor”

I still couldn’t understand the meaning, but it was a familiar mantra.

I quickly grabbed the straw ball attached to the inside of the shield.

“Krik-iz bezdny Yaaal—!”

At the same time that the ‘Scream of the Abyss’ spell was completed, the power of Golden Molly’s magic also covered the water.

Damn it!



In an instant, the mayhem unfolded.

The water began to freeze from the surface, and the groupers under Mr. Luke’s spell screamed and ran away in all directions.

The groupers who had dodged the spell shrank without knowing why, and I rushed in, cut them down, and got out of the water.

The rapidly freezing water gripped my legs, but I gritted my teeth, pulled out my feet, and threw ice cubes in all directions.



When I got out of the water and stepped on the ground, I sighed in relief.

Looking back, I saw that the water trapped in the invisible wall had frozen solid before I knew it.

“Are you okay?”

“Ha yes. I almost died”


I looked back at the tremendous roar.

Golden Molly, who had been harpooned in the chest, was gasping for breath beyond the blocks of ice that filled the aisle. A terrible smile was drawn on the distorted woman’s face.

Goddamn that thing can’t be-

“Eregh ranterg……!”

“Get down!”

At the incantation that flowed out with my last breath, I quickly prostrated myself and covered my head with a shield. Mr. Luke, too, reflexively ducked, and at that moment.


The ice block exploded.

“Huh Eok-”

Ellen leaned against the wall with her arms wrapped around her.

As the already white hand squeezed the wound to make it even paler, the red blood stained the robe.

It was foolish to pull the crossbow string with an injured arm.

‘…It was stupid.’

Yeah, no matter how you think about it, it was stupid.

Even coming down to a dangerous place like the sewer alone.

I also expected that the secret passage would still be open.

Wasting mana casting spells on zombies and corpse worms.

It was an uncharacteristically stupid thing to do.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”

In fact, she acted on impulse, but Ellen thought her plan was very good.

I had a map copied from the sewer design, so I didn’t have to worry about getting lost.

If the magicians were guarding the secret passage, they would burn the crystallized sleeping potion and put them to sleep.

Since a few days ago, his mana had increased and he had realized new spells, so he thought he would overcome any threat.

The plan was obviously fine.

iron puck.


Ellen caught her breath at the sound of wet footsteps. Then, he placed a Molotov cocktail on the crossbow with the string on it.

Fish people usually have strong resistance to poison or sleep.

It had to be assumed that poisoning was unlikely unless the poison bottle was directly injected into the gills or gills.

Therefore, spraying oil and inserting flaming arrows was the most effective attack method Ellen had right now.

‘If I had awakened to lightning-type magic… Damn it.’

iron jerk iron hammer.

As footsteps approached, Ellen involuntarily covered her nose. It was because of the terrible fishy smell.

His nose was covered, but his ears were pricked up. It was to count the number of them by the sound of footsteps.

‘two? three?’

Footsteps echoed dizzyingly due to the topography of the narrow sewer.

‘…I don’t know.’

It was difficult to count the number of enemies with Ellen’s slightly better-than-average senses.

At this moment, Ellen remembered Phoenix.

Although acting like an idiot at times, Phoenix was always a man who took the lead in facing danger.

Their ears were also so bright that they could easily spot threats tens of meters away.

If he had been there, he would have noticed and counted their approach long ago.

Then he would pounce like a beast and cut them down in an instant.

‘Stupid, perverted and idiot.’

Soon, he shook his head and scattered the face he didn’t want to see.

Ellen pursed her lips and began chanting small incantations. With the hand holding the wound, he made a hand seal step by step.

If you had enough mana, you could omit the hand mark and memorize the spell briefly, but the current situation was not like that.

He had to conserve mana with lengthy spells, a high level of mental concentration and a delicate number.

sniff sniff.

“Skares Orugh (smells bald)—”

“Orugh Regarh (smells delicious).”

It’s a creepy voice whenever you hear it. Estimating the distance by sound, Ellen was convinced that now was the right time to act.


Out of breath, Ellen quickly turned around and fired her crossbow at them.

Tung jing!


“Zerri-hugh (It’s an assault)!”

The perch people jumped up in surprise at the broken glass bottle on the floor. However, realizing that the contents had not reached them at all, they burst into laughter.

Seeing the perch men fixing their weapons, Ellen completed the spell.

“Ignis (fire)!”

The flames that wrapped around his left arm gathered at his fingertips, stretched out, and then fired.



“Ervirgh (magic)! As a pillar of fire soared in the middle of the aisle, the perch men hesitated and stepped back


Ellen quickly completed another spell before they charged.

“Ventum Av-em (Wind, Soul)!”

The spell was only two words, and only one hand sign could be pointed out. There was almost no concentration there, so a huge amount of mana was drained.

“O uh” — —I .

Ellen clutched her head and staggered, doggedly controlling the spell.

Whoops. With a small gust of wind, a spiritual wind was born. It was the ‘Spirit of Dance’, a 1st rank wind spell.

“Saltare (dance)!”

At Ellen’s command, the invisible wind spirit threw herself into the pillar of fire. Then he started dancing like crazy.


The pillar of fire soaring toward the ceiling was twisted by the spirit’s dance.

Just like that, a whirlwind of flames attacked the fishermen.


“Keregh (Kill)!”

Among the screaming colleagues, a perch man raised a harpoon. Ellen, who stumbled while holding on to her messy hair, hid herself in a corner as if collapsing.

Heung Kagak.

“I’m so sorry.”

The harpoon brushed through his hair and hit the plastered wall, sparking. Ellen drew the crossbow with her face pale.

Although lacking in intelligence and ego, the spirit of dance relentlessly wielded a pillar of fire for its owner.

Thanks to that, four out of seven sea bass were charred, and the other three had to be tanned and uncoiled.

A sharp chin.


Ellen, who was whimpering and pulling a protest, swallowed a moan in pain from the open wound. Then, he suddenly asked about it.

“Such an idiot.”

‘I can just throw it!’

Ellen quickly turned the corner and tossed the Molotov cocktail into the dying pillar of fire.


The Molotov cocktail missed slightly, but the Spirit of Dance immediately controlled the whirlwind and set it on fire.


A second pillar of fire shot up and the spirit continued to dance.

Ellen glanced at the red glow and started running to the other side. It was because the fishmen were gathering loudly beyond the pillar of fire.

The torch had already been lost a long time ago, so Ellen had to run through the pitch-black darkness.

Floor flagstones were broken here and there, causing her to stumble and stumble several times, but Ellen persisted through the aisles.

how long did it run Ellen’s foot got caught in the mud that rose out of nowhere.

“Kyaauk!” Udangtang Splash!

It wasn’t enough that I fell violently, and I fell down on the sand and hit my head in the waterway in the center.


The pelvis and knee momentarily paralyzed by the numb pain, the palms with torn skin, the filthy water that wets the face and hair, the forearm with sharp cuts, the mana that ran out, the pitch-black darkness.

“O huh O -5T O……”

—- —I 9 — .. — .

Pain, fear, helplessness, anger, remorse.

Ellen burst into tears involuntarily.

She knew that if she continued like this, she would be caught by the terrible sea bass, but Ellen was unable to move.

How long have you been weeping?

A faint echo came from far away.


M | 99

Ellen, who had been putting her head in a pile of dirt, suddenly raised her head. It was after the crying had stopped.

It is an order. An old Luke’s order!

There’s no way the old man came down alone, so Poi must be with him. He has come to save himself!

Ellen forgot that she had come down on her feet and was immersed in joy.

‘Which one?’

Ellen staggered to her feet.

I can hear it, but the spell doesn’t take effect, so it seems to be quite a distance.

It was at that moment that I was listening to see if I could hear another sound.


Ellen shrugged at the tremendous roar. It wasn’t just an explosion, it was a sharp sound like something breaking.

“What was it…?”

As soon as Ellen muttered, vibrations came from far away.

Goo Goo Goo.

A roar as if something were pouring or collapsing.

Before she could grasp the situation, Ellen’s feet shook.


A mound of earth nearby was completely extinguished and soil began to flow somewhere.

‘Is it going to collapse?’

Fear fills his blue eyes.

‘Where should I go?’

A roar was coming from ahead. Ellen instinctively turned around and groped for Tosa, but that was the worst choice.

shoot it!


The mound of dirt that flowed down swallowed Ellen like quicksand in the desert.

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