The dragon's harem

Chapter 846: Jordan's Gauntlet I: Scrambling To Survive.

Chapter 846: Jordan's Gauntlet I: Scrambling To Survive.

Merida lunged toward Jordan in the blink of an eye, swinging her sword faster than anyone could see. The blade bounced off his skin like it was nothing, sparking with a large blast and unleashing a painful ear-piercing crunch.

^He's hard. I can't get through his skin.^ Merida gasped as she flew away from him.

"You can cut him! It's a high threshold but still possible!" Eris shouted, "If you can cut me, there is no way he can't be cut. That's a demi-god, stronger than me but still not a real god." She clenched a fist as plasma exploded from her back, sending her flying toward him like a fireball.

Jordan lifted his arms and blocked her punch, but the power sent him flying back engulfed in crackling plasma. He finally stopped and stood up, his arms burned up. "As expected from a demi-goddess, getting through my defenses with ease...but that isn't enough." His arms instantly healed up. "You can't kill me." He smiled.

A demi-god usually has stupidly high durability and regeneration, a large mana pool, and an innate ability to influence people with their words. The other abilities are dependent on what demi-god they are and the number of people worshipping in them.

Jordan is a demi-god of greed while Eris is a demi-goddess of murder, by their nature she'll have a more potent attack power but he's making up for it with how many worshippers he has, she only has about a few.

ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR! A massive minotaurus roared, throwing a punch straight at Jordan who was only as tall as his fist.

Jordan's time slowed as the punch hit him from the side, smacking him away with a blast. He coughed blood gasping as a massive shadow fell upon him.

Merida was standing in the side with two hands together, glaring forward with glowing green eyes. "Thunderbird."

The shadow that fell on Jordan was a massive black bird twenty meters long with a balding human head and legs, crackling with lightning as fungus grew out of its festering wounds. Isdis cried as she started hearing the electric rumble coming from the demon, "The hell is that thing?!"

"Summoning such a demon here, you don't care about anyone's life." Jordan smiled as he jumped into the air and flew away from the thunderbird chasing him. The bird roared like thunder and lightning started falling from the sky, each bolt was aimed at Jordan but missed as he kept dodging at high speed.

"But, I guess you don't understand." Jordan pointed a finger at the thunderbird and

evaporated it with a beam of divine magic. [Flashing Smite] "Demons are quite weak to holy magic."

SWOSH! The massive minotaurus lunged from the ground all the way to where Jordan was; he carried a massive hunk of steel on his shoulder that barely resembled an old rusted sword. "For the queen!" And he smacked Jordan to the ground with a roar.

The moment Jordan hit the ground he could see a massive demonic spider the size of a full mansion, it had human hands for legs and a woman's face that looked shriveled like an old olive; From its butt, she fired a massive web of silk at him.

"Just how many demons can you command?" Jordan smiled as he was about to kill the spider with another beam, but at that moment he noticed something strange. A full horde of demons was heavily wounded behind the spider, all of them suffering from massive cuts.

"Wait..." He gasped.

Merida rushed from beneath the web and swung her sword at him, aiming at the neck. Jordan dodged by taking a step back, but the tip of her blade managed to slightly cut his throat. "Blade dance? You used your own demons as pawns to charge it up." He was about to jump away, but Meryem's hand burst from the ground and caught him by the ankles. Her face emerged from the ground and she opened her mouth, ready to blast him with an acid splash. It was then that Jordan could feel it, those two weren't the only ones around attacking simultaneously. Betty was flying toward him from the back, Eris from the right, and Aella's arrow from the back. Merlin on the other hand dropped a banishment spell on him from above, hoping to send him away and buy some time.

SWOSH! All of their attacks hit the empty air and Merlin was forced to cancel her spell. Jordan teleported away to dodge their combined assault, he was standing far behind them laughing.

"How amusing, I never expected mortals to fight this desperately." He looked at them with a large grin. But suddenly, his vision shifted as they seemed to fly up...his head hit the ground. "Huh?" He gasped.

CRACK! Tempo stepped on Jordan's severed head as the body burned into ash. Isdis had suggested that he hide and hit Jordan with a sneak attack, and her plan seems to have worked.

"A Titan?!" Jordan's head gasped.

"You can speak? You've got no lungs." Tempo applied more pressure with his foot, shattering the ground beneath Jordan's head. "I'll pop your skull like a grape."

"Be my guest. I don't need this one anymore." Jordan smiled as his head exploded beneath Tempo's foot. A new body appeared out of thin air, "Even I have enough divine magic to be nearly immortal. Destroying my body isn't enough to kill me."

"I see." Tempo lifted his sword, "Then I must kill you over and over until you run out of energy to create new bodies. You don't have an unlimited number of them, do you?"

"I indeed don't, I'm not a true god yet." Jordan laughed, "But my current immortality is enough to deal with mortals like you."

Jordan conjured a sword of pure divine magic and lunged at Tempo. As the two danced, Merida joined them in the blood bath.

Even with Merida and Tempo combined, they could barely hold against Jordan in a straight fight mainly because they were out of sync. She had never fought by his side and her extremely long sword almost slashed him multiple times. Friendly fire was becoming a huge issue.

Seeing that the two could barely fight together, Jordan took the chance and snuck a beam of divine magic aimed at Eris. She was still recovering her magic; she had spent what little she gained on the previous two attacks and wanted to wait a bit longer.

Tempo lunged away and deflected the beam heading toward Eris, "What a cheap shot." He growled.

But at that moment, Jordan's body disappeared into golden mist in front of Merida. "Where did he go?" She cried. Everyone looked around but couldn't find him.

It took them a second to hear Isdis gasp; they looked back and saw Jordan holding her up by

the neck.

"Hidden my divine magic for a second and they lost track of me." He glared at her face with a smile, "How about I kill you, right here and now." She started squeezing her neck. He had noticed that she was the one who allowed Tempo to cut off his head so he wanted to do the

same for her.

Isdis was a strong fighter, but nowhere near the others. She was fairly normal and had no way of fighting against a demi-god.

No one could attack him as they would hit Isdis so they stood still. Merlin and Betty looked for a chance to save her, but they were running out of time.

"You know..." Isdis growled, "You look..." She smiled, touching his chest and blowing a hole

in it.

Her skin turned red and two horns grew from her head as her voice grew deeper as Jordan puked blood. She wasn't Isdis. That was none other than Abel.

"Pretty fuckable if I do so say myself." Abel smiled, "I'll even make a new hole if you don't

have one." He punched Jordan away.

Isdis seems to be hiding inside the carriage with Mira.

Jordan coughed blood as he stumbled back, "A devil, where did you come from." Abel only

smiled in response, he wasn't about to tell Jordan anything. When Sena faced Korah and he teleported Jordan away, she as well teleported Abel and some other people to the same

location Jordan went into.

From the dust behind Jordan, a thin blade emerged and stabbed him in the neck. Even Demi- gods get hurt when hit with a holy sword, Jack was there and he stared at Jordan's surprised face with a large smile. [Eclipse] The sun above them flickered as the moon covered it, resulting in a terrifying red eclipse as Merida's demons surrounded everyone. Jordan shouted and swung his fist at Jack but he missed, Abel saved him at the last moment. "A hero? What are you even doing here?" Jordan growled with an angry face. "Nothing, just setting you up." Jack gave him a middle finger. From behind them, an iron boot hit the ground, and Jordan started sweating as he sensed the massive mass of divine energy. For a moment he thought it was another demi-god, but he quickly figured it was just an overly powerful paladin.

"A triple-oath paladin?!" He gasped as Lydia walked in, glaring at him with divine magic burning out of her body.

"Do you know what the red eclipse is?" Jack smiled, "It's when day and night mix, and so is

Amaterasu's power."

Jordan could feel Eris's magic spiking behind him as well.

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