The Eternal battle

Chapter 34: Competition

Chapter 34: Competition

Shi Tu looked at Alice's father and said with some dissatisfaction

"Old ghost, is this your way of greeting? I think you should learn a little from your daughter who has great manners hahahahahahahahaha"

"You!!" Alice's father looked at Shi Tu a killer look and immediately wanted to kill this hypocrite who had deceived his daughter

Tom and Steve looked at Alice's father with some amazement that they did not recognize him

They knew the former head of the demon, because there were some frictions between them in the past, as all the elders knew, but who is this man who dares to be rude to head of the demon? And it does not seem that the two elders object at all as if it is normal

Shi Tu threw the ax back to his owner, ignoring Alice's father, turned to Tom and Steve and said with irony

"So, the rats finally decide to get out of their hole? I wonder what the reason is?"

"Stop bragging. Weren't you about to die because of a mistake by ordinary people? You're only embarrassing yourself."

Steve was not upset because he was used to word games, simply responded

"Do you have the right to criticize? I wonder how you knew that? With your modest abilities, it is impossible to know even my identity let alone any useful information that does not say that your peas mind does not know what is happening?" Shi Tu spared no effort in mocking Steve.

Steve became upset with Shi Tu's words but knows he is right, there is likely an internal struggle in the league and someone is using him to deal with Shi Tu

But he did not mind being used because the opportunities coincide with the dangers. The current chaos was a good opportunity, just as the current head of the demon is still young, so this is the best opportunity to eliminate the league or at least reduce his strength.

"Hahahahahaha, kids is very interesting these days, stinky brat like you dare talking to us this way?"

Tom made some sarcastic words to Shi Tu and watched Salim and Gonduz reaction and became happy because they did not interact. This means that they do not fully support Shi Tu, because if they were completely loyal to him, they should not tolerate this insult.

"There is no need for all this BS. Everyone here is smart and understands what is happening, so let's get to the main point."

Alice's father decided to quickly stop the farce because he did not like seeing such things

Shi Tu shook his shoulder and said

"I heard that the big rat here wants to challenge me. How do you want to do this? fight? Money? Authority? Relationships? No problem with anything."

Steve became more unhappy because he knew that it was impossible to defeat Shi Tu in any of these things, though he knew that public revolts could sometimes bring down kings if luck was on their side and Steve was not a coward to miss opportunities because of caution

"Assassination" answered the most unexpected answer

"Ha?" Even Salim and Gondoz were surprised for a moment by this choice

"Assassination? Are you mocking us? Steve do you think we are called the Assassins league even though we participate in many other fields? Do you think this is a joke, this is not funny at all"

Salim could not help but express his dissatisfaction with this statement

"Salim, I am telling you when was the last time you got out of your laboratory and saw the world?" Gondoz said to his old friend

"What do you mean?" Salim did not understand what his friend wanted to reach

"Hmm, it seems that you focus too much on medicine and you are no longer able to think properly. Have you wasted your life in vain that you are no longer able to understand the simplest things? Well, all you have to do is remember the basics of politics." Gondoz sighed and decided to give Salim a hint to revitalize his memory.

"Basics of politics?"

Salim felt a little embarrassed because five pairs of eyes stared at him as if he was a fool

Salim is one of the best doctors in the world devoted his youth to training for money and influence to do any experiments he wants and after achieving that he focused only on his medical research and did not rub much with the world and if he not the closest of the elders to the devil's eye with Gondoz he won't let his laboratory because such a meeting requires the presence of two elders at least

So, it is not surprising that his mind became stagnant about human relations but he was not stupid in any way or he was not able to understand the simplest scientific laws

Salim soon realized

Since Steve and Tom realize that eliminating the League is not easy, defaming them and reducing credibility is the best option now and assassination is the most appropriate challenge since he is the proud of the league. If he win? Well this would be a disaster for the league

After Salim understood this he showed an upset expression on his face but he was mocking Steve and Tom

'Previously, with all the power of the Assassins league, we failed to do anything for She Tu alone. Do you think you can win? Just because he's a youth?. You think your experience is superior to him? Keep on dreaming hehe Maybe this is a good opportunity to blackmail some technology from them '

Most people think that Shi Tu is strong because of the power of the League and Shadow Guards who have been trained with all the strength of the League but this is wrong

The nine shadow guards have been trained since childhood by Shi Tu as well as many followers Who knows where and who they are?

Two years ago, the league received a mission to assassinate Shi Tu, but every assassin who was sent failed in the mission, even the most powerful killer of the league had tasted the cruel defeat and was detained and tortured by Shi Tu, if the former head of the demon had not contacted Alice's father who reached an agreement with Shi Tu who knows how it will be The fate of the league

Shi Tu felt that he was being underestimated but this was normal due to his appearance and poor reputation outside the league

"And how do you want to do that? I don't mind. You're making all the laws"

"Are you serious? You do not intend to use this to justify your later loss, right?" Steve questioned what he had heard a little because this is not wise extremism at all but excessive confidence.

" do not cross the line!! "

Alice's father shouted angrily and said

"Power is the rule of the Assassins League for us. The result is everything as long as you win. It does not matter how even if you cheated or had an overwhelming advantage, that doesn't matter."

The meaning of Alice's father was clear as long you wins, mean are not important. If you want to cheat, then there is no problem as long as no one discovers you.

"As this ghost said, don't worry about it, haha"

Shi Tu laughed and agreed with what Alice's father said

"Well, we will send you a list of targets. There will be ten. And whoever succeeds in more assassinations wins, the period is ten days, starting from tomorrow. Of course, each of us must rely on himself only. Both the Assassins League and the Shadows Garden will cooperate to ensure integrity. What do you think?"

"No problem with me, but you know we are betting here on our reputation, so you have to bet on something close, right?"

Of course, Steve knew this point and was prepared to whatever Shi Tu would ask

"What do you want as long as it is not overrated, there is no problem"

"I want a list of all the members of Shadows Garden in Huaxia."

" What? "

Steve initially thought that Shi Tu would ask for some technology, weapons, or even some secrets, but he was asking to reveal his followers in Huaxia? Is this not equivalent to handing Huaxia completely to him?

Once Huaxia is completely in his hands, he will not be able to send more spy and all the news will be cut off from there

As for the detention of his followers, he was not worried because, just like the Assassins league, they would rather die than been caught and betray the Shadows Garden

"Okay, I'm going to pick five targets. You pick the other five, and the count starts at midnight."

Steve didn't notice that there were three satirical pairs of eyes that pitied him

'Aya, I had a lot of fun playing with the Shadows Garden, but it looks like it will end in this generation.'

Gondoz sighed with sorrow because he was fatal and he was pleased to have some competitors, especially Tatsuya, who was sometimes stealing his prey

Ten assassination targets were chosen, all of them are the most famous people in the world, and each of them has elite guards, and it is difficult to trace their location among them, the Prime Minister of France and an weapons dealer who had never seen his face before and a princess protected by the full strength of the Kingdom.

The competition will end when six successful assassinations are achieved first or the number of successful assassinations at the end of time

After agreeing on observation details, etc., Steve and Tom left without carrying the body of the person they brought with them

The young man was the son of an elder who came because he insisted on seeing the devil's eye, but he never expected that he would turn into a corpse to be used in human experiments.

Salim and Gondoz also left, leaving She Tu and Alice's father because what happened was no different from a farce for them and they only came because of the law

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