The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 98 - In Preparation For The Unknown


"Are you ready for your first steps into the future?" Cynthia asked both Apollo and Aaron, placing her hand on their cheeks. Her loving and reassuring gaze settled the turbulent emotions seething within them from the prior spectacle. Releasing small sighs of relief, they both nodded. ​​

"Yes. I look forward to seeing what this wide world has to offer," Apollo answered. His eyes turned towards the distance. He wondered what beasts resided out there stronger than the Wyvern.

"We are heading into unknown waters but… the thought of that excites me," Aaron smiled with a fiery intent circulating in his eyes. One could never forgo the excitement that came with journeying into the unknown. Although he wasn't the strongest out there, that didn't stop his desire to seek the hidden.

Apollo glanced to his side, taking in the emotions evident in Aaron's eyes. 'It feels as if something about him has gone through a faint change. Is this the aftereffect of what you have done?'

[Yes and no. It is partly due to that being his innate nature. It has just been more thoroughly brought out. He is showcasing signs of his own path. Perhaps my actions have influenced this slightly, but it is all his latent abilities.]

[You must remember. Just because your potential was determined before doesn't mean that is your true potential. There is a myriad of factors that come into play when your true talent is determined. In fact, soon enough you should become aware of that.]

'Hmm? Are you saying there are more talents than just the inner physique?' Apollo questioned, his eyes shining with zealous interest. So much so, small wisps exuded from his eyes, piercing space except he wasn't aware of this.

Nearly all beast within the Shadowy Forest a large distance away shuddered and cowered in fear. It felt as if something was suppressing them at the primal level. It was to the point where they imagined if they didn't cower like so, they would cease to exist.

[Hoh? Those eyes are activating already? Perhaps you have another infant Sin laced within your body. There is Wrath and perhaps...Pride? How interesting, when those two mix—utter destruction ensues; to both one's self and others.]

'Huh? Pride? I don't think I'm prideful at all. Why do you say that?' Apollo became pensive at Azridan's words. At the same time, their departure began; Kayn interrupting with his own directions.

"We'll be heading to the end of Verdacre and then we'll journey to the capital of the Zephus Domain—the Astarte Province. Remember, when there, keep your heads down. There will be a slew of powerful cultivators as well as privileged children. One misstep and that could be your future as you know!" Kayn warned, looking over the small group of youths with a dire gaze.

Ultimately, his gaze fell and stayed on Apollo for a time larger than everyone else as a collective, "Especially you, Apollo. You must learn to receive disdain and not react. You must alter that hotheadedness of yours. Learn how to bide your time."

Apollo clicked his tongue in response, retorting, "I know how to control myself. I just knew my worth against those other 5. They were useless and so I got rid of them. If you were to learn of my experiences, you'd come to realize, I am not one who is so simple."

Apollo smiled coldly as he recounted the massacre of Slaid, Vren, and Krone. He was unable to kill them on his own, hence, he plotted and wore down their strengths to an acceptable level before making his own move.

"Very well. This is just my warning. It'd be a shame if my dream wasn't realized due to your adolescent emotions," Kayn added with a small nod. Afterward, the journey fell silent but only for a short moment.

"I have a question; why must we venture to the end of the Zephus Domain first? Is there something there we need?" Apollo asked shifting his gaze between Cynthia and Kayn.

"Yes. That's where all those who wish to partake in the selection trial must convene. From there, we'll journey in flying ships pulled by tamed, flying spirit beasts. Something capable only by those who have started Spirit Cultivation," Kayn answered with a plain tone.

Within his eyes was an obscure emotion. It seemed as if he wished to be of those—the ones who had transferred upon the road of Spirit Cultivation. Regrettably, this was a path seeming to be forever sealed towards him. He didn't possess the requirement to begin it.

Apollo's eyes widened in surprise. Once again, Spirit Cultivation, something he knew nothing about, was being mentioned. "Ah. Does that mean all small noble families are incapable of taming Spirit Beasts?"

"Not necessarily. Oftentimes, a progeny of a small noble family may return from their academy and gift their respective families some of those beasts. Your father had once done so but it is a shame they died in battle with him," Kayn sighed; one filled with melancholy. His heart wasn't stale; it was simply overshadowed by his aspirations.

"Hm, why isn't Spirit Cultivation a requirement to enter the academies?" Apollo tapped his foot rushing to the front, standing side by side with Kayn. He was a sponge seeking to soak up further knowledge about the way of this world. One could never have too much knowledge.

"That's a simple matter. It creates the facade of fairness. After all, if the whole world were to turn on the academies and families, how would the human race continue? Hence, they create the illusion that it isn't needed to join. Based on what past family members have disclosed, this isn't true.

"It plays an extremely large role. Matter of fact, a single section of the test is delegated to this matter. While you don't need to possess a cultivation in it, it is mandatory for you to possess the potential for you to be admitted," Kayn answered before falling into a contemplative state.

Meanwhile, the scenery changed rapidly. Transversing the distance was a simple matter for him, however, it wasn't long before the youths behind him started to pant.

"It seems we must take our first break. This is why I urged us to leave early, the journey is not small," Kayn said, coming to a full stop.

Unlike the others, however, Apollo felt not a shred of exhaustion. On the contrary, he felt exuberant. As if the movement had woken up every cell in his body. Be that as it may, he still sat in silence, contemplating the knowledge gained from Kayn.

'If one is found to be unable to begin Spirit Cultivation, without a doubt they'll be turned away. That way, it doesn't seem as if the academies are turning away those of lower birth. Moreover, this is done under the guise of this training being for the human race. What a shrewd way of selecting,' Apollo chuckled to himself.

At the same time, large movements was heard in the distance. After a short time, another group of people arrived before the Kaisers. In an instant, a clashing aura of enmity was birthed.

"Hoh?! Lookie here, it's the Kaiser rats once again. Hmm? Are these all the talents you have capable of taking part in the selection trials? Laughable. With each generation, your standings decay. It's truly a shame old vermin Kayn," an opposing aged voice chuckled.

Appearing before them, an old man still possessing a bulky build dressing in white robes appeared accompanied by a group of 25 youths and a few other elders. Two of which earned Cynthia's disgust.

Opening his eyes, Kayn gazed at the man, "Oh? I haven't seen the silly Abram in quite a few years. I've believed you to be dead. A bear has finally learned how to come out of hibernation."

His words earned the chuckles of the Kaiser Family's youths. In return, Abram clicked his tongue and sneered. It seemed Kayn still possessed his sharp tongue. Meanwhile, Myrin and Krystella walked to the front whispering in Abram's ear.

"Oh?! This boy is Abaddon's son? Interesting, he possesses a personality identical to his father despite not knowing him? It seems fate is a funny thing," Abram snickered, turning his head toward the indifferent Apollo.

Kayn's eyes narrowed as he confronted them. "What are your intentions? Don't force this old man to loosen his muscles." His aura began leaking from his physique stifling the air.

In response, Abram did the same just it wasn't as intense in comparison. It seemed he had still yet to catch up to Kayn's cultivation base. Be that as it may, there still remained more numbers on their side. If a battle truly broke out, the outcome was unable to be determined.

'Hoh? Am I going to get to test out my current strength?' Apollo thought to himself, rising to his feet or so he thought. Kayn's stuck out his hand stopping his movement without sparing him a glance.

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