The dragon's harem

Chapter 842: Divine Gauntlet III: Blue Sparks Of Magic

Chapter 842: Divine Gauntlet III: Blue Sparks Of Magic

The archangel conjured a large war bow of divine magic and fired a shot at Gojo's head as the fallen archangel lunged forward swinging a massive sword.

Gojo dodged the arrow and deflected the fallen's sword with his bare hands, only to be greeted by Korah swinging a fist at him.

With a smile on his face, space twisted around Gojo's body, teleporting him away. "Even if I don't have enough time to move out of the way, that's only a function of space and time. If I make the space shorter or longer, I'll be able to dodge."

Korah flew after him, "You're one annoying mortal to fight. I've been enjoying this fight for a while, so how about I try this?" He smiled. "DIE!"

Just as the gods are supreme beings that cannot be killed by mortal hands, they also have so much dominance over mortal beings that they can just order them to die, and it shall be true. Once a god tells a mortal to die, they die; if they told them to go insane, they lose their minds, and their mere words become a reality as the souls of mortals are obliged to obey their call. TAP! Gojo took a step forward T-posing, he lifted his hand to his ears and looked at Korah with a stupid face, "Huh? What did you say? Sorry, but my ears are busted."

Korah gasped, looking at Gojo with a shocked face.

"Speak louder!" Gojo lunged forward and swung a fist, smacking him in the face with a burst of energy that flashed in a beam of white light.

Magic dragons are extremely sensitive to magic especially Gojo who had dedicated his whole life, as short as it may be to magic. The moment he noticed Word Magic was about to be used, he used the void to take his own hearing. That has rendered that magic useless; Gojo's soul doesn't have to obey orders that it didn't receive.

Korah tried to regain his footing and counter with a straight punch, but Gojo quickly dodged his hand and smacked him with a left hook. The archangel rushed in, this time thrusting a spear toward Gojo's neck with the fallen coming right after her with a massive ball of divine magic.

Korah held Gojo in place by standing behind him and wrapping his arms from beneath his armpits to his neck in a spinal choke. He knew that to kill dragons, destroying both the brain and spine are crucial parts. He applied as much force as he possibly could and tried to shatter Gojo's spine if possible.

Gojo still kept his smile as he swung his legs, kicking the archangel's spear out of her hands, and wrapped his tights around her neck. "Hello, beautiful lady. Sorry, but I've got no balls, your god's friend refuses to give them back." He twisted her whole body around and smacked the fallen with her legs.

^Suck stupid could he achieve such a feat?^ No matter how much a mortal increases their strength or stats, they shouldn't be able to fight against angels, let alone gods. It only left Korah baffled at how Gojo is still able to fight this well.

The answer lay within Gojo's void, if he can't move something; he'll just twist the space around it and force it to move with it. By Korah's previous analogy, if a disk is glued to a table, Gojo would just move the table, and if the table doesn't move, he'll move the entire house.

Gojo dislocated his shoulders and slithered out of Korah's grasp and immediately grabbed him by the ankles and swung him like a ragdoll. "What's up with you god, can't you just send me to hell? Come on, his lowly mortal is still well and alive."

For about a minute, Gojo kept blocking and dodging the three's combined assault while still hitting back, throwing them everywhere like they were nothing. His void was extremely tricky for them to counter as he was affecting one of the fundamental pillars of the world, space itself.

"You know..." Gojo glared back at the fallen with a crazed face. "This fool is hard to kill and I don't mind wrestling the beautiful lady, you're an ugly man, I want you gone." In a blue flash of magic, Gojo pointed a finger at the fallen and gathered a mind-boggling mass of matter between them. Using his void, he crushed that matter and blasted the fallen with the equivalent of a breath, evaporating him out of existence.

Korah gasped, he didn't expect that Gojo didn't need to use his mouth for breath attacks. He can just shoot them from wherever he wants.

Knowing that Gojo might still be hiding a lot more power than he had shown, Korah decided to try one trick. He jumped in front of Gojo and was about to do a hand sign.

Without hesitation, Gojo's void slashed his own eyes, blinding himself. Korah and his archangel paled, gasping in surprise.

^He noticed? What the fuck is this dragon?^

"You sneaky bastard." Gojo laughed as he closed his damaged eyes. "I didn't think you could use word magic with sign language. I bet it'll work only if I know sign language, and I do. So the only way for me to avoid an instant KO is to not look at you."

"You think you can fight us while both blind and deaf?" She growled before realizing that Gojo couldn't hear her.

"I bet you're rambling with angry or disgusted faces, but please be assured, I can still win." Gojo smiled, lifting his hands up. "Since you've called for help, how about I do something similar?"

[Clone] In a split second, Gojo's body split into ten identical clones that rushed the two. "I'm a wizard! I haven't used a single spell in this fight until now."

With four Gojos pummelling each of Korah and the archangel, the remaining two started casting spells. One pointed at Korah [Elemental Splash]

In a flash of rainbow light, Gojo unleashed every magical element at Korah as he tried to find any possible weakness.

The other clone cast [Symbol of Slavery] on the archangel, trying to dominate and enslave her. She gasped, feeling the link between her and Korah shaking. Her bones crackled as she did her best to resist the spell, but was met with a nasty surprise at the end. The four clones fighting her infused the spell [Symbol of Slavery] into their fists and kicks as they beat the living hell out of her, all laughing and screaming, "Submit!"

[Lighting Thunder Dome] One of them mixed a jolt of lighting within his attacks just to make fun of her.

She tried to escape from them ganging on her, but she was caught in the face by one of them. "Listen, you don't have his immunity." Gojo said, "You either bow your head, submit, or this beat down will keep to the end of time." He glared down at her with his eyes closed, but she could see the magic flowing in them flash with lightning-blue light.

On the other hand, Korah was finding it extremely hard to deal with a whole five of Gojos. He blocks a punch only to get kicked in the face, or deflect the magic to be hit with another spell. [Infinite Maze] With a finger swing, Gojo mixed his void manipulation with magic to create a whole maze of twisted space around Korah. This wasn't your average maze of walls; the fabric of space itself got twisted like paper to form the walls. Korah takes a step forward and finds himself back in front of Gojo's burning fists.

As a god, Korah only needed a second to analyze the magic and space around him to determine how he should move to get out of the maze. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, spin, and then fly left.

CLAP! Gojo smacked him in the face with a burst of energy, "I'm modifying it in real-time,

and there is no exit, fool"

Gojo was winning.

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