The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter – 56

Chapter – 56

EP.56 Army of Death (2)

On a dark night, the moonlight illuminated the mark of a certain group.

Their appearance was far from ordinary. Some among them were clad in crumpled armor, accompanied by decaying skin, the Ghouls.

In their eyes, the cold embrace of death lingered, and between rotting teeth, unknown insects crawled.

They advanced slowly, emitting unpleasant cries.

As they passed, flowers and plants along the road began to wither rapidly. Ghouls were not the sole occupants of the group.

There were beings accompanying them, exuding beauty like butterflies dancing in the dark, a seductive and dangerous allure, the Incubus.

The assembly was primarily composed of Ghouls and Incubus.

However, amidst the group was a knight clad in dark plate armor, holding shields, Death Knight.

Alongside them was the elegant Arc Lich, adorned in luxurious robes, holding thick tomes. The sight resembled an army of death emerging from hell itself.

Someone might say Army of Death.

At the forefront, leading them, was none other than Azmo.


Azmo, leading the army of death, admired the Hunters who appeared before him.

Hunters are indeed swift.

Since emerging from the dungeon, Hunters had consistently appeared before him.

Hunters had blocked his path continuously. When confined to the dungeon, he had been unaware, but their response speed was faster than expected.

Of course, that wasnt a problem. The Hunters encountered so far and those presently before him were merely obstacles.

Azmo just needed to follow the will of his master.

Blocking my way is no different from obstructing the plans of a great being. Let me show mercy and step aside. Please retreat.

Azmo spoke to the Hunters before him in the gentlest tone possible.

In reality, since emerging from the dungeon, Azmo had avoided ruthless slaughter.

The Hunters who had blocked his path were often persuaded and placated, allowing them to return unharmed.

Except for those who recklessly charged, mainly confronting Death Knight, Azmo didnt need to intervene.

The swinging blade of the Death Knight claimed them like a brushstroke on a scroll, ultimately transforming them into Ghouls, joining the army.

Apart from such cases, he showed mercy to everyone. Even now, some Hunters began to waver upon hearing Azmos words.

Did Azmos words reach them?

After a brief moment, the Hunters before him started lowering their weapons. Their actions indicated they had no intention of fighting.

The Hunters were well aware. No matter how they claimed to defend the world, they couldnt stop the approaching forces of death.

To rush forward would be inviting their demise.

Just looking at the Ghouls was enough to discern they were armed with familiar equipment.

This alone revealed that those who had charged before them had turned into Ghouls.

Turning into Ghouls meant one thing.

Death Knight was present!

This monster wave would not be easy, or rather, it was bound to be the worst case scenario.

As expected, you grasp things quickly. You will all become valuable workers for the great being one day. To prepare for that glorious moment, you need to cherish yourselves.

Upon realizing that Azmo had no intention of attacking, the Hunters swiftly discarded their weapons and disappeared from the scene.

The weapons left behind were reclaimed by Ghouls and Incubus.

Azmo continued forward, showing mercy to everyone in his path. This was not an act of compassion toward humans, it was all part of the plan for his masters future.


Azmo was briefly lost in thought.

He recalled something Lady Celia had once said to him.

She mentioned that his master was a merciful being and, therefore, he should demonstrate that mercy to others.

However, Azmos interpretation of mercy differed from Celias.

If Celia believed in oppressing others to bring them into the embrace of the master, Azmo argued that letting them be without oppression was the way.

To become laborers working willingly for the master, the relationship shouldnt be forced, it should be natural.

Artificial methods were not beautiful.

To truly praise the great being, one should naturally develop a mindset of praising oneself as noble.

For the sake of this beauty, Azmo avoided ruthless slaughter.

However, it didnt mean he acted without a plan. He intended to continue forward and eventually encounter a king ruling the country.

After meeting the king, he planned to convey the will of the great master and seek cooperation.

Of course, the process wont be easy.

If Lady Celia had taken charge of the current situation, it would have been easier.

However, Azmo lacked the power that Lady Celia possessed. Furthermore, powerful Hunters might gradually gather.

Azmo had keenly felt the strength of the Hunters during his time in the dungeon.

Still, for the great being

At least proving his loyalty for the master was enough.

Azmo glanced back briefly, relieved to see Death Knight and Arc Lich, faithful monsters following him.

Although not his full power, their presence was a significant aid. All attention would be on Death Knight and Arc Lich.

As Azmo contemplated, another group of Hunters appeared.


They seem different from the ones weve encountered so far.

Exuding a completely different aura, these Hunters seemed powerful.

Surrounding them were various individuals, each holding something familiar to Azmo, cameras.

Once, during his pursuit of extreme beauty, he had taken cameras from intruders in the dungeon.

Azmo recognized the cameras as items for recording images.

He understood the symbolism of recording as a representation of power among those in authority.

Humans carrying cameras were not ordinary, they were likely strong individuals or even those in power.

Azmo believed that these individuals might be close to the ruling king or might be the rulers themselves.

Therefore, unlike before, Azmo introduced himself with courtesy.

I am Azmo, a servant of the great being.

To spread the will of the master, finding the king was a priority for Azmo.

I wish to negotiate with you. Can you take me to your king?

However, the response from the other party was far from favorable.

What nonsense are you talking?

Instead, they drew weapons toward Azmo. Nevertheless, Azmo calmly continued speaking.

I believe its a good option for all of you. I am offering an opportunity, the glorious chance to follow the great being.

Where is this monster spewing nonsense? You will all die here today!

The leader of the Hunter group erupted in anger. The leader was Han Jung-cheol, an A-rank Hunter and the leader of the Emergency Response Team under the Hunter Association.




Team leader!

Lee Mi-rae, a Hunter from the Emergency Response Team, shouted as she looked at Han Jung-cheol.

Still, wouldnt it be good to consider negotiation? To minimize damage.


Han Jung-cheol rejected Lee Mi-raes plea, drawing a line. Her suggestion was reasonable.

Negotiation, sweet words. In reality, among monsters, there were intelligent beings. Some Hunters engaged in negotiations with dungeon owners utilizing their intelligence.

Of course, most negotiations involved weaker parties pleading for their lives from the stronger side. However, in the current situation, negotiation was out of the question.

Why have the Emergency Response Team revealed themselves now? Are those monsters over there the ones causing trouble?

What is the Associations stance on this situation? Couldnt prevention have been possible?

Seeing the long-unseen Emergency Response Team, journalists couldnt remain silent.

Thanks to them, Han Jung-cheol sighed.

Some even conducted personal broadcasts. Although everyone was an Awakener, the current situation was perilous, and anything could happen.


It wasnt hard to understand. The more dangerous the scene, the more attention it drew from the public. Also, with the Emergency Response Team present, they might feel safe.

First, lets get rid of all the reporters!

Han Jung-cheol shouted to his team. The more eyes watching, the more constraints on their actions.

For example, if they agreed to the negotiation that the monster mentioned, whether they accepted or declined and suffered losses, criticism would follow.

Anyway, negotiations

He pondered the word. The kind of negotiation they were talking about was different. The one at the forefront had said, Follow the great being?

Their demand was simple, to follow their master. Regardless of journalists presence, it was utterly absurd, so Han Jung-cheol had no intention of negotiating.

Han Jung-cheols gaze shifted to the knight in black armor behind him.

The aura was exceptionally ominous. Perhaps that figure was the mastermind behind this incident, maybe even the owner of the dungeon.

The surroundings were filled with ghouls and Incubus, especially ghouls wearing Hunter equipment.

Did they already turn Hunters into ghouls?

Han Jung-cheol shouted to his team.

Be careful. The opponent is the A-rank monster, Death Knight! But dont focus only on him!

Indeed, even the Incubus who mentioned negotiation earlier emitted an unusual aura.

That wasnt all.

Next to the Death Knight was also a Lich.

Team leader, Arc Lich surely isnt here, right?

Lee Mi-rae asked.

Han Jung-cheol firmly shook his head.

We already have an A-rank monster like Death Knight. But to have another A-rank here would be unlikely.

At least, he wanted to believe it was only the Death Knight and Lich.

Arc Lich

Lich and Arc Lich had vastly different methods of dealing with opponents. While Lich simply exploded undead, Arc Lich had the ability to resurrect the dead into skeletons.

Yet, to have both Death Knight and Arc Lich here?

Absolutely not. It must not be.

Han Jung-cheol took a deep breath.

Everyone, prepare for battle! Most of them are undead! Lee Mi-rae, start with a Divine Power attack!

At the leaders command, Lee Mi-rae unleashed her divine power. Light began emanating from her body.

Buff Mi-rae! We have to finish them in one strike!

There was no second chance. They had to inflict as much damage as possible with this attack. Of course, he didnt think they could eliminate the Death Knight.

The main targets for this attack were the ghouls and the Lich.

If they dealt with the rest, they might be able to handle the Death Knight. Mi-raes body continued to glow, and then the light shot towards the horde of monsters.


In an instant, the light exploded, dispelling the darkness and creating a hazy smoke.

Good enough!

Han Jung-cheol thought the attack was a great success.

He immediately ordered his team to prepare for the next attack.

Once the smoke clears, everyone attack!

However, things didnt go as planned.


Not only Han Jung-cheol but also his team members were silently staring at an unexpected scene.

Even the journalists and those doing personal broadcasts, who were making noise just moments ago, fell silent.


Someone broke the silent tension.

Th-this doesnt make sense.

It was Lee Mi-rae. The current scene absolutely made no sense, just as she had said. The powerful attack, enhanced by everyones buffs, was blocked by Death Knights shield.

Fluttering before the shield was something unexpected.

M-maid outfit?

It was indeed a maid outfit fluttering in front of Death Knights shield.

Everyone was left with their mouths agape. What on earth was happening? It was too bizarre and terrifying.

They couldnt utter a word. The current scene was being vividly captured by the cameras of journalists and those doing personal broadcasts, causing a commotion.

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