The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 85 - Beheading A Serpent (I)


Rushing into the distance, a pair of disgruntled faces glanced at each other. ​​

"Tch… to think that kid would be so venomous. He ruined my desires. But I can't take the chance of these Natural Blessing's being rendered useless. Surely, I'd be punished if that were to happen," Myrin's expression darkened as he stowed away the fruits.

"I find his demeanor to be rather alluring. However, I think it'll take a lot to tame him but that's where the fun comes in," Krystella chuckled, licking her lips in the process as she glanced at Myrin's unsettled appearance. Pausing for a moment, she continued.

"Of course, that doesn't mean we can let him off. Us, Shaanti, never let enmity go unpaid. He'll become my victim. It's regrettable but it'll be worth it if I'm able to savor his unique taste," Krystella licked her nail as a malevolent gleam passed through her eyes.

Myrin, on the other hand, continued to look at her albeit silently. Shortly after, a small frown appeared, 'Truly a slut. This is why I find you revolting. However, I'm curious as to what plans she had in store for that hateful youth. Anything untoward Abaddon's seed is pleasurable to me.'

"Very well. I look forward to what you plan," leaving these words, Myrin increased his speed blitzing into the distance leaving a disheveled Krystella in his wake. It seemed as if he had other things on his mind.


Meanwhile, back in the Central Region of the Shadowy Forest...

"I believe it's time I venture back. I'll return to the family," Apollo turned towards a certain distance with an obscure gleam in his eyes, 'However, what will take place isn't what everyone will expect.'

As she heard these words, Cynthia became overjoyed. She wouldn't spend another night in worry! Her concerns had been taken care of. However, hearing these words leave Apollo's lips caused obscure emotions to pass through both Axel and Ashur's eyes.

'Should I be happy and unsettled about this?' Ashur remained silent and gazed at Apollo contemplatively.

"Let us return home then," Cynthia's eyes radiated with newfound happiness. The hidden brooding thoughts dispersed. At the same time, Lily smiled as well except for other reasons.

"Onward to the estate!" Aaron bellowed, raising an arm in triumph. His brother was returning home. He looked forward to receiving pointers as it went without saying, Apollo's combat standard shadowed his own. It was like a child looking up to his idol. Not to mention, there was also the fact Apollo exuded some type of different feeling. But it couldn't be explained.

"Tch...why do you need to return? No one is waiting for you," Axel spat, thrown off by Apollo's declaration. Frankly speaking, his disgust towards Apollo was gone. Instead, he felt fear of being overshadowed. He was capable of performing feats he wasn't.

Envy was a dangerous sin. It gave birth to ideas and feelings that were ultimately venomous. With that being said, Danyul and Cynthia turned towards Axel with a scowl. Perhaps this lad had been too spoiled. What right did he possess to utter such words?

"What…? What did I say wrong? This is the truth! Over the 4 years, not once has his name been mentioned throughout the family. It makes no sense for him to return. Why not stay out in the wild and survive on your own?" Axel defended himself, turning towards Apollo with a hostile gaze.

He didn't forget the fact Apollo had nearly caused catastrophic damage to his mental state. If that were to happen, his future would have been virtually destroyed! Hence, he thought to return a dose of that same medicine. Unfortunately, he didn't understand who he was dealing with.

"His words aren't incorrect. The family's activity has gone unaffected by his exit. In other words, his return wouldn't change a thing," Ashur added his input as well. Furthermore, the two—Danyul and Cynthia—could sense ruthless malice and also anxiety in his words. He knew he didn't believe his words at all and there existed a reason why.

"Hoh? I don't recall asking for your input. Apollo said he will be returning and that is final," Cynthia retorted. It seemed her stimulated temper was still active as her cold gaze landed upon these two. However, this time, Ashur didn't take a step back. Instead, he butted heads with her, once again offering his opinion.

"Tch. Look at you, playing favorites again. What's so great about Apollo other than being your brother's child? Furthermore, he really isn't talented. You want to know what he is? Reckless! That's why he has gotten where he has. Axel, on the other hand, didn't need to do such things. This is the difference between births!" Ashur spat contemptuously.

Cynthia's disgust with Ashur increased once again apparent from her current scowl, 'Difference between their births? Hah. Playing favorites? Look who's talking!'

"Listen up you idiot. How dumb are you? Talent is hereditary! Both of his parents possessed a talent in their pinky toes greater than yours let alone this boy Axel. You mention birth? How about I cripple Axel's meridians and see if he possesses the mental strength to climb out of that pit of despair," Cynthia's tone turned irate. Infuriated by his asinine words, she resorted to threats. One which caused threads of fear to creep into their eyes.

"Hoh? You jest! You threaten him? How dare you! I'll be relaying this to Grand Elder Kayn and Patriarch Rhyne. Let us see who gets the last laugh," Ashur released a dark chuckle. Axel's backing within the family was immense whereas Apollo's was nonexistent. This was a fact he couldn't dispute. As a result, Danyul entered the hectic situation in fear of it devolving into a bloodbath.

"Oi... oi...calm down Cynthia. And you two! Do you two have shit for brains? Even after his earlier achievements you still have the gall to say su-" Danyul began reprimanding them, however, Apollo lifted his hand with an emotionless gaze. He wasn't one who needed someone to fight his battles. Furthermore, he didn't converse with barking dogs.

[Hoh? Look at this, they're trying to dissuade them from allowing you to return to the family. Not only is it not birthed from jealousy, but it's also attempts birthed from deep-rooted fear. It appears they fear your growth and the way you handle situations. If only they had witnessed that marvelous scene before.]

'I'm aware of their feeling Azridan. But if I'm being honest… I don't care. They could disappear for all I care,' Apollo's eyes pierced the two as he voiced his own opinion.

"You're wasting your words. One's whose eyes have been blinded by greed, hearts clouded by envy, and minds plagued with stupidity will be forever close-minded. I'm not here to rebut their words. We'll just see how true their words are in the future," Apollo dropped his hand turning around. Rather than partaking in the folly, he walked into the distance—the same direction Myrin and Krystella departed.

Hearing his disregarding words, Axel and Ashur scowled. Their mind games had no effect! It was like talking to a stone wall coated in rubber. Anything they fired at it failed to penetrate and simply ricocheted.

On the other hand, Cynthia and Danyul were shocked by his calm—this wasn't what they were expecting to unravel, 'Who would have thought he would be the one to diffuse the situation? Perhaps, I was too childish.' An embarrassed blush appeared on Cynthia's cheek as she grasped Aaron's hand rushing into the distance.

However, unbeknownst to them, Apollo had already marked those two. His calm surface hid the cold fury bubbling within. His dreadful ire would be released upon them at the best moment offering a blissful experience.

After this small falling out, the journey home became eerily silent as if everyone had split into two parties—strangers to each other. Unaffected by the situation, Apollo inspected himself as he continued the journey home.

'Hmm, this dark wisp flowing through me is mending my wounds at a laggard pace. Furthermore, it possesses a familiar feeling but why can't I control it?'

Trying repeatedly, Apollo soon gave up attempting to influence it as they were all to no avail.

'Whatever, it'll happen at its own time. By then, I should have already ingested that Natural Blessing. Hmm?"

Looking up, he gazed at the gates he hadn't seen in a while. As he was lost in the attempts, he became oblivious to time—in what seemed like a short few minutes, they had reached the gates of the Kaiser Estate.

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