The Copy Mage

Chapter 10: First Battle Part 1

Chapter 10: First Battle Part 1

[Utsusu activate the Maxwell Fire Power] ordered Damian within his mind, losing all previous child-like immaturity he had while dealing with his mother.

{Finally using your common sense for once kid} replied Utsusu as he formed the Maxwell Fire Spirit within Damian's dantian.

He knew that withdrawing a book, then gaining a fire power would draw unwanted attention and make everybody curious, so decided that it would be best if Utsusu did it for him.

A small flame emerged within his dantian and as his previously clear changeable energy bubbled and burned red as it surged through his body, bursting with energy.

Feeling the fiery energy rush through his body, Damian had an incredible feeling of power.

"Now is the time for my first battle and to prove myself for my mother" he mumbled to himself as he clenched his fist and unleashed his raging aura.

Sarah's jaw dropped seeing her small son have such power at a young age, and for it to be the Maxwell Fire Power, even though he had previously not awakened anything.

"His Soul Spirit is more powerful than mine and seems to be from the root and the same as the ancestor's, and he got this from using my blood.... incredible," she observed in awe.

The guards were surprised by the kid everyone called trash having a flame Spirit Soul, but they could tell he had only just begun and was a low LVL so weren't scared.

For the guards it was an opportunity to be arrogant and assert their dominance on somebody who was meant to be above them, yet was a trash and they wouldn't be punished if they beat and disrespected him, unlike the other young masters.

"The trash wants to fight, then don't blame us for giving you a beating" ridiculed the same guard who initially blocked their path and seemed to be the leader.

Their LVLs were between LVL 10-20 Mortal, which was quite high compared to Damian who was LVL 5 only due to having a massive surge of energy after copying the Maxwell Fire Power.

Despite knowing this, Damian wasn't scared in the slightest and kept calm and collected in order to not get flustered and be defeated in battle.

Soul Spirits and combat prowess if used to your advantage, can cover the power gap in LVLs and Damian's fearless and headstrong nature was his largest advantage.

Additionally, he also knew they were merely guards and wouldn't have such low status if they were extremely powerful.

His drive to do well overshadowed their gap in power and made Sarah believe in him despite the difference in age, LVL and combat experience, although she was still prepared to intervene at any moment.

The skills that Damian had were despite basic and fundamental, took months or even years of practice to master and use.

Damian was very perceptive, understanding and had very malleable energy, making it very easy to control and use skills.

Flame Reinforcement.

His bubbling energy circulated into every inch of his body as his cells burst with energy.

"Flame reinforcement, is that the core skill to use with the Maxwell Fire Power" exclaimed the guard leader, seeing Damian's body have a thin layer of scorching flame energy coating it.

Flame reinforcement was a core skill as it not only strengthens the body increasing its explosive power, but it also allows the user to directly use other fighter skills quicker as the flames are already rushing through their body.

The Maxwell Fire Power 99 percent of the time was used as a fighter power and was most efficient that way.

Seeing Damian, Sarah was even more surprised than the guards who were seeing this 10-year-old who awakened the day before now use a core skill of the family.

They wouldn't be lowly guards if they had the Maxwell Fire Power and all were in their thirties and low levelled considering their age.

Which was the main reason for their arrogance and abuse of those below them in status in power, however, Damian was not one to be stepped on.

Despite not having any Soul Spirits the guards were armed with spears, had armours on and had powerful bodies of an LVL 10-20 Mortal.

Screaming the youngest and weakest out of the guards, who was still in his twenties, charged at Damian with his spear, after being ordered by the leader.

Streaming a large amount of flame energy into his right palm, Damian formed a small fire ball.

Fire Ball.

This was a very versatile fighter skill that could be used in both close combat and mid-range combat.

Sarah and the guards were mind boggled by this child before them who was using skills on the same day he awakened.

The guard thrust his spear at Damian, who with the explosive power of his body, burst backwards and swung his arm with all his strength launching the fire ball at the guard.

The ball blitzed through the air at incredible speeds, and with scorching heats, crashed into the guard's chest plate exploding and setting the guard's body on fire.

"Such ruthlessness, decisiveness and without hesitation" mumbled Sarah observing the boy battling in front of her who she could no longer recognise as the same little child that she had raised.

The explosion launched the guard flying back and as he slid across the ground he wailed in pain as the raging flame burned his skin and the explosion had damaged him internally.

Damian was in two minds about the guard and hearing his cries of pain he felt bad slightly, however, at the same time felt accomplished and felt that in such a cruel world it was survival of the fittest.

Sarah was unfazed by the screams of pain and was more curious at exactly what her son was capable of.

The time of sunset was when most would be returning to their homes and as the front gate, it was always bustling with people entering and exiting.

The people nearby began to form a crowd, watching the battle unfold.

But none of them dared to get involved.

Unlike the ignorant guards, everybody knew that Sarah despite the way she was treated was very powerful and her LVL was unknown, but it was known that it was above LVL 50, which was really powerful for somebody of her age who was only 28.

The rest of the guards were shocked, angry and slightly weary all at the same time, looking at the child before him who just severely injured and burnt somebody to the point they may die, but was unfazed.

The flaming Damian from deep within his soul had a drive to never allow himself or those he cares about to be stepped on or disrespected and had no remorse for anybody after knowing how cruel humanity really was.

"Now the rest of you will burn for disrespecting and making my mother angry" he exclaimed, driven by the suppressed rage he had after being harassed and abused by the Maxwell Family for years.

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