The dragon's harem

Chapter 845: Jordan's Attack

Chapter 845: Jordan's Attack

That was a nasty day, the sky turned red as people prayed to the gods, magic, and the world itself. The horrid heat burned and the light flashed behind the mountains with such force that the shadows themselves ran away.

Those who dared look lost their sight for an hour, and the fine hair on our bodies burned alongside the horses' hay. Till now, my skin still burns from the heat.

The ground quaked as a large wall flew from behind the mountains toward up, ripping the ground to shreds. We saw our death coming; we thought it was the end. People started crying, praying, and begging for their lives as we saw the trees of the distant forest get pulled from the ground like grass eaten by a calf.

Our wizards panicked, none of them knew how to act. They all curled and covered themselves in glass-like magic, crying to the goddess of magic.

The murder paladins looked out of the castle windows the moment they sensed the massive pulse of magic coming from the desert. The skilled among them knew that only destruction was coming forth.

"Everyone! Duck down!" One of them yelled at the top of his lungs, sending terror among the already terrified servants of the castle, as everyone was about to panic, the earthquake reached them as the brilliant light flashed on the horizon signaling the end.

"God..." The priestess cried as the two paladins pulled her away from the window. "Be careful!" They cried. But they then felt it, a spark of divine magic akin to their own. "It can't be!" One of the paladins looked out at the coming shockwave with a terrified yet hopeful face.

From beyond death, she appeared; a purple butterfly of brilliant light. She flew into the sky, pulsing with magic beyond our mortal comprehension.

"Our goddess is here to protect us!" The paladin cried. It was far too rare for a god to show up, a once-in-a-thousand-year event, but right now before their eyes, their goddess of murder was charging ahead of them to stop what they could only describe as imminent death.

[Burning fire...Flashing lighting...a dance in the sky...the purple gaze of the stars...from nothing to ash and from ash to nothing...]

Eris pointed her fist at the coming shockwave and growled with veins bulging on her forehead.

[Purple Sun] As her massive purple wings flashed, she unleashed all of her magic in a single cast, conjuring a purple sun almost fifty meters in diameter toward the coming shockwave. The sun blasted right through and dissipated the place, erasing everything in its way and only leaving a gigantic charred trench before exploding in the desert.

Pin laughed inside Eris's soul, everything was going according to her plans and even better. Eris was getting more renowned and her name was spreading like wildfire.

Eris flew down and landed before the army, plasma still sparking from her shoulders with thunderclaps, charring and shaking the ground around her. She sighed and her magic calmed down. "You fool! Why did you freeze?" She glared back at them.

"What was that?" One of the soldiers gasped, unable to stand.

"It's merely one of Uranus's aura's rogue effects, just how red dragons turn the area around them into volcanoes. Weren't you planning on fighting him?" She started walking toward them and they moved back.

"Did you think the curse was the only passive effect around him? He's asleep; thousands of those would be coming if you fought him." She walked through the army until she reached the king's tent. "What do you say? This will be the last time I bother protecting your kingdom. Next time, you're on your own."

"What's the meaning of this?" The king growled, "Your magic had some divine sparks in it. Your job is to protect the people, right paladin? Join the army and I'll pay a lot, I'll even build countless churches for you god in my kingdom."

"I'm not repeating myself. I'm not a paladin, but a demi-goddess." She opened her palm and conjured a melon-sized purple sun, "Are you asking me to fight my husband?"

The soldiers around Eris started crying as their armors heated up and the king growled, "This can't be..."

"Your Majesty! LOOK!" A soldier screamed, pointing back toward the capital in the distance. "I can't see! Bring me binoculars."

As he got them and looked toward the capital, he could the flag of the kingdom burning atop the castle with a bunch of armored knights waving the flag of one of the high noble houses.

"The fuck is that?! A riot?!" He gasped. The paladins of murder managed to recruit one of the highest-ranking nobles of the kingdom, a marquise to their ranks. The king's dominion was in shambles.

Every soldier in the army was certain at this point, that there was no fighting when Uranus was involved, only death. If this is what one blast could do, the death curse will be the last thing they need to worry about.

The kingdom imploded and the marquise's soldiers were rushing toward the battlefield to arrest the previous king, for the first fifteen minutes after the blast, everything seemed fine.

BAM! Jordan appeared between them as the sun was setting and silence fell. His eyes rapidly turned toward the biggest source of divine magic and identified her, Eris, his target.

"Got you!" He extended his hand toward her, charging an attack.

Eris rapidly turned around; her magic was still low after unleashing the massive purple sun. What he was charging far exceeded what she could block, and if she didn't everyone behind her would evaporate.

SWOSH! Merida appeared behind Jordan swinging her sword, burning with demonic magic. He turned back and swung his wrist up, deflecting her swing. She didn't waste a second and threw a left hook at his face, smacking him away with all of her might.

He wasn't shaken one bit and landed on his feet, "A demon?"

Merida lifted two fingers up, [Viper]

A titanic demon cobra that's one meter thick and several tens of meters tall burst from beneath Jordan's feet and bit him, rising to the sky at a blinding speed.

Jordan opened his arms and blasted the viper's head into pieces, "That was a large demon, are you a summoner?"

An arrow hit in the face with a blast, and he seemed fine, catching the arrow with his mouth. "Who did this?" He asked, but quickly got his answer a he saw tens of arrows flying toward


"It's no use. Mortal attacks can't harm me." He giggled and waved his hand down, sending a wave of divine magic that knocked Aella's arrows and exploded right before reaching the ground, blasting the demonic Merida away.

BAM! Something heavy hit Jordan's head, he wasn't harmed but he couldn't see. Several tens of attacks landed on him like flies, they were too fast for him to see but didn't as much as

scratch him.

"You're this fast but not divine?" He smiled and Betty appeared in the air, frozen in the middle of attacking him with her light sword. "It takes a lot of my divine magic, but I can stun anyone that touches me. It has its limitations, but still works fine."

Jordan was the demi-god of greed, his divine magic grows based on the number of his believers and wealth. His stun ability works in the same way and is more potent based on the difference in wealth between him and the target.

As a noble and a demi-god who has lived for a while, he had gathered a large amount of wealth by using his connections and the bandits he commands. Add all the donations from his followers, his riches could seem infinite to anyone else.

Arad had felt Jordan's attack on the girls, but their Mira's bomb had destroyed his first magic

eyes that he was observing them with. Now he needs two shots to be able to support them, one for a new [Mage's Eye] and the second for attack. Each shot takes about four minutes to reach them, which means they can't expect any long-range support for at least eight minutes. The girls with Eris drained must hold for at least eight minutes without anyone dying against

the full-powered Jordan.


BAM! Gojo smacked Korah in the face and sent flying through the ground; he quickly grabbed him by the neck and glared at him with a smile, grinding his head. "How?! You're a mortal; your attacks shouldn't be able to damage me at all." Korah growled.

"Fuck you. That's how." Gojo wasn't going to tell Korah anything, but he suspected it was because he'd been destroying the fabric of space around Korah instead of attacking him


Korah screamed and swung a punch at Gojo's face, but it was dodged easily.

"Twisting the thread of infinite space, like yarn, it spins and spins around." Gojo's clones kicked the archangel at Korah and surrounded them, extending their arms forward.

[Void Expansion: Yarn Ball]

In an endless darkness, a black hole fell on Korah and his archangel, ripping them apart. If ripping space was enough to damage a god, then probably ripping the fabric of time and space around them would do the trick.

As the black hole faded, Korah's archangel was far long dead, erased from existence and he stood there, his organs spilling out as the destroyed time around his body prevented him

from healing.

"It's my win, God." Gojo stared down at him menacingly.

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