The Divine Anime System

Chapter 150. Position for first wife

Chapter 150. Position for first wife

"So how are we going to do this?" Eve asked as she gestured with her hand.

"Are you going to come at me?~ Shall I come at you?~ Or are we going to come together, at the same time?~" Eve gave Bai Wu a grin as Bai Wu looked at Eve.

"Who's going to be first wife?" Bai Wu asked which caught Eve off guard.

"Err, what?"

"Who is going to be first wife?" Bai Wu asked again.

"Well isn't it obviously me?" Eve replied as if it was natural.

"Do you have a child with Rei?" Bai Wu asked as Eve paused.

"But I was with him the longest." Eve said as Bai Wu crossed her arms emphasising her bust.

"But I gave him a child. So, I'm the first wife and you're the second wife." Bai Wu retorted.


Eve felt a twitch on the edge of her smile.

"That's only because you're a rabbit. You guys give birth to more babies than the amount of breakfast a person eats in their lifetime." Eve said as tension was building between the two.

"Giving birth to a child is better than having none." Bai Wu said unfolding her arms.

The commentator and the spectators didn't know what to say about the two women in the arena arguing about who was the first wife.

"But having moderation is better than being a baby factory." Eve replied.

"At least I can pass on Rei's lineage better than you can." Bai Wu said as they both readied their weapons. Eve with her wire gloves while Bai Wu had her spirit manifestation.

Their aura's flared as Bai Wu's was light pink while Eve's was silver with a slight blue tint.

""Winner is first wife."" They both said at the same time.

Eve crouched down as she waved her hand sending out wires across the arena.

Bai Wu pulled out two fans from her sleeves as she waved them creating countless wind blades slicing the wires.


She stepped hard onto the ground as it caused a small crater. Her body disappeared as she dashed towards Eve.

Seeing this, Eve flicked a few fingers before several traps were sprung up around her.

It was effective as she could see Bai Wu's body flicker back into view as she jumped backwards to avoid the wire traps. Her instincts were telling her that they were bad news.

As she jumped back, she kicked her legs as she sent wind blades cutting the traps. As if like a startled cat, the traps exploded out with a single touch that would have bound Bai Wu should she have carried on and didn't retreat.

Eve didn't stay idle as her hands blurred. Several strands of wire shot towards Bai Wu as if they were alive tracking her every movement.

"Tch, annoying." Bai Wu said as she waved her fans. A tornado appeared in front of her as it dragged the wires away forcefully.

Eve didn't falter as she clasped both hands together.

Within the tornado, the wires had bundled together forming the form similar to an eastern dragon.

"Go!" Eve commanded as the dragon tore through the tornado.

Bai Wu frowned slightly before gathering energy in her legs. As the dragon approached, she did a scissor motion with her legs as it bisected the dragon in half.

Without worry, Eve separated her palms turning the two halves into smaller dragons.

Bai Wu was about to react when she realised her movements have slowed tremendously while Eve's wire dragons shot towards her with speeds far above their normal standard.

Eve was concentrating as she used her Divine essence of time of slow down Bai Wu. She didn't want to harm her, so she needed an opportunity to restrain her. She could tell that neither of them wanted to harm the other, so they were looking for chances to retrain each other. If not, Bai Wu would attack with more ferocity and Eve would be using her razor wires.

Bai Wu flared her aura seeing the approaching dragons. The aura coagulated into a small avatar as it blocked both dragons at the last second with her fans.

It flicked its wrist as wind blades destroyed the dragons.

The avatar was dismissed as Bai Wu landed softly.

"Want to keep going?" Eve asked.

"Nah forget it. If we hurt each other Rei will probably be disappointed." Bai Wu said as she shook her head.

"True, he cares a lot for the people he cares about." Eve said with a nostalgic smile.

"So how are we going sort this out?" Bai Wu asked.

"Why don't we let Rei do it? Since he is the one we love, he'll choose who's the first wife." Eve said with a smile.

"...ok." Bai Wu said after some thought.

"I forfeit." Bai Wu called out to the announcer.

"I'll look for you once I finish my required matches ok?" Eve said looking at Bai Wu.

"Ok I'll wait for you big sis." Bai Wu said and waved. Eve opened her eyes with slight surprise.

"Ohya? How come you're so polite with me all of a sudden. We're still competitors for the first wife title you know?" Eve said as Bai Wu only grinned.

"Naturally you're big sis since you're older than me. Hag." She grinned before quickly departing.

'"&%$&^"^$!!!! Who's the fucking hag!" Eve cursed out causing Bai Wu's laughter to ring out in the distance.

'Hahaha calm calm Eve. This Bai Wu's pretty fun right?' Mirai's voice could be heard. Eve could tell Mirai was smirking.

'Tch wipe that smirk off your face. If anything shouldn't you be the hag? You control time so you could just make it so that you seem young.' Eve retorted causing Mirai to become silent.

While she was having her internal argument with Mirai over who was older, her next opponent had already arrived.

"Let's just finish these fights quickly." Eve said as she wanted to have a long chat with Bai Wu.


"How's the preparation going?" A female voice asked out within a large throne room.

"Everything is about ready royal princess. By the time the True God Emperor dies the invasion shall start." A voice replied. The source was a bat demon with a humanoid body. It bowed deeply hoping to not anger the two people sitting on the thrones.

The royal princess frowned as her eyes narrowed down at the bat demon.

"So, you're saying we're not fully ready yet? If the True God Emperor were to die now, we can't invade yet? What if another steps up in his spot and powers the barrier, are you saying we have a chance to lose our opportunity to invade?" The woman said narrowing her eyes dangerously.

"This... I'll have them speed up the preparation as soon as possible!" The bat demon grovelled in fear.

"Hmm...." The sound was drawn out for a long time as each second that passed only increased the demon's fear.

"Now now dear sis, let the guys do their jobs. If we kill them, we'll have to find some more capable hands to replace them." A male voice replied. The source was the royal prince that looked highly similar to Rei albeit with deep red hair.

"Shut up brother wannabe." The female voice replied looking at the male with disdain.

The male frowned seeing the female's attitude.

"Did you forget who gave you back your memories Lia?" The male replied voice dangerously low.

"No, I did not forget. But I have told you I'll keep the name Aiko. It's what dear brother had named me and it is what I shall keep. However... Don't think I don't know whose fault it was that both me and brother had to die. Kyra." Aiko replied with anger burning in her eyes.

"You know I had to! Royal brother was bewitched!" Kyra replied as 'he' flared his aura.

"Bullshit! Where brother goes, we follow. Who cares if he has a few more women by his side!" Aiko retorted as she also flared her aura.

The clash of two True God auras caused the bat demon to throw up blood before getting eviscerated by the pressure alone.

The two glared at each other for a long time before they bother looked away in annoyance. Their auras died down as Aiko close her eyes.

"How did you even get brother's body Kyra?" Aiko asked the burning question in her mind.

"How else? Fucking father transferred my soul to royal brother's body as punishment. Due to my...actions, this body can't exert physical power that's higher than sovereign level. And because it was father, I'm not able to return to my body." Kyra gnashed her teeth in seething hatred.

"Hmph, karma's a bitch." Aiko said as she ignored Kyra.

'Brother...I'll come find you soon...just wait.' Aiko thought as she slowly waited for the day they reunite once more.

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