The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices

Chapter – 57

Chapter – 57

EP.57 Army of Death (3)

Its been 25 years since monsters first appeared in the world.

During this time, humanity has progressed, and the system has developed to the point where it can quickly handle problems as they arise.

When significant events like Monster Waves occur, Awakener Center in the affected regions detect them first.

Based on that information, reports are sent to the Dungeon Management Bureau, a higher authority, and eventually, the situation spreads rapidly to the Hunter Association.

Of course, in the process of minimizing damage, hunters are deployed first.

It wasnt only hunters sent to the scene of the incident.

Breaking news! We have reports that a Monster Wave has occurred in Gyeonggi Province, Anyang, at the moment!

The announcer urgently delivered the breaking news with a tense voice.

I will provide detailed information as soon as it becomes available!

Even in the late hours, news outlets were broadcasting related news to anyone watching.

Reporters who had already arrived at the scene were pouring out real-time breaking news articles.

Regarding the current breaking news, we have invited Professor Oh Dong-seok, a hunter and expert researcher on monsters, who has been studying monsters for a long time.

The swift ones not only deployed cameras to the scene but also secured the participation of experts.

Hello. Im Oh Dong-seok.

The one who briefly introduced himself was Professor Oh Dong-seok, currently working at the Hunter Academy.

Although introduced as a monster researcher, he originally had been an active hunter, even in the early days of the first generation of hunters.

Having been active on the front lines for a long time, he maintained a strong physique despite his middle-aged appearance.

Even now, his imposing figure made an impression on the news desk.

Yes, Professor. Nice to meet you. I apologize for summoning you in such an urgent situation.

The announcer smoothly spoke.

Haha, its okay.

Oh Dong-seok awkwardly smiled and waited for the next question.

There is currently a Monster Wave occurring in our country. Could you please explain to the viewers what is exactly a Monster Wave?

In response to the announcers question, Professor Oh Dong-seok began to speak.

Yes, first of all, a Monster Wave refers to the phenomenon where monsters emerge from dungeons. The most plausible hypothesis is that it occurs when the number of monsters inside the dungeon increases rapidly. Think of it as monsters escaping from a cramped house, that should make it easy to understand.

Ah, I see. So, Professor, as you mentioned, is the phenomenon of Monster Waves occurring when dungeons can no longer accommodate more monsters a result of neglecting the dungeons until the current situation?

Oh Dong-seok nodded in response to the announcers question.

So, the government and guilds periodically clear dungeons.

They either destroy the core of the dungeon to eliminate it entirely, or they periodically eliminate only the monsters to make use of the dungeon.

For example, if a dungeon is deemed too dangerous or is in an inconvenient location for management, they simply eliminate the dungeon.

On the contrary, if its easy to manage or the dungeon has high value, guilds manage it for the purpose of fostering hunters or obtaining resources.

Twenty-five years ago, during the great cataclysm on Earth.

Oh Dong-seok thought that humanity gained despair and hope simultaneously.

With the appearance of dungeons and monsters, humanity progressed significantly once again.

The resources stored in dungeons along with the byproducts of monsters, and the unique flora and fauna that grew only in dungeons, presented a new paradigm for humanity.

In short, dungeons were both a disaster and a blessing for humanity.

Before neglecting the dungeons, we need to see who was managing the respective dungeon. If someone from the government or guild neglected to manage it, leading to the current situation, they cant escape responsibility, I believe.

Its impractical for the government to handle all these dungeons.

So, guilds, with government approval, manage the dungeons.

Of course, guilds didnt initially propose this arrangement.

It was more of guilds pressuring the government to manage dungeons to secure their own interests.

Yes, Ive heard your story well. Professor, according to the information received, the Associations Emergency Response Team has been dispatched. Its been rare for the Association to directly intervene lately, so it seems theyve judged the situation to be serious. How do you view this in relation to the current situation?

Well, since it hasnt been officially announced, I must be cautious in my words but it seems the Association has classified this Monster Wave as at least Grade B.

Oh Dong-seok took a sip of the water in front of him before continuing.

What monsters have appeared is crucial. In broad terms, monsters can be divided into two categories.

Oh Dong-seok extended two fingers to illustrate.

One is monsters that act only according to their desires. These can be seen as primal monsters in themselves. On the contrary, there are those with intelligence.

Monsters with intelligence Professor, if the monster leading this incident is said to have intelligence, wouldnt our hunters face quite a challenge?

The announcer spoke with emphasis on our hunters.

I cant say for certain. In fact, if the monster has intelligence, there might be room for negotiation.

Oh Dong-seok continued to explain.

Monsters with intelligence have occasionally made proposals to humans.

There have been cases where they offered a deal to hunters to protect their dungeon and maintain their lives, as well as cases where hunters initiated negotiations, begging for their lives.

Therefore, if the leading monster is intelligent, there is always a possibility of negotiation.

While Oh Dong-seok was discussing these matters, the announcer interrupted him.

Oh! Breaking news just came in. The Hunter Associations Emergency Response Team has arrived at the scene. We will connect the cameras at the scene.

The screen, which had been showing the news anchor and Professor Oh Dong-seok, switched to the scene where the Monster Wave occurred.

At the scene, members of the Emergency Response Team were gathered.

And in front of them.

[We would like to negotiate with you.]

The monster leading the Monster Wave spoke.

As Professor mentioned, the word negotiation has come up. It seems like this entity has high intelligence.

However, the hunters rejected the proposal.

Oh Dong-seok stared at the screen without saying anything.

Although it seemed like the monster mentioning negotiation was saying more, it wasnt audible.

Instead, as the hunters pushed reporters back, the screen gradually distanced itself.

Oh, it looks like the hunters are about to attack!

One of the hunters from the Emergency Response Team moved.

Light emanated from his entire body.

Is that Hunter Lee Mi-rae.

Oh Dong-seok thought as he watched the screen for a moment.

Lee Mi-rae.

She was a graduate of the Hunter Academy, and in her rookie days, Oh Dong-seok himself had personally taught her.

She has stepped forward, so it should be resolved soon.

Her current grade is B, but Oh Dong-seok thought differently.

Even if she were an A-grade hunter right now, it wouldnt be a problem.

Her abilities were top-notch.

Thats why she joined the best guild and now, of her own choice, entered the Emergency Response Team.

An attack using divine power?

Moreover, many of the monsters in this Monster Wave seemed to be undead.

There were even those who looked like Death Knights and Lich.

They all possessed the attribute of darkness.

Darkness is vulnerable to the light attribute.

Lee Mi-raes ability involved an attack utilizing divine power with the light attribute.

There was a belief in her abilities.

When the monsters first proposed negotiations, the Emergency Response Team rejected it.

After all, the situation was ambiguous.

If the monsters agreed to the negotiations, it would leave the Hunter Association, which abandoned humanity, with a bad reputation.

But to refuse negotiations?

If they refused and suffered significant damage, that would be equally undesirable.

In such a situation, the Emergency Response Team chose a conventional approach.

They centered around Lee Mi-rae, and nearby hunters cast buff skills on her.

How do you see the current situation, Professor?

Even in this situation, the announcers questions did not stop.

Perhaps assurance was necessary.

Well, it was all grandiose words. I think this Monster Wave will end soon.

Even if the Death Knight is an A-grade monster, its challenging to exert its power alone.

Therefore, Oh Dong-seok viewed the current situation optimistically.

Indeed, it seems so. Oh, the hunters attack has just begun!

The announcers expression brightened.

Lee Mi-raes divine power attack was directed towards the monsters.

With a massive explosion, smoke filled the air.

Still, thankfully. The Monster Wave seems to be stopped without significant casualties-

The announcer stopped speaking.

Oh Dong-seok also remained silent, only staring at the screen.

No, everyone inside the studio fell silent.


In the scene that appeared after the smoke cleared, it was shocking.

The hunters attack was blocked.

And the monster that blocked the attack was the Death Knight.

The problem was not that, though.

The Death Knight was holding a massive shield.

And hanging in front of the shield was a maid outfit.

While everyone remained silent, only the maid outfit fluttered, showcasing its existence.




After the broadcast, the hunter community and Hunter Net went into chaos.

It was truly a chaos situation.

[Maids appeared in Anyang!!]

(Picture of a fluttering maid outfit.jpg)

It was none other than Death Maid-chan, lolololololol

Japan unleashed poison in Korea! Japan, apologize! Japan unleashed poison in Korea! Japan, apologize! Japan unleashed poison in Korea! Japan, apologize!

Monster turned into a maid, oouuuyaa

Dena-hyung, somethings weird there

Its a gay, a gay

[Hunter Association Water Rocket, okay?]

This association president is so incompetent, lolololololol

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Damn, what the hell does the association do? They only know how to take commissions from us. Theyre damn incompetent.

Seriously, losing to that guy? lolololololol

lolololol The association president is disapproved. Real-name system, lolololololol

[No, wtf, it blocks that attack?]

Turns out the maid outfit is incredibly overpowered, huh?



Is there really some logic to it?

Looking for a party to subdue the Death Knight (1/10)

With 10 people, youll get subdued, lolololololol

[But what about the hunter next to the monster?]

Why is he with the monster?

Huh? Looking at it now, it seems so?

Whats going on? Isnt that guy stuck to the monster?

[Eukkkkk lolololol This crazy Death Knight]

(Death Knight defending against all hunter attacks.gif)

It blocks so well? Whats this guys identity? Dd


Eukkk lolololololololol Lets go for the destruction of Korea

Whoa, isnt this guy an S-grade monster?

Oh, Death Knight is A-grade. What nonsense is this?


Even Lee Kang-hyun, who was in middle of the item draw, connected to Hunter Net.

Whoa. What the hell is happening all of a sudden.

Emergency messages about the Monster Wave kept coming in.

In this situation, there was no mood for playing games and doing draws.

Lee Kang-hyun checked the posts on Hunter Net.

Most of the posts updated in real-time were related to the Monster Wave.

Especially overwhelming were the posts related to the Death Knight.

This is crazy.

Seeing the Death Knight blocking attacks gave him chills.

Wow, this guy is seriously insane.

At the same time, Lee Kang-hyun burst into laughter while looking at the shield that the Death Knight was holding.

Kukuku. Whats that?

The maid outfit hanging in front of the shield caught his eye.

The combination of Death Knight and a shield did not match at all, creating even more discomfort.

In fact, most of the real-time reactions were only about the Death Knight and the maid outfit.

No matter how you look at it, that guy must be the master of the dungeon, right? Isnt that right, Maru?

Lee Kang-hyun spoke while looking at Maru.

If its a monster with that much impact, its undoubtedly the master of the dungeon.


Maru, who always reacted to whatever he said, was unusually silent now.

Maru, whats wrong?

When Lee Kang-hyun turned his head, he noticed Maru standing still, quietly staring at him. Maru just gazed at Lee Kang-hyun without saying anything.

Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?

Lee Kang-hyun continued to speak, and finally, Maru reacted.


In the past, Lee Kang-hyun wouldnt have understood Marus words, but now things were different. With the emergence of characteristics, he began to hear the words of monsters.

Huh? Im the Master?

In response to Lee Kang-hyuns question, Maru spoke again.


This time, Lee Kang-hyun pointed at the Death Knight he had been looking at and then pointed at himself.



That Death Knight is me?

As Lee Kang-hyun tilted his head, something flashed in his mind.

Oh, no way.

In response to Lee Kang-hyuns question, Maru nodded.

It cant be, right?

Lee Kang-hyun quickly launched the game and clicked on Azmos dungeon.


Azmos dungeon was empty. Moreover, he couldnt even see the figures of Death Knight and Lich.

Just to be sure, he searched through all the dungeons, but they were nowhere to be found.


With a bewildered look, Lee Kang-hyun looked at the news. He saw the Death Knight blocking the attacks of hunters with a shield adorned with a maid outfit.

The maid outfit designs were all so similar that he had forgotten about it. The costume selection voucher received as the initial payment.

Lee Kang-hyun chose the maid outfit and gave it to Celia as a gift. Later, when the dress came out, he gave it to Celia as a gift again, and the original maid outfit was left for Celia to use as she pleased.

But the result turned out like this.

This is ridiculous.

The master of the Death Knight emitting a crazy presence with a maid outfit turned out to be himself.

He touched the screen here and there, hoping to find a way to bring them back to the dungeon, but there was no way to summon those who had already left the dungeon.

Someone had to control them. In the current situation, he had no choice but to go himself.

While Lee Kang-hyun was contemplating for a while,

[An emergency mission has occurred.]

An alert popped up.

[Rescue Azmo and Vetter!]

[Reward: Dungeon Temptation of Illusion location transfer ticket]

It was an urgent mission. The content was to rescue the dungeon manager Azmo and his assistant Vetter.

For now, there was no problem with Death Knight and Arc Lich being there. However, if the current situation continued, the government would likely issue a Hunter Mobilization Order as a last resort.

No matter how strong they were, dealing with numerous hunters rushing in had its limits.

Eventually, they might face death. Of course, during that process, people might get hurt or even die. However, this incident was a matter of life and death for Lee Kang-hyun as well.

Lets handle the situation quickly.

They were precious assets guarding Lee Kang-hyuns dungeon. It was a dungeon that was closely tied to his life, even his life itself.

If Death Knight and Arc Lich were to be defeated, a significant gap would appear in dungeon Celia manage. He didnt know if that gap can be removed in the future. Therefore, a decision had to be made quickly.

Cant we just bring them back before things get worse?

Damage should be avoided. However, allowing them to cause more damage here would make it irreversible. The only fortunate thing was that they hadnt caused significant harm to the hunters. Instead, they focused solely on defense.

[Measuring the difficulty of the emergency mission.]

[The difficulty of the emergency mission does not match the current master, Lee Kang-hyuns level.]

[To adjust the difficulty, all causality will be temporarily excluded.]

[The entry restriction of the dimensional portal moving between the dungeons Nest of the Evil God and Temptation of Illusion will be lifted.]


Lifting the entry restriction of the dimensional portal!

Lee Kang-hyun received news like a blessing. However, he had no intention of making the same mistake again. In the end, Azmos involvement in this matter was ultimately his own fault.

From now on, I will personally manage all Monster Waves.

He had learned the hard way that Monster Waves should never be unleashed freely. At the very least, safety measures should be put in place.

One more thing.

No, how could Death Knight and Arc Lich leave?

Until now, hadnt he constantly obsessed over causality effect?

Therefore, Lee Kang-hyun thought that even if Death Knight and Arc Lich were dispatched, they couldnt leave the dungeon.

That thought was too naive.

Even with all my understanding, I cant figure it out.

Whether a loophole was discovered or some collision occurred, he would find out later. For now, it wasnt essential.

Taking this incident as a lesson, Lee Kang-hyun immediately gave orders to Celia.

[Bring Azmo and those two idiots into the dungeon.]

Of course, there was an emphasized and crucial part.

[Absolutely! Do not cause any more trouble here. Quietly rescue them. Whatever it takes.]

Now, the only one he could trust was Celia.


Lee Kang-hyun called Marus name.

Lets go out too!




[Rescue Azmo and bring them into the dungeon]

Celias, who was attending to her duties, looked up. It had been a while since her master had given orders.

[Minimize casualties in this process.]

I follow the great ones command.

Celia bowed her head.

This mission was a rather tricky one, involving the rescue of comrades. According to her masters orders, they needed to minimize casualties.

Of course, before initiating any action, they had to take at least minimal precautions.


As Celia spoke, a shadow appeared behind her.

Give this to Elena.

Elena, the princess of the Sael Kingdom, was now on Celias side.

Tell her, Until I return, prohibit entry into the mountain range for all kingdom residents. Those who violate will be punished accordingly.'

The shadow nodded and disappeared.

At least, there would be no humans entering the mountain range through the Sael Kingdom. Moreover, even if Celia was unsure, it wasnt a significant problem. She had dispatched Shadow to Elena, and the Skeleton Knights had infiltrated the kingdom in disguise.

Certainly, the kingdom residents could only go so far in the areas they were allowed to leave. The Skeleton Knights borrowed power from the Demon Merchant to overcome this limitation. Shadow, having somewhat felt Celias power, made it possible.

Celia immediately summoned the Goblin Lord.

Sir Goblin Lord, gather your forces from now on. You will accompany me. Of course, leave some units to patrol the forest.

The Goblin Lord received Celias command and quickly assembled his scouting team.


Celia called Denver, who roamed around the dungeon. Once an adventurer, he had become a ghoul and was now a part of the dungeon.

Go to nearby dungeons and relay this to everyone.

Celia had four dungeons under her control. There were more before, but her master merged them into four, displaying a miraculous ability.

Raise all dungeon defenses to the maximum. From now on, consider any presence entering the area as an enemy.

Especially, she emphasized raising defenses to the maximum for the Naga in the area 4.

As soon as Celia gave the order, the Nagas emerged from the lake and began guarding the surroundings. Although this level of preparation would deter any intruders, Celia checked everything until the end.

The core at the center of the dungeon.

And the presence guarding that core caught her attention.

A being covered in a large robe.

Well, this should be enough to ease any concerns.

Celia turned her gaze away.

Now, it was time to carry out her masters orders.

Celia summoned even the Skeleton Knights guarding her work area.


Just in time, the Goblin Lord finished all preparations. Beneath him, goblins armed to the teeth stood in formation.

Celia nodded, looking at the sight.

They were the scouting unit guarding the forest around the dungeon. With the equipped with the best item from Demon Merchant.

Celia immediately called her masters command.

Now, lets go perform the masters orders.

Celias surroundings twisted, revealing a distorted space.

It was a dimensional portal. Moreover, it was a portal connected to the Temptation of Illusion dungeon on Earth.

Celia and the Goblin Lord began entering the portal. Following them, Skeleton Knights and goblins headed into the portal.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, if you wish to support me or read advance chapter you can do it Here

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The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices 53<time datetime="March 13, 2024">March 13, 2024</time>In "Dungeon Sacrifices"

The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices 31<time datetime="January 8, 2024">January 8, 2024</time>In "Dungeon Sacrifices"

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