The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 129: An Unexpected Encounter (1)

Chapter 129: An Unexpected Encounter (1)

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 129

EP.129 An Unexpected Encounter (1)

“So, how is the investigation going?”

A middle-aged man, accompanied by knights, climbed the mountain. At his greeting, the people at the scene approached him.

“Inspector, you’ve arrived? As you can see, it’s truly horrific.”

The people gathered on the mountain were investigators, not just any investigators but members of the investigative agency [Black Feather] of the Sael Kingdom. The man referred to as the inspector was named Lindel. Lindel took out a cigarette from his pocket and frowned.

“Indeed. It’s a gruesome scene.”

The location was a small inn on the mountain. The issue was that the guests who had stayed at the inn were found dead. The floor was covered in red blood, with bodies tangled and strewn about. The state of the corpses was uniformly desiccated, their innards shriveled. The terror etched on their rigid faces was the only indication that something had happened. The stench was overpowering with each breath.

“Ugh. So, what’s the current situation?”

Lindel quickly lit his cigarette to escape the foul odor. At his question, an investigator began to report.

“We have already questioned the first witness. They mentioned greeting the innkeeper just yesterday afternoon.”

“So, it happened during the night. Continue.”

“Yes, we have also identified the innkeeper’s body. Additionally, another body has been identified as Garcia, who was wanted for murder and robbery.”

At the mention of Garcia, Lindel shook his head. He remembered Garcia from his time as an investigator. Garcia was a known bandit, so why was he found dead in an inn? Something smelled fishy.

“All the other bodies are presumed to be Garcia’s followers. The problem is that there are signs of a struggle among them.”

Lindel, smoking his cigarette, entered the scene. The stench grew even worse as he ventured further in.


Lindel discarded his cigarette on the ground and covered his nose with a handkerchief.

“This stench is unbearable.”

The rapid decomposition of the bodies was unusual for an incident that had occurred within a day. Some of the corpses even had bite marks.

“Could it be the work of monsters?”

Lindel muttered in a calm tone. He scrutinized the remaining bodies with a cold, analytical gaze, quickly organizing his thoughts.

The investigator from earlier approached Lindel again.

“At first, we thought it was the work of a dark mage who worships an evil god. But the way the blood is splattered seems too deliberate. It’s more likely the work of a vampire who can manipulate blood freely—”


“Yes, sir!”

Lindel interrupted the investigator, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it. He then whispered softly.

“Her Majesty the Queen is greatly concerned about this incident.”


The investigator understood the implication. The royal family did not want this incident to become public knowledge.

“Think about it. The kingdom’s situation is already unstable. Even though Her Majesty is blessed by the goddess, continuous incidents like this could cause unrest, don’t you think?”

“Absolutely, sir!”

“We’ll handle this matter quietly. Soon, people from higher up will arrive, so just preserve the scene for now.”

The involvement of [Black Feather] ended there. The rest would be handled by others. Although [Black Feather] was the kingdom’s investigative agency, it had not wielded much power until recently. The nobles had held more influence than the king. However, since Queen Elena ascended to the throne, many things had changed. Although she had not yet had her official coronation, most nobles had lost their power, and the royal authority had been strengthened.

Moreover, many of the kingdom’s institutions had been reorganized to be directly under the royal family. [Black Feather] had also transformed into a direct agency of the queen, significantly increasing its power. Lindel, the second-in-command of the investigative agency, did not think these changes were bad.

‘We’ll never see the nobles running amok like before.’

And eventually, he would lead the agency himself, so all he needed to do was faithfully follow Her Majesty’s orders. Just as he was about to wrap things up, someone came running urgently. It was one of the knights who had accompanied him earlier.

“Inspector! An Inquisitor from the White Order has arrived!”

“Damn it.”

Lindel’s expression twisted once more. He didn’t know why an Inquisitor was here, but he had a bad feeling about it. The Inquisitors wielded considerable power. He quickly went outside to greet the Inquisitor.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lindel, Inspector of [Black Feather].”

“I’m Jeremia. Jeremia El Esteban.”

Lindel was taken aback by the thin voice of the Inquisitor. While not unheard of, female Inquisitors were rare. He quickly adjusted his expression. However, when she removed her robe, he was surprised once again.

‘Huh… she’s so young?’

Even though he had anticipated it from her voice, seeing her in person was still shocking. She was incredibly young. What caught his attention even more was her background.

‘Jeremia El Esteban.’

He didn’t have precise information, but her surname gave away her background. The Esteban family. A ducal house in the Adonil Kingdom, known for its long-standing loyalty to the White Order. The Adonil Kingdom itself was closely aligned with the Order, making the White Order’s influence significant. It wasn’t uncommon for nobles to serve the White Order.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Jeremia said, ignoring Lindel’s reaction and entering the inn.


Lindel sighed at her headstrong demeanor. Even he couldn’t stop an Inquisitor’s actions. All he could do was watch. However, he could at least try to speak.

“There’s no need to examine so closely. This incident occurred entirely within the Sael Kingdom. There are no victims related to the White Order, so there’s no need for an Inquisitor to be overly concerned.”

In other words, he was telling her to mind her own business.

Despite Lindel’s direct and forceful words, Jeremia ignored him and placed her hand on one of the corpses.

‘She’s got a strong stomach.’

Lindel frowned at her unhesitating examination of the bodies.

After what felt like an eternity, Jeremia finally stood up from her inspection.

“This incident appears to be the work of a vampire.”

“Ha… We can handle this ourselves,” Lindel replied, feeling a sense of dread. Her Majesty had been keen on keeping this incident under wraps, and now an Inquisitor was complicating matters.

“Inquisitor, we base our investigations on evidence. There’s no definitive proof yet that this is the work of a vampire,” Lindel countered.

Jeremia, however, paid no heed to his words. Instead, she pointed to the bloodstains on the floor.

“Look at these demonic traces. This is clearly the work of a vile vampire. Such evil cannot be overlooked.”

Her eyes burned with a sense of justice and determination, a resolve to eradicate evil emanating from her.

As Lindel pondered how to report this situation to Her Majesty, Jeremia continued speaking.

“Given the extent of the power displayed here, it’s undoubtedly the work of Baalzerith.”

Baalzerith? Lindel recalled hearing that name before. If his memory served him right, Baalzerith was a vampire based in the Kalen Empire, posing a threat to both the Empire and the Free City Alliance.


Suddenly, a thought struck Lindel. If this incident was indeed the work of Baalzerith, as the Inquisitor claimed, it could solve everything. They could even diplomatically protest against the Kalen Empire for failing to control such a threat.


Lindel called out, and one of the investigators approached.

“As the Inquisitor has stated, this incident appears to be the work of a vampire, specifically Baalzerith. Report this to the higher-ups immediately and prepare to form a subjugation squad—”

“No, that won’t be necessary.”

Just as Lindel was about to act on the opportunity, Jeremia stopped him.

“I will personally see to Baalzerith’s destruction. This is the will of the goddess and my given mission. Inspector Lindel, please focus solely on the investigation.”

Jeremia’s voice was firm and resolute. She had long dedicated her life to the White Order. Her loyalty to the White Order and her hatred for evil were the driving forces behind her actions. Without another word, she turned and left the scene.

“Good grief, what a spectacle.”

Lindel shook his head with a sigh. It seemed pointless to argue with a zealot like the Inquisitor. Perhaps focusing on the investigation, as she suggested, was indeed the best course of action for now. However, Lindel failed to recognize Jeremia’s unwavering determination. She would not tolerate anything that stood in the way of the White Order’s righteousness.




While the investigators of the Sael Kingdom were deep into their investigation, Dambi and Lils, the actual perpetrators, had arrived at Lake Yenarian. Being non-human, they had traveled at an incredible speed from the north to the southern lake.

The most noticeable change was the warmer temperature as they moved south.

“Dambi, that large lake over there is Lake Yenarian,” Lils pointed out.

Dambi followed Lils’ gaze and saw the shimmering lake. Despite the blazing sun, the lake greeted them with a mysterious glow. The surface sparkled as if thousands of diamonds had been scattered across it, and white seagulls glided gracefully above.

After a brief glance, Dambi turned his head away. The sightseeing was over, it was time to get back to business. Dambi and Lils made their way towards the city near Lake Yenarian.

“This city is called Lacusberry. It’s the second most developed city in the Sael Kingdom, right after the capital.”

The two walked along the wide promenade by the lakeside and entered the bustling city of Lacusberry. Three nations surrounded Lake Yenarian, the Sael Kingdom, the Free City Alliance, and the Orovis Empire. The lake facilitated active trade, making Lacusberry a lively hub. The streets were crowded with merchants and adventurers from various places. The air was filled with a mix of familiar and foreign languages, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere.

“Fresh fruits! Just arrived from the Free City Alliance!”

“Premium armor from the Orovis Empire! Similar quality to what the imperial family uses!”

“Adventurers! Get your dungeon exploration gear at affordable prices! Highly recommended for new adventurers!”

Among the cries of the merchants, groups of adventurers walked by, their faces filled with excitement, indicating they were likely new to the adventuring life.

“Let’s head straight to the Adventurers’ Guild.”

This mission was essentially an order from above, but they also needed to build their reputation as adventurers, so visiting the guild first was a priority.

Finding the Adventurers’ Guild in a new city wasn’t difficult. It was always one of the busiest places in any town. Soon, Dambi and Lils spotted a grand stone building with ornate designs at the entrance.

“That must be it.”

Their task was to have the guild verify their mission items and then release the monster, Aqua Devourer, into the lake. Just as they were about to head to the guild office, a commotion erupted nearby.

“Let go! How dare you lay your filthy hands on me! Unhand me at once!”

Turning towards the noise, Dambi and Lils saw that it was coming from a ship that had just docked.

“Excuse me, young lady? We need to verify your identity before you disembark. Even if you’re a noble from another country, you must present your identification,” a kingdom soldier said cautiously. The girl appeared to be just a young lady, but her manner of speaking suggested she was a noble from another nation.

“Do you think someone like me needs such trivial identification? And I am not a child!”

Seeing that reasoning was futile, the soldier sighed. He couldn’t just detain someone who seemed to be a high-ranking noble. It could escalate into an international diplomatic issue.

As he pondered what to do, the young lady suddenly shouted, looking in a specific direction.

“Hey, you there! Come here!”

The soldier’s head turned naturally to follow her gaze. There stood a man and woman dressed as adventurers.

They too looked in the direction of the commotion.

“Yes, you! I sense a peculiar aura from you!”

The soldier’s face brightened with relief. He quickly approached the adventurers and spoke to Dambi.

“Do you know this lady by any chance?”

The soldier asked Dambi, hoping for a lifeline.


Dambi remained silent. Lils leaned in and whispered to him.

“…She’s a vampire. But she seems a bit unhinged. Let’s ignore her to avoid any trouble.”

It was sound advice. Getting entangled in this situation was the last thing they needed. However, the young lady was not one to be ignored easily.

“How dare you ignore me! I am the—”

Before she could finish, Dambi moved with lightning speed, suddenly appearing on the ship and covering her mouth.


The soldier was astonished by Dambi’s swift movement.

“You must be extraordinary adventurers,” he remarked, impressed by Dambi’s agility.

Ignoring the soldier’s admiration, Dambi continued to silence the girl. A vampire revealing her identity so openly was something Dambi had never encountered before.

‘The world is indeed vast,’ he thought.

Dambi recalled stories from his time in the vampire dungeon, tales of a noble being who inherited the blood of the Vampire King. Though he was never deemed worthy enough to learn the noble’s name, he had heard that their presence alone commanded loyalty. In contrast, encountering such an erratic vampire was a novel experience for him.

Ignoring her and walking away might lead to unnecessary complications. Getting involved could jeopardize their mission, which was paramount. In such situations, seeking help was the best course of action.

“I’ll contact the higher-ups.”

Dambi told Lils, referring to their overseer, Celia. This was a moment where Celia’s assistance was crucial.

“Oh… you must be truly remarkable individuals.”

The soldier said, misinterpreting Dambi’s words and looking at them with newfound respect.

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