The Copy Mage

Chapter 18: Another Chance

Chapter 18: Another Chance

Those with Soul Spirits were valued massively by Akegria Academy and were all guaranteed a place to stay and a way to make money, which was why a lot of people want to join.

But not everyone was given the same treatment from the start and only talented youths who don't have Soul Spirits were given such privileged treatment.

Despite that everyone was given the opportunity to do well and if you proved your worth or earned your stay through Academy points, nothing was impossible as long as you worked for it.

The idea of fairness is an equal opportunity, which was what Akegria Academy offered, but life itself wasn't fair as not everyone was born talented.

Which was why hard work and determination were the key qualities that Akegria Academy promoted.

However, nothing was free and they have Academy points which could be earned, gifted and abetted in various different ways and could be traded for pills, valuable items, spirit coins or anything that was trade-able or could be bought with currency.

Akegria Academy, that had become large enough to rival the royal family, had also formed their own currency between their own students and members, which were in the tens of thousands.

The Newbie Competition had already begun and had three main rounds: the strength of your body, your mind and will, and your combat prowess.

Damian had already missed the first round, which he wouldn't have been good at anyway, and was rushing back into the academy after clearing the air with his mother.

[Hopefully, I can make it in time so I am not left behind] he hoped within his mind.

Rushing through the crowded Aria streets, Damian finally saw the western entrance which he had used before and headed towards it as fast as his legs could carry him.

Unknowingly Damian was only able to run for such long periods of time without extreme fatigue, considering his weak body, was due to Utsusu circulating his changeable energy through his body to reinforce and rejuvenate his body as he ran, strengthening it at the same time.

"Can I go through please I can't miss the competition," said Damian to the stationed guards, while panting.

The two guards recognised him as the one that had run out previously and knew that he had Akegria Academy robes with him when he left, so didn't have a reason to stop him.

"Thanks a lot, guys, pray for me," he said after catching his breath and running into the western outer academy.

Following the route that he remembered following Ivan, their class representative, he could hear loud cheers and couldn't see anybody nearby, so assumed everyone in the area was watching the newbie competition.

The Arena entrance in sight, he rushed towards it but it was closed off by a wooden gate, as the newbie competition had already begun.

"Damn it, what should I do," he mumbled.

Damian was not willing to let his mother down and miss out on such an opportunity and was willing to risk getting into trouble.

[Utsusu use the Maxwell Fire Power] he communicated within his mind.

{Okay, but remember to save your energy and don't do anything reckless} warned Utsusu.

He felt his changeable energy begin to scorch as he felt the burning energy surge throughout his body.

He felt the energy was slightly stronger than before and thought that he might have increased in LVL, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

Fire Fist.

Coating his right fist with flames and reinforcing his fist and arm with energy, he punched the gate with all his energy.

His fist caused a large explosion as the wooden gate burst open and was blazing with bright red flames.

Such a commotion drew the eyes of all those spectating the competition, all the competitors and Ivan who was acting as a referee.

The crowd went silent for a few second, then began to talk between themselves about what had just occurred.

Running up onto the centre of the enormous arena and climbing up the stairs onto the stage where everybody stood, Damian could see that all those there had sweat patches and seemed to have already competed.

"You have returned, but the fact you left then joined late cannot be ignored" announced Ivan with his obligation to be fair.

"There are three parts to the Newbie Competition each year: where your body, your mind and will, and your combat prowess are tested. Each test rewards points and the one with the most points at the end wins the competition. First Place will receive 10 points and everyone in the top 10 receives one less point, finishing at the 10th place receiving 1 point, while everyone else receives nothing. You have missed the first test and not only are you at the bottom of your class but will receive 5 minus points as a consequence for making an exception" announced Ivan.

If it were anybody else, Ivan would have humiliated them, but he was interested to see Damian's ability and could see from his innocent and ignorant nature that he was just a child, so decided to give him a chance.

"Do you accept" asked Ivan.

"I accept and apologise for having to leave," anwered Damian respectfully as he joined his classmates and stood beside Milo.

Damian was beginning to realise that people's attention and people, in general, were having less of an effect on him and with his newfound power and with his mother's and Utsusu's support he felt more confident.

"Did you miss me" asked Damian sarcastically.

"Who are you and where did the shy and nervous Damian go," asked Milo jokingly.

Both the chubby boy with short black hair and the slim boy scruffy with white hair burst out into laughter on the centre of the stage.

"Ahem" cleared his throat Ivan, signalling to Damian and Milo to be quiet.

"The next round will test your mental strength and willpower and will be a competition of who can get closest to me while I release my aura to see who can withstand the pressure best. The pressure has no lasting effects, but strains those nearby who are weak massively and the winner will get 10 points" he announced.

{Use this opportunity to strengthen your willpower as you won't have many chances to do so and it will help you subdue more Soul Spirits to copy} advised Utsusu.

[I will gain first place and will become the strongest] he announced within his mind, becoming fired up for the competition.

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