The Copy Mage

Chapter 126: Successful Escape Part 4

Chapter 126: Successful Escape Part 4

"Elizabeth, we have reached the royal district, all that is left is a few hundred metres and after that we will be safe" informed her Bernard with a reassuring smile.

He wanted her to feel safe and reassured, but he wasn't sure that the royal family would help him and whether or not the assassins were still pursuing them. With so many unknowns, all Bernard could do was charge forwards and pray for their safety.

Jumping out of the carriage and holding Elizabeth in his arms, Bernard without looking back, dashed as fast as he could towards the royal district that was a few hundred metres before him.

The driver seeing that his job was completed turned back before he got into any trouble, and most others in his position would have taken the money and turned in the passengers to any royal guards that they found.

The royal district had empty land surrounding it all so that the royal guards could all prepare themselves if there was an attack, and that plot of land was a few hundred metres long.

It was a strategic layout that was very effective and helped the royal guards massively when it came to protecting the royal district. However, it also made it so that the assassins would be able to see Elizabeth and Bernard in the open if they attempted to get into the royal district.

"Help, help, let us in" wailed Bernard as he rushed towards one of the gates that led into the royal district with Elizabeth in his arms.

There were 30 powerful royal guards stationed at the gate along with archers stationed above the wall that surrounded the royal district, and they were all baffled by what was going on.

"Hold your fire, let us see who these people are and they do not pose a threat to us anyway" instructed the leader of the guards that were stationed at the gate.

"I knew it, we just had to wait" mumbled 1 to himself as he jumped down from the building he was scouting from and rushed after Bernard and Elizabeth, who were out in the open.

By doing so he was revealing himself as well and opened himself to ranged attacks, but he was unwilling to let his target get away after having a flawless reputation as an assassin.

As long as he swiftly killed them and the royal guards didn't intervene, he would be able to get away and receive the reward for killing her.

The guard leader that was in charge of protecting that gate had a few seconds to make a decision, whether to kill all of them, send them back without getting involved, or saving the old man with a girl in his arms from their pursuer.

His main priority was to make sure that nobody without permission entered the royal district, but as long as he kept the royal district safe from outsiders, he could deal with people outside the royal district how he pleased.

Bernard cursed his luck seeing the assassin come after him and it was only a matter of moments before the assassin caught up to him.

In a final bid to appeal to the guards, although Elizabeth wouldn't have liked him to do so, Bernard lifted up her veil and revealed her beauty to the royal guards that were all watching what was occurring.

At that moment, without even realising it, all of the guards felt as though they were beneath Elizabeth and as though it was their duty to protect her.

Elizabeth had snow-like white skin, with long silver hair that glimmered under the setting sun, and a single gaze from her silver eyes would make any man's heart melt.

"Fire at the hooded pursuer" ordered the guard leader as he rushed towards them with a few of the fastest guards in his guard unit.

The archers all began firing arrows at the assassin, and with all of them being high level cultivators, the assassin was pushed back when he dodged them and was hit in the shoulder by one.

The guard leader felt from her eyes that she was of high status, and the way she looked at them, unknowingly, made them feel as though they were beneath her.

"Damn it, stop getting in my way" roared the assassin as 2 and 3 who had seen what had happened from a distance had managed to catch up.

"Kill them all, they would dare to get in our way with their measly power" ordered 1 as he activated his Soul Spirit.

1 was too stubborn and afraid of failure, while 2 and 3 could clearly see that they had no chance against all the royal guards that had cultivation levels that were similar to their own.

Although he was the leader of the trio and was the strongest, oldest and most experienced, he was insane. He was mostly after the fame and reputation rather than the wealth and enjoyed killing and being feared as a skilled killer.

"I think we should fall back," said 3 as they caught up to 1 and continued dodging the arrows that were being fired at them.

"We are so close, we can't fall back now" refuted 1.

His veins began to bulge all over his body as his aura and killing intent suddenly rose massively.

"He activated his Berserk Killer Soul Spirit, he is really serious about killing them all" said 2 who was debating with himself whether or not to continue onwards with him.

"Should we leave him?" asked 3, who could see that 1 had gone crazy and would get them all killed.

It was a hard thing for him to say after they had all been together and supported each other for such a long time, but for somebody who killed for aliving, betraying their companion wasn't something that was unexpected.

Both 2 and 3 didn't want to turn back, not because of 1, but because of the large reward, but after both of them were hit by multiple arrows and were being charged towards by dozens of powerful guards, they both gave up.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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