The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 142: It Is Not an Illusion

Chapter 142: It Is Not an Illusion

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 142

EP.142 It Is Not an Illusion


“It has been three days since we lost contact with Arcane.”

Kandel, a minor demon under Sernu and a member of the Demon Merchant Association, bowed as he reported to his superior, Sernu.

The message was that they had lost contact with Arcane, who had headed to the Arch Lich’s dungeon. It had been three days since they lost contact with the entire group of Lamias as well. The lack of any news made it clear to anyone that something had gone wrong.

“Arch Lich…”

Sernu muttered in a trembling voice. Another failure. The plan had not gone as intended. Sernu had decided to eliminate the Arch Lich to make up for the consecutive failures. Arcane was used in this plan, thinking that a jealous Lamia would act with just a little push.

Thus, Kandel was sent to the Lamia dungeon to deliver a potion. The potion was a rare one that forcibly increased strength, and Sernu believed that giving Arcane this power would surely make her act. As expected, Arcane moved. She gained the strength of a 5-star through the potion and headed straight for the Arch Lich’s dungeon.

‘I thought it was almost a success…!’

Sernu had hoped for two things.

First, that Arcane would subjugate the Arch Lich’s dungeon. Touching the Arch Lich would draw out the mysterious entity that had been with the Arch Lich during the banquet. If everything went well, Sernu even planned to provide more support to Arcane.

Second, the potion Arcane consumed was an experimental one being tested in secret. During the auction, potions had been given to the priests of the Order to embarrass the Arch Lich.

Those potions only amplified holy power, but the potion given to Arcane was on a different level. If Arcane, who had just become a 5-star, could face the Arch Lich with the potion, it would be a groundbreaking success. However, reality was harsh.

Neither goal was achieved, everything had failed. Losing contact with Arcane meant she had not been able to confront the Arch Lich. This led to doubts about the potion’s effectiveness.

‘If the potion had worked properly, she should have easily dealt with the Arch Lich….’

Not all 5-stars have the same power. While the extent of the Arch Lich’s power was unknown, Sernu had expected Arcane, empowered by the potion, to handle it easily. No, Sernu had been certain of it. Yet, the failure implied the potion was not perfect. Feeling a headache coming on, Sernu changed the subject.

“So… what’s the situation with the Arch Lich’s dungeon?”

The only remaining hope was that Arcane and the Arch Lich had fought and both perished. Sernu hoped Kandel would report that the Arch Lich’s dungeon had also fallen. However, Kandel’s expression was grim.

“Well, we have no information at all.”

Sernu’s face showed confusion, wondering what he meant. But Kandel’s words were literal.

“We sent mercenaries, but all contact was lost. It seems to be the work of wandering goblins.”

“Goblins, you say.”

Previously, Gnolls had been sent to the Arch Lich’s dungeon. But what was the result? They were found dead in a nearby forest before even reaching the dungeon. Investigation revealed it was the work of wild goblin hordes. This time, mercenaries were sent to scout the Arch Lich’s dungeon, but again, there was no success.

“Did you send the Shadows as well?”

Unlike mercenaries, Shadows were frequently used by the Association. These smoke-like beings excelled in gathering information and assassination, and their origins were unknown. Their numbers were few, so they couldn’t be deployed recklessly. However, the current situation was different. They needed to uncover everything about the Arch Lich.

“Uh… well, that is…”

Kandel’s expression darkened further at the mention of the Shadows.

“We sent two Shadows, but all contact was lost.”


Sernu asked again, thinking he had misheard, but received the same answer.

“We don’t know the cause. All Shadows sent to the dungeon have disappeared.”

What did that mean? Shadows were elusive entities. It was almost impossible to believe that something could kill them.

‘Unless they were swayed.’

Unfortunately, the Shadows could only be controlled by the Association, so Sernu dismissed that possibility.

‘Could it be him?’

The mysterious figure who had been with the Arch Lich. If he had moved, the current situation made sense.


Sernu pondered. While the Arch Lich was known, the mysterious man had no information at all. The whole plan had been to lure him out. With the plan now in ruins, continuing was a waste of time.

“We have no choice. We’ll cease our interest in the Arch Lich’s dungeon for now.”

A headache was setting in. Where had it all gone wrong? Initially, it was thought to be just a succubus dungeon. However, it turned out to be the Arch Lich’s dungeon, and its security was so tight that no information could be obtained.

“Oh, and Sir Sernu.”

As Sernu’s expression darkened further, Kandel brought up a topic to lighten the mood.

“While investigating the disaster in the Sael Kingdom, I discovered something interesting.”

Sernu looked up at Kandel’s words. Anything interesting often led to results, so Sernu waited for the next part.

“I found out by chance, but do you know about the underworld of the Sael Kingdom?”

Of course, he did. Every nation had an underworld where those who lived in the shadows thrived. But what about it?

“There’s going to be a monster arena in the underworld of the Sael Kingdom.”

“A monster… arena?”

The intriguing news piqued Sernu’s interest.




Two young men, drunk, staggered through the dark streets.

Their faces were covered in scars, and their eyes were filled with ferocity. One wore a red bandana on his head, and the other had an eyepatch over his left eye.

The young man with the red bandana was named Ethan. The one with the eyepatch was named Raymond. Both were wanted criminals for fraud, living in the shadows rather than the light.

Thus, they wandered through the underworld of the Sael Kingdom. This place was practically a lawless zone, beyond the kingdom’s reach.

However, they remained cautious. No matter how drunk they were, they took care not to bump into passersby. They tried to stay as alert as possible. In a lawless area, fists were the closest thing to law. This place was filled with all sorts of criminals, so it was always best to be careful.

“Ugh… my stomach feels awful…”

“Maybe we drank too much… Ugh… Is there anywhere we can rest?”

Ethan, with the red bandana, and Raymond, with the eyepatch, grumbled as they looked around. In their drunken state, they needed some entertainment.

They continued to wander, looking for something to amuse themselves. The dark streets were dimly lit by red lanterns, and the fog seeping between the buildings added to the eerie atmosphere. Trash littered the narrow alleys, and the old brick buildings were discolored and yellowed.

As they walked further, the atmosphere of the streets changed. Lanterns brightly illuminated the path at regular intervals, and the streets were spotless, devoid of any trash. The buildings were also much cleaner than before.


Raymond, with only one eye, was surprised by the sight.

“Why is this place so clean?”

Normally, all the streets were filled with filth, but this place was exceptionally clean. Ethan laughed at Raymond’s question.

“Look at this country bumpkin. Don’t you know about the Monster Arena? This is where the famous Monster Arena is located!”

“Monster Arena?”

The Monster Arena in the underworld had cleaned up the surrounding streets. Rumors about the arena’s operator were rampant. Some said the operator wasn’t human, while others claimed he was a godfather of the underworld. As a result, even the worst types behaved themselves here. Those who caused trouble mysteriously disappeared.

“Ha, you really are a country bumpkin, aren’t you? Not knowing about the Monster Arena!”

Ethan clicked his tongue in disbelief as Raymond looked blankly at him. Ethan, promising an interesting spectacle, led Raymond into a building. The arena matches were held in the basement. However, just as they were about to enter the arena, they suddenly needed to use the restroom.

“Wait. I really need to use the bathroom… Let’s go there first.”

Ethan nodded at Raymond’s words. His stomach wasn’t feeling great either. It seemed better to take care of it and then enjoy the betting with a clear mind. They hurriedly began searching for a bathroom.

“What the… Why is this place so big?”

But they couldn’t find the bathroom.

They wanted to grab someone and ask, but everyone was too busy betting. So, they ventured into a dark corner to find the restroom.

“Let’s see… restroom… Oh? Isn’t that it?”

Raymond pointed to a spot in the corner. It was a narrow passageway built with red bricks. Why would a restroom be in such an isolated place? It didn’t look like a restroom, but they were too drunk to care.

“…Let’s just go in.”

Ethan led Raymond into the passage. As they passed the red bricks and entered, an unbelievable sight unfolded before them.


The interior, which they expected to be dark and gloomy, was filled with a mysterious light. The walls were adorned with magical symbols, and a soft mist covered the floor, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. A chandelier made of crystals hung from the ceiling, casting a rainbow of lights that made it feel like they had stepped into a dream.

“What… is this?”

Ethan muttered in a daze. Raymond also stared blankly at the enchanting space. What kind of place was this? It was definitely inside the building housing the arena. Could it be the personal space of the arena’s operator?

“Let’s get out of here.”

It didn’t seem wise to stay any longer. As Ethan turned to leave with Raymond, a voice stopped them.

“Welcome to the world of illusions.”

The voice was both seductive and mysterious, making them flinch and turn around. Standing before them was a person with pale skin and heterochromatic eyes—one blue, the other red. The person’s androgynous appearance made it hard to tell if they were male or female. Their long silver hair shimmered like it was bathed in moonlight, and their robe, adorned with fantastical patterns, exuded an air of mystery. They held a staff made of crystal.

“W-who are you?”

Ethan asked in a trembling voice. The silver-haired figure smiled faintly and spoke.

“I apologize for the late introduction. My name is Kaleido, a scholar of illusion magic.”

Their voice was mesmerizing. Ethan quickly assessed the situation and bowed.

“I’m sorry. We took a wrong turn! We’ll leave immediately!”

It was clear. This must be the person running the Monster Arena. Given the rumors about the operator being a godfather of the underworld, Ethan sobered up instantly. Fortunately, Kaleido smiled and forgave them.

“Haha, it’s alright. Such things happen. Since we’ve met by chance, why not rest for a while?”

Kaleido even offered them a place to rest. Ethan sighed in relief. At least this person didn’t seem dangerous.

“My name is Ethan.”

“Ah, I’m Raymond!”

Ethan and Raymond introduced themselves to Kaleido.

“Come, come, have a seat here. Would you like to explore an illusion with me?”

Illusion? Ethan was taken aback by the sudden proposal. What did Kaleido mean by an illusion? He had mentioned studying illusion magic. Did that mean he wanted to cast a spell on them?

“If you explore the illusion with me, I’ll give you those.”

Kaleido pointed to a pile of gold coins. Ethan’s suspicion grew stronger. An offer without any strings attached felt unsettling. But Raymond, drunk and lacking discernment, was already intrigued.

“Oh… sounds good. I’d like to explore…!”

“Hey, Raymond. Get a grip!”

Ethan tried to stop him, but Raymond’s eyes were already fixed on the gold coins.

“Haha, excellent! Please, have a seat here!”

Kaleido offered a chair, and Raymond, as if hypnotized, sat down. Watching this, Ethan felt a chill run down his spine, but it seemed too late.

A moment later.

“Now, you will explore the illusion I’ve created. Overcome the challenges you face there. If you fail… well, you might be trapped in the illusion forever.”

Kaleido grinned and raised his staff. A mist of multicolored light emanated from the tip, enveloping Raymond.


Ethan called out in alarm, but Kaleido stopped him.

“Shh. He is now exploring the illusion.”

Ethan wanted to protest, but meeting Kaleido’s eyes, he found himself speechless. There was a madness in those eyes.

“Don’t worry. Raymond is merely playing a game in the illusion I created.”

Kaleido smiled faintly at Ethan.

“Of course, the game comes with risks. But if he overcomes them, great rewards await.”

“A game…?”

“Yes, an illusionary game. He must complete the tasks given in the world I’ve created. Defeat monsters, explore dungeons, find treasures. If he fails…”

Kaleido trailed off, shrugging his shoulders.

“Even if he fails, his body will remain unharmed.”

Ethan glanced at Raymond, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

“Haha, the line between illusion and reality is finer than you think. Let’s see if Raymond can clear the game safely. Would you like to join as well? If you win, all those treasures will be yours….”

Ethan looked at the pile of gold coins. The sight of the glittering gold stirred his greed.

‘All of that could be mine? It must be a lie.’

But what if it was true? What if he refused and Raymond cleared the game, taking all the gold? Even as friends, that would be hard to swallow.

Ethan swallowed dryly and nodded.

“I’ll participate.”

“Haha, an excellent choice! Please, have a seat here!”

Following Kaleido’s instructions, Ethan sat down. Despite the suspicious feeling, the thought of acquiring the gold coins clouded his judgment. After all, it was just a game.

“Now, you will enter the illusion I’ve created-”


Before Kaleido could finish, Ethan cried out.

“It’s real! The illusion is real!”

A terrifying creature appeared before his eyes.

“I’m really inside the illusion, aren’t I!”

Ethan couldn’t contain his excitement. The illusion magic was real.

“I can see a monster right in front of me!”

Kaleido said nothing, but Ethan continued to babble.

“Uh… but it’s strange. It looks like a knight, but it has a maid outfit attached to its shield… Is this really an illusion?!”

Ethan felt a thrill looking at the surreal monster. If this was truly illusion magic, it was incredible.

Kaleido sighed.

“That… is not an illusion.”


“You haven’t even entered the illusion yet.”

That couldn’t be true. There was a monster with a maid outfit on its shield right in front of him. Ethan thought Kaleido was playing a trick on him. Unfortunately, Kaleido was telling the truth. Ethan was still in reality.

Kaleido’s gaze shifted to the Death Knight standing in the back. A few days ago, the dungeon’s overseer had sent the Death Knight for expansion work. The creature’s appearance before Ethan entered the illusion had caused the confusion.

“Then what is that…?”

Ethan began to realize something was off. Could he have spoken to someone while inside an illusion? Raymond had been silent. Fear started to creep into Ethan’s voice.




At that moment, Kaleido’s staff pierced Ethan’s heart.


Kaleido decided to abandon Ethan. His attention turned to Raymond, who was still exploring the illusion.

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