The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 155

155 Trouble brewing (2)

“Your highness, it is nearing time for you to prepare for dinner,” A maid informed Hazel.

Should I inform the butler to prepare seats for your guests?”

“Is it really?” Hazel looked out at the sky only now noticing how much it had changed. “Wow, we’ve spent so much time here chatting away. None of us noticed how late it has become. I can’t keep you away from Edgar much longer. Your time here has been wonderful, Alessandra.”

“Thank you. I will try to return to being a wonderful hostess when I send the invitation to you. I would also like to extend one to you too, Linda. It is fun to have someone around who enjoys painting,” said Alessandra.

After the many hours they spent together, she came to like Linda and vice versa. The awkward feeling from when they first met was long forgotten.

“Thank you. I hope I get to see the paintings you have created so far and then we can one day have a gathering at my home to see my paintings. My father must be searching all over for me after I told him I would just be paying Hazel a short visit. I must leave quickly before he sends guards to search the entire kingdom for me again,” Linda stood up from her seat.

“Again?” Alessandra asked, curious about what happened the first time.

“She arrived home late from a dance lesson and her father sent out the army to look for her. Turns out her carriage wheel was broken and the coachman stopped to fix it. It was so heart-warming to see her father lose his mind. Please inform him to pay me a visit when he has free time,” Hazel said to Linda.

“If I stay any longer you will get to see him. Goodbye you two,” Linda bid goodbye then picked up her dress to hurry to meet with her father.


“It might seem overbearing but she is his precious only daughter amongst three sons. Her father is worried that his position in the kingdom will cause her to get hurt. That’s why you won’t find Linda marrying a man her father does not think can protect her. Come, let’s find your husband who will be more than happy to go home,” Hazel stood up from her seat shortly followed by Alessandra.

Alessandra wondered what Edgar had been doing with Tobias and hoped she had not kept him in the palace far longer than he wanted to be here. Had the maid not informed Hazel of the time, they might have been here much longer.

“Caleb, we’re ready to go. It must have been torture for you to sit around doing nothing but waiting on me to be ready. I’m sorry,” Alessandra apologized for him sitting around in the room with no one to talk to for hours.

“There is no need to apologize, Duchess,” Caleb sat up from the chair that had been offered to him by a maid. “It is my job and you seemed to be having fun.”

“How nice,” Hazel became jealous of the relationship Alessandra had with her guard. “All the guards placed around me aren’t good at hiding how much they want me to move along quickly. Should I steal you away?”

“My loyalty lies with the Duke. I cannot be stolen away, your highness.”

“Too bad,” Hazel gave up. “We should-”

A knock at the door interrupted Hazel. A maid hastily moved to open the door and revealed Edgar standing outside with Tobias by his side.

Edgar’s eyes went straight to Alessandra. “Are you done?”

“Yes. I’m sorry for being so long. You don’t have to see me out, Hazel. Thank you for inviting me,” Alessandra gave one last goodbye. If possible, she would love to turn back time and start over to the moment she arrived.

“No problem. Once again, if there’s anything you ever need from me don’t hesitate to send a message. We’re friends now. Please do not reject my help,” Hazel added when it looked like Alessandra was going to turn down ever needing help.

“Actually, there is something you can help me with. My dressmaker, Erin Potter, who made my dress for the ball has been trying to branch out and find customers away from her mother. Due to being by my side, she has been outcasted. Would it be possible for you to request a dress from her personally? Your name would be able to help her out,” Alessandra asked and then bit her lip afraid Hazel might not want to do such a thing.

Meanwhile, Hazel found Alessandra to be too innocent for thinking it was too much to request. “I will take care of it,” she said.

“Thank you. Did you have a good day in the palace, Edgar?” Alessandra asked as she approached Edgar.

“No,” he replied.

Caleb quietly followed Alessandra and Edgar out of the queen’s bedroom.

Tobias smiled and opened his arms wide for Hazel to come to hug him. “My lovely wife-”

“Get out Tobias,” Hazel turned away from him.

Hearing the banter between the two royals as she left, Alessandra couldn’t help but laugh.

Edgar had been irritated by his long stay in the palace but Alessandra’s happy face stopped him from mentioning it. “You seem to have enjoyed yourself. A little bit more and we would have to spend the night in the palace. Did everything go smoothly? Did anyone approach you?”

“It went well. I had a lot of fun. Perhaps it was because we stayed in her bedroom the entire time and I was able to meet her friend, Linda. At first, it was weird because she had a crush on you but we’re fine now. Please tell me I don’t have to go around asking ladies if they once had a crush on you so that I can get the awkwardness out of the way,” said Alessandra.

“It is your punishment for marrying such a perfect man. I cannot help how many admirers I have. You should find some pride in the fact you were the one to win me over. You should also appreciate your wonderful husband a little bit more.”

“Edgar, how much more can I appreciate you? Don’t try giving me any ideas,” Alessandra held up her hand to stop him from suggesting her any bright ideas. “Whatever is on your mind will only leave me embarrassed.”

Edgar wrapped his hand around her waist to pull her closer to him. “I promise whatever I have on my mind is something we would both enjoy.”

“I,” Alessandra paused when she noticed the stares as she and Edgar walked towards the exit where their carriage awaited them. “Edgar, am I imagining things, or is everyone staring at us?” She whispered. ‘Is it my mask?’ She wondered.

Edgar kept looking straight ahead but at the same time, he inspected how women passing by were whispering as they looked at Alessandra and then cast him a look of pity. “Caleb, find out what is happening now.”

“Yes sir.”

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