The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 128: The Color of Luck

Chapter 128: The Color of Luck

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 128

EP.128 The Color of Luck

Dambi sat in the adventurer guild office with Lils. Today, they weren’t just looking for a regular quest, they had been summoned for a special request.

“A shadow visited earlier. The master has bestowed a monster upon the General Manager.”

Lils whispered to Dambi.

She had originally been a mage in another adventurer party. However, now she was being controlled by a banshee and was acting as an adventurer. To prepare for future tasks, she was coordinating with Dambi, who was from the same dungeon.

“The monster bestowed by the master is an Aqua Devourer. Even as a baby, it’s a ferocious three-star fish monster. Our task is simply to relocate it to Lake Yenarian.”

“So that’s why we were given this special request.”


Dambi looked at Lils. Not long ago, Lils had been human, and her attire had been quite revealing, showing more skin than it covered. However, since the banshee had taken control, her clothing had become much more modest. Dambi had once asked about the change, and the banshee had given a loyal response.

“This way, I won’t attract attention and can better follow the commands of our great master.”

Indeed, wearing overly revealing clothes would make her stand out. Now, Lils’s attire was so plain that she looked like just another passing adventurer.

“Lake Yenarian is located in the south of the Sael Kingdom and is next to the Free City Union and the Orovis Empire. As a result, the nearby cities have developed a lot of commerce,” Lils continued.

“This request has made it clear. To think the master plans to release such a ferocious monster into Lake Yenarian…!”

Lils’s expression turned ecstatic.

“By explaining this plan to us, starting with Lake Yenarian, it’s as if the master is revealing his ambition to dominate the continent to us ignorant followers. Truly, the master possesses a cruelty and ambition that no one can match!”

One might wear such an expression when facing a god they deeply revered. While Lils was lost in her adoration, Dambi scanned the walls of the adventurer guild. It wasn’t that he was uninterested in the request or disregarding the master’s will. He had sworn to follow the master who had given him purpose in his once aimless life.

He was determined to follow any command without question. If it was the will of the great one, he would set aside his personal thoughts. All he had to do was obey.

“Moreover, the General Manager, who understands the will of the great one, is truly remarkable! As a banshee, I never imagined there could be such profound intentions…”

Lils’s praises continued. Dambi let Lils’s words wash over him as he read the inscriptions on the wall.

[At the end of the adventure lies glory, but the path is filled with trials and tribulations.]

A common phrase meant to encourage new adventurers. Although Dambi was living the life of an adventurer, his purpose was different, so the words didn’t resonate with him. He moved on to the next inscription.

[The darkness of a dungeon can be illuminated by light, but the darkness of the heart must be overcome by oneself.]

This one struck a chord with him.

‘So, humans have darkness in their hearts too.’

He liked the idea of overcoming one’s inner darkness. However, he disagreed with the notion that a dungeon’s darkness could be illuminated by light.

‘A true dungeon cannot be illuminated by light.’

After the vampire dungeon had fallen and he had started living in the great one’s dungeon, Dambi had come to a realization. The great one’s dungeon felt truly alive, and he believed that no one could ever bring it down.

The inscription that resonated most with him was:

[A dungeon is a living entity, let your guard down, and you will be swallowed by its darkness. Adventurer, never let your vigilance waver.]

It felt as if it was describing the great one’s dungeon, so Dambi liked it.

As he spent time reflecting on these thoughts, a voice interrupted.

“Ah, Dambi, Lils!”

Catherine, the receptionist of the adventurer guild, called out their names as she approached.

“You two seem to be getting along even better today,” she said with a pleased smile.

Adventurers often formed close bonds as they explored unknown worlds together, risking their lives. Catherine had seen many such cases, so she misunderstood the relationship between Dambi and Lils.

“So, what’s the special request?”

Although Lils had briefed him earlier, the adventurer guild hadn’t provided detailed information yet.

An adventurer knowing the details of a request beforehand? It could potentially lead to complications. Thus, Dambi decided to ask Catherine about the specifics of the request.

Catherine handed him a small container from behind the counter.

“You’re supposed to take this to Lake Yenarian. I don’t know what’s inside, but I can hear water sloshing around.”

The container was opaque, making it impossible to see its contents. However, a faint sound of water could be heard when it was shaken.

“Oh! And there’s an adventurer guild near Lake Yenarian. You should stop by there first to confirm the details of the request.”

Trust was crucial for adventurers, but not everyone was trustworthy. This was a kind of verification process. Conveniently, there was another branch of the adventurer guild near Lake Yenarian. The lake was bordered not only by the Sael Kingdom but also by the Free City Union and the Orovis Empire, making the nearby cities highly developed in terms of commerce and transportation. Consequently, adventurer guilds were commonly found in these bustling cities.

“Understood. We’ll do that,” Dambi replied.

At that moment, Lils stepped forward.

“You haven’t mentioned the reward yet.”

In truth, they weren’t interested in the reward for this task. It was a command from above, so even if there was no reward, it didn’t matter. However, to avoid arousing suspicion, Lils brought up the topic of the reward. After all, no adventurer would refuse a reward.

The three of them then began to discuss the details of the request in depth.

“By the way, Dambi, you’re really impressive. First with the zombie incident and now with this special request.”

Despite being a relatively new adventurer, Dambi had already received two special requests. Although he had declined the additional zombie request, the fact that he had been chosen for two special requests in such a short time was remarkable to Catherine.

“Oh! Do you have a favorite color, Dambi?”

Catherine’s characteristic chatter kicked in. Dambi, eager to leave, answered quickly.

“I like red.”

Because blood is red. As a half-vampire, Dambi’s favorite thing was blood, hence his answer.

“Red symbolizes passion, and you certainly seem passionate, Dambi. Let’s see….”

Catherine glanced at the newspaper she was holding. It had a small section labeled ‘Today’s Fortune.’

“Here it is! ‘For those who like red! You will have an unexpected encounter. But do not fear. Today’s lucky color is red.’ That’s what it says.”

Dambi didn’t particularly believe in such things, but he nodded slightly in gratitude.

“Take care and see you next time!”

Catherine said with exaggerated cheer as she bid farewell to Dambi and Lils.




The adventurer guild where Catherine worked was near the Silent Mountains, in the northern part of the Sael Kingdom. However, Lake Yenarian, where Dambi and Lils were headed, was in the southern part of the kingdom. In other words, they had to travel from the north to the south.

If they were ordinary humans, it would have taken a long time, but they were far from ordinary. One was a half-vampire, and the other was a banshee. They moved southward at a monster’s pace. However, the distance was considerable, and night fell before they could reach their destination.

Although they could travel at night, being monsters, they chose not to. The monster in the small container needed rest, and nighttime brought additional nuisances, such as bandits and thieves.

The Sael Kingdom was filled with various mountains, though none as large as the Silent Mountains. Dambi and Lils were currently passing through one of these smaller mountain ranges.

“We’ll stay there for the night.”

Dambi pointed to a small inn.

It was fortunate to find an inn in such a place, as he didn’t prefer sleeping outdoors.

“Understood, Dambi.”

As they approached the inn, they could hear laughter coming from inside.

“Seems like it’s busy despite the location.”

“Let’s go in.”

When they finally stepped inside, they were greeted by a bustling scene.


The lively atmosphere from moments ago quickly turned silent. Something felt off. The paintings on the walls seemed amateurish, and the faces of the patrons were marked with scars. Most notably, the innkeeper was nowhere to be seen.

“Are you adventurers?”

A man among the patrons asked as he stood up.

The previously quiet room became noisy again.

“Hmm. Are you the owner here?” Dambi asked, scanning the man.

The man, too, had numerous scars on his face and arms.

“As you can see. So, how long will you be staying?”

The man smiled and spread his arms wide. His gaze quickly landed on the small container Dambi was holding.

“If it’s something valuable, I can keep it safe for you.”

“No, that won’t be necessary. Just a room and a meal.”

Dambi handed over 2 silver coins. He then asked another question.

“Oh, do you have any fresh meat? I’d like that prepared.”

Dambi ignored the innkeeper’s response and headed straight up the stairs. Lils followed closely behind, whispering softly.

“Something feels off.”

“I know. The smell of blood is overwhelming. The original owner is probably dead.”

The smell of blood was strong even as they ascended the stairs. Despite their efforts to clean, Dambi’s heightened senses, a result of his vampire heritage, couldn’t be fooled. Not only the scent but also the bandits’ behavior seemed off.

“Let’s drop off our things and head back down. Make preparations,” Dambi instructed.

“Understood, Dambi. I’ll prepare a delicious meal,” Lils replied, bowing slightly before descending the stairs slowly.


There was no one else in the inn but them. Dambi opened a random door and placed his belongings inside.




The man who had spoken to Dambi earlier, Garcia, wore a sinister smile. He was not the innkeeper.

“Boss, your acting was incredible!”

Garcia was a bandit, the leader of the thugs gathered in the inn. They had killed the innkeeper and any remaining adventurers. Garcia spoke quietly to his men.

“Kill the man if you must but bring the woman to me. And be careful with the item he’s carrying, it seems valuable.”

At Garcia’s command, the bandits silently drew their swords. Their targets were just two people. No matter how skilled the adventurers were, they would struggle against over thirty bandits. The lack of women had been a disappointment for the bandits, so this felt like a stroke of luck.

Just as they were about to head up the stairs with their swords drawn, the woman they had seen earlier appeared.


Despite their drawn swords, the woman showed no signs of fear. While they stood there, confused, she suddenly began to undress. Her unexpected actions left them all stunned, unable to react. Instead, they were mesmerized by her stripping.

“What are you doing, you wench?”

Garcia, however, was different. His long years as a bandit had taught him to be wary of women and old men. But the woman continued undeterred, stripping completely naked. The sight left the bandits even more dazed.

As they stood there, dumbfounded, the woman suddenly screamed.

“…Huh? Where am I? I was in the goblin dungeon—kyaaa! What is this?!”

The woman, who had stripped herself, began to scream as if she had no idea why she was there. Her expression was one of genuine confusion.

Her sudden change in behavior left everyone puzzled.

“What’s going on?”

“Is she some kind of pervert who enjoys this?”

Some of the bandits misinterpreted her actions, but that wasn’t the real issue.

– Thud. –


Suddenly, someone screamed and collapsed.

“What’s happening?!”

Garcia shouted as he turned around, only to see one of his men standing with his sword plunged into a comrade’s chest.

Garcia’s face was a mix of fear and confusion as he tried to make sense of the sudden chaos.

“You bastard! What the hell are you doing?!”

Garcia shouted as he moved forward. Just then, another scream pierced the air. This time, the man who had killed his comrade earlier was now slitting his own throat. Even as blood gushed from his neck, his eerie laughter echoed through the room.

“What? Why am I…?”

The man muttered before collapsing to the floor. The remaining bandits, still trying to comprehend the situation, began to turn on each other in fear, their swords drawn.

One bandit suddenly dropped his sword and started convulsing. He then swung his sword at a nearby comrade, who defended himself with his own weapon. The room, once filled with laughter, was now a scene of chaos, with blood splattering everywhere amidst the screams and cries.

“Why are they…?”

Garcia stared in disbelief at the carnage unfolding before him. It was as if someone was controlling the bandits like puppets, making them slaughter each other. The room was filled with screams, curses, and maniacal laughter, creating a hellish scene.

“Keep your wits about you.”

A voice said from behind him.


The woman who had stripped earlier was now standing behind Garcia. He finally pieced together what was happening.

“A black mage…? Please, spare my life!”

Garcia had heard of black mages who could control others with their magic. Realizing this, he quickly begged for his life, knowing he stood no chance against such power.

But Lils was merciless.


Lils plunged her sword into Garcia’s neck. The truth of the situation was now clear to everyone.

“You bitch! You deceived us so well!”

The remaining bandits, still under the mage’s control, began to advance on Lils with their swords drawn. They believed their superior numbers would overwhelm her. However, they soon realized their mistake.

As they approached Lils, something began to stir at their feet. The blood flowing from their fallen comrades seemed to take on a life of its own, forming snake-like shapes that rose from the ground.

“W-what is this…!”

One of the bandits screamed as he stumbled backward. But a snake made of blood lunged at his ankle, sinking its sharp fangs into his flesh.


With a scream, bright red blood spurted from the bite, and it wouldn’t stop. The same phenomenon occurred simultaneously across the room. The blood snakes attacked the remaining bandits, biting them and causing their blood to gush out uncontrollably.

“Help me!”

“Damn it! The bleeding won’t stop! It won’t stop!”

The blood drained from their bodies at an alarming rate. In no time, their bodies were reduced to dried husks, with only their skin remaining. This was the bandits’ gruesome end.

“You’re truly amazing, Dambi!”

Lils said as she dressed herself again. The blood snakes that drained the bandits of their blood were all Dambi’s doing. Lils couldn’t understand why someone with such power had remained inactive in the vampire dungeon. She had heard bits of Dambi’s past during their time as adventurers, but it was still a mystery to her. However, she knew it was impolite to ask about personal matters, so she kept her thoughts to herself.


Dambi descended the stairs with a stoic expression, surveying the floor now awash with blood. The sight was gruesome, but Dambi’s thoughts were elsewhere.

“Truly, it was the color of luck.”

He recalled Catherine’s words from the adventurer guild, about red being the lucky color of the day.

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