The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 99 - Misconstrued Words


The hostile atmosphere between the two families reached a peak, soon after, coming to a standstill. However, even then, the potent animosity was still prevalent. Kayn's aged eyes blazed with a calm yet imposing glint, exuded a feeling reminiscent to the calm before the storm. Noticing the difference in their aura, Abram clicked his tongue in annoyance. ​​

"Tch, the last of the Kaiser's legacy is nothing but a cockroach; hard to kill yet never actually dishing out damage. Bah, what a passive-aggressive freak you are," Abram scoffed as he retracted his aura. In response, Kayn did the same.

"It's surprising, for a burly bear to make a smart decision that is. Why cut off the route to ascension for your family over insignificant grudges? I don't need to say it but you know the outcome would have been undesirable for both sides," Kayn chuckled, shifting his gaze to the collection of people behind Abram.

His gaze stagnated on Myrin and Krystella for some time, "You two, you bear a grudge of differing emotions for this young boy, yes?" Kayn pointed towards Apollo. He could feel the emotions swarming in their eyes. Needless to say, the source of their unstable mind states was the youth next to him.

Based on what he was told, Apollo had nearly played them like a fiddle. It was a known fact, all cultivators possessed some type of pride. As such, it was safe to say they didn't appreciate being strung along—by a cultivator much weaker than them no less.

Of course, this only rang true for Myrin. As for Krystella, she had entirely different thoughts flowing through her mind. Some of which were rather disturbing. After all, Apollo was still an adolescent. Granted, the age of maturity began at 15, hence, it wasn't an odd sight to find this situation taking place in grander origins.

'Why does he look so much more delicious? And those eyes… they feel like they're skinning me alive. I love this cold, callous expression this youth has,' Krystella shuddered at her thoughts with a euphoric expression. Regrettably, her actions were thwarted.

"Oi! Act like a young lady. Would you like to be punished? I can feel your illicit thoughts from here," Abram barked, sparing Krystella a dangerous look; one that made her instantly straighten up.

"As for you old rat, you're right. It's in our best interest not to come into conflict—for now, that is. Sooner or later, our accounts will be settled. The Shaanti will ultimately triumph over you Kaisers. This is inevitable; just sit back and welcome it," Abram chuckled, guiding the other Shaanti some distance away.

However, Krystella as well as a young female looked back at Apollo as she muttered into her ear, "That boy is your target, Violeta. It would please aunty immensely for you to bend that little boy to your will, okay?"

Violeta blinked her dark black eyes in silence for a moment. She was inspecting Apollo's qualities to ascertain whether or not this boy could possibly possess the means to be her toy. After all, in the Shaanti Family, she possessed a special standing.

After a short deliberation, she rocked her head back and forth, coming to her conclusion. "Okay. What would you like me to do, I'm sure you'll want to taste him first, right? But before that aunty, what will you give me in return?" A cunning gleam flashed through Violeta's eyes.

"Hmph! I should've known. Being my little niece, you've grown crafty. I'll give you my Carnal Eyes of Bewitchment Art, is that enough to satisfy you? As you know, this is my famed technique. Outside of me, no one else has been able to train their lust to my degree."

For a moment, Violeta remained skeptical, her pale blue hair swaying in the wind. "Hm, I've heard of that technique. It's close to being similar to practices of the Spirit Cultivation but not entirely. Instead, it clings to the lust of the opponent as uses it as a means to immobilize or even control them for a short while. However, it also has alarge drawback."

"Yes, it does! It requires you to use your own lust as fuel. In other words, if you aren't salacious enough you can never truly take this technique to the pinnacle," Krystella nodded in admittance before continuing, "But you must remember, this is only true if your mastery is low; emotions are a mystical thing. You can never come to underestimate them."

"Hm, now you make this sound more interesting. This will be easy for me then; after all, there are many things I lust after. Okay Aunty, I'll take this deal. It's just a little boy anyway, I feel like I've come out on top in this deal," Violeta said nonchalantly as she turned back towards Apollo once again. Doing so, she tapped her finger against her lip in thought.

After some time, the Shaanti settled down for their rest as well. Meanwhile, Apollo remained oblivious to the occurrences that just took place. Instead, he fell into a state of cultivation once again. He had this feeling that getting past that small threshold would take more than he would have liked.

As a result, he increased his efforts to cultivate. Unfortunately, he was disrupted once again not even two hours later—Kayn alerting him of it being time to continue their journey.

Although they continued their journey, Cynthia's face remained sour. They were traveling alongside the Shaanti! Furthermore, Krystella was right next to her. It took every ounce of willpower vested in her being to resist slapping the fuck out that repugnant face. Especially with the looks she kept giving Apollo.

[Lad, it looks like that woman desires you. Do you wish to conquer her? You can make her yield before your magnificence.]

'No thank you. She isn't attractive to me,' Apollo immediately rejected the idea. Something about her turned him off from her. Although her features weren't bad, everytime he laid eyes on her, he had to repress the urge to kill her. He didn't understand why this was the case.

Although he felt this way, Azridan's next words baffled Apollo. Additionally, he didn't understand why he felt a change in Azridan's attitude as if he was becoming... relatable and talkative.

[Your mindset is young. On my journey, I had conquered many. Any and all who confronted me with the intentions of besting me was dealt with—male and female alike!]

Apollo sputtered, causing everyone to turn towards him. In turn, he looked at them with a deadpan expression regaining his prior demeanor. Shaking their head, they dismissed the earlier noise and turned around. Apollo, on the other hand, was nearing an emotional crisis.

'Did you just conquered men?' Apollo asked, nearly slipping up on his facade. He truly hoped he was misconstruing those earlier words.

[Abominable! Are you asking me if I bedded men? When I say conquered, I mean in two different contexts you damned youth! All male groveled at my feet begging me to stop whereas the women begged for more!]

Once again, Apollo choked. This time, however, was louder than the last. This prompted Aaron's immediate concern.

"Apollo, are you choking on air? What's gotten into you? Is something the matter?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Perhaps I was too deep into thought," Apollo responded, quelling the questions. However, Kayn silently observed him. He didn't find anything out of the ordinary except one thing—he couldn't discern his inner state anymore!

'Has something happened to his body? Is he experiencing a negative condition? Did he perhaps lie to me earlier when he said he didn't utilize a sacrificial technique? If so, there's only one way to find out.' Kayn thought to himself, turning his gaze towards the distance, a profound light shining within.

[Lad! Are you once again desecrating my words? Allow me to clarify! All those who opposed were destroyed never to stand again!]

'Oh god! Azridan please stop! I understand what you're trying to say. Shut up already!' Apollo pleaded. He couldn't take it anymore; all of Azridan's words could be interpreted in another way. Although, it was all due to Apollo's imagination.

[Tch, just wait until you enter the demon world. You shall experience all kinds of temptations. Let's see just how steely your will is then.]

Amid Apollo's emotional turmoil, Kayn once again ordered a stop except this time, they were already at the farthest border of Verdacre. Beyond was uncharted lands Apollo had yet to come across.

"Are there no other cities from here to the Zephus Province?" Apollo questioned.

"Nope. At least, not the direction we're taking. There's no time for the scenic route. What rests between us and our destination is an expanse of barren land inhabited by nearly berserk creatures. Hence, this will be additional training for all of you."

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