The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 141: The New Dungeon Master

Chapter 141: The New Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 141

EP.141 The New Dungeon Master


With Baalzerith now part of my dungeon, a new alert appeared.

– The number of 5★ or higher monsters in your dungeon has reached a certain threshold. –

– A special reward is granted! –

– You can now create a satellite dungeon. –

– The satellite dungeon must include at least one 5★ or higher monster. –

– As an additional reward for creating a satellite dungeon, you will receive a 4★ monster selection ticket! –

I could now create a satellite dungeon.

“But do I really need a satellite dungeon?”

My question was answered by the next alert.

– A satellite dungeon is a derivative of the existing dungeon and does not have a separate dungeon core. –

– You can freely move the core of the existing dungeon to the satellite dungeon. –


This was a game-changer. The satellite dungeon could alleviate one of my biggest concerns.

“It’s like having an extra life.”

If my current dungeon ever faced a dire situation, I could move the dungeon core to the satellite dungeon. This alone elevated the importance of the satellite dungeon. Plus, creating one would grant me a 4-star monster. There was no reason to refuse. I immediately pressed the button to create a satellite dungeon.

– Please specify the location for the satellite dungeon on the map. –

– The location must be within the activity range of your monsters. –

A map of the continent unfolded on the screen. However, the activity range of my monsters only extended to the Sael Kingdom. On the map, I could only select areas within the Kingdom and parts of the mountain range where my current dungeon was located. There was no need to overlap with the existing dungeon, so it was essentially suggesting I create the dungeon within the Sael Kingdom.

“At least it’s not random this time?”

It seemed they were offering some convenience. This gave me two main choices:

‘Should I create the dungeon far from the current one or close by?’

Even within the Sael Kingdom, the location would influence future strategies. I could broadly divide the potential sites into the north and south. The east and west were practically irrelevant. The west had the advantage of being close to the sea, but it wasn’t useful to me right now.

The north and south each had their pros and cons.

First, the southern part of the Sael Kingdom. It was a strategic location for expanding into other nations. It was close to the Free City Alliance and could provide access to the Orovis Empire via Lake Yenarian. However, the downside was the increased distance from my current dungeon. While this could expand the activity range of my monsters, it also made travel between the dungeons more difficult. Difficulty in travel meant that if one dungeon was in danger, immediate response would be impossible.

What if I chose the northern part, closer to the mountains?

‘If it’s the north, then the capital is the obvious choice.’

The capital of the Sael Kingdom was in the north, close to the mountains.

Creating the satellite dungeon in the northern part of the Sael Kingdom, specifically in the capital, offered two major advantages. First, the proximity to the main dungeon would make it much easier to support the satellite dungeon. Additionally…

‘I could strengthen my control over the Sael Kingdom.’

While expanding into other nations might be tricky, having a dungeon in the capital would solidify my influence over the Sael Kingdom. Queen Elena was already favorably disposed towards me due to her special mission. However, issuing commands from a distance was vastly different from doing so up close. Loyalties could shift at any moment. Even if Queen Elena remained loyal, the nobles or other third parties might harbor different intentions.

If such a situation arose, the satellite dungeon would be a card I could play to intervene immediately.


I pondered. Should I enhance my control over the Sael Kingdom or prepare for future continental expansion? The decision didn’t take long.

“Yes, that’s the better option.”

For now, it was best to create the dungeon in a location close to the main dungeon that offered tangible benefits. I immediately touched the capital of the Sael Kingdom on the map. A new alert appeared.

– You have selected the capital of the Sael Kingdom. Please choose one of the following locations: –

    1. Underground Palace
    1. Abandoned House
    1. Hidden Underground Cave in the Sewers
    1. Slums
    1. Underground of the Monster Arena in the Dark District

Even within the capital, I had several choices.

‘This changes things.’

The Underground Palace was a double-edged sword. While it allowed direct intervention in the palace, it was also a highly restricted area. It would limit the activities of my monsters, so I ruled it out. Choosing the Abandoned House was also problematic. In a bustling capital, even abandoned houses would see frequent foot traffic.

‘There’s no need to draw attention right now.’

While the location of the satellite dungeon would eventually be discovered, there was no need to take unnecessary risks immediately. The Slums had similar issues. That left me with two options.

‘The Sewers or the Monster Arena.’

The Hidden Underground Cave in the Sewers sounded intriguing but would likely impose similar restrictions as the Underground Palace.

“I’ll have them explore it later.”

Naturally, my choice leaned towards the Monster Arena. I was familiar with it, having set the rules myself. The unique nature of the Monster Arena would also allow for an expanded range of activities for my monsters. Without much hesitation, I made my selection.

– Creating a satellite dungeon in the underground of the Monster Arena in the Dark District. –

– Time remaining until satellite dungeon creation: 1 hour. –

– Select the master of the satellite dungeon within the time limit. –

– The satellite dungeon must include at least one 5★ or higher monster. –

“This is practically mandatory.”

It was essentially telling me to appoint a 5-star or higher monster as the master of the satellite dungeon. While I could choose the dungeon’s location, I couldn’t unilaterally decide which monster would manage it.

“I should discuss this with Celia.”

Celia would know better than I would about this issue. Randomly pulling a monster out could leave a gap in the dungeon’s defenses, which would be disastrous. I immediately touched the screen to send a command to Celia, instructing her to choose a monster to manage the satellite dungeon. Since I couldn’t send Celia herself, I provided her with the options.

‘Death Knight, Goblin Lord, Necros, and Baalzerith…’

I currently had four 5-star monsters. Celia would make a wise choice.

“Now that this is settled, let’s move on to the next thing.”

Creating the satellite dungeon would grant me a 4-star monster selection ticket. Although the satellite dungeon wasn’t complete yet, the selection ticket had already been awarded to me.

– You have received a 4★ monster selection ticket. –

– The monster selected with this ticket will be permanently assigned to the satellite dungeon and cannot be reassigned. –

My main dungeon was already overflowing with monsters. Losing one 5-star wouldn’t be a significant issue. Without hesitation, I used the selection ticket.

– You have used the 4★ monster selection ticket. –

– Please choose one of the following monsters. –

The screen began to glow, filling with light before displaying the 4-star monsters. The first monster resembled an ant, with a ferocious appearance and large pincers. Its presence alone was intimidating.

“Definitely a 4-star.”

I read the description of the monster.

– Name: Gardner Ent, Tumbr (★★★★) –

– Characteristics: A guardian of the forest, dedicated to tending trees, flowers, and grass. Occasionally leaves the dungeon to tend to people’s gardens. Notably, it mercilessly kills any intruders in its garden with its pincers. –

– Would you like to select this monster? –


What was this? A monster I had never heard of, with a fearsome appearance but a surprisingly mundane role.

“Is this for real…?”

Why would a monster leave the dungeon to tend to people’s gardens? Its appearance was reassuring, but the description left me cold.

“No way.”

I turned my attention to the next monster. The second monster was a female figure with pale green skin and hair adorned with flowers and leaves.

– Name: Silvaine, the Forest-Loving Dryad (★★★★) –

– Characteristics: A powerful magic user who utilizes the forces of nature. Loves the forest and has the ability to communicate with nature. Can live forever as long as the forest exists. Dislikes environments that do not resemble a forest. –

– Would you like to select this monster? –

“What is this?”

Following the forest guardian monster, now there was a forest-loving Dryad. To choose her, I’d need to change the dungeon’s theme to a forest, which wouldn’t be very efficient.


The third option was a more conventional monster.

– Name: Hellhound (★★★★) –

– Characteristics: A demonic hunting dog from hell. Has three heads, providing excellent field of vision. Attacks by breathing fire. Absolutely loyal to its master, willing to sacrifice its life. –

– Would you like to select this monster? –

Not bad. Unlike the previous odd choices, the Hellhound seemed reliable. Its absolute loyalty would be a significant asset for dungeon operations. However, since I still had more options, I decided to check the others before making a decision.

The fourth option was a flying monster.

– Name: Griffin (★★★★) –

– Characteristics: A large creature with the wings of a bird. Known as the guardian of the skies, it nests in high places. Possesses immense loyalty and is ready to sacrifice its life for its recognized master. –

– Would you like to select this monster? –

The last, fifth monster had a humanoid appearance. It had a pale face, long silver hair, and wore a robe made of irregularly colored patches. It held a crystal staff in one hand. Its appearance gave no clear indication of its abilities.

– Name: Kaleido, the Illusionist Mage (★★★★) –

– Characteristics: “Would you like to explore the world of illusions with me?” –

– Would you like to select this monster? –

Even after reading the description, I couldn’t grasp its abilities.

“Isn’t this description too vague?”

The only clue was that Kaleido was an illusionist mage.


I was torn. The safe choice would be the Hellhound or the Griffin. However, my curiosity leaned towards Kaleido. It was a simple curiosity, but also a desire to expand my knowledge of various monsters.

‘This is a no-brainer.’

Hellhounds and Griffins could likely be obtained through regular summons. However, Kaleido felt like a unique opportunity that I might never encounter again.

“Alright, let’s go with this one.”

I made my decision and selected Kaleido, the Illusionist Mage.

– You have selected Kaleido, the Illusionist Mage (★★★★). –

– Kaleido will be summoned automatically once the satellite dungeon is created. –

Now, all that remained was to wait for Celia to choose the master of the satellite dungeon.




Celia was busy resolving the aftermath of the recent events in the dungeon.

“Goblin Lord, capturing the Lamias without a scratch, you did an excellent job.”

The intruders had already been defeated. Now, it was time to clean up and prepare offerings for the Great One.

“Let’s make snake wine from these and offer it to our master.”

She planned to put a lot of care into making the snake wine.

“Kazel, please take charge of making the snake wine.”

“Leave it to me, Lady Celia!”

Kazel, who had first suggested the idea, would handle the wine-making. Celia then turned her attention to Baalzerith, who had recently joined the dungeon.

“Baalzerith, please clean the entire dungeon.”

“Do you expect me to do all of that…?!”

Baalzerith protested, but Celia was indifferent.

“I never intended to join this dungeon! I woke up and found myself here! This is unfair! It’s coercion!”

Baalzerith expressed her grievances, but Celia paid no heed.

“Sir Death Knight, please manage the Lamias that have turned into ghouls.”

As she continued to issue orders and manage the dungeon, a command from the Great One arrived.

【I give you a command

Celia immediately knelt and bowed her head. Everyone in the dungeon followed suit.

【Choose the master of the new dungeon

The command was simple. A new dungeon had been created in the capital of the Sael Kingdom, specifically in the Dark District, and a monster needed to be chosen to manage it.

“As expected of the Great One.”

Celia admired the master’s ability to create dungeons at will. But admiration was fleeting; her priority was to carry out the master’s command. She quickly considered who should manage the new dungeon. Actually, there was no need for much deliberation. The answer was clear.

“The Dark District…”

Necros, who currently operated the Monster Arena in the Dark District, was the obvious choice. Creating a dungeon nearby would make it easier to manage the arena and the dungeon. Moreover, Necros was a 5-star Arch Lich. He could easily replenish the dungeon’s forces by creating skeletons, making him ideal for defense. Additionally, he was originally tasked with both inspection duties and being a guardian of the dungeon’s layers. His efficiency and reliability had even earned him a robe from the master.

Celia immediately recommended Necros as the master of the new dungeon.

And then…

“Sir Death Knight, please head to the kingdom immediately. You will be in charge of the expansion work for the new dungeon.”

Expanding the dungeon was essential.




– The creation of the satellite dungeon is complete. –

– Necros (★★★★★) has been selected as the master of the satellite dungeon. –

– Kaleido, the Illusionist Mage (★★★★), has been summoned. –

– The name of the satellite dungeon has been automatically assigned. –

– Dungeon Name: Nest of Corruption-

– The name cannot be changed. –



Translator Comment: Perfect name for Necros Dungeon LOL

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