The Copy Mage

Chapter 9: Leaving

Chapter 9: Leaving

Despite the great things that occurred and Damian was overjoyed with his progress and potential, he didn't have a way to explain it to the family.

[Utsusu if I show the Maxwell Fire Power everyone will investigate and will be suspicious towards me especially my mother] he said in his mind frantically, realising how weird it would be to unexpectedly gain an E:1 ranked Soul Spirit.

{You are correct, I would recommend you to leave like your mother suggested and join the Aria branch of Akegria Academy which has the most power in Aria city and accept everyone into their academy}.

Since the dawn of Gobe country, there were 21 men who had awakened powerful E:1 rank abilities and all set out together to form a country. One stronger than the rest, also known as the Gobe Ancestor, formed the centre of the country.

All of them had many wives and many children and over hundreds of years formed large families and made a country with 5 cities: Aria city, Gratis city, Rona city, Oswal city and Gama city.

Over these hundreds of years, all the families declined over time as their bloodline got less and less pure.

Many other powers and organisations emerged and were beginning to rise within Gobe country.

There was one power that could rival the authority and power of the Royal family and was known as Akegria Academy.

Hearing Utsusu's proposition, Damian realised just how great of an idea it was.

[Amazing Utsusu, you're so smart] exclaimed Damian within his mind.

{Obviously I am} replied Utsusu gloatingly.

With a plan in mind, he ran down the stairs calling for his mother.

"Mother, mother" he called while running down the stairs.

"What is it Damian," she asked as her eyes narrowed.

Seeing her son rush down the stairs. she observed that he seemed to have gotten stronger in less than an hour.

"Mother, I think we should leave like you said," he stated to her with a guilty smile.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to stay and prove yourself to the family," she replied confused by his sudden change.

"Mother, I want to join Akegria Academy" he declared to her with a driven and serious expression.

The reason why Akegria Academy has had such a large growth in Gobe country was because they did not discriminate based on status and accept everybody willing to join them .

Akegria Academy have a motto that would make anybody want to join.

'Talent and wealth help, but only hard work and determination will thrive,'.

They were on par with the original families including the royal family and were only growing, making them a threat to the authority of the major families.

Damian felt that from deep within his soul, he hated those that would look down on other people, and found Akegria Academy as the perfect choice.

Hearing her son's declaration and looking at his expression, she was pleasantly surprised again and completely agreed with his choice and understood why he would want to go against the original families that abused their status and wealth.

"Well let's pack for the second time and don't change your mind again," she said to him sarcastically as she gives him a big warm hug.

On the same day in the afternoon carrying two large bags they left behind the Maxwell family and took with them everything they needed.

"Son it is time for a new beginning without the toxicity of these families that have allowed greed and envy to cloud their minds" stated Sarah as they left their house.

"Yes mother, this is our new beginning and I will never let you down" he replied, feeling an incredible rush of joy due to feeling the warmth of a loving mother in the past two days he had transmigrated.

Leaving their residence they walk towards the family exit, getting looks of disdain from all the family members within the main branch.

Over the past hundreds of years, the rich and powerful men would have many wives and kids and the woman would also have many children making the family so large that it could rival a small city with many branches.

Although Sarah and Damian lived on the outer areas of the family grounds along with those of impure blood within the family.

Heading towards the main gate the 4 guards stationed there had confused looks.

"Where are you going, you cannot leave without permission" announced one of the guards as all 4 of them cross their spears stopping them from leaving.

Sarah had a furious expression.

How could elder within the family could be spoken to in such a way by measly guard, only because her own siblings were jealous of her and lowered her status to such a level.

Sarah's only wish in life is for her son to live a good life and didn't care about wealth, status and power and would usually ignore it, however as she was leaving the family and all the wealth that should be hers behind, the lowly guards dared to stop her.

Her body became shrouded in flames, similar to the way that the ancestor was when Damian was gaining the Maxwell Fire Power.

Her eyes were seething with rage and her body was brimming with firepower, as all the anger she had suppressed over the years was being released.

"Mother calm down" screamed Damian as he threw the bags he was carrying and charged at her to hug her.

Seeing her son run at her while in a flaming form, she instantly retracted all her flames and hugged her small son who ran into her arms.

Her little son made her calm down as she retracted her aura and accepted him with the warm smile she always had.

Releasing his mother from the tight grip, he gave her a reassuring smile, that in her eyes made him look like an extremely cute child.

His yellow eyes glistened in the setting sun and his white hair was swaying with the sunset breeze.

"Mother no need to dirty your hands, let me take out the trash" he declared to her, as he turns to the guards blocking the exit with a furious expression.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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