The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 154

154 Trouble brewing (1)

“What else did you call me here for? Is there trouble brewing in the palace? Was there another attempt on your life again?” Edgar asked.

“They’re getting bolder by the day. This time, they were targeting my wife but I intervened just in time without her noticing. It feels like I am back on the battlefield again.,” Tobias stared at the palm of his hand. “It’s been so long since my father sent me to fight and there was so much blood. Now I’m getting my hands dirty again. I’m going to hang them as a warning to everyone else,” he balled up his fist.

Two men were captured trying to make an attempt to kill Hazel but they refused to name the person who hired them.

“Of course, I will personally torture them a little bit. They have no use for their teeth, nails, and tongue before being hanged. I truly believe we have been awfully nice these days, Edgar. They will start targeting you as my closest ally and you now have a weakness. Your wife will be targeted,” said Tobias.

“Hmm. The moment that happens I will throw all my morals to the side and Lockwood will become a blood town. After becoming married, there are so many fools I have added to my list. Excuse me if I end up killing all the Barretts. Do you know when the funeral is?” Edgar questioned, tempted to carry out mass murder on the people who ignored Alessandra suffering for years.

“Now why would I be the one to tell you that when you want to kill an entire family? I hear Clark Barrett has been hovering around the Baroness and he paid you a visit.”

“Of course, everything in town reaches your ears quickly,” Edgar grinned. Tobias lived far away in the palace but he had so many spies placed around the kingdom to be able to know when a plate was broken in someone’s house. “I’m not a fan of spies, Tobias. Remove them before they disappear.”

“I’ve been informed one of your maids was found dead. She used to spy on you for your mother. How intriguing. I won’t bother suspecting you as the body wouldn’t have been carelessly placed unless you were trying to throw anyone who knows you off your tracks. Oliver must be having a wonderful day with trying to pin it on you,” Tobias softly chuckled but it got louder the more Edgar looked annoyed. “Why didn’t you just give the man a kiss on the cheek to-Woo,” Tobias dodged a pillow.

“Fuck off.”


“I can’t when it’s so amusing to me that one of your friends fell in love with you. You’re a serious problem for having men and women fall for you. I fear your wife will have so many people to ward off. Hazel is in the same situation right now. Some of the nobles and men in court have been bringing their daughters to the palace for me to take a mistress,” Tobias rubbed his temple due to the stress.

“Why do you seem so worried? Are you tempted to cheat on your wife-”

“Of course not!” Tobias quickly denied Edgar’s claim. “I’m just thinking about how Hazel must feel. I wouldn’t be able to take anyone bringing men around for her to entertain. Although I personally picked her to be my wife because I liked her, everyone seems to think otherwise. They seem to think I would be like other kings and pick a mistress.”

“They want to believe that so they can have hope for their daughters. If I were in your position, something would have happened to one of the daughters as a warning to stop bringing them. You’re the king, Tobias. Find a way to get rid of them quickly before your marriage is ruined,” Edgar advised him. He walked to the window to see what Tobias had been looking at earlier.

“Well look at this,” Tobias became amused. “Never would I think you would offer me marriage advice. Times have certainly changed. I’m still trying to figure out why you married Alessandra Barrett. I had someone in mind for you but now that’s ruined. I am going to uncover your marriage, Edgar. I will find out why you married her.”

“Tobias, you have been around me for many years so I give you many chances unlike anyone else. Like the fools trying to mess with your marriage, I will kill you if you dig around and interfere with mine. If you wish to continue, make sure Hazel is with an heir so the throne will have a replacement. How embarrassing would it be for me to kill you in your own palace.”

“Ha! At some point, you should fear the king even though I am your friend. I am the most powerful man in this kingdom,” Tobias abruptly stood up from his chair. He liked Edgar but at times, it was annoying how Edgar never once feared offending the king. It was funny that was what he both liked and hated about Edgar.

“If that is what you believe, why do you always run to me for help? If that was meant to be a threat, why do you fear me? You might be king but you are well aware, there are others with a lot of power throughout this kingdom. You’ve been digging around about the men I have on my land. Do you think I am building an army to overthrow you?” Edgar looked down at crates being taken off somewhere on the back of carts being pulled by horses.

“Out of all the people around me, I don’t think you would want to overthrow me. Being king would be a hassle for you and you don’t like any of my relatives to work alongside them. The only reason you would kill me is if I annoy you or ruin your marriage it seems,” Tobias walked to stand beside Edgar. “There’s trouble in the south as always. I had new weapons prepared just in case. If it becomes like last time, would you go off to fight again?”

“And leave my wife in the hands of who?” Edgar walked away from the window. “I have offered my services in battles more than I needed to. There are men who sit in their homes and hide instead of fighting. Drag them out of their homes and let them aid you.”

“They hide because they know they will die. You have always been an excellent fighter and your strategies have always been helpful. I’m sure your wife would love for this kingdom to be safe even if you were to not be by her side for a month or two. Preparations could be made to-”

“I am not going anywhere,” Edgar firmly rejected Tobias’s offer. He sat down on a couch before laying down to get some rest while Alessandra enjoyed her time with the queen. “Don’t even think of approaching my wife about it. I’ll tell the queen of your days before you became married. What was the name of the girl you used to visit again?”

“Fine fine,” Tobias threw his hands in the air, giving up for now. “I suppose I cannot overwork you when you are already looking for the missing girls. I’ll have to depend on the knights to solve the problem in the south. So, what are we going to do now that it is just the two of us?”

“Shut up and close our eyes until our wives are done.”

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