The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 141

141 Jealousy (1)

“Has Alfred been feeding the two of you too much? I feel like you have gotten bigger while I was not around. I hope we can find your mother and take her in too,” Alessandra said while she played with the two kittens using a feather she found. “I bought gifts for you two. Why are the two of you nice to me when Edgar is not around?”

‘Where has Edgar gone?’ She looked at the door.

Alessandra had not seen Edgar since their last conversation. He was giving her space but wasn’t this too much space? When was he planning on returning?

She sat on the floor playing with the kittens to pass time until dinner would be ready. Sally visited for a short moment to bring the kittens and informed Alessandra that she last saw Edgar walking around with Caleb.

“Caleb must be telling Edgar everything that happened today. He’s my guard but he’s Edgar’s eyes and ears when he’s not around. I don’t mind,” said Alessandra.

Before Edgar left he asked how her day was and listened to everything she had to say. She knew he had to be curious about the conversation she had with Clark.

“Everyone seems to be more concerned about money and appearances rather than my father’s funeral. I wonder how he must feel to see they don’t care about him. What do you think?” Alessandra lifted up the black kitten. “Do not fuss. I will put you back on the floor with your sibling.”

The bedroom door opened and Edgar stepped in. “What is making you smile so much? Is it those two troublemakers who are trying to climb everything?”

“I was thinking it would be nice to have more of them around-”


“No,” Edgar denied her request. He was never a pet person and only brought in the kittens because Alessandra lost the one she had before. He could not handle a bunch of tiny creatures running around.

“What about other animals? Like a dog? Certainly, you would want a dog,” said Alessandra.

“I have dogs. Specifically, hunting dogs. This is not a farm and I am not a pet person.”

“You aren’t fooling me,” Alessandra commented on the fact the kittens left her side to play around Edgar’s feet and he allowed them. “You’re the one who always says I can do whatever I want. Therefore, do not be surprised if you find the number of animals increasing daily.”

“Do not be surprised when you find them disappearing,” Edgar retorted.

“Where have you been all this time?” Alessandra asked

“With Caleb. Why?” Edgar was amused by her question. “Did you miss me? You just needed to say the word and I would have returned.”

“I asked one simple question and you’ve jumped ahead with so many conclusions. Did Caleb tell you everything from the moment I left or just about my uncle?”

“Just your uncle and the encounter you had with two young ladies from the past. I must know the type of people who speak negatively of you or try to harm you so that I can be cautious in the future. I did not let him inform me of anything else. I don’t plan to invade your privacy,” Edgar truthfully replied.

“I am not upset by it. I know you’re reasoning behind having a chat with Caleb. I’m sure there are many dangers Caleb noticed today that I did not. He must have informed you. You have no idea how it feels to not be paranoid and constantly look over my shoulder. I was relaxed the entire time because Caleb was there so thank you for assigning him to me.”

Edgar saw a golden opportunity arise at this moment. “Shouldn’t I receive a gift? A kiss on the cheek is always free.”

Alessandra couldn’t help herself from glaring at Edgar. “Why can’t you just do things from the bottom of your heart without expecting something in return?”

“Haven’t you noticed by now that I am not that type of person? The sooner you realize that the less you’ll hear me asking for a kiss because you’ll do it on your own. Imagine how wonderful that would be. Has the swelling on your feet gone down?” Edgar carefully walked around the two kittens to go to her side.

“It has but they are still red. I’m going to take a break from my shoes for a moment. I hope the maids won’t be too shocked seeing me walk around barefoot. Then again, you walk around in nothing but trousers so it should be fine. It is almost winter and you are walking around almost naked,” Alessandra only now realized the two negative sides of how Edgar was dressed. “You’ll catch a cold and the maids will be distracted.”

She already saw how they snuck glances at him while he was fully clothed.

“I’ve been waiting for your jealousy and possessiveness to come out. Do not worry, Alessandra. My body belongs to you at the end of the day. Touch it all you want,” Edgar spread his arms wide open for Alessandra to touch wherever she wanted.

“I am being serious with you, Edgar. Please wear proper clothes when you are walking around. At least a shirt with your trousers.”

“Outside is cold but the inside of the house is incredibly hot and the only way to change that is by opening windows. Then everyone will complain about the cold air. It’s not like I have been walking around the house like this. I went straight to the privacy of my office which only Alfred visits. Can’t I do that?” Edgar asked.

Alessandra felt like there was a child before her asking for permission to do something. It was true if he was going to his office where it would be only him, Alfred, and Caleb there would be nothing wrong. Especially when areas of the house were certainly hot.

“You mustn’t forget I hurried out of our bedroom without getting the chance to change to give you a moment to calm down your emotions,” Edgar shifted the blame onto her.

“I forgot about that,” Alessandra now remembered what happened earlier. She had arrived in the middle of him drying his hair. She was thankful when she returned and didn’t find him there. “That doesn’t excuse the other times you have walked around like this. Sally speaks with the maids and they’ve informed her of this being their entertainment aside from the men outside training.”

“I train outside shirtless because of the sweat. What will happen then? Must I wear a shirt and continue to be hot?”

“No, but,” Alessandra found herself trapped in a corner. Rather than beat around the bush, she decided to be bold and say, “I do not want the maids to be staring at you.”

Edgar ran the tip of his tongue along his teeth. He thought nothing for the rest of the day could top their earlier moment when he touched her breast but he was proven wrong. Already she was coming out of her shell. Perhaps a bit too far but why on earth would he stop her when it was getting so good? “I’ll train clad in armor if it pleases you. In return, you should only buy gifts for me.”

“What?” Alessandra didn’t understand his request. “I’ve only bought things for myself, you, the kittens, and the house.”

“It’s irritating that you have already forgotten one other gift but I will let it slide. Perhaps I am that petty to take it away. I need to find Caleb after dinner.”

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