The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 140

140 Plotting (4)

Later in the evening, Katrina sat in her room thinking of ways to dispose of Clark before he could find whatever paper he claimed Desmond left behind. She had searched Desmond’s belongings when they were looking for things to sell and found nothing of the sort.

To get rid of the nuisance, Katrina contemplated poisoning Clark as she wanted to do with his brother.

“I should-”

“Mother!” Kate’s voice was heard after a knock on the door. “Are you ready for dinner? Uncle has already gone down to the table.”

“I’m coming!” Katrina called back. They could not leave Clark unattended even though the servants would tell her about everything he did. Katrina walked to the door, shaking off her thoughts about the poison for now. She would inform James of it after dinner. “You look wonderful. Is there a special occasion?” She asked after she opened the door and found Kate dolled up.

“Yes. There’s no telling if there will be any more surprise visits from Simon. I’ve made it a mission to look good every moment regardless if I am just staying at home. I have not forgotten all that you have taught me,” Kate smiled, wishing to show her mother how much better she would be at claiming Simon.

“Well done, Kate. You are improving. Now tell me,” Katrina closed the door behind her and walked with Kate. “What did you discuss with your uncle earlier?”

Kate frowned and looked at her mother with concern. “Is he here to take away everything from us? I have hardly seen him around which was why I could not identify him and it’s strange how he’s spending time with me now. Mother, it’s only the two of us. I won’t judge you if you do something to get rid of him.”

Katrina was utterly surprised Kate had thought about this. Normally, Kate was in her own world and didn’t pick up on the things around her. “You are growing up too fast, Kate. I won’t allow anyone to steal what belongs to you. Don’t slouch,” she tapped Kate’s back.


Katrina and Kate walked hand in hand down to the dining room and were greeted by the sight of Clark sitting where Desmond once sat the moment they walked in.

“He has no shame,” Kate muttered, taken aback by his bold behavior. ‘He’s not hiding what he wants,’ she thought.

Katrina decided not to comment on where Clark sat. After all, that seat was the only thing he would get to enjoy. “Do you like the room prepared for you, Clark? I’m afraid the one you normally use is not in the best condition.”

“Giving me a smaller room won’t make me run for the hills, Katrina. I’ve slept in smaller rooms on my many travels.”

“Travels? Is that what people refer to as being kicked out of your homes for not paying rent and then having to bounce from room to room in relatives’ homes? What an interesting title you’ve given it. Anyone else would think you were an adventurer instead of a man running from debt,” Katrina didn’t care to hide their bad blood in front of Kate.

“You should know I spent countless days in the red light district all over the kingdom. You’d be surprised how much those girls remember about people who used to work there. Would you like to hear about anyone in town who used to be there?” Clark grinned, taking full enjoyment in Katrina’s anger when she fought hard to hide it.

“Are you trying to allude that my mother is from the red light district? Please come up with a better lie,” Kate spoke up in defense of her mother. “First you come here to harass us, you’ve sat in my father’s seat, and now you refer to my mother as a woman who sold her body. I believe it is time for you to leave, uncle.”

“Should I? There’s someone who invited me for drinks tonight and there is still time for me to meet with him. I will leave you two alone to have dinner and return later,” Clark stood up from his seat.

He was not leaving because Kate was angry and wanted him gone. Clark was leaving to show that since he hinted at knowing something about Katrina’s past, she would not want him out of her sight and would have no choice but to welcome him back inside when he returned later. Tides were about to turn for him thanks to what information he was digging up about Katrina.

“You must not return. My mother and I will not allow it,” said Kate.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Clark’s eyes flickered from Kate to a silent Katrina. “I have a feeling your mother will not turn me away.” He picked up the glass of wine offered to him and finished every drop of it before placing the empty glass back on the table. “My brother certainly has good taste in wine. I will see you two lovely ladies soon.”

Kate glared at the back of Clark’s body as he walked away. “That insufferable man.”

“Kate, enjoy dinner. I wish to be alone,” Katrina informed Kate before walking away from the dining table.


“Kate!” James, who had been watching the entire exchange, stopped Kate from chasing after Katrina. “You should leave your mother. You know better than I do that she will not like to face you at a time when she is deeply upset with your uncle. Give her time to calm down.”

Kate knew that James was right. Her mother was prideful and always hid to avoid showing Kate when she was breaking down or deeply upset. “James, please check on her and make sure she eats.”

“I will,” James replied.

He hurried after Katrina out of the dining room to check on her as Kate wanted. He was curious to know if there was some truth about the red light district to make the Baroness storm off.

“Baroness!” He called after her but Katrina ignored his calls. James didn’t care to hurry after her as she would eventually end up in her bedroom. “Baroness,” he knocked on her bedroom door before entering and found her sitting on her bed.

“I am so sick and tired of people trying to snatch away what is mine. I should have just killed him the first time he came to my door.”

“Baroness,” James called for her once more as he closed the door behind him and locked it.

“What!” Katrina yelled, taking her frustration out on him. She did not need James here right now.

“Each drink he has requested and even the one he had at the table, I have poisoned,” James revealed what he did behind her back.

Katrina stared at him in shock before laughing. “Hahaha, I’ve found a dog who knows how to act without my orders. Well done, James,” her mood quickly changed. “How many drinks has he had?”


“It would be great if the poison could work quickly and he dropped dead while he was out with a friend. This still does not get rid of my anger,” Katrina raked her hand through her blonde locks. She was still fuming with rage from the mention of the red light district. She needed to let out the anger she had built up over the last couple of days from Edgar, Alessandra, and now Clark.. “James, come here.”

Lately, she had noticed how appealing he was. Much better than her late husband.

Without any idea of what would follow, James approached the bed expecting Katrina to give him another order but instead found himself falling against the soft mattress.

“B-Baroness,” his cheeks turned red when Katrina shamelessly straddled him.

“Do you have any idea how much of a torture it was to sleep with Desmond? He is not as youthful or good-looking as you are,” she touched James’s smooth cheek. “It has been a long time since I have enjoyed being in bed with a man.”

“Baroness, I do not wish to do this with you,” James sat up to get away from her but Katrina pinned his hands down against the bed.

“Do not deny me, James. I am not in the mood for it. Haven’t you noticed by now that I am a woman who gets what she wants?” She released his hands now that he was once again laying flat on his back and began to unbutton his shirt.

“Baroness,” James grabbed her hands to stop her. This was not why he came into the bedroom. He was only here to cheer her up as Kate wanted. “Please let me leave. I do not wish to do this with you.”

He was prepared to shove her off of him but her words were faster than his actions.

“Move and I will scream bloody murder right now. I will see to it you rot in a cell for taking advantage of me. What a beautiful sight,” Katrina commented on the fear in his eyes. “I have been where you are now, wishing to run away but unable to move. Isn’t it wonderful how I have changed the position I am in?” She chuckled.

“Baroness, you know that this is not right. I have shown loyalty to you. Do not hold this over me anymore. Your words will get me killed,” James pleaded with her.

“Indeed you have shown loyalty which is why I can do this with you. Do not move, James,” her fingers fumbled with the button to open his pants. “Not until I have released my anger. You’ll certainly find yourself enjoying it. After all, you have been watching me long before this.”

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