The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 86

86 Respect is earned (3)

“Whoever allowed you to take her will lose their hands. I hope you are okay with that, mother,” Edgar tapped his fingers on the table to suppress his anger. There was nonsense after nonsense at the time of day he liked to have peace.

Priscilla neared the table not caring what would happen to the guard who freed the young maid. “To have the poor girl locked up-”

“It was better than me getting rid of her hands for slapping my wife. I have no problem doing it right now if that is what you wish. Take her back,” Edgar advised his mother. “You’ve placed two women in my life to mess with my marriage. You are lucky to be my mother. I don’t know if I would be able to remain this calm if you weren’t.”

“You are threatening me again,” Priscilla glared at her son.

“I am giving you a warning I hardly give to others who piss me off. Take her back and sit down at this table while I am calm, mother. I will stain that pretty dress you are wearing with blood if you do not stop,” his hands itched to take up a knife from the table to solve the new problem.

“Son, there is no need for you to get ahead of yourself. She is your mother, not a man on the street. Do not casually mention blood to her. Priscilla, take the girl back where you found her. This is not your home to take control of. We’ve all had enough of the two of you being at odds,” Edmund sighed.

Priscilla looked down at where Alessandra sat. “You must be enjoying the sight of this. I heard you got rid of her because you found out she is one of my people. Before we even met, you were creating problems with me.”

‘Why am I being dragged into this when I said nothing?’ Alessandra thought to herself.

“Priscilla, that is enough. You cannot make assumptions based on what this maid has told you. If she truly slapped Edgar’s wife, she deserves to be punished. Do not attach yourself to this any further. You are stopping us from having a good breakfast,” said Edmund. He was getting upset with his wife finding any way possible to pick at Alessandra.


“Don’t tell me you like her, Edmund? Are you doing this to spite me because I made us return to Lockwood? Do you truly like her?” Priscilla did not want it to be the latter. Her husband was supposed to be on her side. Did Edmund want to hear others calling Edgar cursed? Was Edgar only good enough to marry the unwanted daughter of a Baron?

“What’s not to like? She doesn’t call me old as my son does and she is not afraid to get her hands dirty in the garden. I cannot dislike her when I hardly know her. Sit down and get to know her,” Edmund pointed at the chair directly in front of him.

From what he saw when the young couple was entering the dining room, they had no reason to worry about Edgar. Frankly, Priscilla should be happy Alessandra got Edgar to settle down after the many years their son was against marriage. Edmund was only concerned with how long it would take for them to give him a grandchild to spoil.

“Okay, let us start asking questions but I will not send back the maid just yet,” Priscilla marched over to her seat and sat down. “I heard that the Baron is dead but without batting an eye you are here enjoying the luxury of being married to my son. Do you know what that says about you?”

“My father and I did not have a good relationship so I was saddened by his death. I am the one who ordered him to be killed. That should say a lot about what I’ve been through,” Alessandra honestly answered. She had no reason to hide what would soon be public knowledge.

“You ordered your father to die?” Edmund was intrigued by the news.

“See,” Priscilla turned to Edgar for him to wake up. “What have you gotten yourself mixed up in? A Duke listening to the orders of a Baron’s daughter.”

“I was the one to kill Desmond Barrett. I am well aware of what I have gotten myself mixed into. Any more questions?” Edgar titled his head, amused by the wide mouth expression on his mother’s face.

“It is true that you killed the Baron? Was it over her?” Priscilla became more heated. It was bad enough Edgar married Alessandra but now he was taking orders from her to kill someone and worse of all, her very own father. “Do you know how much trouble this will cause for you?”

“Alfred,” Edgar ignored his mother. “Can we please have breakfast served? I am already considering leaving the table to eat elsewhere.”

“Why did you kill the Baron, Edgar? Whatever he did with his daughter was not justifiable for you to kill him. Laws were made to be followed to prosecute wrongdoers. I assume the town guards came to your door ready to arrest you for killing the Baron. How did you get out of it?” Edmund was worried for Edgar because of how others might spin this story.

“There’s no need for me to be concerned about it when it’s already taken care of. You know what type of man the Baron was and I could not let him live after thinking of what might have happened if I did not arrive in time to save Alessandra. I was going to kill him regardless of what Alessandra said. Stop blaming her for my actions,” said Edgar specifically to his mother. “All four of you, leave after you have eaten.”

‘Four?’ Heather thought. She snuck a glance at the maid Priscilla had brought along with her. The maid stood behind Priscilla with the biggest smile Heather had ever seen. ‘What a fool. She will have no use for you once she gets the information she needs.’

“Edgar, have you already forgotten this land once belonged to your father and me? We gave this to you and now you are trying to chase us away. I am sick and tired of you constantly disobeying me. The Collins name is known throughout the land and not just anyone can be accepted,” Priscilla huffed, annoying things weren’t going her way.

“I recall a relative of mine married his maid and none of you said a word about it. You’ve run out of chances, mother. Alfred, escort all four of them out and hurry up with breakfast for Alessandra and me,” Edgar ordered the butler. “I apologize for ruining your breakfast invitation to them, Alessandra but our house has been too peaceful for us to continue with this.”

“Okay,” Alessandra replied. She was also tired of hearing Priscilla be upset. All she wanted to do right now was eat instead of listening to Priscilla about why she wouldn’t make a good wife. “I hope to see you soon, Mr.Collins.”

“Likewise,” Edmund stood up from his seat. There was no point in them staying and creating problems for the newlyweds. “Come along, Priscilla. Do not make me have to say it more than once.”

“I refuse to leave when Edgar has not yet come to his senses,” Priscilla continued to sit. None of them would ever be able to see that she was only trying to protect Edgar’s reputation. “When will you learn to respect me, Edgar?”

“Respect is earned, mother. Do not get your dress caught up in the door as you leave.”

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