The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 146: Nightmare

Chapter 146: Nightmare

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 146

EP.146 Nightmare

– All intruders in the Satellite Dungeon ‘Nest of Corruption’ have been repelled.

– The Satellite Dungeon has been perfectly defended.

– A special reward is granted.

– As a special reward, the Satellite Dungeon ‘Nest of Corruption’ gains the Concealment attribute. The dungeon master can set the concealment status.

“How long has it been since I created it, and already there are intruders?”

It hadn’t been long since the Satellite Dungeon was established, yet intruders had already appeared. Fortunately, Necros and Kaleido had successfully repelled them, as indicated by the alert.

“The Concealment attribute is quite useful.”

The Satellite Dungeon was essentially a fledgling dungeon, requiring meticulous management. The challenge was that, unlike the main dungeon, the Satellite Dungeon couldn’t be directly managed by me. Hence, the Satellite Dungeon was designated with the title ‘Dungeon Master’ instead of ‘Manager,’ giving it an independent feel.

Even if I summoned monsters or miscellaneous items, they would ultimately be summoned to the main dungeon where Celia resided. Except for Kaleido, who was initially assigned to the Satellite Dungeon, other monsters had to be dispatched from the main dungeon. In this context, the Concealment attribute was highly efficient. Additionally, the enhancement of Kaleido’s abilities was a significant boon.

– As a special reward, Kaleido’s (★★★★) magic is enhanced.

– Kaleido’s skill ‘Eye of Illusion (A)’ is upgraded to ‘Prison of Illusion (S)’.

– Eye of Illusion (A): Sends the target into an illusionary world. -> Prison of Illusion (S): Traps the target in an illusion, making it impossible to distinguish between reality and illusion.

– Kaleido’s skill ‘Illusion Projection (B)’ is upgraded to ‘Illusion Distortion (A)’.

– Illusion Projection (B): Projects an illusion as if it were real, confusing the target. -> Illusion Distortion (A): Disrupts not only the target’s visual perception but also their senses.

‘I’ll have to ask Celia to pay more attention to support.’

Since Necros was the master of the Satellite Dungeon, he would undoubtedly manage it well. However, considering it was akin to having an extra life, it required special attention.

I immediately issued specific orders to Necros. Despite its independent nature, I could still command Necros.

Stabilize the dungeon and its surroundings.

The dungeon alone couldn’t be safe. The current location of the Satellite Dungeon was near the monster arena in the underworld. Despite Necros guarding it, the very nature of the underworld brought an air of uncertainty. While fortifying the dungeon was crucial, the most important task was to prevent intruders from approaching in the first place.

Therefore, I ordered Necros to stabilize the area around the dungeon as well. How Necros and Kaleido would manage the dungeon would be interesting to watch.




A dark and eerie space dominated by silence. Various assassination weapons were meticulously displayed around, and the walls bore numerous slash marks. Though the room was shrouded in darkness without a single window, Ferris was deep in thought.

Ferris was one of the representatives of the organization ‘Black Hand’ that ruled the underworld of the Sael Kingdom Within the organization, his domain was assassination and information gathering.

While juggling two responsibilities might seem burdensome, assassination and information were inseparable. To know the assassination target, information was essential, making it natural for him to double as an informant.

Moreover, Ferris was not content with his current position. He harbored ambitions to one day take control of the entire ‘Black Hand.’ Achieving this required meticulous preparation.


Ferris remained silent, closing his eyes. He immersed himself in the surrounding stillness. This place was the epicenter where all dark information converged.

Therefore, it was a space completely isolated from the outside world with thorough security and barrier magic. The enormous cost was merely a necessary investment for his plans.

Thanks to this, his small kingdom was an impregnable fortress that no one could enter without permission. Ferris was not someone who would fall for such a shallow trap unless someone managed to drag him out.

After a moment, Ferris opened his eyes.


His voice cut through the silence, echoing in the space. At his command, a subordinate cautiously appeared. The subordinate, pale with fear, knelt before Ferris and bowed his head. Ferris’s cold gaze pierced through him.

“So, have you found out anything about Malcolm?”

The first question was about Malcolm. Since the last ‘Black Hand’ meeting, Malcolm had disappeared. Ferris had thought he was idling somewhere, searching for zombies, but there had been no contact at all.

Rumors had circulated that Malcolm was dead, but Ferris needed to confirm it himself. As an informant, he didn’t believe Malcolm was dead until he had concrete evidence. Information often moved in noisy ways.

“Yes, Lord Ferris. Malcolm is still missing. However….”

The subordinate’s voice trembled as he spoke.

“A new figure has appeared in the area Malcolm was managing.”

Ferris’s brow furrowed. The emergence of a new figure in Malcolm’s territory was not a good omen for the ‘Black Hand.’ Various possibilities tangled and intertwined in his mind.

‘Could it be?’

Was it true that Malcolm was dead?

However, something felt off. The ‘Black Hand’ was a coalition of various organizations. Malcolm, too, was a leader of one such organization and one of the six representatives. For an unknown figure to suddenly appear and take Malcolm’s place?


Unless Malcolm was playing a prank, the system wasn’t lax enough to allow an outsider to easily infiltrate the organization.

“You’ve found out who this person is, right?”

Ferris’s voice carried a sharp edge. If Malcolm had indeed disappeared, the key was to identify who had taken his place.

“I have. The one who has taken over Malcolm’s territory is known as Necros. He is currently running the monster arena, but he has never shown his face publicly, so it’s likely an alias.”

“Monster arena, huh….”

Ferris was well aware of the monster arena, which had recently become a hot topic. It was a place where real monsters and people fought to the death, drawing cheers from the audience as they watched the brutal battles. Initially, Ferris had thought Malcolm had set up the arena using zombies, given his obsession with them and the fact that the facility had sprung up in Malcolm’s jurisdiction.

The subordinate continued his report, providing information about the monster arena and its master, Necros. However, Necros remained shrouded in mystery, with no clear details about his identity. The lack of information was, in itself, all the information they had.

Ferris’s mood soured as the subordinate cautiously continued his report.

“Um… Lord Ferris, it seems the rumors about Malcolm’s death might be true.”


So the rumors were true.

“I randomly questioned those who frequently visit the arena. There’s talk that one day, Malcolm himself participated in the arena’s battles.”

Ferris’s expression darkened. If Malcolm had indeed fought in the arena, it could mean he had met his end there. The implications were troubling, and Ferris needed to get to the bottom of this.

The absurd tale of Malcolm entering the arena to fight monsters himself. If it had been just one person saying it, it might have been dismissed, but many witnesses had testified to Malcolm’s final moments.

‘What a fool.’

Ferris sighed deeply, having never imagined such a hidden story. At the same time, he understood the current situation. How else could a new figure have taken Malcolm’s place? It was clear that such reckless behavior had led to this outcome.

‘This will definitely be a topic in the emergency meeting.’

There was already an emergency meeting scheduled for today, called by the Master. It was likely related to Malcolm’s situation. Ferris set aside his thoughts about Malcolm and moved on to the next topic.

“So, what about the other representatives?”

For someone aiming for dominance, keeping track of his colleagues’ movements was essential.

“Yes, Lady Laila is currently facing difficulties with human trafficking. The kingdom’s crackdown has intensified, making transactions difficult. It seems the Queen is focusing on strengthening law enforcement.”


Laila, one of the six representatives, primarily generated revenue through human trafficking.

“Lady Annabelle is in a similar situation. Major drug cultivation sites have been discovered by the royal family, dealing a significant blow. It appears that Queen Elena is conducting a large-scale investigation under her protection.”

Annabelle, responsible for drug cultivation and distribution, was also struggling. From Ferris’s perspective, his colleagues’ struggles were somewhat satisfying, as it meant fewer competitors. However, his expression remained grim upon hearing the report.

Laila and Annabelle, both were being targeted by Queen Elena.

‘The Queen….’

The Sael Kingdom had been in turmoil since the disaster struck. With the abdication of the previous king, Princess Elena had ascended to the throne as Queen.

That was the problem. Queen Elena’s actions were having a detrimental effect on the ‘Black Hand.’ Their operations were being systematically dismantled.

‘This is not good.’

While the downfall of his competitors was welcome, it was problematic if the organization he intended to take over was crumbling in such a manner. However, it wasn’t as if there were no countermeasures.

“What do the informants planted in the royal family have to say?”

Long ago, Ferris had infiltrated key informants into the royal family to keep an eye on them. These informants were also skilled assassins, chosen with the potential assassination of the royal family in mind. However, the news he received was like a bolt from the blue.

“Um, I’m sorry, but we’ve lost all contact with the informants.”

“What did you say?”

What was this now? Even Ferris couldn’t help but be taken aback. Why were things that had been progressing smoothly suddenly going awry?

“Since Queen Elena’s ascension, contact has gradually diminished, and recently, it has been completely severed.”

“Is there a possibility it’s just a communication issue?”

Even in despair, he clung to a sliver of hope. Given the current turmoil in the royal family, he thought there might have been difficulties in maintaining contact. However, the response was grim.

“It seems almost impossible. I believe… there might be a secret unit directly under the Queen. Otherwise, there’s no way all our informants would lose contact simultaneously.”


Ferris nodded heavily. If the Queen had indeed established a secret unit under her command, it would explain the sudden loss of contact with all the informants.

If a shadowy unit that operated in secret under the Queen’s command truly existed, it would explain the current situation.

‘This is the worst.’

Queen Elena’s strong actions and the simultaneous blows to the ‘Black Hand’ all pointed to a single conclusion. There was no clear solution at the moment.

“For now, let’s put this matter on hold. Do not send any more informants to the royal family, and if necessary, withdraw those currently operating nearby.”

Rash actions would only lead to self-destruction. With the Queen holding unexpected cards, a head-on confrontation was not an option.

‘I will need to bring this up during the meeting.’

The meeting would gather the six representatives, now reduced to five with Malcolm’s disappearance, but that wasn’t the main issue.


The Master, who essentially oversaw the ‘Black Hand,’ was an enigma. No one knew his real name or even his face. He always wore a black mask while leading the organization.

‘Come to think of it, Necros resembles the Master.’

The figure reported by his subordinate, who ran the arena, Necros.

‘He also acts while wearing a mask… wait?’

Ferris tilted his head in thought. The subordinate had mentioned that Necros had never shown his face publicly. This meant Ferris had no way of knowing if Necros wore a mask or not.

‘Perhaps I was mistaken.’

With so much information coming in, it was easy to get confused. He cleared his mind and moved on to another topic.

“How has the Master been recently?”

This was the most crucial part. As a representative and the de facto leader of the ‘Black Hand,’ Ferris inquired about the Master, the most critical figure.

“We haven’t been able to obtain precise information yet. He moves so covertly that even approaching him is difficult.”

The expected response reached his ears. A cold smile spread across Ferris’s lips.

‘As expected, it’s not easy.’

The other representatives were all incompetent and foolish. Laila and Annabelle could be controlled at any time, and the dark mage Darkmore was only interested in his experiments, posing no threat. But the Master was different.

‘The one we couldn’t bring down even with all our might.’

Even when all the supposedly skilled representatives went against him, they couldn’t touch the Master’s cloak. To rise to the top, Ferris needed to learn more about the Master. However, there was no need to rush. Acting hastily would only heighten the Master’s wariness.

“Let’s drop this for now. The longer the tail, the easier it is to step on.”

Ferris was cautious. The moment his plans surfaced, his faction would collapse, so he always had to be careful.

“That will be all for the report. I need to attend the meeting soon, so you may go.”

“Understood, Lord Ferris.”

The subordinate, trembling with fear, began to leave but then stopped.

“Excuse me, Lord Ferris, there is one more thing I need to convey.”

“What is it?”

“A letter arrived for you earlier. It had no sender, which seemed suspicious, so I thought it might be important.”

Ferris’s eyes narrowed as he reached for the letter. The lack of a sender was indeed suspicious, and it could either be an opportunity or a trap. He carefully opened the letter, ready for whatever it might contain.

Ferris furrowed his brow as he took the letter. The texture felt luxurious.

“Understood. You may go.”

After dismissing his subordinate, Ferris carefully examined the letter. There were no clues on the envelope. He cautiously opened it.

【To the esteemed human,

I am Necros, currently running the monster arena under the great one’s selection. I commend the strength of you humans. This is a reason for praise.

I wish to foster relations and therefore invite you to a small feast. Please attend with gold and jewels to grace the occasion.

Always serving the great one, let us envision a brighter tomorrow together. Otherwise, it will be a reason for demerit.

What is this?

Ferris frowned as he read the letter. It felt like a joke. However, a familiar name caught his eye.


The one who had taken over Malcolm’s territory. Now, he was mocking people with letters.

‘This is really strange.’

How did he even think of sending a letter?

Ferris’s curiosity was interrupted by a voice calling his name.




Ferris turned his attention to the source of the voice, his mind already shifting gears to address this new interruption.

Someone was calling him.

“Wake up, Ferris!”


A strange pain on his back made Ferris open his eyes.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Ferris looked around. The room was enveloped in sticky darkness and an eerie silence. Only the candlelight illuminated the room, casting a peculiar, lifeless glow.

In the suffocating stillness, three shadows sat around a round table. It was just Ferris, Laila, and Annabelle. This was the peculiar space where the representatives of the ‘Black Hand’ held their meetings, completely isolated from ordinary people.

‘A meeting?’

Just a moment ago, Ferris had been in his own space. How did he end up here?

“Why am I here?”

At Ferris’s question, Laila and Annabelle scoffed.

“What? Did you doze off? The meeting is about to start, so get a grip!”

A meeting. Had he been that tired lately? Ferris felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu as he looked around. The ‘Black Hand’ meetings were held at a table with six seats. However, three of the seats were empty.

‘Even if Malcolm is dead, where are the Master and Darkmore?’

This was impossible. The meetings were absolute. No matter how powerful the Master was, missing a meeting was unheard of.

“There are many empty seats,” Ferris muttered nonchalantly.

Laila was the first to respond to his comment. “Well, the Master and Darkmore must be running late. Malcolm is dead anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

Annabelle chimed in. “Tsk, Malcolm was really strange. Why did he participate in the monster arena? Ferris, you must have heard the report from your subordinate—”

Annabelle’s words were cut off abruptly as Ferris lunged forward, grabbing her by the throat.

“How did you know?”

He had received a report from his subordinate that Malcolm had died in the arena. But how did Annabelle know?

“Speak the truth.”

Ferris tightened his grip on Annabelle’s neck. The life pulsing through her throat grew weaker under his grasp. Yet, there was no fear or despair on Annabelle’s face as she faced death. Instead, her lips curled into a chilling smile, stretching wider and wider as if her face would tear apart.

“Oh, did I make a mistake?”

The voice that echoed from deep within her throat was not Annabelle’s. It was the voice of a demon that had walked out of hell. Annabelle’s face began to distort grotesquely, as if an invisible hand was crushing her skull. Her features twisted and bent unnaturally.

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