The Duke's Masked Wife

418 Love and mistake (1)

418 Love and mistake (1)

Alessandra found going to the garden to find a partner a lot of pressure. A crowd of people would find entertainment in watching couples be happily engaged or rejected and left alone. As she got closer to the garden, she noticed it was more like a maze and the only way you could see what was happening was if you had a good spot on the balconies.

Alessandra didn't want to witness hearts being broken on such a good night but had to stay close to the group instead of staying behind. "Eleanor, wouldn't your aunt want you to go into the garden to find a match?" She teased.

"She would but I already made up a good excuse about not finding a partner. I went through the trouble of hiding the fact the invitation to the ball said I could bring along one guest. I would be forced into that garden against my will if I let her come with me," said Eleanor, feeling a chill run over her body as she imagined the torture she would have to endure if her aunt was present.

"Are you afraid you won't find a match if you go into the garden?" Reed asked.

"Of course not. I'm afraid I will be annoyed by foolish proposals from men who know nothing about me. Why don't you go down and try to win some poor girl's heart? Afraid they will turn you down the moment they see you?" Eleanor retorted, highly annoyed by Reed's presence.

'Is this what it will be like to have children? Hearing them  bicker all the time?' Alessandra wondered. To her left and right were couples slowly being formed.

"Duchess. Your sister and the Marquess are going into the garden. Another wedding may be in your family soon," Heather said, pointing to where Kate walked behind Simon. If not for her fallout with Priscilla, Heather would have gone down to the garden to see if there was anyone willing to propose to her. Unfortunately, she had not spent enough time getting acquainted with potential suitors.

"She will have what she always wanted. That is good for her," Alessandra said, not having anything bad to say about Kate soon achieving what she dreamed of which was being the wife of a reputable man. Alessandra wished Simon the best as he didn't know who he was looking to spend the rest of his life with.

"It is hard to believe the two of you are sisters. Maybe it is your mothers that make the difference? Kate is so nasty while you are pleasant.  No offense but I hope he is taking her there to reject her. I have a terrible history with Kate. She looks down on everyone around her but I have a little secret about her. Do you know she once visited the red light district hoping to run into your husband? This was over a month ago before it was announced you married him," Eleanor revealed.

Alessandra was aware Kate had a big crush on Edgar but didn't know it was to this degree that she would risk going to the red light district.

Eleanor continued to watch Kate and Simon walking further into the garden away from where all the other couples were. "I don't know why everyone keeps troubling me when I say time and time again that I know a lot about what goes on in this town. That's why you should keep me around," Eleanor added as what Emma said had bugged her. She was useful to Alessandra more than anyone realized.

"I don't need you around to tell me what you know. I enjoy your company Eleanor," Alessandra clarified so Eleanor wouldn't feel like she was only useful for information.

"Alessandra," Edgar returned to her side. He didn't question why Dominic and Heather were standing near each other like a couple. It was about time Dominic admitted he liked Heather. Edgar noticed it in their youth and hoped Dominic would have made his feelings known so Priscilla could stop forcing Heather on him. "Enjoying the ball?"

"Yes. I didn't know there was time allocated for couples to get engaged. Are you finished with what you were pulled away for or will you have to leave my side again?" She asked, hoping it was not the latter. Earlier she understood he would be busy but watching the couples made her want her husband near. She was excited to dance with Edgar tonight after the lessons she had with Alfred to prepare for the ball.

"I won't have to leave your side for the rest of the night. Reed, your mother is looking for you," Edgar mentioned before he might forget. He ran into the woman when he was on his way back to Alessandra and somehow, she knew her son was at the ball.

"Shit," Reed looked around to make sure she wasn't near.  She would follow Edgar to find him. "Excuse me for a moment."

"What is with all of you running from your mothers?" Alessandra asked as they all watched Reed run away like his life was on the line.

Meanwhile, Kate could not hold in her excitement the more she and Simon ventured into the garden. It was obvious that he planned to propose to her. It would be rude and unlike him to take her this far into the garden just to say he was no longer interested. Kate would not allow Simon to make a mockery of her.

"Tonight is quite beautiful. I should have brought a flower to match your beauty. The ones in the palace garden do not do you any justice," Simon said, standing at a good distance from Kate to get a good look at her. She was so perfect and with her mess of a family, she needed him. It was easy to control someone who had nothing and wanted more than she was supposed to have.

"You flatter me too much, Simon," Kate replied, wishing he would stop with what she already knew and propose to her already. She wanted to share the good news right now.

"I disagree. I have not said enough when it comes to your beauty and how perfect you are. I have never met a young lady like you. You have made me think about new things, Kate. The way I live, the things I enjoy, and what I want to do in the future. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for someone like you but I was let down time and time again. I simply cannot let you slip away but I find myself confused," Simon frowned.

"Confused about what?" Kate didn't understand.

 "If you feel the same way about me. There are so many men you can pick so why should you settle for me? I thought numerous times about marrying you but I fear-"

"I only want to marry you, Simon. I have turned down anyone's advances because all I want is you. I would not have followed you here if you are not the person I want. I would love to marry you, Simon. I will do my best to make you happy for the rest of your life. I hope our time together is proof of how happy we can be as husband and wife. You will not regret giving your heart to me," Kate promised.

"Will you? Will you regret giving your heart to me? Once I have you officially as mine," Simon walked toward Kate. "I'm afraid I will never let you go."

"I will not regret it," Kate smiled. His title was enough to let her put up with anything. All she wanted now was to become Marchioness.

"Then," Simon took his mother's ring out of his coat pocket. "I would love to ask for your hand. There is no better person worthy of wearing my mother's ring. She was once the one woman in my heart and now, you shall replace her."

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