The Copy Mage

Chapter 17: Entrance Ceremony Part 3

Chapter 17: Entrance Ceremony Part 3

Students swarmed the arena to watch the new students that had Soul Spirits go through the active part of the Entrance Ceremony.

Walking towards the Akegria Academy western entrance was a woman with long black hair, wearing a long red dress and a veil to cover her face.

"Who are you going to watch, their name and your name," asked one of the two youths stationed at the front of the western gate.

"Damian and my name is Sarah," she replied.

"I am sorry I cannot let you enter unless I get surnames and you have to take off that mask as you could be a spy," stated the guard respectfully.

Instantly Sarah became nervous, turned and ran in the opposite direction back to the inn.

"I want to watch Damian be happy, but I can't be labelled a traitor by my family as it would hurt me more than they already have," she mumbled as she broke down.

Rushing into the inn, she ran up the stairs, covering her face with her hands, and quickly went into her room.

She began to weep alone as all her past and everything her family put her through was weighing down on her and she could no longer keep up the strong front for Damian.

Whenever Damian would look at his mother, she would always have a warm smile, but behind that smile was a stressed and depressed woman.

She wanted to support her son's dreams and ideals and felt the same way mostly, but also had her family, which although had put her through hell, were still her blood and relatives.

Her kind heart was being abused at every moment, and unknowingly Damian was also putting pressure on his mother by joining Akegria Academy that was planning to overthrow the monarchy.

Even though she said she had broken her relations with the Maxwell Family and had left, she still couldn't join Akegria Academy as the originator families' enemies.

Meanwhile, the ignorant Damian was following their class representative and the rest of those who awakened a Soul Spirit to the last part of the Entrance Ceremony, the newbie competition.

They stood on an arena in the middle of the coliseum-like structure where there were thousands of youths watching and also some of the newbies' relatives.

Looking at the crowds Damian was nervous and didn't like being the centre of attention, but continued to look through the crowd in search for his mother.

But he wasn't able to see her.

{You stupid kid, did you forget that your mother is a direct descendant of the Maxwell Family Head and wouldn't want to be seen anywhere near Akegria Academy, yet you still put the pressure on her to come and watch. Do you ever think about how your mother feels} screamed Utsusu within his mind, frustrated at Damian's ignorance.

Each word was like a bullet to his chest and the realisation dawned upon on him as he clenched his fists as hard as he could and bit his tongue.

With the taste of copper within his mouth, from his bleeding tongue, and blood leaking from his hands, as his nails dug into them, Damian walked towards the class representative.

"I need to leave, but I still want to join Akegria Academy" he stated with a frustrated expression.

Turning around to the small boy, Ivan had a curious expression as to why the boy could suddenly become angry.

Walking away from Damian he lifted some white robes off a table that was on the side of the large arena.

"Here are white Akegria Academy robes and class begins from tomorrow and be here at 8 am sharp, and due to leaving now you have the last pick of your room, will be the last in your class and will miss out on your rewards," informed him, Ivan.

Taking the white uniform with the Akegria Crest on the chest, Damian ran off in the direction of the exit as most of those watching and in his class saw him as a weak coward, while laughing and ridiculing him.

"What a trash," commented a male student in the class.

"Watch your mouth otherwise this fatty won't forgive you" refuted Milo angrily.

Looking into the chubby boys glaring eyes he became nervous and looked down nervously.

All meanwhile Damian was rushing out of the Academy and rushed past the guards before they could talk to him and let him go seeing the robes in his hands.

Running through the streets, that he remembered led back to the inn, he rushed inside.

Seeing both the mother and the son rush into the inn, those on the ground floor and the innkeeper were confused, but just ignored it and continued on with their day.

"Mother I am sorry" screamed a panting boy who was banging on their room's door.

"Damian" exclaimed Sarah in surprise as she wiped her tears, calmed down and opened the door.

For Damian, she tried her hardest to have her usual warm smile knowing that he is still a kid and had also been through a lot, yet on the inside she was suppressing all the hardship she was going through.

Running into her arms, Damian hugged her and let out all his regrets.

"I am sorry for not thinking about you and being so selfish all the time and I want you to be happy as well" he expressed.

Closing the door she led him inside to sit on the bed and sat beside him.

"Son why are you crying there is nothing wrong with me," she said trying to act confused.

Looking up at his mothers face he could see her eyes were red from crying and there was residue salt from her tears.

Calming down, Damian wiped his tears and nose with his sleeve and knew that he had to act like a man for her to actually rely on him, unlike how he had been acting.

"Mother stop treating me like a child, I know I am only 10, but anyone can see you are going through a lot and I don't want you to have to ever suffer again, which is why we left the Maxwell Family in the first place" he stated to her looking directly into her eyes.

Sarah was shocked at how the 10-year-old in front of her had switched from crying like a child to now confronting her directly.

"Son if you really want to know what I feel I will tell you. I am supporting you with everything I have, but don't want to be labelled a traitor and can't go with you to Akegria Academy" she admited to him.

"Mother why didn't you just say that, there are many things you could do, you don't have to join the Akegria Academy and I am going to do as you want me to do" he replied.

The parent-child relationship seemed to switch and Damian seemed to be acting as a parent to his mother.

"I got it, didn't you always make pills with your flames, but because the family didn't give you materials you couldn't make them, but what if you make your own store or work in a pill store" suggested Damian.

"That's a great idea, I can practice, get stronger, get money and make pills for you while you train" she realised.

In minutes both their grievances were settled and their mother and son relationship was so close that there was no tension or awkwardness afterwards.

"But what about the newbie competition for those with Soul Spirits," asked his mother after they had both calmed down.

"Um, I kinda left the competition to come and talk to you," he admitted while scratching his head.

"Silly boy, you wasted such a good opportunity, hurry up and go and join the competition and hope it isn't too late," said his mother as she gently slapped him on the arm.

"How about this, if you find a place to make pills and work in that you like, and I will try and join the competition before it is too late" proposed Damian.

"It is settled then, hurry up and get out of my sight," she said as she pushed him out of the room, leaving her with a genuinely happy smile, as he ran back to Akegria Academy.

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