The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 85

85 Respect is earned (2)

“There you are. I thought I was going to grow old waiting for everyone to come to the table,” Edmund said from his seat at the dining table.

“You are old,” Edgar replied.

“Well, then older you little shit. Tell me, how on earth did you fall in love with my son?” Edmund looked to Alessandra for an answer because he could not understand why such a lovely lady was with his devil of a son.

“What is there not to fall in love with when it comes to me, father?” Edgar answered in Alessandra’s place so she wouldn’t be uncomfortable talking about love.

“True. Collins men have always been able to make women fall in love with them easily. You should be thankful for my genes, son. Your mother just added a little razzle-dazzle to your looks. Are you going to sit next to me, Alessandra? We have more to talk about.”

“Absolutely not. I am not going to let you bore her with talk about flowers and why all dirt differs. Sit here,” Edgar pulled out a seat for Alessandra at the head of the table, far away from where his father sat.

“Thank you,” Alessandra said, sitting down in the chair. “I told your father about my love for painting and he would like me to paint flowers for his home.”

“You are already busy with the paintings for our home,” Edgar reminded her. Her creating paintings for his father opened the door for the man to keep visiting.

“I don’t mind waiting. Take your time dear,” Edmund said much to Edgar’s dismay.


“You’ll have to wait forever because she’s not doing it. Since when have you cared about paintings?”

“I could ask you the same son.”

‘Why is this becoming such a big deal?’ Alessandra sighed, tempted to cover her ears to block out their growing argument.

“Am I missing something fun?” Heather asked as soon as she entered the dining room. “Mrs. Collins has gone to freshen up. Where are you going to sit, Edgar?”

“At the table. Isn’t it obvious?” Edgar moved from Alessandra’s side to go to the other end to take his seat.

Alessandra noticed the way Heather kept her eyes on Edgar as he walked to his seat. ‘It’s like I am not here with the way she is staring at him.’

“Heather, sit next to the Duchess and have a little chit-chat. You have been friends with Edgar for a long time and I am sure Alessandra wishes to hear embarrassing stories to laugh at later on. Sit,” Edmund instructed her. He placed one foot over the other, ready to enjoy the incoming show.

Heather disliked what Edmund said out loud. He was well aware of the many times she said Edgar did not want to be her friend. She had no embarrassing stories to tell Alessandra and Edmund certainly knew she did not wish to sit next to the seat that should belong to her.

Still, Heather forced a smile as she always did and sat down to the right of Alessandra. ‘How on earth am I supposed to start a conversation with the Duchess when we have nothing in common and we are meant to be enemies?’

“Are you from Lockwood?”

Heather looked at Alessandra, surprised she was asking her a simple question instead of asking what she was doing here. “Yes, but my parents moved away when I was ten to get away from how hectic the town can be. I assume you were also born and raised in Lockwood.”

“Yes,” Alessandra replied. “What embarrassing stories can you tell me about Edgar? He is always teasing me and it would be nice to be able to tease him.”

Heather’s hands fidgeted in her lap. She was hoping the conversation of childhood stories would pass. “Well-”

“I don’t recall us ever being friends and playing with each other for you to have any stories about me. Any that you know came from someone else and it wouldn’t be your place to tell, right? I’m afraid you’ll have to hold out longer to hear stories about me, Alessandra. Let’s move on,” said Edgar. He wasn’t in the mood to listen to Heather making up fake memories of their childhood.

“Well, there was the first time your mother was introducing us and you were so shy that you jumped into the lake.” With a small smile on her lips as she recounted the memory she cherished, Heather turned to Alessandra and said, ” It is what made me so determined to be his friend. I hoped one day he would be able to speak to me.”

“I didn’t jump because I was too shy to speak to you, Heather. I jumped because I saw my mother coming towards me with a new minion by her side. I would have rather drowned than be tortured by speaking to the daughter of one of my mother’s friends-”

“Edgar! That is enough,” Edmund stepped in before Edgar could further embarrass Heather.

“It is the truth. Should I let her cherish a memory she had wrong? She should not even be here to be telling stories about me. Why are you here, Heather?” Edgar eyed her with disinterest in her presence. “Shouldn’t you be with your parents? Surely, you are not holding onto the chance to be with me when I am married. I don’t care to have a mistress like some people,” he glanced at his father.

“I came to meet your wife,” Heather replied.

“Why? Why would you tag along the first time my parents are meeting her when you and I are not close? As a woman, did you not think of how your presence would make my wife feel, or will the excuse be that you are afraid of my mother so you had no choice but to come?”

“I only wanted to see what the woman you married was like and to keep your mother calm. Unlike the Duchess, I have a good relationship with Mrs. Collins. I can be a bridge to help their relationship,” said Heather.

“I am sure you did not come to my home with that in mind from the very beginning. I will say this only once, do not return to my home after today, Heather. If you are still scared of my mother at this age, I will take care of her. Whatever role she has you playing in this game to separate me and my wife, know that I won’t show mercy if you do anything stupid in the future,” Edgar gave a clear warning.

He could see clearly how Heather would be used to create tension between him and Alessandra. Though they both communicated well and had an understanding he was not looking to be with another woman, Edgar saw it best to deal with Heather now rather than continuously having to explain weird run-ins with her.

“I understand,” Heather looked down at her lap to avoid eye contact with anyone, especially Alessandra. However, she could not stand by her words. Edgar’s help would not protect her from the battle she would face by going against what Priscilla wanted. Men could never help win a woman’s battle against other women.

Alessandra felt bad for Heather but at the same time, she did not want to deal with Heather trying to find ways to steal Edgar. At the end of the day, Heather was well aware of why Priscilla brought her along and Alessandra was not okay with it. She was thankful Edgar called it out in the early before any misunderstandings could arise.

“Why is this room so gloomy? Edgar, can you please explain why Jennifer was locked up?” Priscilla returned with Jennifer right behind her.

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