The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 417 Birthday Ball (4)

Chapter 417 Birthday Ball (4)

"The staring is starting to feel uncomfortable. I hope there will be something else to capture their attention soon. I knew not wearing the mask would bring a lot of attention but this is ridiculous," Alessandra said, trying not to look directly at the crowd of people watching her.

Tobias was the main character for the night and yet, hardly anyone was looking in his direction. It was starting to feel like she stole the spotlight from the birthday boy. She would gladly give it back to Tobias.

"I've been wondering if I should leave your side to get away from it. I'm joking," Eleanor chuckled when Alessandra panicked. "I will help protect you from these gossiping fools until your husband returns. I thought they said no personal guards are allowed inside?"

Alessandra looked at Reed who was bored out of his mind. "Reed is here as a guest," she explained.

"I see," Eleanor replied.

"I have not seen Linda yet. I wonder if she is here already or lost in the carriages outside," Alessandra said now looking around the room to find Linda. They were meant to be near each other until Hazel was free to have people around her.

With everything that happened with Grant, the town started to talk negatively about the Hensons even though Tobias made it clear Linda's brothers and father helped him. The town just wanted something to talk about and now they were saying Linda and Hazel are enemies but that was far from the truth.

"Maybe she will arrive when no one is looking at who is coming through the entrance. Maybe she is already here with the Queen and is waiting for the right moment to come out. I hope she attends and doesn't let these people stop her from enjoying the ball. By the way, have you heard Sophia was released from the dungeons yesterday?" Eleanor asked.

 Alessandra has forgotten about the incident she had with Sophia. "No, I have not heard about her for a while."

"Her husband was pleased to not have her hands removed. I wonder why," Eleanor smiled suggestively. "The King must have changed her punishment so she spent long days in the dungeon instead of taking her hand. I doubt you will be seeing her for a while. That was a nice warning to anyone thinking of harming you. The King, Queen, and Duke are all protecting you. There will still be some fools looking to say something foolish."

"It is Lockwood after all. The people here find it hard to keep their mouths shut. I have already prepared myself that in the next five minutes, trouble will come my way," Alessandra said and right as soon she looked around the crowd she noticed that Kate was here with the Marquess. She had heard the two were quite close. At least with Simon by her side, Kate should be well-behaved.

"And here it comes," Eleanor muttered, watching Emma come over to Alessandra with Oliver by her side.

"Duchess," Emma curtsied. "I was hoping to run into you tonight. I've sent letters to your residence hoping to spend some time with you and get to know you better. You never responded. Did I do something wrong?"

Alessandra immediately felt awkward due to Emma bringing this up out of the blue and Oliver was right beside her. "I think I've made it quite clear that I was not looking to entertain us spending time together. We have nothing in common and our husbands-"

"Pardon me but what do you have in common with Eleanor to pick her over me? I am a refined lady and it would benefit you to have me around instead of," Emma paused to give Eleanor a look over. Eleanor was pretty but it did not change her disgusting background. How was Eleanor even able to get an invite to this ball?

"You," Eleanor began but Alessandra stopped her.

"I have the choice to pick who I want to surround myself with. I've been respectful in turning down your offers for us to meet. Please do not push any further. This is making me uncomfortable. If you would excuse me," Alessandra hooked her right arm with Eleanor's to leave. She spotted Heather and wanted her to join their group.

It was not only Emma being pushy with trying to get an invitation to the  Collins estate that bothered Alessandra. It was the memory of Emma laughing at Heather being made an outcast because of what happened with Priscilla. Alessandra did not find it to be funny and considering she had helped Emma not make more of a fool out of herself when she was slightly drunk at Grant's party, it was wrong of Emma to laugh at anyone so soon.

Emma could feel Eleanor enjoying having Alessandra side with her. She could not understand why Alessandra would gravitate toward the likes of Eleanor who had such a foul mouth. Perhaps it was because Alessandra wasn't much of a lady even though she was the Duchess. Alessandra should consider herself lucky that anyone wanted to be by her side. Alessandra should be begging other young women to be her friend.

Emma pulled her hand away from Oliver who said nothing to help her. After something odd she noticed a day ago when they started moving their things into the home their parents bought, she was confused when it came to him and hoped this was just all in her head as their wedding was drawing closer.

Alessandra, Eleanor, and Reed went to join Heather and to their surprise, Dominic was Heather's escort for the night.

"So you two are together?" Alessandra asked, trying to piece together when this happened.

"No," Heather quickly denied it. "After everything with Priscilla and everyone distancing themselves from me, I didn't want to attend the ball and remain by my parents' side. I ran into Dominic yesterday and he offered to be my escort tonight. We're just here as friends. I've known him almost as long as I have known the Duke," she reminded the trio.

Reed gave Dominic a look as if he wasn't a fool to believe the just friends story. 'Sneaky bastard,' he thought. Dominic ran away from his mother wanting him to get married only to end up courting a woman who was meant to be with Edgar since they were young.

'It's obvious he likes Heather,' Eleanor thought but she would not be the one to break this to Heather. The two should figure it out.

Alessandra felt like there was more to Heather and Dominic coincidentally running into each other. There were a few days where Dominic was away for hours and then returned home whistling as something put him in a good mood. He was supposed to be moving into his new home out of town by now but something was keeping him here.

"Why are the three of you staring at me?" Heather asked Alessandra, Reed, and Eleanor. They were staring at her like they had something to say to her.

"Nothing," they replied.

"It doesn't feel like nothing," Heather muttered. She wished to know what they wanted to say. Did they think she should not have come here with Dominic? "Where is the Duke?" She asked to take the attention off of herself.

"Edgar was pulled away to deal with something. I am sure he will return soon," Alessandra answered.

"I see. You look beautiful, Duchess. If the crowd isn't talking about your face they are talking about your necklace," Heather said, getting a good look at the infamous Queen's heart. Alessandra learned quickly how to stir up a lot of talk and create a grand entrance.

Heather was curious why exactly Alessandra covered her face if there was nothing wrong. Heather heard many assumptions from Alessandra covering her face because of her sister's jealousy to her wanting attention but it had a negative response years ago.

"It's starting. We get to walk around the royal garden. Stick with me," Eleanor pulled Alessandra close. "We will get some marriage proposals and heartbreak in the garden."

The doors leading to the garden were opened and now guests could wander around from inside the ballroom to the garden outside. This was the time gentlemen would seek out a young lady they were courting to ask for their hand in marriage. Some rejection was inevitable but the garden would be filled with newly engaged couples shortly.

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