The Divine Anime System

Chapter 151. Another One

Chapter 151. Another One

Rei stepped out of the portal room as he looked around.

'Hmm, since Eve and Bai Wu should be here. I should be able to find them using my senses.' Rei suddenly thought as he peered into the crowd of people.

Sending out his senses, Rei paused before frowning.

'My senses can't reach pass 5 meters. What's going on?...' Rei thought with a frown.

"Hey bro, seems like you're pretty new. In the god ascension realm, you can't spread out your senses far. It's restrained." A cheerful voice called out behind him.

Rei glanced back as he looked for the source.

The cultivator behind him had rough brown hair with a long pony tail at the base. His eyes were black as his outfit seemed peculiar in Rei's eyes. He wore a leather jacket with a white under shirt and jeans.

Rei furrowed his brows as he looked at the outfit.

"You are?..." Rei asked confused.

"Me? I'm known as the happy go lucky cultivator Vex!" Vex pulled a pose with a grin.

"Don't fucking listen to him, he's the insane cultivator." A voice replied as Rei saw Vex's grin falter slightly.

"EY! Don't talk shit! I'm not insane, it's called fashion!" Vex retorted as he gave the collar of his leather jacket a slight tug.

Rei raised an eyebrow.

"Fa..shion?" Rei repeated.

"Yeah don't you know Earth fashion? I thought you should be from earth since your shirt looks a lot like Archer's style from Type Moon. You should know either the anime or be a part of the Type Moon universe." Vex replied causing Rei to widen his eyes slightly.

The people that he had interacted with had always been either his lover or just someone passing by. In a way had it ever been someone who was like him and knew anime.

"Type Moon? What year were you from on earth?" Rei asked as Vex grinned.

"I knew it, you're from Earth too! As for me~ 2017. Died by mighty truck san, reincarnation and all that shit that you should know. Got a system, found out I was in Highschool DxD." Vex wrapped his arm around Rei's shoulder as he acted a bit too comfortable.

Rei removed his hand and supported a slight frown.

"Bit close, but if you're in Highschool DxD then why aren't you there? If I recall it should be an ecchi anime with fan service everywhere. Shouldn't a lot of 'us' want to stay there?" Rei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I know, I know but.... Fucking Issei was still there man! FUCK! I now know how side characters feel now." Vex said with a slight tear in his eyes.

"I saved the world, destroyed evil but they only looked at Issei man!" Vex ranted as Rei decided to be patient since it was rare that he saw any one who also went to an anime world.

"So which world did you go to?" Vex asked with curious eyes.

"Boku no Hero Academia, One Piece, Fate Stay Night, Seven Deadly Sins and them some other world I didn't know about." Rei replied as Vex looked at him in awe.

"Hey since you went to so many worlds then you should have seen the endings right? Tell me did Luffy become pirate king? What did he do? How did he do it?!" Vex asked becoming a bit too enthusiastic with Rei.

"Like hell I know?! I left after saving Ace and destroying Mariejois." Rei replied annoyed and ripped Vex off his arm.

"Che boring, how could you not stay till the end man!" Vex grumbled.

"Waifu needs attention and the world was pretty much finished after I kill 'IM'." Rei replied as he started to walk towards the cultivation tower. He was slightly disappointed since Vex was getting off tracked so much.

"Hold up. Bro as an anime lover cared to tell me who your waifu is?" Vex asked with a grin.

"Not in any anime." Rei replied simply.

"Also stop getting off tracked. Weren't you going to explain why I can't send my senses?" Rei asked with a side glance.

"Oh yeah, it's because the gods put a restriction so that people can get used to utilising their senses more. When we're at this level, our senses are one of our most vital assets." Vex explained as he cupped his hands behind his head.

Rei paused as he looked back and saw how Vex still followed him.

"Why are you still following me?" Rei asked.

"Ey senior, we are few and far between. How many times have you seen anyone like us going to anime worlds? We're in unfamiliar territory, having a few friends is good." Vex smiled.

"Tch, just because you don't have a lover you want a friend." Rei replied as he continued to the cultivation tower.

"Ey bro, you can't use the cultivation tower just yet, did you forget what the guy told us when we first arrive, we need to do good in the arena before we get more time in the tower." Vex reminded as he followed.

"I got it so can you stop following me?" Rei asked.

"Hell na bro! Don't you know about plot armour? Flag? Mc? Bro you got that whole aura about you. If I follow you, heh don't cha think maybe I'll find a waifu too? Don't all sidekicks get a waifu every now and again?" Vex asked with a smile.

Rei couldn't help but smiled a little. It was slightly refreshing to have someone you can be casual too. Not to mention, he was from Earth as well.

"You see wrong then. There are plenty of other people that have 'Plot Armour' not just me." Rei retorted.

"But here's where you are wrong." Vex shook his head with a smile and Rei raised an eyebrow.

"If they had plot armour, they can be called plot armour cannon fodder. They may have plot armour, but they feel like cannon fodder. But you on the other hand have several mc worthy points." Vex said with a smile as he slowly walked in front of Rei.

"1. First to visit anime worlds. 2. Best with the system. 3. Got a waifu. and F.I.N.A.L.Y!.." Vex said drawing out the last tone.

"You seem like a lone wolf kind of guy when you aren't with your waifu. Think of err.... Kirito that's it! First season, lone wolf till Waifu 1 Asuna came in no?" Vex said as Rei only raised his eyebrow further.

However, he frowned a bit later as he grabbed Vex's shoulder.

"How do you know I'm first to visit anime worlds? Why do you think I'm best with the system? Answer carefully." Rei said narrowing his eyes.

"Tch bro! You use the system no? How the fuck do you not know about it. Ask the system Achievements." Vex said as Rei creased his brows.

'System, achievements.'


-Golden Achievements Leader board-


System God

-Fastest Speed to God Hood-

Grant Kulva





-Anime Leader board: First to visit anime worlds-

Rei Todoroki

-Anime Leader board: Best system compatibility-

Rei Todoroki 98%

-Anime leader board: Strongest anime system type user-

Rei Todoroki

-Anime Leader board: Highest cultivation level for anime type system-

Vex Hyoudou





Rei raised an eyebrow seeing this.

"How do you know?" Rei asked.

"Bro, since you were the first one to use the system. As the second I got an intro guide to the system using you as a basis to write the intro guide." Vex replied tidying his jacket as Rei let it go.

"Hmm, them what does it mean that you're the highest cultivation level?" Rei asked curious.

"Well hehehe I sorta just went full on speed levelling my cultivation hahaha." Vex laughed as Rei felt an urge to face palm.

"I mean it's not like I wanted too, I just sorta entered a separate realm by accident in DxD and landed in a rift created by a dead god. Who knew I was lucky and landed there just before the final victor entered the last room and I managed to absorb most of the energy and it propelled me to Divine Rank 6." Vex explained as he scratched his head with his finger.


Rei couldn't help but face palm.

"Then don't you have enough plot armour yourself?! Who the fuck just rocks up in a world by accident and becomes Divine Rank 6!?" Rei retorted in annoyance. Mainly because he had to work for so long to reach Divine Rank 3, yet this prick here became rank 6 on accident.

"Ayy bro, don't be like that. Come on man, see I don't even know how to use the benefits that come with rank 6 bro." Vex said as he nudged Rei with his elbow.


"Bro?" Vex asked as he saw Rei's straight face.

Rei shook his head as he walked away.

"Ey come on bro where you going now?" Vex asked.


"Hehe bro I knew you'd need me. See isn't it because I told you about the arena that you've turned around no?" Vex smiled as he followed Rei.


The system god looked at the interface showing Rei and Vex interacting before the corner of his lips quirked up slightly.

"Hou~ Rei boi and someone else?" The beast god asked as she looked over his shoulder.

"Did you get him a friend?" She grinned.

"Think what you want, but having a friend is not a bad thing. Especially since if they're roughly the same background no?" The system god replied.

"Aya, how long have I known you for system god? Hahaha, change of heart? Maybe your baby daughter made you reconsider your son in law?" The beast god grinned as she leaned on the system gods shoulder.

"Get off." The system god said flat out.

"Che, so cold." The beast god said as she sat down on the table and crossed her legs.

"So, what's brought this up?" She asked as she looked at Vex.

"Rei needs to relax. He can't relax fully with Eve and... Bai Wu. Having a friend will help him relax his mind." The system god said as he hesitated slightly at Bai Wu's name.

"Ohya? ~ Seems like you care quite a lot for your son in law?" The beast god raised an eyebrow.

"It's what I owe him, owe Eve." The system god said as he dismissed the system.

"Anyways forget about that. I heard that your spy is dead." The system god said serious.

"Hais...don't remind me, so unfortunate. But he did bring back some news. Apparently an old war 'relic' resurfaced. He did some digging around and apparently the other side had three death gods from the old era which perished in the war. And it seems like one of the three death gods had returned." The beast god said with a lack of her previous playfulness.

"You think they're speeding up their preparations?" The system god asked.

"Yes, my spy tried to slow it down as much as he could before he was killed. But now we don't have that much leisure time anymore. War is imminent. And if the trainees aren't ready we'll need to send them away so they can retake everything should we gods lose." The beast god said as she shook her head slightly.

"War is imminent huh?" The system god muttered before closing his eyes. No one knew what he was thinking right now apart from him.

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