The Copy Mage

Chapter 27: Grateful

Chapter 27: Grateful

The nurses hurried off and came back with a quite beautiful woman with short black hair that was wearing a nurse outfit.

"Quick carry the patient and follow me back to the infirmary" she ordered to the nurses after seeing the serious state that Milo was in.

The nurses hurriedly scurried onto the stage and placed Milo's body onto a prepared stretcher, then carried him off stage quickly as they followed after the senior medic.

Damian dashed after the group of nurses that were carrying Milo and no longer cared about the competition for the time being.

"Damian please return to your seat" called out Ivan.

Damian didn't even reply and turned back to Ivan and gave him a glare with his bright yellow eyes as he continued following after the nurses.

"The competition will continue and Damian will be called for his round, but will be disadvantaged as he won't get to watch the battles to see his opponents strengths and weaknesses.

However, the show must go on.

Next Round - Wilfred vs Orlando. Please come onto the stage" he announced.

Meanwhile, Damian followed the nurses out of the arena and into a large infirmary with many medicines, pills and equipment that he didn't recognise.

"Shoo, we can't have you here in the infirmary while we are healing your friend," said a nurse to Damian as she flicked her hand signifying him to go away.

"I will stay with my friend" he replied directly, giving her a deep glare that intimidated her slightly.

"Follow me kid, but you must be quiet and don't distract me as I heal your friend" called out the senior medic, interested by the bold and quite strong child that was very loyal to his friend.

"But, but he can't" refuted the nurse feeling undermined by a child, before she was instantly shut down by the senior medic.

"No buts, I am not negotiating with you. Get out of my sight" the senior medic screamed at her, demanding respect from her subordinates.

The nurse ran off with her head down, embarrassed and ashamed by what just happened as Damian followed the senior medic into a room that had a single bed.

The other nurses gently placed Milo's battered body on the bed, then instantly left Damian and the senior medic in the room with the unconscious Milo as if it was standard procedure.

"What the hell, how can you heal Milo in this empty room" he exclaimed confused and worried for Milo's life.

"Although you are quite talented and bold, be careful who you talk to and how you talk to them as it could get you into trouble in the future" she warned, giving Damian a chance, knowing that he was still young and didn't know who she was.

"So then who are you," he asked directly, without the respectful tone she was used to.

"I am the senior medic of the academy and also an elder of the academy, one that is widely respected and revered," she said gloatingly as she gave Damian a stare expecting him to be intimidated and scared.

"Can you heal my friends, o mighty elder, with your incredible ability" he said, urgently wanting Milo to be healed.

However, it was blatant that there was hardly any respect in his tone and he was merely speaking to her in such a way because he was desperate.

He was curious to see how she would be able to heal Milo without any medicine, pills or equipment that a normal doctor would use, as he attentively watched her every action.

She chuckled to herself slightly at the boy in front of her who was the only person other than a few others that had repeated spoken to her in such a direct manner without any consequences, even after knowing her identity.

"You were wondering previously how I would heal your friend, well then stupid child, I will show you true power" she announced proudly, wanting to show her seniority.

Damian didn't refute and lowered his head, not wanting his anger to annoy her and cause her not to heal Milo.

"That's more like it, now watch as I demonstrate my Soul Spirit's ability" she stated with a pleased smile seeing him begin to submit to her.

She held her palms before her, hovering over Milo's body, then her body had a surge of thick energy and vitality as a thin blue layer of energy formed around her.

"I have an extremely rare Soul Spirit that allows me to heal others with my energy. It is known as the Radiant Bubble" she narrated with an arrogant expression.

From her palms, a thin sheet of what seemed to be water was formed and spread all around Milo's body and formed a bubble.

Milo's body began to float within the bubble, right under the medic's hands that were supplying an endless stream of healing energy.

Damian couldn't help but be in awe of such an amazing ability that allowed her to heal others with her energy.

After a few minutes, the medic stumbled backwards as the bubble popped and Milo fell back onto the bed.

She was panting and sweating profusely and seemed to have pushed herself to her limits in order to heal Milo.

"Your friend should have a full recovery within a day with the amount of energy I supplied him should awaken within a few hours to a day," she said to him as she was about to leave the room.

"This favour will not be forgotten and is much appreciated by me. I will return the favour in the future" Damian declared with a grateful and respectful tone.

After seeing her push herself so hard to heal his friend, he no longer cared about her arrogant nature and his gratefulness overshadowed everything negative about her and saw that she seemed to be a good person despite it.

[It would be incredible if I could copy her Soul Spirit] thought Damian to himself.

{In your current state I would not recommend it and it would be almost impossible. Your first copy was made easy and almost guaranteed with my complete assistance, however each time you permanently copy, I will be able to help you less and less, so you should wait until you get stronger} advised Utsusu.

He took the advice wholeheartedly knowing that everything Utsusu told him was for his own benefit and sat down on the ground as he began to restore his energy and calm his mind.

Whereas in the arena Orlando defeated Wilfred again as he did previously, but it wasn't one-sided like the Trevor and Milo fight.

They fought for almost 10 minutes before Orlando managed to deal the final blow.

"Round 2 Completed - Winner Orlando"

"Next Round - Damian vs Jaspal" announced Ivan.

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