The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 86 - Beheading A Serpent (II)


'Hmm? We're here already?' Apollo looked up surprised by the fact they were already before the estate's towering gates. Oblivious to the passage of time as he inspected his internals, Apollo overlooked the numerous passing hours. Only now did he realize the sky had darkened a great degree. ​​

'Ah… how long it's been since I've stood before these questionable gates,' Apollo silently examined the gates amid an influx of unpleasant moments. As they passed through his mind, a glint appeared. His expression changed to one stale of emotion.

Cynthia turned toward Apollo noticing the slight change in his eyes. He understood to a certain extent what he was feeling. After all, it had been years since he stepped into this place. The only continued interaction being with a voice she wasn't privy to.

"Sweetie, are you okay? Do you need me to stay with you for a while?" Cynthia's concern for him showed as he held his cheeks, looking up at him hoping to placate those emotions turbulent inside him.

Shaking his head, a look of clarity returned to him, "I'm okay, Aunty. It seems the emotions I hold for this place are greater than what I previously thought." However, his words sounded weird when complemented with his current expression. One in which hostility was present yet concealed.

"En, I understand where you're coming from. Relax for a moment. We, the Elders, have to report to the others of the council to alert them of our gains," Cynthia opened the gates to the estate walking inside with the rest following.

As they did so, Ashur presented a malicious smile increasing his gait. Walking in stride with Cynthia, he glanced at her harrumphing. Disappearing from the rest, Ashur, Danyul, and Cynthia entered a large building similar to the shrine everyone took their assessment. The only difference being this one didn't possess steps, in its place was a large conference table with 10 seats.

Sounds of exertion were heard nearby. Apollo turned his neck to inspect them. Numerous youth were found to be either sparring with one another or practicing a multitude of techniques. However, in Apollo's eyes, he saw inexperienced children committing untold mistakes.

'All of them are terrible when it comes to combat experience. It appears the only thing they do here is blind cultivation and vain sparring with one another. They've never experienced real battle nor have they come close to the doors of death. And these fighting styles, they don't even seek to damage each other.'

Averting his gaze, Apollo gestured toward Aaron, "Come take a walk with me. There's nothing noteworthy to be witnessed here. I want to freshen up."

"Oh sure. Come to my house. You can take care of yourself there," assented Aaron as they left the area leaving a silent Lily and a vexed Axel. They parted ways as well, Lily's gaze falling upon the backs of the two departing figures.

'Why do I get the feeling something is going to happen. Not only that… it feels… terrible,' a worried glint passed through her eyes before turning towards the council room. Over and over, her gaze switched between the two. Somehow, she felt this feeling was connected to them.


On their way to his house, Apollo paused. He smirked at what laid before him—the cramped and cluttered living space he previously resided in. Surprisingly, it was well kept despite being so small. 'Heh, someone spared the time to upkeep this space? That's amusing.'

"Ah, this old place. You must be curious why the state is so good. Well, you can thank Uncle Danyul for that. Once a week he would return here to unsure it stayed in a pristine condition—something that surprised even me." Aaron followed Apollo's gaze.

After a short moment, he pulled his arm dragging him to his mother's dwellings. "No need to dwell on the matter. Let's get you freshened up. You've been in the wild far too long. Just look at your state."

Apollo responded with a dry chuckle allowing Aaron to continue with these actions. He wasn't wrong. He hadn't had a proper bath or rest in years. After all, he was always in a state of half-active conscience and used any available water source for daily necessities. Furthermore, it was time he used the robes Irauk left for him. Until now, they had yet to be used.

He found no reason to. While out there, he wasn't in the presence of anyone else nor did the cold effect his body much after continuously advancing. Hence, he saved the robes in the pouch for a later time.

A short while later, he stepped into the comfortable washing area. Taking a seat, Apollo's expression blanked. The warm water flowed through the grooves of his scarred body. This relaxing feeling was something he sought but seldom received.

Soon enough, the freshened Apollo exited from the washoom. His unkempt hair now possessed a vibrant sheen, complimenting the riveting violet hue of his detached eyes. Not to mention, the black robes with crimson seams further accentuated his slender yet muscular physique.

"Woah, look at you! I knew you possessed the physique of a beast but sheesh… You put me to shame," Aaron slapped Apollo's chest chuckling but his expression soon staled. Pulling back his hand, he rubbed his knuckles inhaling a cool breath. 'What the fuck?! Why is his chest so damn hard?'

Raising an eyebrow, Apollo once again inspected himself. 'If I'm not mistaken… my body should be on par with the Vantablack Knife now. That sound was extremely similar.


As they two continued to catch up, one series of events took place inside the Elder Council Room.

"Grand Elder Kayn, you must rectify these issues! I have much to tell you." The moment all Elders gathered, Ashur blurted without hesitation.

"Hoh? What is it? What has gotten you so riled up?" Kayn's turbid eyes opened to a sliver scrutinizing Ashur's appearance. Taking a moment to calm himself, he exhaled before disclosing the event that took place earlier. He took much care to emphasize the events of Cynthia threatening them as well as Apollo's "vile" ways.

Contrary to his expectations, Kayn took note of something else entirely, "Did you say Natural Blessings? Show me them."

Waving her hand, 24 connected fruits appeared before Kayn from Cynthia's pouch. A flash of jubilance passed through Kayn's turbid eyes. "These are Spirit-Grade as well as being mature. We'll be able to create at least 5 pseudo talents. However, why are there so little? In truth, there's only 8."

"This is Cynthia's fault! She was in cahoots with Apollo! She offered up 3 of them to the Shaanti as well as gave Apollo one," exclaimed Ashur, spilling his guts immediately, albeit not disclosing the vital parts.

"Oh? Cynthia?" Kayn averted his attention to Cynthia with an inquisitive gaze. He had learned not to take Ahsur's words for the entire truth. Furthermore, these two possessed a direct relationship.

"Uncle, that is not the case. First of all, Apollo was the one who claimed the Natural Blessings. Second of all, the Shaanti's possessed two Zul Knights. Do you think I would endanger Lily and Axel as the sacrifice of a few of these items?"

"Hmm, true enough. However, what is this about you threatening Axel?" Kayn's eyebrow twitched upon mentioning this as did another elder. His appearance was similar to both Axel and Ashur's begin as he was related to them.

It was his father—Rhyne, the current voted Patriarch of the family. Furthermore, he was a peak Zul Knight—a feat he accomplished during these passing years. Rather than being involved in family strife, he was only dedicated to cultivation.

Nevertheless, due to their current state, he was practically forced to take up the mantle. After all, to remain a "noble family" they must possess the required number of Zul Knights. Otherwise, they'd lose the protection of the domain's ruling family.

"Ah. That was a blunder on my part. However, if you meet Apollo you'll understand why," replied Cynthia with a confident tone.

"He's here? That's this new aura I feel? I see..."


Disappearing from the spot, Kayn sought to verify the information. In light of this, Axel's expression darkened. 'No… it hasn't been instigated enough! If so…'

He turned toward Rhyne with a thoughtful expression, concealing his voice, he attempted to persuade him. "Big brother… do not let that Apollo enter the family once again. He'll rob your son of his limelight. I've witnessed it with my own eyes… his potential is dangerous. He is cunning."

Rather than answering, Rhyne was intrigued by this information. Why did his little brother possess such a spiteful heart?

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