The Copy Mage

Chapter 125: Successful Escape Part 3

Chapter 125: Successful Escape Part 3

Bernard was not trained in combat in the slightest and was merely her personal attendant, but with his cultivation level that had increased from eating beast meat and consuming pills over time, he could display some power and speed if he needed to.

However, it was nowhere near enough to fight against the three assassins or to escape from them, so he knew that a direct confrontation wasn't an option.

The rundown carriage continued towards the royal district at a speed that was comparable to a rank 2 external cultivator, which was the usual speed that delivery carriages would move at so that the food they were carrying wouldn't move around and be ruined.

The royal district was where the most central and largest Royal Academy was situated and was also where the palace and the royal quarters were situated.

It could only be entered by nobles and or royals and was so heavily guarded that it was almost impossible for somebody to enter unnoticed, and it was like that all day and night.

Bernard had made a risky decision to head towards the royal district in such a rundown carriage, but it reduced the risk of being found by the assassins.

As long as he caused a large enough commotion, the royal guards and others in the area would surround them, then using the beauty of his master, he should be able to persuade them that she really was the daughter of the head of the Graham Family.

He was quite sure that as long as he could speak to the royals directly, they would know about the Graham Family that was notorious on the continent and they should be willing to protect them in return for a favour from the Graham Family.

"Where do you think they would have went? Now that more people are waking up and beginning to open their shops, it is becoming more difficult to find them," said one of the assassins out of the three whose code name was 2.

"We will split up here 2, and don't become overconfident like 3. I expect better from you and even if this country is quite small and weak, it is inevitable for there to be Advanced Cultivators that can quite easily kill us" stated 1.

"Yes 1, I will be careful" promised 2 as the two of them split up to widen their search for Bernard and Elizabeth.

Little did they know, Bernard and Elizabeth were sat in the back of a rundown carriage that was loaded with food and heading towards the royal district slowly.

The assassins scoured the area for hours, but couldn't find any traces of Elizabeth or Bernard and were beginning to get frustrated. 3 had already joined them and assisted them in looking for Elizabeth and Bernard, but more and more people were getting in the way.

"Should we withdraw, it is already day and it seems as though they got away. Even we can't take on the royal guards alone, even if it is only a small country" suggested 2.

"Their plan must be to reach the royal district and seek protection from the royal family. We will scout the area around the royal district for a few more hours, then we will leave. As long as we can kill her, we can all live lavishly for the rest of our lives" decided 1, who was unwilling to miss out on the reward.

The assassin trio continued to monitor the area around the royal district and looked for anything that was suspicious or out of the ordinary, but after 3 hours, they were yet to see anything and were beginning to think that somehow Elizabeth and Bernard had already reached the royal district.

However, it was because they had massively overestimated the speed that Elizabeth and Bernard were travelling at, as they were yet to reach the royal district yet and were still travelling at a steady and quite slow speed.

Elizabeth and Bernard were yet to have any complications on their journey to the royal district, in that time, Bernard had completely recovered his energy and was still alert, ready to protect Elizabeth with his life.

At the speed they were moving at, it took them nearly 10 hours to reach the royal district from where they had reached previously and it was already sunset, so more and more people were returning to their homes.

"We are so close, and now that there are fewer people outside, it will look unusual for there to be a food carriage" mumbled Bernard to himself worriedly.

2 and 3 wanted to leave and were tired and bored of monitoring the area around the royal district, but 1 was adamant about staying and his instincts were telling him that as long as he waited for slightly longer, he would be able to complete his mission.

"Excuse me sir, the royal district is right there and if I get any closer, I might be attacked by the guards," said the driver, who had taken them as far as he could without endangering himself.

The royal guards were very aggressive to anybody of low status or seemed poor, but to those that were of noble or royal blood, they were very respectful and serving.

If you didn't have a permission slip that was signed by a royal or noble, you were not allowed to enter the royal district and would be detained for trespassing.

With the friction rising between the Royal Academy, which represented the royal and nobles, and Akegria Academy, which represented the people that weren't born of noble or royal status, the royal guards were increasingly aggressive.

Bernard was happy that he had made it that far, but he still hadn't relaxed as he woke up Elizabeth who had fallen asleep after the long ride. Her constitution was already weak, and after all the stress and after not eating and sleeping well for the past few days, she wasn't in the best state.

All Bernard wanted was to keep her safe, as she woke up.

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