The dragon's harem

Chapter 843: The Slayer

Chapter 843: The Slayer

"Alcott the dragon slayer; It doesn't matter how much power you amass, you're still a human. You'll never reach the peak of dragon kind; we've got an early start, a pretty large one."

SaaMulgiin clenched his fist and his veins bulged out with shards of ice, "We're stronger, have more mana, and are far better at controlling it."

Alcott started at him with a passive face, slightly offended. "Dragons? Got an early start on humans? Don't joke around." Alcott took a step forward and glared at SaaMulgiin with glowing golden eyes, "Humans are stronger than dragons. We're always the ones to slay your kind."

"Spitting nonsense." SaaMulgiin smiled.

"It's not nonsense, we're the ones who first hunted your kind with spears and bows, we're the ones who gave birth to vampires and werewolves, gods rose from us, and most races except elves diverged from us. There were three primordial beings, Adam the first man and father of humanity. Yggdrasil the world tree and the mother of elves; She is the strongest cultivator in all of existence and realms, and none tops that old tree. The grandfather of dragons Asgorath was next, and lastly the youngest of them all, Lucifer the first angel." Alcott glared down at SaaMulgiin. "Let's fight somewhere else."

"We'll fight here, so the weak humans can die as they are. If you don't understand why Arad must die, you should die with him." SaaMulgiin grabbed Alcott by his shirt.

Alcott grabbed SaaMulgiin by the face and jumped away, bursting through the window as he flew away and threw SaaMulgiin into the mountains.

SaaMulgiin gasped as he smacked on the ground, staring at his own hand as his face still ached from the violent grab. "He threw me...all the way here?!"

"Fighting me inside a city is a common tactic of dragons. They knew I couldn't go all out if I had to worry about innocent people." Alcott said as he took a step forward, "But I'm not that sick anymore for it to work."

"You're one tough nut to crack." SaaMulgiin growled, "But, someone has to do it. And that would be me." He stood and pointed his arm at Alcott, about to cast a spell.

CLACK! In the blink of an eye, Alcott had already slashed SaaMulgiin's arm from knuckles up to the shoulder with a single downward swing.

SaaMulgiin gasped, he wasn't able to see Alcott moving. "Get away from me!" He growled and his body burst with ice, freezing half of the mountain.

Alcott landed on the peak and looked down at SaaMulgiin with a smile. The dragon tried to heal, and Alcott let him do it.

"You're a fool." SaaMulgiin smiled but that didn't last long as Alcott pulled a long golden spear from his pocket and pointed it at the sky.

Black clouds covered the sky as thunder started rumbling, shaking the whole world. "By the demonic blood sealed in this spear, I call the ancient forgotten power of a long-dead god." SaaMulgiin gasped as he felt it coming.

Far away in Alina, Kayden blinked as he looked up. "Fine." He said.

Alcott jumped into the sky and lighting struck the spear, hundreds and hundreds of bolts gathered until the blinding light almost swallowed the whole mountain and thunder deafened it.

"ZEUS!" Alcott threw the spear with all of his might and unleashed a massive lightning bolt that struck the mountain, exploding in a massive burst of light. When the light faded, the mountain was no more, and SaaMulgiin stood there, charred and growling.

Alcott walked back to the spear and picked it up. "I picked this spear from a buried temple. It's the last remaining artifact of a dead god called Zeus, the god of lightning. I don't know its story, only that if I called upon its power, it sometimes responds and unleashes something equivalent to ten blue great wyrms breathing simultaneously."

"I braced for divine magic..." SaaMulgiin tried to stand, his charred skin falling off as he tried to heal.

"It's demonic in nature, not divine. I was surprised by it as well." Alcott stored the spear and pulled a large morning star. He started swinging it as he approached.

SaaMulgiin jumped back and lifted a finger. [Time Stop] But before he could fully cast the spell, Alcott smacked him in the face with the morning star and interrupted him.

"I can tell when you try using magic. Don't bother." Alcott jumped after him. He knew that he might be able to defend against a time stop, so his best defense was getting aggressive and preventing SaaMulgiin from using it.

Powerful spells consume a lot of mana even on a failed cast, which means SaaMulgiin won't be able to cast it that many times. Alcott suspects around ten to fifteen failed casts before he runs out, or four full casts.

As the two clashed, Alcott kept swinging the morning star left and right, preventing SaaMulgiin from catching his breath, regenerating, or trying to cast magic. Unlike most dragons he hunted, this one was far smarter.

SaaMulgiin swung his arm and caught the morning star from the chain right beneath the steel ball. "You think this small weapon would keep me at bay?" He growled, shattering with his claws. And without wasting any time, he opened his mouth and unleashed a massive ice breath, encasing Alcott in a prison of ice.

"And now I can cast magic with ease." SaaMulgiin lifted his hand and put them together, "It's been fun, dragon slayer."

Alcott pulled a paper from his pocket and ripped it. A spell pre-inscribed onto it teleported him right behind SaaMulgiin. It was a common thought, what if I was locked up and couldn't escape, I better have a spell for that.

SaaMulgiin spun around with his claw flying at Alcott's face, but the attack was easily dodged. "From the weakest S-rank, she even retired to work as a maid. That woman never liked fighting, and this was only a means of self-defense for her." As if Alcott's body was dough, he swung his palm at SaaMulgiin's neck, slapping him with enough force to rip the skin off and send him screaming and rolling on the ground.

"It's not lethal unless you count heart attacks due to the extreme pain." Alcott smiled, and lifted his fist, pulling a dagger out of his pocket.

At that moment SaaMulgiin's body exploded with ice as he shifted back into his draconic form, sending a blast of exploding ice shards and conjuring a whole snowstorm. The titanic dragon stared at Alcott, "Slayer! Today is your end. I've always heard that fighting you feel off, but to think you know us dragons to this extent, shutting our attacks and magic before we even cast them."

"You've just become a bigger target." Alcott smiled. "You're indeed a fool who relies on his inborn abilities a lot." A stone smacked SaaMulgiin's head and knocked him down.

Alcott giggled, "You didn't notice the first shot? Of course, you're a mighty dragon. Only we squishy humans must pay attention to our surroundings so we don't die."

A sword came flying out of the air and landed beside Alcott, "This is Arad's magic. Can he see

us from the desert?" The sword was Arad's dragon-slaying sword.

Alcott lifted the sword, "Listen, SaaMulgiin. My son is watching, I need to show off."

[Adrenalin Rush] [Action Surge]

[Blood Blade] Alcott used his vampire blood to extend the reach of the dragon slayer.

[Hyper K9] The wolf blood and muscles in his body pushed themselves to the limit and entered a state of hyperperformance.

[Death Hand] The necrotic magic from his past rushed into the dragon slayer's sword and pulled its essence of killing dragons, extending it to the vampiric blood blade. [Bearing Bear] Due to the extreme stress Alcott's body is going to face, using his werebear blood to strengthen his body so it can endure, and his constitution rose through the roof. [Thunder Leap] Lighting and tigers, the signature of weretigers is their lightning leap, faster than the eye can see, and always had deadly precision.

[Divine Severance] Calling upon the divine power of the human god, he could enchant his attack with divine magic on top of everything else, resulting in as many divine smites as Attacks he's going to unleash, and the downside is that his body might not endure the stress of all those casts of divine magic. The [Bearing Bear] helps a bit, not a lot.

Alcott slashed SaaMulgiin's ice, slashed him, every snowflake, and pained the whole mountain rage red with dragon blood. It was as if he expanded an expansion, but without magic, only him swinging a blood sword like a massive blender.

Alcott pulled a jug of water and poured it on a stone to wash from SaaMulgiin's blood before

sitting down. "I forgot to ask, what was his master plan? I've only known about the [Killing Arad] part." Alcott looked around, "No use thinking. I can't ask him even if I wanted." He


Ginger landed beside him, "He looks like tomato sauce, soft and gooey." She looked at Alcott,

"How could a sword do that?" She seemed confused.

"The blood blade is jagged, like a saw."

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