The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter 147: Endless Nightmare

Chapter 147: Endless Nightmare

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 147

EP.147 Endless Nightmare


Ferris woke up, gasping for breath. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead, and his back was already soaked. The scene before him was hauntingly familiar. A quiet, dark space surrounded him, with various weapons displayed around and countless marks on the walls.

“What, what is this?”

It felt as if he had been dreaming, but he couldn’t recall the dream’s content. It seemed like a nightmare, something horribly twisted.

“Sigh, maybe I’m just too tired lately.”

Recently, there had been an overwhelming amount of work. The disaster in the Sael Kingdom had thrown everything into chaos. As a result, Ferris, the information broker, found himself busier than ever.

‘Come to think of it, I need to find out what happened to Malcolm.’

Malcolm’s disappearance had added to his list of concerns. The increased workload had undoubtedly taken a toll on his body.

‘Once this is over, I should take a break.’

Ferris absentmindedly fiddled with a dagger. This was his own space, where all information was reported and protected by powerful barrier magic, ensuring its security. It was a safe haven, his secret kingdom, an impregnable fortress where no one could enter without permission.

Unless someone physically dragged him out and harmed him, Ferris wasn’t one to be deceived by such tricks.


Ferris closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The unpleasant feeling from the dream seemed to dissipate. After a moment, he opened his eyes.

“Come in.”

His voice echoed through the space. In response, a subordinate cautiously appeared, kneeling before Ferris with a blank expression.

Ferris turned his gaze to the subordinate. “So, have you found anything about Malcolm?”

The first question was about Malcolm. After the last ‘Black Hand’ meeting, Malcolm had disappeared. Ferris had taken action to investigate. Rumors had circulated that Malcolm was dead, but Ferris needed to confirm it himself. For some reason, he had a strong feeling that the rumors were true.

“Yes, Lord Ferris. Upon investigation, it appears that the rumors of Malcolm’s death are indeed true.”

The subordinate continued in a monotone voice, explaining that Malcolm had died after challenging the monster arena. A new figure had taken over Malcolm’s territory and was now running the monster arena.

Reports related to Malcolm continued to flow.

‘Malcolm, you idiot.’

Ferris’s expression grew serious as he listened to the report. A new figure taking over Malcolm’s territory was a significant development. The ‘Black Hand’ was a coalition of various organizations, and such a shift in power could have far-reaching consequences.

Ferris needed to assess the situation carefully and determine the best course of action to maintain stability within the coalition.

The structure of the ‘Black Hand’ involved six representatives each leading their own territories. The emergence of a new figure in Malcolm’s territory was a troubling sign for Ferris. For someone who aimed to eventually dominate the ‘Black Hand,’ an uninvited guest was a significant disruption.

“The monster arena…”

The monster arena had been a hot topic recently, and Ferris was well aware of it. He had heard so much about it that it almost felt as if he had visited the arena himself.

“So, you have information about this new individual, right?”

Malcolm’s death was no longer relevant. What mattered now was who had replaced him.

“Yes, Lord Ferris. The one who has taken over Malcolm’s territory goes by the name Necros. However, he always wears a white mask, so we couldn’t confirm his true identity. It’s likely that the name Necros is also an alias.”

Ferris closed his eyes as he listened to the report. The monster arena. Necros. A white mask.

‘A mask…’

A white mask.

‘A white mask…’

Why would someone hide their appearance? It was a paradoxical situation—both understandable and baffling at the same time.

‘Come to think of it, I’ve never seen the Master’s true face either.’

The Master always attended meetings wearing a black mask. Even when Ferris had sent spies to gather information, the Master was always described as wearing a black mask.

In this light, both the Master and Necros, who had taken over Malcolm’s territory, shared the common trait of wearing masks.


Ferris’s mind raced with possibilities. The similarities between the Master and Necros could not be ignored. He needed to delve deeper into this mystery and uncover the true identities behind the masks. Only then could he formulate a strategy to deal with these enigmatic figures and secure his position within the ‘Black Hand.’

However, Ferris’s expression remained stern. The fact that Necros had taken over Malcolm’s territory indicated that he was not an opponent to be underestimated. Moreover, the monster arena was a place where real monsters and people fought to the death.

‘He must be skilled enough to capture monsters alive.’

Reflecting on it, the Master’s abilities were also formidable. Even when the other five representatives attacked the Master simultaneously, none managed to harm him.

‘This is becoming a headache.’

Ferris had yet to uncover the Master’s true identity, and now another enigmatic figure had emerged. It was indeed a troublesome situation.

‘I should bring this up at the emergency meeting later.’

There was already an emergency meeting scheduled for today, called by the Master. Ferris decided he would present the information he had gathered about Necros then.

Putting thoughts of Necros aside, Ferris moved on to the next topic.

“So, what about the other representatives? What’s their status?”

For someone aiming for dominance, keeping track of his colleagues’ movements was essential.

“Yes, Lord Ferris. Recently, Lady Laila has been facing difficulties with human trafficking. The kingdom’s crackdown has intensified, making the situation unfavorable. As a result, she is planning to expand her operations to regions beyond the Sael Kingdom.”

The subordinate continued his report. Laila, who ran her business through human trafficking, was struggling due to the increased enforcement in the Sael Kingdom. She was now planning to extend her reach to other regions, though it remained to be seen how successful that would be.

‘That’s surprising. To gather such detailed information…’

Ferris’s informants had always been competent, but monitoring fellow representatives was a high-stakes task. The other representatives were aware of Ferris’s role as an information broker and would have taken precautions.

If he pushed too hard in his investigations, it was only a matter of time before he got caught.

‘Then everything would be for naught.’

Ferris knew he had to tread carefully. The balance of power within the ‘Black Hand’ was delicate, and any misstep could lead to disastrous consequences. He needed to strategize meticulously, ensuring that his moves were calculated and precise.

Now was not the time to make enemies. In that sense, monitoring his allies required utmost caution. Learning about Laila’s plans was a significant gain. From another perspective, it could be seen as Laila secretly building her own personal power base.

‘This could be seen as rebellion.’

Depending on how he used this information, Laila could either be portrayed as a pioneer expanding new distribution networks or as a traitor secretly amassing power to overthrow the ‘Black Hand.’

Of course, Ferris had no intention of revealing this information immediately. Information was most powerful when held close.

“Very good. What about Annabelle?”

Feeling pleased, Ferris moved on to the next question. Annabelle, who was in charge of drug cultivation and distribution, was the wealthiest among them.

“Annabelle is facing similar issues. Most of her drug cultivation sites have been discovered, dealing a significant blow to her operations. It seems a large-scale investigation is underway under the protection of Queen Elena. Additionally, we have obtained information about Annabelle’s secret cultivation sites.”


Following the valuable intel on Laila, the information about Annabelle was another major gain. With this, he could potentially cut off Annabelle’s financial resources.

‘Today is my lucky day.’

Things were going exceptionally well. Normally, it would be prudent to be suspicious when everything seemed to fall into place, but Ferris simply nodded. The kingdom’s chaos likely meant the representatives had many distractions, leading to lapses in their activities.

Believing this, he moved on to the next topic, Queen Elena.

“Yes, Lord Ferris. This matter is also related to the Master.”

“The Master, you say?”

Why would the Master be mentioned in a report about Queen Elena? Ferris’s puzzled expression prompted his subordinate to speak quickly.

“Yes, Lord Ferris. There have been sightings of Queen Elena meeting with a figure wearing a black mask, believed to be the Master.”


Ferris was momentarily speechless with surprise. Could it really be? He had assigned numerous informants to track the Master, but all had failed. The Master was a meticulous individual, making it nearly impossible to gather deep information about him. And now, there were reports of the Master’s movements?

‘Meeting with Queen Elena?’

It didn’t make sense. Two possibilities crossed Ferris’s mind.

‘It’s either not the Master or it’s a trap.’

Just because someone wore a black mask didn’t mean it was definitively the Master. The information could be incorrect. But if it was indeed the Master, why would he move so openly?

‘If it’s true, why would he act so blatantly?’

His mind was a whirl of confusion.

‘Could it be that he knows I’m watching and set a trap?’

It was a plausible scenario. The sudden movement after a period of silence seemed unnatural.

‘If I bring this information up at the meeting…’

Ferris felt the burden of presenting this information at the meeting. Before questioning why the Master met with Queen Elena, he would have to explain why he was monitoring the Master in the first place. This would undoubtedly raise suspicions among the other representatives.

If Ferris was monitoring the Master, it was likely the Master was also keeping an eye on them. The Master had numerous ways to evade any accusations. He could simply deny everything or claim he was surveilling Queen Elena for strategic reasons. Even if questioned about the mask, the Master would likely have an easy escape.

‘It’s best to let this lie.’

Information was most valuable when one could handle the consequences. Engaging in a vague confrontation now would likely backfire. Ferris decided to suppress the information about the Master.

“Indeed, a wise choice. Bringing this up at the emergency meeting wouldn’t be beneficial,” the subordinate remarked.

Ferris nodded in agreement. Pursuing this half-baked lead would yield nothing of value and could potentially expose him.

“Alright, the report ends here-”

Ferris abruptly stopped speaking. He was about to dismiss the subordinate, intending to prepare for the upcoming meeting called by the Master.

‘How did he know about the meeting?’

A strange unease swept over him. The subordinate was aware of the emergency meeting, which was only communicated directly to the representatives. This was a strict policy of the Master.

Yet, an anomaly had appeared.


A chilling sensation crawled up Ferris’s spine. His first thought was the possibility of a leak.

No, if the subordinate had truly overheard the representatives discussing the meeting, he should have reported it to Ferris. Instead, he mentioned the meeting naturally, as if it was common knowledge. Could he be a spy? But it didn’t make sense for him to be bribed by another representative either. The entire situation felt off.

‘Where did things go wrong?’

Suddenly, Ferris recalled the dream he had earlier. Initially, he couldn’t remember the details, but now they came back vividly.

‘Annabelle appeared in the dream.’

In the dream, Annabelle had said something before her head twisted grotesquely. It was indeed a nightmare. But then, a thought struck Ferris. He didn’t know why, but he felt compelled to ask his subordinate.

“Do I have any letters?”

His voice trembled slightly.

“Ah, yes, Lord Ferris. A letter arrived for you.”

Ferris took the letter from the subordinate. The familiar texture made him furrow his brows.

‘An invitation?’

Even before opening it, he had a sense of what it might contain. When he finally read the letter, chills ran down his spine. It was exactly as he had suspected.

The letter was an invitation from Necros, the one who had taken over Malcolm’s territory. As he stared at the invitation, a splitting headache overwhelmed him.


Simultaneously, a barrage of images flashed through his mind like a fast-forwarded reel.

Ah, did I make a mistake?

The words came from Annabelle’s mouth, but the voice was not hers. The vividness of the dream scene was unsettling. It wasn’t just that.

Why is the Master wearing a white mask?

In the vision, Ferris himself was speaking, though he had never uttered those words. The scenes continued to flow.

Ah, I forgot.

The voice was not the Master’s. Like a stream flowing through a valley, another scene appeared.

I forgot to mention someone named Darkmore?

This time, it was Laila speaking. Naturally, the voice wasn’t hers either. In another scene, Annabelle and Laila conversed with each other.

Isn’t the Master trying to sell us out?

Yeah, yeah. How about we strike the Master first?

But Ferris knew better. Even if they all attacked together, they had been overpowered by the Master before. How could they possibly launch an effective attack?

In the vision, Annabelle and Laila looked at each other and laughed, but their eyes did not smile.

Failed, huh?

Their mouths moved in unison, and a chilling laughter echoed from all directions. The Ferris in the vision stumbled backward in terror.

But then, sharp claws emerged from the darkness, gripping Ferris’s arm. The scenes continued to shift.

This is the monster arena.

It was the monster arena in Malcolm’s territory. Before Ferris stood a figure wearing a white mask.

I am Necros.

The scene changed again, becoming a chaotic mix of images. In the meeting, the Master removed his black mask, revealing a white one underneath.

I am Necros.

Why? Why was the Master introducing himself as Necros?

This is the monster arena. Thank you for accepting my invitation.

Before Ferris now stood the Master, wearing a black mask.

I am Necros.

When the Master removed his mask, a skeletal face was revealed.

What was this? What was happening?

Ferris’s mind was a whirlwind of confusion. The bizarre scenes unfolded like a panorama, blurring the lines between reality and nightmare. Annabelle, Laila, the Master, and Necros—their faces melded together like a kaleidoscope.

Thinking any further felt like it would make his head explode. The skull opened its mouth.

I am Necros. I am the Master. I am Necros. I am the Master. I am Necros. I am the Master. I am Necros. I am the Master.


Ferris regained his senses. Before him, his subordinate remained kneeling with his head bowed.

‘A dream?’

Yet, something felt off. Ferris slowly spoke.

“You, what’s your name?”


The subordinate remained silent.

“Lift your head.”

Ferris cautiously grasped the dagger lying beside him and watched as the subordinate raised his head.


Ferris’s heart nearly stopped at the horrifying sight. The subordinate’s face was featureless—no eyes, no nose, no mouth, just smooth skin.

A scream lodged in Ferris’s throat, but he couldn’t make a sound. His hand, holding the dagger, trembled violently.

“How unfortunate. I thought I would succeed this time, but I approached too hastily.”

“What is this!”

The chilling voice struck Ferris’s ears.

“Ferris, your mental fortitude is quite impressive. Annabelle and Laila have already succumbed.”

The figure continued to speak in cryptic terms.

“This is the 26th illusion exploration. We’ll meet again in the 27th.”

From the distant darkness, Ferris sensed the presence of glowing red eyes. He gritted his teeth at the sight.

His vision blurred.

An overwhelming fear gripped Ferris’s entire being.


Then it came back to him. He remembered holding Necros’s invitation and heading towards Malcolm’s territory. As he recalled more, he realized Annabelle and Laila had been with him. The Master and Darkmore were absent.

What was real and what was not? Could he even trust the memories surfacing now?

“Please… stop.”

The headache made him feel nauseous. No matter how much he struggled to escape, he only sank deeper into the mire. Black mist obscured his vision. His consciousness began to fade.

Cold hands emerged from the darkness, wrapping around Ferris’s neck. He couldn’t breathe.

“I don’t want to die….”

The darkness slowly engulfed everything. Then, a voice echoed from within the void.

“Now, you will explore the depths of the illusion.”




Ferris woke up, gasping for air. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead, and his back was already soaked. The scene before him was painfully familiar.

A quiet and dark space. It was indeed the place where Ferris resided.

“What was that just now?”

It felt as if he had experienced a nightmare. But he couldn’t let a mere dream derail his work. Ferris composed himself and prepared to resume his duties.

“Come in.”




“Lord Necros, I apologize. Unlike Laila and Annabelle, this one’s mental fortitude is exceptional.”

Kaleido bowed his head towards Necros. Necros looked at Ferris, who was in a deep sleep.

It had all started with Laila. Upon hearing from Celia that women were being kidnapped within the kingdom, Necros had taken action. He discovered that Laila was behind the abductions. After capturing Laila, he used Kaleido’s illusion magic to extract information from her. Through Laila, he learned about Annabelle. After Annabelle, it was now Ferris’s turn.

“Click, click, click.”

Necros said something. Kaleido relayed Necros’s words to Annabelle and Laila, who stood nearby.

“You may return to your duties. We will contact you later.”

“Understood, Master.”

Annabelle and Laila bowed their heads in response to Necros. Although Necros wore a white mask, they addressed him as Master. They had awakened from the illusion, but the nightmare was far from over.

Translator Note: A freaking Haruhi Suzumiya Episode vibe from working on this chapter.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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