The Copy Mage

Chapter 26: Beat Down

Chapter 26: Beat Down

Milo managed to get up, and rushed towards Trevor with all the power that his struggling legs could muster as he held his left hand over his stomach where he was hit.

"You still dare to want to battle me, I will beat you like the trashy dog that you are" ridiculed Trevor with an evil smile.

Trevor planned to use this opportunity to make his name resound throughout the Academy and wanted to make an example of Milo for anybody that tried to get in his way in the future.

The Tiger Fist had used almost half of his energy and he would only be able to use it once again, but he was confident in defeating Milo without even using it and would save it as a fatal final strike to cause him as much damage and harm as he could.

Milo reached Trevor and launched a flimsy fist towards him with all the power that his injured and drained body could handle.

Milo's body was on the verge of collapsing after such a hard and direct strike to his stomach that caused him external and internal damage as he struggled to stand up straight.

The fist was easily evaded by Trevor who side-stepped to the right then returned with a swift and powerful roundhouse kick to Milo's side.

Already injured and off-balance, the kick launched Milo onto the ground and sliding away.

"Stop it you bastard" roared Damian at Trevor, seeing his friend being so ruthlessly beaten in a friendly competition, yet in Milo's eyes he still couldn't see any signs of defeat or giving up.

"Hahahaha, what can you do to me, stay seated and watch your friend be beaten without you being able to do anything about it" ridiculed Trevor with an evil smile.

He wasn't worried about making enemies and wanted his name to spread throughout the academy, so that when his father heard about his illegitimate son's success he would provide him more resources and stop mistreating him.

Damian had, had enough of being helpless and wouldn't allow his friend to continue to be humiliated.

[Utsusu activate the Maxwell Fire Power] he ordered sternly, wanting to intervene in the battle and attack Trevor.

{You need to calm down, what can you do in this situation, you will only get yourself kicked out of the school and may even force your class representative's hand who has to abide by the laws of the school. Do you think you have a chance against him} advised Utsusu, trying to calm him down before he made a mistake that he couldn't undo.

{Think about your mother and her wanting you to stay in the academy and be happy and cultivate} stated Utsusu trying to appeal to his love for his mother to calm him down.

[But I still can't leave my friend being beaten like this] refuted Damian, still hardheaded and stubborn, unwilling to be disloyal to his friend.

{You will have the chance to battle against Trevor if you stay in the competition and you should save your strength for the competition so that you can inflict as much damage as you can to him to avenge your friend} said Utsusu still unwilling to activate the Maxwell Fire Power and gave Damian a way to avenge his friend.

Damian was still furious and all those that sat beside him could see him tightly clenching his hands against the armrest and gritting his teeth as he continued to watch and not intervene just as Utsusu had advised.

Trevor slowly walked over to Milo who was struggling to get back up and launched another powerful kick into his stomach in exactly the same place that he had previously punched him with the Tiger Fist.

Milo was sent rolling back and vomited a curdle of blood as Trevor added to the damage that he already dealt with the Tiger Fist.

Waking over to him slowly with the same evil smile he had throughout the battle, he seemed to be enjoying the battle, as he forcefully sat on top of Milo's body and pinned his weak arms down.

"Still won't give up," he said as he launched a fist into his face.

Milo didn't reply and struggled to get out of Trevor's hold, but it only caused Trevor to become more frustrated that he wasn't submitting to him and giving up.

He repeatedly launched fists onto Milo's face and battered him to the point that his face was beginning to deform.

"You will regret your decision of not giving up" he declared angrily as he stood up.

Damian couldn't help it anymore and streaming large amounts of energy into his legs, jumped onto the stage.

"Stop right now before I kill you" roared Damian as he dashed towards him.

Trevor was unfazed by the threat and activated the Tiger Fist.

"Watch your friend die," he said to Damian as he laughed like a maniac and launched the fist down onto Milo's face.

The entire crowd went silent and so did the rest of the class watching.

Damian was too far away to do anything to save his friend and by the time he would activate his Soul Spirit it would be too late.

However, just as everyone thought it was over, there was a blur and Ivan disappeared from the position he was watching in and emerged beside Trevor and Milo.

He caught Trevor's Tiger Fist in his hand as if it was nothing and was unaffected by the fist in the slightest.

"Call for a senior medic" he ordered to the nurses on standby who wouldn't be capable of healing Milo.

"Round 1 Winner - Trevor Ray" he announced.

Hearing this Damian was gobsmacked that after being so cruel in a competition he wasn't in any trouble at all and it inversely boosted his ego and reputation throughout the academy.

"This is the world of cultivation and survival of the fittest. Reality is cruel and ruthless and the weak are stepped on while the strong and determined prevail" announced Ivan making an example of the situation to show to his class the reality of the world.

[Well then I will show you true cruelty when I face you in the competition] vowed Damian to himself as he bit his tongue and harboured and saved the rage for when he would battle Trevor.

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